Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Pengalihan ini dilakukan dalam rangka menindaklanjuti kebijakan otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi fiskal dan juga untuk meningkatkan local taxing power. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Penerapan Peraturan Daerah... more
This study examines whether ownership structure which was divided into blockholder ownership, managerial ownership, and public ownership had influence on corporate governance disclosure, and whether growth opportunities moderate that... more
This research aimed to identify the factors that contributed to the employee retention in the tertiary educational institution in Indonesia. The researchers used a case study of a private university in East Indonesia. This research was an... more
This study aimed to find out the competence needed by fresh graduates based on the perceptions of acounting practitioners. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and used the statistical technique of... more
This study examines the value relevance of accounting information. This study investigates whether accounting information has impact on the share prices. In addition, it examines whether earnings management moderates the value relevance... more
This study examines whether environmental performance has value relevance by investigating the relations between environmental emissions and stock prices for the U.S. public companies. The previous studies argued that the conjectured... more
The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of ownership structure, dividend policy, firm size, and capital structure on agency cost. The sample that was used in this research consisted of 32 manufacturing companies listed on... more
Dividend policy is a policy of the company to be aware and careful consideration. In the dividend policy determined amount of profit allocation that can be distributed to shareholders (dividends) and the allocation of retained profits to... more
- by Gretty Liwe