Analisis kekritisan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) berdasarkan variasi bahan bakar telah dilaku... more Analisis kekritisan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) berdasarkan variasi bahan bakar telah dilakukan. Variasi bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah MOX, UN-PuN, dan U-Zr. Reaktor ini menggunakan natrium sebagai pendingin dan parameter yang diamati adalah faktor multiplikasi (k eff)pada teras reaktor. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara simulasi komputasi meggunakan kode SRAC (Standard Thermal Reactor Analysis Code System) dengan JENDL-32 sebagai library. Teras reaktor dibagi menjadi 10 region arah radial. Pada awal operasi reaktor, masing-masing region diisi dengan bahan bakar uranium alam. Setelah 10 tahun pembakaran, hasil burn up pada region 1 di shuffling ke region 2, hasil region 2 di shuffling ke region 3 dan seterusnya sampai hasil burn up di region 9 di shuffling ke region 10, hasil burn up region 10 dikeluarkan dari teras reaktor dan pada region 1 akan diisi dengan bahan bakar yang baru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar MOX dan U-Zr memilki nilai k eff yang paling optimal digunakan pada reaktor SFR. Kata kunci: faktor multiplikasi k eff , periode burn up, program SRAC, strategi shuffling
Review(s) of: L Zines, The High Court and the Constitution, Australia: Butterworths Pty Ltd, 4th ... more Review(s) of: L Zines, The High Court and the Constitution, Australia: Butterworths Pty Ltd, 4th ed, 1997, pp xxvi + 525, ISBN 0409310514.
Not much will be gained from discussing privacy and its legal regulation in the abstract. Perhaps... more Not much will be gained from discussing privacy and its legal regulation in the abstract. Perhaps the need for privacy is an aspect of human nature (Moore, 1984, p. 59ff.) but the form this need takes and the way that law may be used to protect this interest are neither given by nature nor likely to be interestingly the same throughout history. When considering our understandings of privacy and its appropriate regulation we are of course contemplating the world made by us, the social rather than the natural world.
Issues connected with the right to culture, like exemption from the law, subsidies or inclusion o... more Issues connected with the right to culture, like exemption from the law, subsidies or inclusion on government boards, in a multicultural society like Australia, can be addressed through a minor constitutional change. The inadequacy by which the Australian Constitution safeguards cultural diversity from discrimination by the government needs to be rectified, by extending the basic liberal rights to be effective against all levels of government.
Those interested in immigration justice or, more broadly, in liberal political theory will want t... more Those interested in immigration justice or, more broadly, in liberal political theory will want to read this tightly and forcefully argued book. Colin Grey, the author of Justice and Authority in Immigration Law , is well read in contemporary writings on these topics. Further, as a legal adviser to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada he brings something else to the task, as he knows of the many practical difficulties of applying a principled approach to immigration law and policy (for example, cap setting, selection criteria, processing, settlement and enforcement). Many philosophical accounts of immigration explore the subject matter by way of two issues: (1) arguments as to the value of states; and then, assuming states, and thus borders, (2) a discussion as to the reasons why states may adopt a policy of partially closed borders, consistent with liberal principles. This book offers the reader so much more than this.
How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? I... more How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? If this distinction gains its meaning only in a specific social and cultural context, what does this tell us about another famous Aristotelian distinction, namely, the distinction he draws between two types of justice: corrective and distributive? In particular, what is the orienting role of this distinction (and what should we make of this) in accounts of justice based on Kantian right and accounts based on Rawls’ principles of justice?
How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? I... more How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? If this distinction gains its meaning only in a specific social and cultural context, what does this tell us about another famous Aristotelian distinction, namely, the distinction he draws between two types of justice: corrective and distributive? In particular , what is the orienting role of this distinction (and what should we make of this) in accounts of justice based on Kantian right and accounts based on Rawls' principles of justice?
Analisis kekritisan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) berdasarkan variasi bahan bakar telah dilaku... more Analisis kekritisan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) berdasarkan variasi bahan bakar telah dilakukan. Variasi bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah MOX, UN-PuN, dan U-Zr. Reaktor ini menggunakan natrium sebagai pendingin dan parameter yang diamati adalah faktor multiplikasi (k eff)pada teras reaktor. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara simulasi komputasi meggunakan kode SRAC (Standard Thermal Reactor Analysis Code System) dengan JENDL-32 sebagai library. Teras reaktor dibagi menjadi 10 region arah radial. Pada awal operasi reaktor, masing-masing region diisi dengan bahan bakar uranium alam. Setelah 10 tahun pembakaran, hasil burn up pada region 1 di shuffling ke region 2, hasil region 2 di shuffling ke region 3 dan seterusnya sampai hasil burn up di region 9 di shuffling ke region 10, hasil burn up region 10 dikeluarkan dari teras reaktor dan pada region 1 akan diisi dengan bahan bakar yang baru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar MOX dan U-Zr memilki nilai k eff yang paling optimal digunakan pada reaktor SFR. Kata kunci: faktor multiplikasi k eff , periode burn up, program SRAC, strategi shuffling
Review(s) of: L Zines, The High Court and the Constitution, Australia: Butterworths Pty Ltd, 4th ... more Review(s) of: L Zines, The High Court and the Constitution, Australia: Butterworths Pty Ltd, 4th ed, 1997, pp xxvi + 525, ISBN 0409310514.
Not much will be gained from discussing privacy and its legal regulation in the abstract. Perhaps... more Not much will be gained from discussing privacy and its legal regulation in the abstract. Perhaps the need for privacy is an aspect of human nature (Moore, 1984, p. 59ff.) but the form this need takes and the way that law may be used to protect this interest are neither given by nature nor likely to be interestingly the same throughout history. When considering our understandings of privacy and its appropriate regulation we are of course contemplating the world made by us, the social rather than the natural world.
Issues connected with the right to culture, like exemption from the law, subsidies or inclusion o... more Issues connected with the right to culture, like exemption from the law, subsidies or inclusion on government boards, in a multicultural society like Australia, can be addressed through a minor constitutional change. The inadequacy by which the Australian Constitution safeguards cultural diversity from discrimination by the government needs to be rectified, by extending the basic liberal rights to be effective against all levels of government.
Those interested in immigration justice or, more broadly, in liberal political theory will want t... more Those interested in immigration justice or, more broadly, in liberal political theory will want to read this tightly and forcefully argued book. Colin Grey, the author of Justice and Authority in Immigration Law , is well read in contemporary writings on these topics. Further, as a legal adviser to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada he brings something else to the task, as he knows of the many practical difficulties of applying a principled approach to immigration law and policy (for example, cap setting, selection criteria, processing, settlement and enforcement). Many philosophical accounts of immigration explore the subject matter by way of two issues: (1) arguments as to the value of states; and then, assuming states, and thus borders, (2) a discussion as to the reasons why states may adopt a policy of partially closed borders, consistent with liberal principles. This book offers the reader so much more than this.
How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? I... more How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? If this distinction gains its meaning only in a specific social and cultural context, what does this tell us about another famous Aristotelian distinction, namely, the distinction he draws between two types of justice: corrective and distributive? In particular, what is the orienting role of this distinction (and what should we make of this) in accounts of justice based on Kantian right and accounts based on Rawls’ principles of justice?
How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? I... more How should we understand the categorical distinction Aristotle draws between praxis and poesis? If this distinction gains its meaning only in a specific social and cultural context, what does this tell us about another famous Aristotelian distinction, namely, the distinction he draws between two types of justice: corrective and distributive? In particular , what is the orienting role of this distinction (and what should we make of this) in accounts of justice based on Kantian right and accounts based on Rawls' principles of justice?
Papers by Arthur Glass