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Merupakan tugas mata kuliah Komunikasi Pertanian semester 6
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    • History of Sience
Nitrogen merupakan elemen hara yang penting bagi pertumbuhan tanaman.
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analisis kadar vitamin C
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    • School Social Work
Barometer ketahanan pangan dilihat dari 3 hal : Ketersediaan (Produksi), Aksesibilitas, dan Konsumsi terhadap pangan. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat, NTB yang menemukan masalah utama dalam mempertahankan konsumsi... more
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    • Ketahanan Pangan
This paper are now available to download. We'are talking about mass communication and communication between culture, this hand out for student's in IAIN of Mataram
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Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami kontribusi media pada National Building di Indonesia dan dapat mengetahui bagaimana media bekerja dalam setiap perkembangannya.
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceOptoelectronicsAdvanced Functional Materials
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      EngineeringPhysicsIII-V SemiconductorsApplied Physics
We report epitaxial growth of a-plane (1120) AlInN layers nearly-lattice-matched to GaN. Unlike for c-plane oriented epilayers, a-plane Al1−xInxN cannot be simultaneously lattice-matched to GaN in both in-plane directions. We study the... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceCrystal GrowthEpitaxial Growth
We report a comparative study of the microstructure of a-plane ð1 1 2 0Þ InN epilayers grown on different buffer layers via metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy. Under optimized growth conditions, the crystalline quality of the InN epilayer... more
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      Crystal GrowthBand GapCrystalMicrostructures
This paper proposed a method that combines Polar Fourier Transform, color moments, and vein features to retrieve leaf images based on a leaf image. The method is very useful to help people in recognizing foliage plants. Foliage plants are... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceImage ProcessingPattern Recognition
Shape is an important aspects in recognizing plants. Several approaches have been introduced to identify objects, including plants. Combination of geometric features such as aspect ratio, compactness, and dispersion, or moments such as... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingPattern Recognition
Omental pregnancy is the least common form of abdominal pregnancy. We present a rare case of primary omental pregnancy where patient presented with typical clinical feature of ectopic pregnancy. Trans-vaginal scan revealed an empty uterus... more
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      MedicineEctopic PregnancyOmental Ectopic Pregnancy
Photoluminescence spectra from disordered InN were studied in very high magnetic fields. The samples had Gaussian spectra with low temperature emission peaks at 0.82 and 0.98eV, respectively. The average spatial extent of the excitonic... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials Science
This paper reports the results of experiments in improving performance of leaf identification system using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The system involved combination of features derived from shape, vein, color, and texture of... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligencePrincipal Component AnalysisCircuits and Systems
One of important components in an image retrieval system is selecting a distance measure to compute rank between two objects. In this paper, several distance measures were researched to implement a foliage plant retrieval system. Sixty... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceSignal ProcessingDistance Measures
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      Personality PsychologyPerformance
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi berbagai limbah organik pada bedeng permanen pada tahun ketiga terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil padi beras merah antara teknik budidaya konvensional dan sistem irigasi aerobik pada... more
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