The University of New South Wales
Faculty of Law
This article engages with the work of three international legal theorists (Kennedy, Orford and Mutua) on the question of human rights and argues that whilst each provides a critique, each also makes a redemptive return to human rights.... more
This paper is a brief review essay of Anne Orford's book 'International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect' which, along with three others and a response by the author published in the inaugural issue of the 'London Review of... more
Michel Foucault is not often read as a theorist of human rights. On the one hand, there is a tendency to read his works of the mid-1970s — his celebrated poststructuralist genealogies of subjectivity, of discipline, of bio-politics, and... more
I INTRODUCTION The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games left Australia with a legacy that extends beyond the sporting, cultural and artistic boundaries that are commonly assumed to arise as a result of a nation hosting the Olympic Games. The Games... more
Community title schemes are an increasingly popular form of housing in Queensland and throughout Australia in general. Community title housing (typically apartment buildings and townhouses) involve medium to high-density living, which in... more
The notion of the 'best interests of the child' plays a central role in Australian family law. Section 60CA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), as amended in 2006, reiterates the longstanding principle that, in making a parenting order, 'a... more
By the end of 2011, China will have been a member of the World Trade Organization (the WTO) for a decade. While China has undergone dramatic changes to implement commitments contained in its Protocol of Accession, debate continues as to... more
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam's accession on 11 January 2007 to the World Trade Organization was not an isolated foray into the global trading system, but rather the culmination of nearly twenty years of incremental integration and... more
The existing literature on ASEAN’s trade disputes focuses on whether the organization will indeed develop into a rules-based association, or whether political methods will continue to be used in preference to legal principle. The... more
"The status of lawyers in development practice was greatly advanced by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, who declared in 2000 that “the notion of development cannot be conceptually delinked from legal and judicial arrangements.” This... more
This article examines the feasibility of achieving the World Trade Organization's stated aspiration of achieving universal membership. The article first examines the requirements for accession, and argues that the commonly-used definition... more
CITE AS: L Toohey, 'Boi Thuong Thiet Hai Do Chat Doc Da Cam O Viet Nam' (2006) Nghien Cuu Lap Phap (Journal of Legislative Studies, the Official Journal of the National Assembly of Vietnam). TÓM TẮT Bài viết này tìm hiểu tranh chấp giữa... more