Papers by Martinho Fernandes

Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, 2008
O treinamento da marcha com carga parcial é comum na prática do fisioterapeuta, entretanto, na ár... more O treinamento da marcha com carga parcial é comum na prática do fisioterapeuta, entretanto, na área hospitalar, o tempo para esse treinamento é limitado, durando somente o tempo da internação. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo verificar o efeito do treinamento prévio de carga parcial de peso, em voluntárias sem lesões ortopédicas buscando direcionar esse treinamento para pacientes submetidos a cirurgias ortopédicas nos membros inferiores. Participaram deste estudo 32 voluntárias sem alterações posturais ou história de traumas nos membros inferiores. O treinamento de carga parcial foi realizado distribuindo-se 20% da massa corporal total no membro inferior direito em uma balança digital antropométrica. As voluntárias foram divididas em dois grupos, sendo que o grupo I repetiu o treinamento 6 vezes e o grupo II, 12 vezes. Os dados da distribuição estática da carga foram coletados em uma plataforma de pressão Matscan-Tekscan® e comparados no pré e pós-treinamento. Foi verificado que houve diferença significativa no treinamento repetido 12 vezes (p< 0,015). O treinamento prévio de carga parcial mostrou-se eficaz para ser realizado no paciente durante a fase hospitalar, pois com apenas a realização do treinamento uma única vez, repetido 12 vezes, foi observado o aprendizado da carga parcial.
Cyta - Journal of Food, 2011
In order to characterise the changes produced by boiling and roasting on the mechanical propertie... more In order to characterise the changes produced by boiling and roasting on the mechanical properties of 11 Portuguese chestnut cultivars (cvs.), the moisture, mass, force and energy required as well as shell and kernel stiffness of raw, boiled and roasted chestnuts were evaluated. In comparison to raw chestnuts, boiling increased the moisture content about 4% and roasting decreased the moisture

This article presents the current status of the VLF long-range lightning monitoring system - Sfer... more This article presents the current status of the VLF long-range lightning monitoring system - Sferics Timing and Ranging Network (STARNET) that has been operational in Brazil since June of 2006. Until August of 2007, STARNET has been operating 5 VLF radio receivers that were installed in South Africa, Guadeloupe and Brazil (Fortaleza, São Paulo, Campo Grande). On September of 2008 another antenna was installed in São Martinho da Serra (Rio Grande do Sul) and until the end of 2008 two more will be installed in Curitiba (Paraná) e Manaus (Amazonas). Based on the current configuration, STARNET has been able to observe sferics with good detection efficiency for the regions north of 20 o S. Due to the limited number of receivers available the detection efficiency decreases to south of 20 o S and near the receiver's position. With the new antennas, this problem will be solved, and most of South America will present better detection efficiency. The analyses of location accuracy and polarity of STARNET for the period of November up to March of 2008 was performed by using the RINDAT data. These evaluations revealed that STARNET has a mean location error of 10.7 km which is consistent with the theoretical estimations. For the polarity estimation, STARNET algorithm present an excellent agreement with RINDAT and the confidence levels computed can be used to assure the polarity estimated.

Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, 2010
A total of 1,500 piglets were used in a completely randomized experimental block design to study ... more A total of 1,500 piglets were used in a completely randomized experimental block design to study the effects of beta-glucon level (control, 60, 120, 180, and 240g per ton of diet) on daily weight gain, body weight, daily feed intake and feed: weight gain ratio from 21 to 35, 21 to 49 and from 21 to 60 days of age Positive and significant linear effects of beta-gluton on body weight and daily weight gain of piglets from 21 to 60 days of age were observed. The inclusion of 240g of beta-gluton in diet resulted in 800g increase in body weight which corresponds to 3.25% increase in body weight and 4.7% increase in daily weight gain in comparison to animals of the control group. No effects of beta-gluton supplementation on feed intake, feed: weight gain ratio and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity or animal immune response were observed.
Transplantation Proceedings, 2010
Liver transplantation is a complex procedure that has become the treatment for some end-stage liv... more Liver transplantation is a complex procedure that has become the treatment for some end-stage liver diseases. Some technical features are important for the success of the transplantation, including the patency of the vascular anastomoses. In cadaveric whole organ liver transplantation, a large right subphrenic space may contribute to a twist of the inferior vena cava, leading to outflow obstruction, simulating an acute Budd-Chiari syndrome. Some devices can be used to correct this drainage problem. Herein, we have described 2 cases in which the Sengstaken-Blakemore balloon was safely used, in an ectopic position, to fix drainage complications in whole liver orthotopic transplantation.
Physical Review A, 2007
We consider protecting a Hadamard operation from independent dephasing, bit flipping, and dissipa... more We consider protecting a Hadamard operation from independent dephasing, bit flipping, and dissipation. These environment-induced errors are represented by three uncorrelated reservoirs of thermalized bosons and we show that the protection is achievable through continuous dynamical decoupling. We find that, to decouple the Hadamard evolution from the environmental influence, we need a control field of higher frequency if the boson spectral density is super-ohmic than if it is ohmic. We also study the relevance of bit flipping and dissipation to the gate fidelity when it is protected from dephasing, showing how robust this partial protection is against these other perturbations. Finally, we calculate an efficient field arrangement capable of protecting simultaneously the gate operation from these three error classes.

Transplantation Proceedings, 2010
The decision to perform organ donation surgery involves a series of risks for the live donor incl... more The decision to perform organ donation surgery involves a series of risks for the live donor including death. The aim of this study was to evaluate exclusion criteria for living donor liver transplantation, as well as to identify the rate of exclusion in each of the 3 process phases according to the Live Donor Evaluation Protocol for adult and child recipients. From December 2001 to December 2007, we evaluated 223 donors among whom 142 were excluded in various phases. The data were statistically evaluated. Among the 142 excluded donors, 113 (79.6%) had an adult recipient. The elimination rates for adult recipients were as follows: 68 cases in phase I, 41 cases in phase II, and 4 cases in phase III. Concerning child recipients, 29 (20.4%) donors were excluded: 17 in phase I, and 12 in phase II. Concerning adult recipients, sons and daughters were the largest part of the excluded donors, with withdrawal as the principal reason for exclusion followed by recipient death. Regarding child recipients the parents represented the largest number of excluded donors due to withdrawal followed by abnormal blood test results. Thus, 36.5% of potential donors were effective donors.

Liver Transplantation, 2010
Transient postoperative coagulation abnormalities frequently occur in living liver donors, partic... more Transient postoperative coagulation abnormalities frequently occur in living liver donors, particularly after right liver resection. Usually, this coagulopathy is diagnosed by alterations in conventional coagulation tests (CCTs) such as the international normalized ratio (INR) of the prothrombin time. However, recent studies using other methods of coagulation monitoring have suggested that postoperative hypercoagulability may also occur in living donors. The rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) system is a coagulation monitor based on the viscoelastic properties of blood. The use of ROTEM for perioperative coagulation monitoring in the setting of living liver donors has not been reported. We evaluated the perioperative coagulation profile as assessed by ROTEM in 16 consecutive donors who underwent either right or left liver resection at our institution. ROTEM analysis and CCTs were performed at the baseline (before skin incision) and on postoperative days 1 and 3. According to the CCTs, hypocoagulability was revealed in all but 1 (left liver) donor. The INR was highest on postoperative day 1 [median = 1.67 (interquartile range = 1.37-1.8)]. In contrast, all donors had a normal coagulation profile as assessed by the ROTEM system throughout the study period. In conclusion, this study showed the disagreement between the CCTs and the ROTEM system, as no significant coagulation abnormalities could be revealed with the latter method during the study period. Further studies are needed to confirm the role of the ROTEM system as a perioperative coagulation monitor in this setting and ultimately its influence on the outcome of living donors. Liver Transpl 16:387–392, 2010. © 2010 AASLD.

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2006
The physiopathology of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is multifactorial and ob... more The physiopathology of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is multifactorial and obesity has been shown to be one of the main factors correlated with its occurrence. In obese patients with anatomical alterations of the upper airways it is often difficult to predict success for surgical correction since obesity is a limiting factor. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the results of tonsillectomy in a specific group of patients, i.e., obese OSAHS patients with tonsil hypertrophy. Seven OSAHS patients with moderate obesity with obstructive palatine tonsil hypertrophy were submitted to tonsillectomy. All patients were submitted to pre-and postoperative appraisal of body mass index, otorhinolaryngology examination and polysomnography. Patients' average age was 36.4 ± 10.3 years and average preoperative body mass index was 36.6 ± 6.3 kg/m 2 . Postoperative weight did not differ significantly from preoperative weight (P = 0.27). Average preoperative apnea and hypopnea index (AHI) was 81 ± 26/h and postoperative AHI was 23 ± 18/h (P = 0.0005). Average preoperative minimum oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO 2 min) was 69 ± 14% and the postoperative value was 83 ± 3% (P = 0.038). In relation to AHI, 6 (86%) of the 7 patients studied showed a reduction of 50% in relation to preoperative level and of these, 4 (57%) presented AHI of less than 20%. Only one patient presented a reduction of less than 50% in AHI, but even so showed improved SaO 2 min. Tonsillectomy treatment for OSAHS in obese patients with obstructive palatine tonsil hypertrophy caused a significant reduction in AHI, with improvement in SaO 2 min. This procedure could be eventually considered as an option of treatment for obese OSAHS patients with significant tonsil hypertrophy when continuous positive air pressure therapy is not possible as the first choice of treatment. Correspondence F.L. Martinho

Inorganica Chimica Acta
Bumi kita tersusun atas beribu jenis batuan.Baik batuan beku,sedimen,maupun metamorf.Pada artikel... more Bumi kita tersusun atas beribu jenis batuan.Baik batuan beku,sedimen,maupun metamorf.Pada artikel kali ini,saya akan memaparkan jenis jenis batuan umum yang biasa kita jumpai,antara lain : 1.Granit Granit mempunyai tekstur peneris dan biasanya granular. Batuan terdiri dari ortoklas yang unhedral/ mikroklin, sedikit plagioklas (albite atau oligklas) dan kwarsa yang tak berwarna atau putih dengan ebntuk yang tidak teratur. Kuarsanya mengisi ruang diantara kristal-kristal yang lain. Mineral gelap seperti biotit, hornblende, augit hanya dalam jumlah yang sedikit. Mineral accesosir lainnya contohnya adalah magnetik, hematite, turmalin dan pirit. Jika biotit adalah adalah mineral gelap yang ada maka disebut dengan granit biotit. Granit hernblande juga sering dijumpai. Granit yang banyak mengandung phanocenit disebut granit porfisris. Jenis yang lain granit olivin dan granit muskofit. Granit pada umumnya mengandung 50% ortoklas (mikrolin), 2% plagioklas (albite atau digoklas), lebih dari 20% kwarsa dan 3 -15 % biotit. 1. 2. Diorit 1. 4. Liparit 1. 6. Basalt 1. 8. Skoria 1. 10. Batu Apung 1. 12. Konglomerat

As alterações degenerativas ocorridas nas estruturas da coluna vertebral estão intimamente associ... more As alterações degenerativas ocorridas nas estruturas da coluna vertebral estão intimamente associadas com o processo de envelhecimento1. Essas alterações são responsáveis pela dor em 10% a 15% dos pacientes com lombalgia crônica e lombociatalgia2. Estima-se que aproximadamente 80% dos adultos sofrerão pelo menos uma crise aguda de dor nas costas (lombalgia aguda) durante sua vida, e que 90% dessas pessoas apresentarão mais de um episódio3. Cerca de 80% da população experimentam dor lombar significativa durante a herniação do disco4, que segundo Kisner5 consiste na propulsão de parte do núcleo pulposo através do anel fibroso, envolvendo tipicamente um disco que demonstre sinais de degeneração prévia. A primeira escolha de tratamento das algias da coluna é o conservador. Os pacientes com dor lombar severa, refratária aos cuidados conservadores, podem ser candidatos a uma avaliação cirúrgica4. A síndrome da cauda eqüina é a única situação de urgência cirúrgica no tratamento da hérnia de disco. Ela se manifesta por dor súbita, aguda, com perda do controle esfincteriano, anestesia em sela e perda de força para os membros inferiores6. Dentre as principais técnicas cirúrgicas podemos citar a artrodese que tem como objetivo uma união bem sucedida de duas ou mais vértebras4, na qual a introdução do instrumental como o uso dos parafusos pediculares, tem por objetivo aumentar a estabilidade pós-operatória e favorecer a consolidação da artrodese7. A maioria dos pacientes permanece no hospital por alguns dias após a cirurgia de artrodese. Durante essa fase, o tratamento fisioterapêutico busca ensinar aos pacientes as maneiras apropriadas para realizar as transferências no leito, e as atividades de vida diária, além de prevenir as complicações da permanência no leito hospitalar como a hipotensão ortostática, fraqueza muscular, complicações circulatórias e respiratórias4 através da realização de exercícios no leito.
Papers by Martinho Fernandes