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Legal relation between parties in the cellphone account administration based on the valid Legal provision. There are no specific regulation concerning the providence of cellphone account and therefore to provide legal certainty on... more
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    • Ilmu Hukum
Saat ini, motif atau model korupsi semakin kompleks dan berkembang ditambah dengan meningkatnya kejahatan transnasional membuat dunia membutuhkan pengaturan tentang Illicit Enrichment dalam produk hukum setingkat undang-undang guna... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Penegakan hak asasi manusia (HAM) salah satunya dilakukan melalui pemenuhan hak-hak dasar manusia. Upaya pemenuhan hak-hak dasar manusia di daerah ini turut menjadi perhatian dari pemerintah pusat melalui program Kabupaten/Kota Peduli Hak... more
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    • Political Science
Social security program reflects state's responsibilities to provide social and economic protection to citizens. However, social security in Indonesia has remained to become a central issue after Presidential Regulation Number 14 of... more
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      Political ScienceSocial SecuritySanctionsPresidential System
Sejak mewabahnya Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pada tanggal 2 Maret 2020, setidaknya hingga 18 Oktober 2021 ada sebanya 4.235.384 kasus terjangkit COVID-19, diikuti dengan jumlah laporan kematian mencapai 142.999 kasus. ... more
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    • Physics
The implementation of these simultaneous regional elections is certainly a separate discourse that is interesting to be learned, especially concerning the enforcement of democracy and human rights. The main objectives of this research... more
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      LawHuman RightsPolitical ScienceInternational Human Rights Law
Purpose: This research aims to analyze the discourse on applying the non-conviction-based concept in the practice of restoring money laundering assets in Indonesia from the perspective of the presumption of innocence. Methodology: In this... more
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      LawMoney LaunderingPresumption of InnocenceConviction
Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) adalah permasalahan global yang masih belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Akibat dari adanya pandemi Covid-19, seluruh negara-negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia mengalami krisis multisektoral... more
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    • Political Science
The presence of the principle of Non-Refoulement as an instrument in international law requires every country to provide protection for refugees or asylum seekers.  However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are so many countries that... more
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      LawPhilosophy of AgencyInternational ArbitrationArbitration
Salah satu tradisi yang masih dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Suku Sasak di Lombok adalah tradisi Merariq (kawin lari). Tradisi ini merupakan tradisi unik dan khas, sebab umumnya masyarakat menganggap kawin lari sebagai pelangaran terhadap... more
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Kurang eksplisitnya pengaturan tentang perlidungan data pribadi nasabah menyebabkan terancamnya keamanan para pengguna jasa fintech. Indonesia semestinya mempunyai regulasi mengenai fintech seperti di Uni Eropa dan Malaysia. Meskipun... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Kemajuan globalisasi juga memberikan pengaruh terhadap gaya komunikasi anak muda, khususnya dalam berbahasa. Saat ini bahasa gaul sudah bergerak menjadi trend di kalangan anak muda dan menyebabkan kecintaan terhadap Bahasa Indonesia... more
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    • Humanities
Diantara budaya generasi masyarakat global, salah satu hal yang patut disoroti adalah persaingan antar individu. Sehingga dalam kondisi demikian, setiap individu terutama generasi milenial harus mampu mengikuti perkembangan yang ada,... more
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      HumanitiesSoft Skills
The Covid-19 emergency condition requires a change in the priority of using village funds, which was originally to finance government administration, development implementation, community development, and community empowerment switch to... more
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      Economic GrowthPandemic
Due to the discrepancy between the requirements of Article 74 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering, Civil Servant Investigators have not been able to investigate money... more
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      LawMoney LaunderingLaw EnforcementConstitutional Court
One the things in the Law Number 11 year of 2020 about Job Creation that cause problem is the deletion of an article concerning Environmental Permit Obligations. Environmental Permit Obligation is not strictly regulated in the Law of Job... more
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      LawObligationColor HarmonyConstitution
Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to examine the legality of the position and authority of the acting regional head, as well as to examine the dignity of democracy in the appointment of acting regional heads by the... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceDemocracyDignity
Language as a means of scientific thinking places itself reasonably centrally. Even according to Francis Bacon, human language can gain knowledge and power. In short, language helps both scientists and society to think... more
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      Critical ThinkingSocial learningClarityHumility
It can be called that the dynamics of national and state life in Indonesia are increasingly being tested by the same problem. For example, an outbreak of judicial corruption from the time to time, which was never ending. Law enforcers who... more
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      Computer ScienceLawLegal ProfessionPolitical Science
Along with the times, the motives or concept of corruption are increasingly complex and growing, as well as the increasing number of transnational crimes, it makes the world need regulations regarding illicit enrichment in legal products... more
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      BusinessLanguage ChangeIndonesianNormative