Papers by Eka Jaya Subadi

The development of telecommunication and information technology runs so fast with all its support... more The development of telecommunication and information technology runs so fast with all its supporting facility in current modern civilization. Technological development that really dramatic in this last few years have provided the transformational impact on various life aspect, including in it business world. This business model emphasize that information and business transaction interchange that gets paperless character passes through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Email, electronic bulletin boards, electronic fund transfer and another technology that also base network.
The existence of e-commerce is the business alternative has a good prospect to be applied right now, because e-commerce gives a lot of amenities for both of parties, seller (merchant) and buyer in conducting commerce transactions, although the parties is in two different continents. By using the e commerce facility, so each transaction is not required appointment in negotiation phase. Therefore, the internet network can reach geography and a territorial bound include the law jurisdiction, so that it seems to be made the world progressively narrow.
Base on the background that explained above can be formulated the problem is: How is the of law protection regulation on the parties that conduct transactions via electronic media.
Papers by Eka Jaya Subadi
The existence of e-commerce is the business alternative has a good prospect to be applied right now, because e-commerce gives a lot of amenities for both of parties, seller (merchant) and buyer in conducting commerce transactions, although the parties is in two different continents. By using the e commerce facility, so each transaction is not required appointment in negotiation phase. Therefore, the internet network can reach geography and a territorial bound include the law jurisdiction, so that it seems to be made the world progressively narrow.
Base on the background that explained above can be formulated the problem is: How is the of law protection regulation on the parties that conduct transactions via electronic media.
The existence of e-commerce is the business alternative has a good prospect to be applied right now, because e-commerce gives a lot of amenities for both of parties, seller (merchant) and buyer in conducting commerce transactions, although the parties is in two different continents. By using the e commerce facility, so each transaction is not required appointment in negotiation phase. Therefore, the internet network can reach geography and a territorial bound include the law jurisdiction, so that it seems to be made the world progressively narrow.
Base on the background that explained above can be formulated the problem is: How is the of law protection regulation on the parties that conduct transactions via electronic media.