Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Backgrounds:Kangaroo Mother Care is one of the methods used for babies with low birth weight, esp... more Backgrounds:Kangaroo Mother Care is one of the methods used for babies with low birth weight, especially those with birth weight < 2000 grams. Kangaroo Mother Care is skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby, known as skin-to-skin contact. Kangaroo Mother Care is a natural approach that costs nothing and is very easy to use. aim: The objective of this research was to the effectiveness of Kangaroo Mother Care on Rooting – Sucking Reflex on low birth weight infant Methods:This type of study is a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test with control group design. This research was conducted at RSUD Dr RM Djoelham Binjai in October - November 2021. The population in this study were all 40 LBW people with a total sampling technique (saturated sampling). This study has been approved by the Health Research Ethics Committee from Prima Indonesia University. The statistical test used is the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results:The result of the study showed that ther...
Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addit... more Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addition of other liquids such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water, water, and without additional solid foods such as bananas, milk porridge, biscuits, rice porridge, rice team. The objective of the research was to find factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. The research is done by using cross sectional with Rank Spearman’s test. The population in this study were mothers who had babies 0-6 months in the Klinik Pratama Sunggal in 2019 totaling 15 people and the sampling technique was total Sampling. The result of the research showed knowledgeable mothers (46.7%), higher education (80%), unemployed (60%), supportive (86.7%), not exclusive breastfeeding (80%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed a relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.027), no relationship between maternal education and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.369), a ...
Kecemasan yang dialami Ibu Post Partum saat menyusui bayinya membuat ibu menghindar dan tidak mau... more Kecemasan yang dialami Ibu Post Partum saat menyusui bayinya membuat ibu menghindar dan tidak mau memberikan ASI pada bayinya, akan berdampak terhadap kurangnya isapan pada bayi dan akan berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya produksi ASI sehingga membuat ASI tidak lancar. Produksi ASI akan terus meningkat selama 6 bulan dengan ratarata produksi 700-800 ml kemudian produksi ASI akan menurun setelah lebih dari 6 bulan pertama menjadi 500-600 ml, salah satu metode yang dapat merangsang produksi ASI adalah dengan melakukan metode Massage Tengkuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh massase tengkuk terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu post partum di Klinik Matapao Juliana Tanjung. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan design one group pre-test dan post-test. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 25 orang berdasarkan total populasi ibu menyusui bayi usia >6 bulan dengan teknik total sampling. Aspek pengukuran data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan analisis bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden mengalami peningkatan produksi ASI. Hasil analisis data maka diperoleh nilai Z=4,375 b dan nilai p-value=0.000 dengan taraf signifikan p<0.005. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh massase tengkuk terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu. Kata kunci: ibu post partum; massase tengkuk; pengeluaran air susu ibu THE EFFECT OF NECK MASSAGE ON EXPENDITURE OF BREAST MILK
Pregnancy is a period starting from conception to the birth of the fetus, pregnancy lasts for 280... more Pregnancy is a period starting from conception to the birth of the fetus, pregnancy lasts for 280 days, calculated from the first day of the last period. High-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that has a greater risk than usual (both for the mother and baby) which can lead to illness or death before and after childbirth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women with high-risk pregnancy events at Klinik Pratama Sunggal Medan in 2018. This type of research was analytical with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all pregnant women as many as 126 people. The sampling technique in this study was determined by Systematic Random Sampling. The sample in this study were 21 people. Chi square test results of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women with high risk pregnancy events based on variable knowledge with significance level (α) = 0.05 and df = 2 that is p value = 0.004 (p &l...
The anxiety experienced by Post Partum mothers when breastfeeding their babies makes mothers avoi... more The anxiety experienced by Post Partum mothers when breastfeeding their babies makes mothers avoid and refuse to give breast milk to their babies, will have an impact on the lack of suction in the babies and will affect the lack of milk production so that the milk is not smooth. Breast milk production will continue to increase for 6 months with an average production of 700 - 800 ml then milk production will decrease after more than the first 6 months to 500 - 600 ml. One method that can stimulate milk production is the neck massage method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nape massase on breastfeeding in post partum mothers at the Matapao Juliana Tanjung Clinic. The research design used a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The number of samples in this study were 25 people based on the total population of mothers breastfeeding infants aged> 6 months with total sampling technique. Aspects of data measurement using observat...
The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. In Indonesia, ... more The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. In Indonesia, 500,000 people suffer from stroke each year and 125,000 people. Effective family support is expected to be able to help the elderly to be treated their hypertension optimally in order to reduce the incidence of stroke. The objective of the research was to find out the correlation of the characteristics and support from the elderly family with the incidence of stroke in the elderly who suffered from hypertension at RSUP Haji Adam Malik , Medan. The research is done by using cross sectional approach of 147 samples taken by using consecutive sampling. Independent variables were the characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, education, occupation, and marital status) and dependent variable was stroke in the elderly who suffer from hypertension. The data were gathered by using primary and secondary and analyzed by using univatriate, bivatriate (chi square test ), and multivatriate with multiple lo...
Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may... more Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may occur because of unprepared delivery and becoming a mother, too low levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and esteriol levels, age and parity (young age or the number of persistents experienced may result in postpartum blues), as well as emotional support of husbands and families have a major influence in the contribution of postpartum blues. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Postpartum Mother Knowledge about Postpartum Blues at Sunggal Medan Clinic Year 2017. This method uses descriptive, measuring instrument. The population of this research is all 13 postpartum mothers in Medan singleton clinic. Sampling technique by saturated sampling, data collection using questionnaire. The result of the research is 7 (53,84%) enough knowledge, less 2 (15,28%) people and good 4 (23,07%) people. Knowledge of postpartum mother about postpartum blues Majority of respond...
Payudara seorang wanita yang menghasilkan ASI (air susu ibu) merupakan asupan nutrisi yang sanga... more Payudara seorang wanita yang menghasilkan ASI (air susu ibu) merupakan asupan nutrisi yang sangat baik dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seorang bayi. Didalam ASI (air susu ibu) terkandung semua gizi yang sangat diperlukan oleh seorang bayi dalam pertumbuhannya dan perkembangannya yang sempurna dan merupakan asupan nutrisi yang terbaik bagi bayi. Saat bayi dalam keadaan sakit air susu ibu akan menjadi obat yang akan menyelamatkan jiwanya. Kecemasan yang dialami ibu nifas saat menyusui bayinya akan berdampak terhadap kurangnya isapan pada bayi dan akan berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya produksi ASI sehingga membuat ASI tidak lancar. Produksi ASI akan terus meningkat selama 6 bulan dengan rata-rata produksi ASI mencapai 700-800ml kemudian produksi ASI akan menurun setelah lebih dari 6 bulan pertama menjadi 500-600ml, salah satu metode yang dapat merangsang produksi ASI adalah dengan melakukan metode teknik hypnobreastfeeding. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaru...
Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addit... more Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addition of other liquids such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water, water, and without additional solid foods such as bananas, milk porridge, biscuits, rice porridge, rice team. The objective of the research was to find factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. The research is done by using cross sectional with Rank Spearman’s test. The population in this study were mothers who had babies 0-6 months in the Klinik Pratama Sunggal in 2019 totaling 15 people and the sampling technique was total Sampling. The result of the research showed knowledgeable mothers (46.7%), higher education (80%), unemployed (60%), supportive (86.7%), not exclusive breastfeeding (80%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed a relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.027), no relationship between maternal education and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.369), a ...
JUMANTIK (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Kesehatan), Oct 4, 2019
The controversy over the Lotus Birth method for general application is still being debated, but t... more The controversy over the Lotus Birth method for general application is still being debated, but the consensus to delay cord clamping and cutting has been agreed and agreed by WHO that the umbilical cord is clamped after stopping to beat to allow increased blood flow to the baby to prevent anemia. The objective of the research was to find effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of anemia in infants. The research is done by using quasy experiment with sample infants born spontaneously, having 38-40 weeks of pregnancy and without complications using the lotus birth method (15 people) and the control group not using the lotus birth method (15 people). Analysis method of data uses independent t-test. The result of the research showed no Effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in infants at the Klinik Pratama Sejahtera (p=0, 865).The conclusion in this study isno Effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in infants at the Klinik Pratama Sejahtera. It is expected that pregnant women should prepare themselves in the face of childbirth by increasing knowledge about how to maintain health and care for babies to avoid the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.
The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding shows that not many mothers have succeeded in giving ... more The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding shows that not many mothers have succeeded in giving exclusive breastfeeding because the majority of working mothers. Work is not an obstacle for a mother to give milk to the baby. Therefore, working mothers need to be taught how to express milk, how to give milk and how to store breast milk. Health education is organized to increase the knowledge, awareness, willingness, and ability of working mothers to keep breastfeeding babies. Knowledge of breast milk storage techniques will support the success of exclusive breastfeeding for optimal child growth and development. Solution In accordance with the problem In order for the working mother to continue to give ASI, namely Lactation Management through health education, is held to increase the knowledge, awareness, willingness, and ability of the working mother to continue breastfeeding the baby. The long-term goal to be achieved in research is to identify and analyze the Effects of Counseling ...
Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may... more Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may occur because of unprepared delivery and becoming a mother, too low levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and esteriol levels, age and parity (young age or the number of persistents experienced may result in postpartum blues), as well as emotional support of husbands and families have a major influence in the contribution of postpartum blues. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Postpartum Mother Knowledge about Postpartum Blues at Sunggal Medan Clinic Year 2017. This method uses descriptive, measuring instrument. The population of this research is all 13 postpartum mothers in Medan singleton clinic. Sampling technique by saturated sampling, data collection using questionnaire. The result of the research is 7 (53,84%) enough knowledge, less 2 (15,28%) people and good 4 (23,07%) people. Knowledge of postpartum mother about postpartum blues Majority of respondents have enough knowledge., It is suggested that mothers increase their knowledge about postpartum blues by seeking lots of information and ask many people who have experienced postpartum as postpartum mother learning process in adapt during postpartum period.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Backgrounds:Kangaroo Mother Care is one of the methods used for babies with low birth weight, esp... more Backgrounds:Kangaroo Mother Care is one of the methods used for babies with low birth weight, especially those with birth weight < 2000 grams. Kangaroo Mother Care is skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby, known as skin-to-skin contact. Kangaroo Mother Care is a natural approach that costs nothing and is very easy to use. aim: The objective of this research was to the effectiveness of Kangaroo Mother Care on Rooting – Sucking Reflex on low birth weight infant Methods:This type of study is a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test with control group design. This research was conducted at RSUD Dr RM Djoelham Binjai in October - November 2021. The population in this study were all 40 LBW people with a total sampling technique (saturated sampling). This study has been approved by the Health Research Ethics Committee from Prima Indonesia University. The statistical test used is the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Results:The result of the study showed that ther...
Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addit... more Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addition of other liquids such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water, water, and without additional solid foods such as bananas, milk porridge, biscuits, rice porridge, rice team. The objective of the research was to find factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. The research is done by using cross sectional with Rank Spearman’s test. The population in this study were mothers who had babies 0-6 months in the Klinik Pratama Sunggal in 2019 totaling 15 people and the sampling technique was total Sampling. The result of the research showed knowledgeable mothers (46.7%), higher education (80%), unemployed (60%), supportive (86.7%), not exclusive breastfeeding (80%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed a relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.027), no relationship between maternal education and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.369), a ...
Kecemasan yang dialami Ibu Post Partum saat menyusui bayinya membuat ibu menghindar dan tidak mau... more Kecemasan yang dialami Ibu Post Partum saat menyusui bayinya membuat ibu menghindar dan tidak mau memberikan ASI pada bayinya, akan berdampak terhadap kurangnya isapan pada bayi dan akan berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya produksi ASI sehingga membuat ASI tidak lancar. Produksi ASI akan terus meningkat selama 6 bulan dengan ratarata produksi 700-800 ml kemudian produksi ASI akan menurun setelah lebih dari 6 bulan pertama menjadi 500-600 ml, salah satu metode yang dapat merangsang produksi ASI adalah dengan melakukan metode Massage Tengkuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh massase tengkuk terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu post partum di Klinik Matapao Juliana Tanjung. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan design one group pre-test dan post-test. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 25 orang berdasarkan total populasi ibu menyusui bayi usia >6 bulan dengan teknik total sampling. Aspek pengukuran data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan analisis bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden mengalami peningkatan produksi ASI. Hasil analisis data maka diperoleh nilai Z=4,375 b dan nilai p-value=0.000 dengan taraf signifikan p<0.005. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh massase tengkuk terhadap pengeluaran ASI pada ibu. Kata kunci: ibu post partum; massase tengkuk; pengeluaran air susu ibu THE EFFECT OF NECK MASSAGE ON EXPENDITURE OF BREAST MILK
Pregnancy is a period starting from conception to the birth of the fetus, pregnancy lasts for 280... more Pregnancy is a period starting from conception to the birth of the fetus, pregnancy lasts for 280 days, calculated from the first day of the last period. High-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that has a greater risk than usual (both for the mother and baby) which can lead to illness or death before and after childbirth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women with high-risk pregnancy events at Klinik Pratama Sunggal Medan in 2018. This type of research was analytical with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all pregnant women as many as 126 people. The sampling technique in this study was determined by Systematic Random Sampling. The sample in this study were 21 people. Chi square test results of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women with high risk pregnancy events based on variable knowledge with significance level (α) = 0.05 and df = 2 that is p value = 0.004 (p &l...
The anxiety experienced by Post Partum mothers when breastfeeding their babies makes mothers avoi... more The anxiety experienced by Post Partum mothers when breastfeeding their babies makes mothers avoid and refuse to give breast milk to their babies, will have an impact on the lack of suction in the babies and will affect the lack of milk production so that the milk is not smooth. Breast milk production will continue to increase for 6 months with an average production of 700 - 800 ml then milk production will decrease after more than the first 6 months to 500 - 600 ml. One method that can stimulate milk production is the neck massage method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nape massase on breastfeeding in post partum mothers at the Matapao Juliana Tanjung Clinic. The research design used a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The number of samples in this study were 25 people based on the total population of mothers breastfeeding infants aged> 6 months with total sampling technique. Aspects of data measurement using observat...
The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. In Indonesia, ... more The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. In Indonesia, 500,000 people suffer from stroke each year and 125,000 people. Effective family support is expected to be able to help the elderly to be treated their hypertension optimally in order to reduce the incidence of stroke. The objective of the research was to find out the correlation of the characteristics and support from the elderly family with the incidence of stroke in the elderly who suffered from hypertension at RSUP Haji Adam Malik , Medan. The research is done by using cross sectional approach of 147 samples taken by using consecutive sampling. Independent variables were the characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, education, occupation, and marital status) and dependent variable was stroke in the elderly who suffer from hypertension. The data were gathered by using primary and secondary and analyzed by using univatriate, bivatriate (chi square test ), and multivatriate with multiple lo...
Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may... more Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may occur because of unprepared delivery and becoming a mother, too low levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and esteriol levels, age and parity (young age or the number of persistents experienced may result in postpartum blues), as well as emotional support of husbands and families have a major influence in the contribution of postpartum blues. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Postpartum Mother Knowledge about Postpartum Blues at Sunggal Medan Clinic Year 2017. This method uses descriptive, measuring instrument. The population of this research is all 13 postpartum mothers in Medan singleton clinic. Sampling technique by saturated sampling, data collection using questionnaire. The result of the research is 7 (53,84%) enough knowledge, less 2 (15,28%) people and good 4 (23,07%) people. Knowledge of postpartum mother about postpartum blues Majority of respond...
Payudara seorang wanita yang menghasilkan ASI (air susu ibu) merupakan asupan nutrisi yang sanga... more Payudara seorang wanita yang menghasilkan ASI (air susu ibu) merupakan asupan nutrisi yang sangat baik dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seorang bayi. Didalam ASI (air susu ibu) terkandung semua gizi yang sangat diperlukan oleh seorang bayi dalam pertumbuhannya dan perkembangannya yang sempurna dan merupakan asupan nutrisi yang terbaik bagi bayi. Saat bayi dalam keadaan sakit air susu ibu akan menjadi obat yang akan menyelamatkan jiwanya. Kecemasan yang dialami ibu nifas saat menyusui bayinya akan berdampak terhadap kurangnya isapan pada bayi dan akan berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya produksi ASI sehingga membuat ASI tidak lancar. Produksi ASI akan terus meningkat selama 6 bulan dengan rata-rata produksi ASI mencapai 700-800ml kemudian produksi ASI akan menurun setelah lebih dari 6 bulan pertama menjadi 500-600ml, salah satu metode yang dapat merangsang produksi ASI adalah dengan melakukan metode teknik hypnobreastfeeding. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaru...
Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addit... more Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only given breast milk for 6 months, without the addition of other liquids such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water, water, and without additional solid foods such as bananas, milk porridge, biscuits, rice porridge, rice team. The objective of the research was to find factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. The research is done by using cross sectional with Rank Spearman’s test. The population in this study were mothers who had babies 0-6 months in the Klinik Pratama Sunggal in 2019 totaling 15 people and the sampling technique was total Sampling. The result of the research showed knowledgeable mothers (46.7%), higher education (80%), unemployed (60%), supportive (86.7%), not exclusive breastfeeding (80%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed a relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.027), no relationship between maternal education and exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.369), a ...
JUMANTIK (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Kesehatan), Oct 4, 2019
The controversy over the Lotus Birth method for general application is still being debated, but t... more The controversy over the Lotus Birth method for general application is still being debated, but the consensus to delay cord clamping and cutting has been agreed and agreed by WHO that the umbilical cord is clamped after stopping to beat to allow increased blood flow to the baby to prevent anemia. The objective of the research was to find effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of anemia in infants. The research is done by using quasy experiment with sample infants born spontaneously, having 38-40 weeks of pregnancy and without complications using the lotus birth method (15 people) and the control group not using the lotus birth method (15 people). Analysis method of data uses independent t-test. The result of the research showed no Effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in infants at the Klinik Pratama Sejahtera (p=0, 865).The conclusion in this study isno Effectiveness of the lotus birth method for the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in infants at the Klinik Pratama Sejahtera. It is expected that pregnant women should prepare themselves in the face of childbirth by increasing knowledge about how to maintain health and care for babies to avoid the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.
The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding shows that not many mothers have succeeded in giving ... more The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding shows that not many mothers have succeeded in giving exclusive breastfeeding because the majority of working mothers. Work is not an obstacle for a mother to give milk to the baby. Therefore, working mothers need to be taught how to express milk, how to give milk and how to store breast milk. Health education is organized to increase the knowledge, awareness, willingness, and ability of working mothers to keep breastfeeding babies. Knowledge of breast milk storage techniques will support the success of exclusive breastfeeding for optimal child growth and development. Solution In accordance with the problem In order for the working mother to continue to give ASI, namely Lactation Management through health education, is held to increase the knowledge, awareness, willingness, and ability of the working mother to continue breastfeeding the baby. The long-term goal to be achieved in research is to identify and analyze the Effects of Counseling ...
Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may... more Postparum blues conditions experienced by nearly 80% of women who have just given birth. This may occur because of unprepared delivery and becoming a mother, too low levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and esteriol levels, age and parity (young age or the number of persistents experienced may result in postpartum blues), as well as emotional support of husbands and families have a major influence in the contribution of postpartum blues. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Postpartum Mother Knowledge about Postpartum Blues at Sunggal Medan Clinic Year 2017. This method uses descriptive, measuring instrument. The population of this research is all 13 postpartum mothers in Medan singleton clinic. Sampling technique by saturated sampling, data collection using questionnaire. The result of the research is 7 (53,84%) enough knowledge, less 2 (15,28%) people and good 4 (23,07%) people. Knowledge of postpartum mother about postpartum blues Majority of respondents have enough knowledge., It is suggested that mothers increase their knowledge about postpartum blues by seeking lots of information and ask many people who have experienced postpartum as postpartum mother learning process in adapt during postpartum period.
Papers by Parida Hanum