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antara standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar antar mata pelajaran.
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This study aimed at investigating the influence of INSTAD model compared to guided inquiry, STAD and conventional toward metacognition skill, the influence of academic achievement toward metacognition skill, and interaction of learning... more
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Model pembelajaran accelerated learning included by discovery (ALID) adalah model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dengan mengintegrasikan model pembelajaran accelerated learning dan discovery menjadi satu keterpaduan saling melengkapi... more
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The purposes of this research are to ascertain: 1) the influence of Guided Inquiry combined Cooperative Jigsaw model toward science process skills, 2) the influence of academic ability toward science process skills, 3) the interaction... more
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    • Pendidikan Biologi
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan metode eksperimen disertai teknik Roundhouse Diagram dan Mind Map, gaya belajar, dan motivasi belajar serta interaksinya... more
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Kemampuan akademik siswa terklasifikasi menjadi siswa akademik atas, sedang, dan bawah. Sebagian besar orang meyakini, siswa akademik bawah (under achievment) selamanya berprestasi rendah. Sementara itu, prestasi belajar tidak hanya... more
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The research is aimed to developing an items test and questionnaire analysis software in order that facilitate students of Biology Education Department, Sebelas Maret University who are conducting research in schools to analyzing the... more
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    • Pendidikan Biologi
ABSTRAK-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengembangkan modul berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi keanekaragaman makhluk hidup untuk memecahkan masalah belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran; menguji kelayakan produk modul pembelajaran yang... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan tingkat miskonsepsi pada materi sistem ekskresi siswa kelas XI IPA SMA N 4 Surakarta tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kontruktivisme tipe Novick... more
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Berbagai kajian menunjukkan kapasitas berpikir dan kemandirian belajar siswa Indonesia memprihatinkan. Di sisi lain, peradaban manusia telah memasuki era pengetahuan. Kemampuan esensial yang diperlukan oleh luaran pendidikan adalah... more
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Based on our observation to student and discussion with biology teacher of SMPN 27 Surakarta on April 15, 2010, known that there were complicated problems in Biology class VII-D. The core of those problems was most of the students'... more
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The purpose of this research is to improve students' science process skills in class X5 SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta in academic year 2011/2012 with implementation of Group Investigation cooperative learning model. This research was a classroom... more
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    • Pendidikan Biologi
The purposes of this research were to know: 1) the influence of Guided Inquiry learning model toward science process skills, 2) the influence of academic ability toward science process skills, 3) the interaction between Guided Inquiry... more
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    • Pendidikan Biologi
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Contoh surat lamaran tentor matematika
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Menurut Kolker (1983: 3) membaca merupakan suatu proses komunikasi antara pembaca dan penulis dengan bahasa tulis. Hakekat membaca ini menurutnya ada tiga hal, yakni afektif, kognitif, dan bahasa. Perilaku afektif mengacu pada perasaan,... more
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    • Javanese
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This research aims to increase: (1) the quality of learning process seen from student learning motivation aspect in writing javanese narrative essay; and (2) the students' skill in writing javanese narrative essay on VII E Grade SMP N 1... more
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