Papers by Samsul Alang Bin Darwis

ABSTRAK Pada esai kali ini bertujuan untuk : Menentukan hambatan dalam voltmeter, menentukan hamb... more ABSTRAK Pada esai kali ini bertujuan untuk : Menentukan hambatan dalam voltmeter, menentukan hambatan dalam amperemeter, mengenal cara mengubah batas ukur voltmeter, dan yang terakhir yaitu mengukur hambatan Rx. Dimana arus listrik mempunyai dua jenis yaitu AC arus yang bolak-balik dan DC arus yang konstan. Amperemeter adalah suatu alat untuk mengukur arus. Manakala voltmeter yaitu alat untuk mengukur tegangan. Dan yang terakhir yaitu multimeter sebagai alat untuk mengukur tegangan, hambatan, arus listrik. Praktikum ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dan kepustakaan. Kesimpulan yang kita dapati dari praktikum ini yaitu mengetahui cara penggunaan voltmeter, amperemeter dalam suatu hambatan. Kata Kunci: Amperemeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter
ABSTRAK In this practicum aims to: Determine the resistance in a voltmeter, determine the resistance in an ammeter, recognize how to change the voltmeter measurement limits, and finally measure the resistance Rx. Where electric current has two types, namely AC alternating current and DC constant current. Ammeters are a device for measuring current. When a voltmeter is a device to measure voltage. And the last is the multimeter as a tool to measure voltage, resistance, electric current. This practicum uses experimental methods and literature. The conclusion we find from this practicum is knowing how to use a voltmeter, ammeters in an obstacle.
Papers by Samsul Alang Bin Darwis
ABSTRAK In this practicum aims to: Determine the resistance in a voltmeter, determine the resistance in an ammeter, recognize how to change the voltmeter measurement limits, and finally measure the resistance Rx. Where electric current has two types, namely AC alternating current and DC constant current. Ammeters are a device for measuring current. When a voltmeter is a device to measure voltage. And the last is the multimeter as a tool to measure voltage, resistance, electric current. This practicum uses experimental methods and literature. The conclusion we find from this practicum is knowing how to use a voltmeter, ammeters in an obstacle.
ABSTRAK In this practicum aims to: Determine the resistance in a voltmeter, determine the resistance in an ammeter, recognize how to change the voltmeter measurement limits, and finally measure the resistance Rx. Where electric current has two types, namely AC alternating current and DC constant current. Ammeters are a device for measuring current. When a voltmeter is a device to measure voltage. And the last is the multimeter as a tool to measure voltage, resistance, electric current. This practicum uses experimental methods and literature. The conclusion we find from this practicum is knowing how to use a voltmeter, ammeters in an obstacle.