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Synopsis Dalam aplikasi heat exchanger di lapangan banyak permasalahan yang masih ditimbulkan, misalnya panas yang ditransfer oleh heat exchanger belum maksimal, terjadinya penyumbatan pada bagian tube yang disebabkan oleh adanya korosi... more
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Abstract: This study sheds light on the materials (elastomers) which are used for buffer equipment production. One of the unsolved problems concerning shock absorption is the problem of optimal material choice for the shock absorber. It... more
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      SkripsiTeknik MesinJurusan Mesin Fakultas Teknik
Produk yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi mempunyai ragam atau variasi. Proses duplikasi produk dengan sempurna tidak akan dicapai, melainkan hanya mungkin dihasilkan produk yang berbeda-beda karakteristiknya. Hal ini menuntut perancang... more
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    • Teknik Mesin
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jurney nepal
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    • Nepal
Recently reducing emissions of the harmful gases that generated in the combustion process of the automobile and other internal combustion engine is absolutely essential to environmental preservation. These emissions pollute the... more
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The heat transfer is important in engineering field and aspects of the life. Many equipment was made by using principles of the heat transfer, like: the oven, iron, the car machine, the muffler, the room cooler et cetera. The principle of... more
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Cow manure can be used as a source of energy and as a solid or liquid fertilizer. An adult cow can produce fases (solid manure) to 23 kg/day and urine (liquid manure) 9 kg/day. Three or four cow is capable to fullfill the dayly needs of... more
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Cultivation activities, both in the development of food crops, horticulture, livestock and plantations. Availability of water is a strategic factor. Specific areas adjacent to the water source or location are under the eyes water, water... more
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It has been conducted on the effect of ion implantation of TiN to wear ball bearings with grease lubrication. Ball bearing is one of the supporting components contained in the machine and the parts of a rotating element as found in... more
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This research to investigate the effect of Pomacea Canalikulata Lamarck powder addition in the process of carburization box to physical (microstructure) and mechanical properties (hardness test) of AISI 1018 after heat treatment. In this... more
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Fuel quality had a major effect on improvement of the engine performance. One of the reason is the engine performance to get off is detonation occurs in the combustion chamber. To support this effort is by using high octane fuel as... more
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The development of composite materials in the field of engineering is increasingly being used. This is because of its properties are superior compared to conventional materials, as the ratio between strength and density are quite high,... more
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Producing biodiesel by dry method has been conducted in the Laboratory of Energy Conversion, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mataram University. In the conventional method, coconut flesh is scrabbed and then squizzed to separate the... more
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Experimental testing using coconut oil produced by dry method on engine has been conducted in the Laboratory of Energy Conversion, Mechanical Engineering, Mataram University. The purpose was to evaluate the effect of using this coconut... more
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Abstrack Solar energy constitute one of potential alternative energy to develop as a back up of energy. Especially for countries in khatulistiwa location belonging to Indonesia. For use solar energy needful collector that using absorber.... more
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of fiber volume fraction of the impact strength of palm fiber-unsaturated polyester composite and investigate the mechanism of fracture caused by impact loads. This research... more
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      Electrical EngineeringAlgebraMaterials ScienceChemistry
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of shot peening on stress corrosion cracking of a low carbon steel in ocean water environment. The dimension of specimens were prepared in accordance with the ASTM G39. The hardness... more
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Refrigerant in refrigeration machines will absorb heat from a room space and released the heat to the environment. The heat balancing in the system is heat released from condenser equal with heat absorbed from room space added by the heat... more
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