Books by Mubera Bavcic

Bibliografija izdanja Orijentalnog instituta 1950.-2020. = Bibliography of publications of the Institut for Oriental Studies 1950-2020, 2021
In August 2020, the Institute for Oriental Studies celebrated the seventieth anniversary of its f... more In August 2020, the Institute for Oriental Studies celebrated the seventieth anniversary of its founding and the publication of the first edition of the journal entitled Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju i istoriju jugoslovenskih naroda pod turskom vladavinom (Contributions to Oriental Philology and History of the Yugoslav Peoples under Turkish Rule), which changed its name to Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) from its eighth edition onwards. This journal is among the worldwide recognized journals in the field of oriental philology, Ottoman history for the Balkans region, Islamic architecture and art, diplomatics and paleography, as well as other related disciplines. To date, four periodical bibliographies of Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) have been published with an overview of editions of the Oriental Institute.
On the occasion of the jubilee seventieth anniversary of the Institute and the publication of the journal Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) a need arose to compile all of the published bibliographies and put together a bibliography of editions issued by the Oriental Institute between 2009 and 2020, as well as the bibliographies of papers published in the Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) from edition 59 to edition 69.
In addition to the journal, the Institute issued publications in the Monumenta Turcica and Posebna izdanja (Special Editions), as well as some additional editions beyond those mentioned.
The edition Monumenta Turcica Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium Illustrantia contains 13 editions which treats historical material (defters, kanun-names, waqf-names, sijils and other material).
The edition Posebna izdanja (Special Editions) includes 62 monograph publications which are a result of the scientific, research and expert work of the Institute for Oriental Studies associates and of colleagues from the Department of Oriental Philology and Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo.
In addition to the above mentioned editions, 13 publications were also issued which include proceedings from scientific conferences, two jubilee monographs dedicated to the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversary of the Institute for Oriental Studies, three historical monographs and four monographs in the field of language and literature, along with one catalogue of manuscripts.
Papers by Mubera Bavcic

Historijska misao, 2024
U ovom radu su, u povodu petnaestogodišnjice smrti Medžide Selmanović, prezentirani b... more Apstrakt:
U ovom radu su, u povodu petnaestogodišnjice smrti Medžide Selmanović, prezentirani biografski podaci, kao i informacije o njenom tridesetšestogodišnjem radu u Orijentalnom institutu u svojstvu arhiviste u stručnim zvanjima arhiviste-turkologa i višeg arhiviste, potom u svojstvu istraživača-osmaniste te istraživača-saradnika-osmaniste, u kojem ostaje do odlaska u penziju 2002. godine. Uz redovne poslove u arhivu Orijentalnog instituta, Medžida Selmanović je veći dio svoga radnoga vijeka posvetila stručnoj obradi deftera i prijevodu osmanskih historijskih izvora. Uz radove sa historijskom tematikom, objavila je i nekoliko značajnih radova iz oblasti diplomatike i paleografije, te islamske umjetnosti i islamske minijature.
Priložena bibliografija radova ove autorice omogućuje potpuniji uvid u njen istraživački rad. //
On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Medžida Selmanović, this paper presents the biographical data, as well as information about her thirty six years of work at the Oriental Institute as an archivist, where she held the professional title of an Archivist-Turkologist and Senior Archivist, then of Researcher-Ottomanist, and finally of Researcher-Associate-Ottomanist, which she kept until her retirement in 2002. In addition to her regular duties in the Oriental Institute archives, Medžida Selmanović devoted most of her working life to the scholarly processing of defters and translation of Ottoman historical sources. Apart from works on historical themes, she published several significant works in the field of diplomatics and palaeography, as well as Islamic art and miniatures. The attached bibliography of this author’s publications provides a more complete insight into her research.

Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2014
Bisera Nurudinović is one of the most prominent bibliographers in
the field of Oriental Studies b... more Bisera Nurudinović is one of the most prominent bibliographers in
the field of Oriental Studies both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
abroad. At a time when many libraries were destroyed, and some
turned to ashes like the library of the Oriental Institute or the National
and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, bibliographies
remain a permanent reminder of printed publications
from the past. So were the three books of Bibliography of Yugoslav
Oriental Studies, published within the edition Special editions
of the Oriental Institute, an unavoidable reference and guide
to researchers in the fields of arabistics, turkology, Iranian studies,
history and Islamic culture and civilization.
Bibliographies of editions of the Oriental Institute, as well as
bibliographies of several prominent Ottomanist researchers also
represent a valuable contribution to future research.
In addition to bibliographies, Bisera Nurudinović has published
an article titled Bosnian Salnamas (1866-1878 and 1882-1893),
which expertly deals with this yearbook (official annual report),
and which is used as a guide for the actual digitization of old magazines
from the second half of the 19th century.
Bisera Nurudinović participated in translating Waqfnamas from
Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 15th and 16th century, published
as a part of the edition Monumenta Turcica, followed by a paperback
edition with Bosnian Cultural Community “Preporod” Banja
Luka as publisher.
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2003
Bibliografije by Mubera Bavcic
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2014
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2014
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2013
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2011
Mjesto i uloga derviških redova u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zbornik radova povodom obilježavanja 800 g... more Mjesto i uloga derviških redova u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zbornik radova povodom obilježavanja 800 godina od rođenja Dželaluddina Rumija / The place and Role of Sufi Orders in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proceedings from International Conference marking 800th anniversary of the birth of Galaluddin Rumi /. - Orijentalni institut, Naučnoistraživački institut “Ibn Sina”, Sarajevo 2011.
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2009
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 56, 2006
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, 2004
Books by Mubera Bavcic
On the occasion of the jubilee seventieth anniversary of the Institute and the publication of the journal Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) a need arose to compile all of the published bibliographies and put together a bibliography of editions issued by the Oriental Institute between 2009 and 2020, as well as the bibliographies of papers published in the Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) from edition 59 to edition 69.
In addition to the journal, the Institute issued publications in the Monumenta Turcica and Posebna izdanja (Special Editions), as well as some additional editions beyond those mentioned.
The edition Monumenta Turcica Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium Illustrantia contains 13 editions which treats historical material (defters, kanun-names, waqf-names, sijils and other material).
The edition Posebna izdanja (Special Editions) includes 62 monograph publications which are a result of the scientific, research and expert work of the Institute for Oriental Studies associates and of colleagues from the Department of Oriental Philology and Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo.
In addition to the above mentioned editions, 13 publications were also issued which include proceedings from scientific conferences, two jubilee monographs dedicated to the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversary of the Institute for Oriental Studies, three historical monographs and four monographs in the field of language and literature, along with one catalogue of manuscripts.
Papers by Mubera Bavcic
U ovom radu su, u povodu petnaestogodišnjice smrti Medžide Selmanović, prezentirani biografski podaci, kao i informacije o njenom tridesetšestogodišnjem radu u Orijentalnom institutu u svojstvu arhiviste u stručnim zvanjima arhiviste-turkologa i višeg arhiviste, potom u svojstvu istraživača-osmaniste te istraživača-saradnika-osmaniste, u kojem ostaje do odlaska u penziju 2002. godine. Uz redovne poslove u arhivu Orijentalnog instituta, Medžida Selmanović je veći dio svoga radnoga vijeka posvetila stručnoj obradi deftera i prijevodu osmanskih historijskih izvora. Uz radove sa historijskom tematikom, objavila je i nekoliko značajnih radova iz oblasti diplomatike i paleografije, te islamske umjetnosti i islamske minijature.
Priložena bibliografija radova ove autorice omogućuje potpuniji uvid u njen istraživački rad. //
On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Medžida Selmanović, this paper presents the biographical data, as well as information about her thirty six years of work at the Oriental Institute as an archivist, where she held the professional title of an Archivist-Turkologist and Senior Archivist, then of Researcher-Ottomanist, and finally of Researcher-Associate-Ottomanist, which she kept until her retirement in 2002. In addition to her regular duties in the Oriental Institute archives, Medžida Selmanović devoted most of her working life to the scholarly processing of defters and translation of Ottoman historical sources. Apart from works on historical themes, she published several significant works in the field of diplomatics and palaeography, as well as Islamic art and miniatures. The attached bibliography of this author’s publications provides a more complete insight into her research.
the field of Oriental Studies both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
abroad. At a time when many libraries were destroyed, and some
turned to ashes like the library of the Oriental Institute or the National
and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, bibliographies
remain a permanent reminder of printed publications
from the past. So were the three books of Bibliography of Yugoslav
Oriental Studies, published within the edition Special editions
of the Oriental Institute, an unavoidable reference and guide
to researchers in the fields of arabistics, turkology, Iranian studies,
history and Islamic culture and civilization.
Bibliographies of editions of the Oriental Institute, as well as
bibliographies of several prominent Ottomanist researchers also
represent a valuable contribution to future research.
In addition to bibliographies, Bisera Nurudinović has published
an article titled Bosnian Salnamas (1866-1878 and 1882-1893),
which expertly deals with this yearbook (official annual report),
and which is used as a guide for the actual digitization of old magazines
from the second half of the 19th century.
Bisera Nurudinović participated in translating Waqfnamas from
Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 15th and 16th century, published
as a part of the edition Monumenta Turcica, followed by a paperback
edition with Bosnian Cultural Community “Preporod” Banja
Luka as publisher.
Bibliografije by Mubera Bavcic
On the occasion of the jubilee seventieth anniversary of the Institute and the publication of the journal Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) a need arose to compile all of the published bibliographies and put together a bibliography of editions issued by the Oriental Institute between 2009 and 2020, as well as the bibliographies of papers published in the Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology) from edition 59 to edition 69.
In addition to the journal, the Institute issued publications in the Monumenta Turcica and Posebna izdanja (Special Editions), as well as some additional editions beyond those mentioned.
The edition Monumenta Turcica Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium Illustrantia contains 13 editions which treats historical material (defters, kanun-names, waqf-names, sijils and other material).
The edition Posebna izdanja (Special Editions) includes 62 monograph publications which are a result of the scientific, research and expert work of the Institute for Oriental Studies associates and of colleagues from the Department of Oriental Philology and Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo.
In addition to the above mentioned editions, 13 publications were also issued which include proceedings from scientific conferences, two jubilee monographs dedicated to the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversary of the Institute for Oriental Studies, three historical monographs and four monographs in the field of language and literature, along with one catalogue of manuscripts.
U ovom radu su, u povodu petnaestogodišnjice smrti Medžide Selmanović, prezentirani biografski podaci, kao i informacije o njenom tridesetšestogodišnjem radu u Orijentalnom institutu u svojstvu arhiviste u stručnim zvanjima arhiviste-turkologa i višeg arhiviste, potom u svojstvu istraživača-osmaniste te istraživača-saradnika-osmaniste, u kojem ostaje do odlaska u penziju 2002. godine. Uz redovne poslove u arhivu Orijentalnog instituta, Medžida Selmanović je veći dio svoga radnoga vijeka posvetila stručnoj obradi deftera i prijevodu osmanskih historijskih izvora. Uz radove sa historijskom tematikom, objavila je i nekoliko značajnih radova iz oblasti diplomatike i paleografije, te islamske umjetnosti i islamske minijature.
Priložena bibliografija radova ove autorice omogućuje potpuniji uvid u njen istraživački rad. //
On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Medžida Selmanović, this paper presents the biographical data, as well as information about her thirty six years of work at the Oriental Institute as an archivist, where she held the professional title of an Archivist-Turkologist and Senior Archivist, then of Researcher-Ottomanist, and finally of Researcher-Associate-Ottomanist, which she kept until her retirement in 2002. In addition to her regular duties in the Oriental Institute archives, Medžida Selmanović devoted most of her working life to the scholarly processing of defters and translation of Ottoman historical sources. Apart from works on historical themes, she published several significant works in the field of diplomatics and palaeography, as well as Islamic art and miniatures. The attached bibliography of this author’s publications provides a more complete insight into her research.
the field of Oriental Studies both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
abroad. At a time when many libraries were destroyed, and some
turned to ashes like the library of the Oriental Institute or the National
and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, bibliographies
remain a permanent reminder of printed publications
from the past. So were the three books of Bibliography of Yugoslav
Oriental Studies, published within the edition Special editions
of the Oriental Institute, an unavoidable reference and guide
to researchers in the fields of arabistics, turkology, Iranian studies,
history and Islamic culture and civilization.
Bibliographies of editions of the Oriental Institute, as well as
bibliographies of several prominent Ottomanist researchers also
represent a valuable contribution to future research.
In addition to bibliographies, Bisera Nurudinović has published
an article titled Bosnian Salnamas (1866-1878 and 1882-1893),
which expertly deals with this yearbook (official annual report),
and which is used as a guide for the actual digitization of old magazines
from the second half of the 19th century.
Bisera Nurudinović participated in translating Waqfnamas from
Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 15th and 16th century, published
as a part of the edition Monumenta Turcica, followed by a paperback
edition with Bosnian Cultural Community “Preporod” Banja
Luka as publisher.