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Diplocheilichthys pleurotaenia is one of native fish present in the Kampar River. This fish used to migrate to downstream area due to reproductive activities. The construction of the Koto Panjang Dam may hamper this activity and also... more
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      Fish BiologyFreshwater Fish BiologyFisheries Biology Reproduction
This research was conducted from 9 until 20 October 2006 at Pelabuhanratu port. The research goal is to know the various fishing gear, trip, production, sustainable yield, utilization level of ribbon fish that were landed at Pelabuhanratu... more
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      Fisheries ManagementFishery Stock Assessment and ManagementFish Population dynamics, stock assessment and Fisheries management
ABSTRAK Usaha perlindungan kawasan habitat gonggong dan pengaturan eksploitasinya perlu dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan pada KKLD Kabupaten Lingga, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia pada bulan Juni – September 2010. Adapun Faktor... more
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      Conservation BiologyMarine ConservationMarine Protected Areas (MPAs) and their roles in conserving and sustaining fisheries resources .Marine Conservation Planning
ABSTRAK Sumber daya perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan dengan tidak melebihi kapasitas untuk memulihkan dirinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan sumber daya perikanan dalam wilayah pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Laut... more
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      FisheriesMarine ConservationFisheries Management
This study has been conducted to determine the most feasible site for building breeding and nursery plant of Scylla serrata in Indragiri Hilir District, Riau. Analysis has been done by scoring the accessibility, topography, land status,... more
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      Marine AquacultureAquaculture
The aim of the current study was to assess the demersal fish and shrimp stocks in Mallaca Strait, especially within the area of Bengkalis District, hence determining the total allowable catch (TAC) in the area regarding the resources in... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheries ManagementFisheries BiologyFishery Stock Assessment and Management
Aktivitas perikanan di sekitar kawasan P. Jemur Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Provinsi termasuk yang tinggi serta mempunyai potensi dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata sehingga dapat menggangu aktivitas penyu hijau. Untuk itu diperlukan model... more
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      Conservation BiologyMarine Protected AreasMarine ConservationBiodiversity Conservation
Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan keragaan sumberdaya pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dan analisis kecenderungan dampak penambangan pasir laut serta memberikan arahan pemanfaatan dan zona preservasi di Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau. Penelitian... more
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      Marine Resource Management/fisheriesIntegrated Coastal Zone ManagementAquatic Resource Management, Marine policy, EnvironmentMarine Biology, Environment, Conservation
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada sungai Kampar di bagian hilir Bendungan PLTA Kotopanjang mulai dari Rantau Berangin hingga Danau Bingkuang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas ikan di hilir bendungan. Suhu air... more
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      Fisheries ManagementFish EcologyBiological Sciences
The objective of the present study was to examine the length-weight relationships and condition factors of snapper Lutjanus russellii, ponyfish Aurigequula fasciata and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus harvested from Ulelhee... more
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      Fisheries ManagementFish BiologyFisheries Biology
In aquaculture probiotic feeding could play a crucial role in developing microbial control strategies, since disease outbreaks are recognized as important constraints to aquaculture production and the fear of antibiotic resistance. In... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesAfrican
Plastik adalah bahan sintesis dari hasil polimerisasi berbagai macam monomer. Hampir semua jenis plastik akan melayang ataupun mengapung dalam badan air. Hal ini akan menyebabkan plastik terkoyak-koyak dan terdegradasi oleh sinar... more
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The objectives of this research was 1) to measure the development of mouth opening width and 2) to analyze the digestive enzyme activities. The research was conducted from April to November 2017 in the Hatchery Laboratory, Faculty of... more
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Seagrass is present in the Genting Beach. During the low tide, however, propeler of fishermen ship damage the seagrass habitat in general. To understand the types and density of seagrass in Genting Beach, a study has been conducted in... more
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Osteochillus hasselti was commonly inhabit the Lubuk Siam Lake. A research aims to understand the standing stock of O. hasselti in that lake was conducted in July to August 2018. The fish was sampled everyday for 10 days in July and 10... more
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Background: High stocking density and intensive feeding in aquaculture systems lead to the accumulation of organic waste, which results in an increase in ammonia, nitrite, and nitrite concentrations in culture media. Biofloc is a... more
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    • F Mri Research
The purpose of this community service was to provide knowledge and understanding of halal certificates to the public, increase public awareness of the importance of halal certificates and motivate the community to have halal certificates... more
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Plastic waste pollution in the land and the river continues to rise. Plastic waste including marine pollution and debris can menyebab disrupt aquatic ecosystems. However, hazards of plastic waste pollution in the waters are still poorly... more
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    • Environmental Science
Background The objective of the present study was to evaluate the growth performance and feed utilization of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fed a commercial diet and reared in the biofloc system enhanced with probiotic. Methods The... more
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      FisheriesBiologyAquacultureF Mri Research
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been isolated successfully from the tiger grouper Epinephelusfuscoguttatus intestine. However, their genus or species have not been identified. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to... more
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      BiologyF Mri ResearchMedicine