Conference Presentations by Rifda Naufalin
Papers by Rifda Naufalin

Jurnal Pembangunan Pedesaan, Jul 30, 2003
ABSTRAK Nata merupakan salah satu jenis makanan yang berserat tinggi dan berguna bagi kesehatan. ... more ABSTRAK Nata merupakan salah satu jenis makanan yang berserat tinggi dan berguna bagi kesehatan. Umumnya nata diproduksi dari air kelapa dan ekstrak nanas. Hasil samping pengolahan tapioka (onggok), yang selama ini merupakan persoalan lingkungan mempunyai potensi sebagai bahan pembuatan nata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi onggok sebagai alternatif bahan pembuatan nata dengan mempelajari penambahan komponen nutrisi, yaitu sukrosa sebagai sumber karbon dan ekstrak kecambah sebagai sumber nitrogen. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Penambahan sukrosa terdiri dari 3 perlakuan, yaitu 2,5%; 5% dan 7,5% dan penambahan ekstrak kecambah terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yaitu 0,25%; 0,5% dan 0,75%. Variabel yang diamati meliputi kadar air, kadar serat kasar, pH medium sisa inkubasi, ketebalan nata, rendemen basah, rendemen kering dan tekstur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan. bahwa penambahan sukrosa 7,5% merupakan konsentrasi optimal yang menghasilkan nata dengan rendemen basah tertinggi yaitu sebesar 41,6% b/b dan ketebalan 8,77 mm. Penambahan ekstrak kecambah optimal sebesar 0,75% yang menghasilkan nata dengan rendemen basah tertinggi yaitu 41,00% b/b dan ketebalan nata 8,02 mm. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik adalah penambahan sukrosa 7,5% dan ekstrak kecambah 0,75%. Kata kunci: nata de cassava, sukrosa, ekstrak kecambah ABSTRACT One of the high-fibre foods, nata is very useful for human health. Generally it is made of coconut milk and pineapple. Onggok, a by-product of the tapioca industry, which is an environmental problem, has the potential to be a raw material of nata production. The research on which this article was aimed at finding out the potential of onggok as a raw material of nata production by improving the nutrition addition, adding sucrose as a carbon source and mungbean sprout as a nitrogen source. Completely randomized design was applied in this research with three replications. The sucrose was added in three levels, namely 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% and the mungbean sprout was added in three levels, namely 0.25%, 0.5% and 0.75%. The variables was examined were the water content, the crude fiber, pH after incubation, thickness of nata, wet rendement, dry rendement and texture. The research concluded that the addition of 7.5% sucrose was the optimum concentration producing nata of highest wet rendement of 41.67% (w/w) and 8.77 mm thick; addition of 0.75% of mungbean sprout extract was the optimum c o n c e n t r a t i o n p r o d u c i n g n a t a o f 4 1 %

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Banana variety of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” are found mostly in Banjarnegara, Central Java. To ... more Banana variety of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” are found mostly in Banjarnegara, Central Java. To extend the shelf-life of these bananas, it is necessary to apply an appropriate technology. One of the alternatives is processing of bananas into flour. This study aims to determine the effect of blanching and immersion in several types of solutions on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” banana flour. This study used an experimental method with a randomized block design. The factors consisted of banana variety (“Raja Lawe” (A1) and Banana variety “Raja Labu” (A2)), blanching effect (non-blanching (B0) and blanching (B1)), and the soaking solutions (sodium chloride (C1), sodium meta-bisulfite (C2), citric acid (C3), and water (C4)). The result of this research shows that in addition to the fresh consumption of the banana fruit “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu”, both bananas could be utilized as an intermediate product such as flour. Treatments of blanc...

IOP conference series, Feb 1, 2021
Banana is one of the versatile fruit because not only can be freshly consumed but it can be utili... more Banana is one of the versatile fruit because not only can be freshly consumed but it can be utilized as raw material for food processing. In Indonesia, there are many varieties of Banana that cultivated throughout the country. Banana “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” are some of them that commonly cultivated in Banjarnegara, Central Java. These bananas could be utilized for producing the flour that can be as a raw material for food products. This research aims to study the appropriate treatments for producing the cookies from the flour of banana “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu”. The flour from the “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” combined the different proportion of wheat flour, such as 20:80%, 40:60%, 60:40%, 80:20%, and 100: 0%. The properties of cookies observed were swelling potential, hardness, color parameter, moisture content, ash content, and sensory attributes. The result shows that the flour from banana of “Raja Lawe” and “Raja Labu” could be utilized as a raw material for cookies production. Due to the differences in the inherent characteristic, the cookies produced from both bananas have different properties. The differences are indicated in the result of the color and hardness of the cookies. Moreover, based on the sensory evaluation the cookies resulted from all treatments are accepted by the panelists. Therefore, this research presents that the appropriate treatment combinations for producing cookies from the flour from banana “Raja Lawe” is the proportion of 40: 60% (banana flour: wheat flour) from and “Raja Labu” Banana is 80: 20% (banana flour: wheat flour).

Kecombrang flowers have bioactive components that can be used as food additives. The development ... more Kecombrang flowers have bioactive components that can be used as food additives. The development of the kecombrang functional food industry for the production of food additives requires information on production parameters. The extraction process for kecombrang to obtain bioactive components, especially phenols and flavonoids, requires maximum temperature treatment and extraction time. This study aims to determine the standard for the kecombrang flower extraction process, create a machine learning model to estimate the quality parameters of the extraction results (phenol, flavonoid, pH, color, and viscosity), and design a strategy for controlling the extraction machine work to maintain the quality of the extraction, especially of phenols and flavonoids. This research was conducted at extraction temperatures of 60 °C, 65 °C, 70 °C, and 75 °C. During the extraction process, the quality of the material was checked by measuring phenol and flavonoid contents, as well as color, pH, and vi...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) is a plant that has been widely known and used by humans as food a... more Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) is a plant that has been widely known and used by humans as food and medicine. The stems, leaves, and rhizomes of kecombrang as well as flowers contain bioactive compounds such as polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins and essential oils which have a potency as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the effect of the parts of kecombrang plants and the type of fraction extracted from the part of the kecombrang plant on the total phenol, antioxidant activity and physicochemical properties of the preparation. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 8 combinations with 4 replications to obtain 32 experimental units. The factors tested included fragmented plant parts, namely flowers, stems, leaves, and rhizomes, and the types of stratified extraction fractions, namely ethyl acetate, and ethanol. The variables observed included physicochemical properties, total phenol and antioxidant activity of kecombrang preparations. ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Kecombrang flower (Nicolaia speciosa) contains bioactive components of alkaloids, flavonoids, pol... more Kecombrang flower (Nicolaia speciosa) contains bioactive components of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, steroids, saponins, and essential oils as potential antimicrobials. The use of antibacterials in the form of essential oils has constraints; therefore microencapsulation needs to be done to prevent damage to the bioactive components. Microencapsulation can prevent degradation due to radiation or oxygen, easy-mix with foodstuffs and also slow the occurrence of evaporation. This study aimed to determine the effect of types of kecombrang extract, the concentration of microcapsules in food additives (NaCl and sucrose), and concentration of flower extract in the microcapsules. This study used Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 18 treatment combinations and two replications. Factors studied were types of kecombrang flower extract of (semi polar and polar extract), Food Additive types (sucrose and NaCl), the concentration of microcapsules in food additive (0%; 15%; 30% w /v). The results showed that polar and non-polar extract microcapsules produced antibacterial activity of 7.178 mm and 7.145 respectively of Bacillus cereus bacteria, while Escherichia coli was 7.272 mm and 7.289 mm respectively. A 30 percent microcapsule concentration provides antibacterial activity with inhibiting zone of 7, 818 mm for B. cereus and 8,045 for E.coli. Food Additive of sucrose concentrations showed that microcapsules produced tend to be more effective in inhibiting the growth of E.coli and B. cereus bacteria than that of NaCl, with each inhibition zone of 7.499 mm and 7.357 mm

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Gouramy fish sausage is one of the processed fish meat products that perishable food both physics... more Gouramy fish sausage is one of the processed fish meat products that perishable food both physics and chemical caused by microbiology activity. The edible coating is added kecombrang concentration can inhibit physicochemical destruction of gouramy fish sausage during storage. kecombrang plants proved to have antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds that serve to inhibit the destruction of food. The aim of this research is 1. To know the effect of the kecombrang plants concentrates type on the edible coating on the quality of gouramy sausage during storage; 2. To know the effect of concentration of kecombrang concentrate type to the quality of gouramy sausage during storage; 3. To know the effect of interaction between type of kecombrang extract and concentration of kecombrang extract on the quality of gouramy sausage during storage. The research uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors and four variables. The results showed that the concentration of flower concentration added to the edible coating gave good result to gouramy sausage when viewed from the variable of formol value, the treatment of stem rods gave a good result from the hardness variables, the intensity of the color and the pH. It best concentration is given to edible coatings for application in gouramy fish sausage as a preservative is a 4% concentration of concentrated addition of starch in terms of the value of 36.77 flower formol; fruit 45,18; stem 37,47; leaf 47.98 and pH value of 6.93 flowers; fruit 6.90; stem 6.95; leaf 6.91. Edible coating of flower kecombrang with 4% concentration give the best result to gouramy sausage quality that is hardness 1,5 kg/cm 2 ; color 24,7; pH 6.93 and formol value 36.77%.

Quaternary International, 2018
The use of carbon in phytoliths for radiocarbon dating is recognized as a non-traditional radioca... more The use of carbon in phytoliths for radiocarbon dating is recognized as a non-traditional radiocarbon dating method. Its reliability in constructing the chronological sequence of archaeological sites has been questioned in recent studies. The influence of different phytolith extraction methods on dating results has been considered as the potential cause of distortion in phytolith dating. However, few studies have focused on comparing different phytolith extraction methods for measuring radiocarbon. In this study, we applied two methods, a conventional method utilizing pre-treatment with H 2 O 2 and HCl and an improved method, to extract phytoliths from the cultural layers of several archaeological sites in China. The results showed that phytolith dates acquired using the conventional method were approximately 3000-10,000 years older than those found using the improved method. This large distortion in phytolith dates was likely caused by clays within the phytoliths and organic materials on the surfaces of phytoliths, which were not completely removed. The phytolith dates acquired using the improved method were consistent with the ages estimated from the typological sequence, indicating that our soil phytolith dates were not markedly biased by the older carbon absorbed from the soil.

Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa Horan) is one of spice crops which are usually used as food flavori... more Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa Horan) is one of spice crops which are usually used as food flavoring and medicines. Parts of the plant that common used are flower and stem. Kecombrang contain of phenolics, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, saponin and essential oil. The aims of this research were 1. To study the concentration inner part of kecombrang stem for increasing shelf life of meat balls and nugget, 2. To determine the effect of adding inner part of kecombrang stem in microbial quality and sensory meat balls and nugget. This research uses experimental methods with Randomized Block Design (RDB) which consisted of 16 treatments and two replications. Various factors such as the powder concentration inner part of kecombrang stem (0%; 1%; 2%; 3%) and store at room temperature (0 day; 1 day; 2 days; 3 days). The results showed that the increased concentration of inner part of kecombrang stem can reduce the sensory quality of meat balls and nugget (taste, texture, color, and value pr...

Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa) is one of spice crop’s which is usually used as food flavoring and... more Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa) is one of spice crop’s which is usually used as food flavoring and medicines. Parts of the plant that common used are the flower and the stem. Kecombrang contains of phenolics, flavonoids,terpenoids, steroids, saponin and essential oil. That compounds must be act as an active antimicrobial agents and they can be extracted by using solvents. The contents of the active compounds are maybe different in various parts of kecombrang plant. The aims of this research were 1. to find the part of kecombrang plant which has highest activity as preservative, 2. to compare between the fresh parts of kecombrang and their dried powder solutions due to their activity as preservative, 3. to study the effect of concentrations of the preservatives on their active preservative.The research was using Randomized Block Design (RBD). The variables observed were physicochemical characteristic including yield of dried powders, colors, odors and pH value of solutions. The antimi...

Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Dec 1, 2011
The extraction of tobacco leaf into antimicrobial coating can be used as solving fruits and veget... more The extraction of tobacco leaf into antimicrobial coating can be used as solving fruits and vegetables postharvest. The products based on beeswax and starch by using the compound of the waste extraction of tobacco leaf for the coating of fruits and vegetables. The research used experimental method with Randomized Block Design. In the first step, the studies were: the coating, the extract of waste tobacco leaf. The treated variables were the activated antibacterial study; antifungal and the characteristics of physicochemical include pH and viscosity. The best trial in the first step is applied in the second steps, the applying of coating formula of antimicrobial on fruits and vegetables is implied in the factors: kind of fruits and vegetables, such as: Strawberry (E1), tomato (E2), red pepper (E3), and the storage of the fruits and vegetables: 0 day (L0), 1 day (L1), 2 days (L2), 3 days (L3). The treated variables were weight of sample which is determined by chemical quality involving water content, sugar content in the fruits (bricks), vitamin C content; and the quality of sensory that is the trial of colour, texture, and freshly product. The result of research is shown that the characteristic of physicochemical in waste tobacco leaf can be used as antimicrobial substance at antimicrobial coating formula with 25.85% containment of powder and 10.54% containment of extraction, the best characteristic of physicochemical in antimicrobial coating is the formula that is made from starch added by 6 % the extraction of antimicrobial of waste tobacco, the best characteristic of antimicrobial coating is inhibited by microbe which is damaged into fruits and vegetables which is obstructed into Pseudomonas aeruginosa on average inhabitation zone 15.43mm, and into Rhizopus sp. On average inhabitation zone 15.65 mm and the application of Coating formula using starch and the waste extract of tobacco leaf 6% on fruits and vegetables resulted the best quality product than coating (control). Coating added by the waste tobacco leaf will keep out from weight decrease, and keep water content and also vitamin C of the product.

The use of synthetic preservatives is considered to have an adverse effect (carcinogenic) upon pr... more The use of synthetic preservatives is considered to have an adverse effect (carcinogenic) upon prolong consumption. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a plant that has bioactive components to act as antioxidants and potential to use as a natural food preservative. Bioactive components can be non-polar, semi-polar and polar; therefore, to determine the dominant bioactive components, a solvent multi-step extraction carried out. This study aimed to determine the specific bioactive components of lemongrass (antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoids) suitable of polarity in the leaves and stem of lemongrass extract obtained from solvent multi-step extraction with Microwave-Assisted Extraction. The solvent used is ethanol (polar), ethyl acetate (semi-polar) and n-hexane (non-polar). The result showed that the highest bioactive components obtained from the polar stem lemongrass with total phenolic content of 19.31 mg GAE/g, flavonoids of 3.31 mg GAE/g. This result ...

Food Science & Nutrition, 2012
Cookies were produced from germinated pigeon pea, fermented sorghum, and cocoyam flour (CF) blend... more Cookies were produced from germinated pigeon pea, fermented sorghum, and cocoyam flour (CF) blends to determine their potentials in cookie manufacture. Ten flour formulations were produced and they were evaluated for their proximate and functional properties. Protein content ranged from 4.85% to 19.89% with 100% CF (100CF) having the least value, while 100% germinated pigeon pea flour (100GPF) had the highest value. Increase in levels of GPF to the flour blends resulted in increase in protein content of the blends. Cookies made with 100% fermented sorghum flour (100FSF) had the highest ash content of 2.73%, while cookies made with 100GPF had the least ash content. Energy values of the cookies ranged between 369.37 and 376.56 kcal/100 g, with cookie formulation 50%CF:50%FSF having the least value and cookies made with 16.7% CF:16.7%FSF:66.6GPF having the highest value. The control (cookies made with wheat) had the highest spread ratio of 24.13, while cookies made with 100FSF had the least spread ratio of 14.97. Cookies made with 100CF were the least fragile. Sensory ratings revealed that cookies containing up to 50% CF and above, compared favorably with those made with wheat flour. Practical Applications The importance of this work arises from the possibility of utilizing flours from locally grown crops other than wheat to produce cookies of acceptable nutritional, sensory, and physical quality. The use of germinated pigeon pea, fermented sorghum, and cocoyam flour (CF) blends in cookie manufacture can greatly enhance the protein content, without compromising consumer acceptance.

Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2013
Fruits and vegetables are extensively processed and the residues are often discarded. However, du... more Fruits and vegetables are extensively processed and the residues are often discarded. However, due to their rich composition, they could be used to minimize food waste. This study aimed to develop food products based on the solid residue generated from the manufacture of an isotonic beverage. This beverage was produced based on integral exploitation of several fruits and vegetables: orange, passion fruit, watermelon, lettuce, courgette, carrot, spinach, mint, taro, cucumber and rocket. The remaining residue was processed into flour and its functional properties were evaluated. The fruit and vegetable residue (FVR) flour was incorporated with different levels (20 to 35 %) into biscuits and cereal bars. The proximate composition, microbiological stability until 90 days and consumer acceptance were analyzed. The FVR flour presented a higher water holding capacity than oil holding capacity, respectively 7.43 and 1.91 g g −1 of flour, probably associated with its high levels of carbohydrates (53 %) and fibres (21.5 %). Biscuits enriched with 35 % of FVR flour presented significantly higher fibre, ranging from 57 % to 118 % and mineral contents, from 25 % to 37 % than when only 20 % was added. Cereal bars presented about 75 % of fibres and variable mineral contents between 14 % and 37 %. The incorporation of FVR did not change the fat content. The microbiological examinations are within acceptable limits according to international regulation. The incorporation of FVR flour did not impair consumer acceptance, the sensory attributes averaged around 6. The chemical, microbiological and sensorial results of the designed products attested for an alternative towards applying and reducing agro-industrial wastes.
Industrial Crops and Products, 2012

Black rice (BR) has higher content of fiber than white rice (WR). Furthermore, black rice contain... more Black rice (BR) has higher content of fiber than white rice (WR). Furthermore, black rice contain anthocyanin which has numerous beneficial for health, including anti hyperglycemic effect and protection from cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, it has firmer texture and distinguished flavor, which makes it not as preferable as WR. Adding white rice increased the acceptance of steamed black rice. The percentages of white rice which added in this study were 0% (S100); 25% (S75); 50% (S50); 75% (S25); and 100% (S0). Scoring preference test was used for sensory analysis, followed by proximate analysis for fiber and water content, total starch using Nelson-Somogyi method, total anthocyanin using pH differential method, total phenolic using Folin-Ciocalteu method, and antioxidant activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). S50 had the highest sensory preference while S25 was the lowest due to its pale color. S50 had higher fiber, anthocyanin, and phenolic content and higher ant...
Conference Presentations by Rifda Naufalin
Papers by Rifda Naufalin