The University of New South Wales
Creative Robotics Lab
This paper reports the results from an experiment examining people’s perception and trust when interacting with an android robot. Also, they engaged in an economic trust game with the robot. We used proxemics, the physical distance to the... more
This paper reports the results from an experiment examining people's perception and trust when interacting with an android robot. Also, they engaged in an economic trust game with the robot. We used proxemics, the physical distance to the... more
Cognitive architectures can account for highly complex tasks. One of the greatest challenges is understanding and modeling human driving behavior. This paper describes an integrated cognitive model of human attention during the... more
This study examines the assumptions, perceptions, and attitudes towards contemporary robots in different cultures. As culture affects the way technology is perceived, it is essential to explore the psychological reactions through... more
Driving a car is obviously a complex task and the construction of an ACT-R model of human attention while performing this task is similarly complex along multiple dimensions and presents a challenge to architecture and modeler. This work... more
People seem to miscalibrate their expectations and interactions with a robot. When it comes to robot design, the anthropomorphism level of the robot form (appearance) has become an increasingly important variable to consider. It is argued... more
Because one of the largest influences on trust in automation is the familiarity with the system, we sought to examine the effects of familiarity on driver interventions while using the autoparking feature of a Tesla Model X. Participants... more
The COVID-19 pandemic will have a profound and long-lasting impact on the entire scientific endeavor. Scientists already are adapting research programs to adapt to changes in what is prioritized—and what is possible; educators are... more
Prior studies have shown research projects completed as part of undergraduate curricula are not only becoming more commonplace, but they also provide substantial benefit to student learning. Given this evidence, the Department of... more
Current U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Air Force strategic guidance anticipates fully autonomous robotic teammates operating alongside airman on the battlefield of the future (e.g., Endsley, 2015). It is anticipated that these... more
The anticipated social capabilities of robots may allow them to serve in authority roles as part of human-machine teams. To date, it is unclear if, and to what extent, human team members will comply with requests from their robotic... more
Socially intelligent artificial agents and robots are anticipated to become ubiquitous in home, work, and military environments. With the addition of such agents to human teams it is crucial to evaluate their role in the planning,... more
While social robots are designed to engage in socially interactive tasks, they may not always establish the intended social connection. We examined how people's experiences of succeeding in completing these interactive tasks influence... more
This article provides an overview on how modern neuroscience evaluations link to robot empathy. It evaluates the brain correlates of empathy and caregiving, and how they may be related to the higher functions with an emphasis on women. We... more
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an innovative and promising neuroimaging modality for studying brain activity in real-world environments. While fNIRS has seen rapid advancements in hardware, software, and research... more
The creation of information transparency solutions to enable humans to understand robot perception is a challenging requirement for autonomous and artificially intelligent robots to impact a multitude of domains. By taking advantage of... more
In this paper, we examine the risks posed by roboticists' collaboration with law enforcement agencies in the U.S. Using Trust frameworks from AI Ethics, we argue that collaborations with law enforcement present not only risks of... more
Optimising compilers present their authors with an intractable design space. A substantial body of work has used heuristic search techniques to search this space for the purposes of adapting optimisers to their environment. To date, most... more
A novel contextual logic is presented that combines features of both multi-context systems and logics of context. Broadly, contextual logics are those with a formal notion of context — knowledge that is true only under specific... more