Universitas Mataram
Bilebante Village is one of the Green Tourism Villages located in Pringgarata Districs, Central Lombok Regency. Bilebante Village has various tourism potentials, one of which is the prohibition river. The prohibition river is a river area... more
Pineapple peel (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) has a potential natural-based anthelmintic agent. This study aimed to determine the effective concentration of pineapple peel juice against Paramphistomum sp. in vitro. Adults Paramphistomum sp.... more
- by Iman Pratama
Kopi dan Teh merupakan minuman yang banyak digemari masyarakat luas dari berbagai kalangan. Salah satu senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terkandung pada kopi dan teh yaitu "Kafein". Kafein adalah senyawa alkaloid turunan xantine (basa... more
Bismillahhirrahmanirrahiim. Tugas UAS_Husnul Qarina_ISBD_Farmasi_Dr. Taufiq Ramdani, S. Th.I., M.Sos