Papers by Febby J. Polnaya

Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of several concentrations of glycerol in th... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of several concentrations of glycerol in the manufacture of capsules from sago starch phosphate. Edible film testing includes physical, mechanical, and barrier film properties, while capsule testing includes moisture content, disintegration time, and dissolution. The design used was a completely randomized design consisting of a non-factorial with three levels of glycerol concentration (15, 25, and 35%, v/v). Variables measured were thickness, transparency, tensile strength and elongation, water vapor transmission rate, moisture content, disintegration, and dissolution. The results showed that the glycerol affects the starch molecule’s bond thereby increasing the rate of thickness, elongation, water vapor transmission rate, moisture content, disintegration, and dissolution, even while can decreasing the tensile strength. The concentration of 15% glycerol showed the best results compared to other concentration treatments.

Food Research, Apr 27, 2023
The role of reaction variables on the carboxymethylation of commercial tapioca was investigated u... more The role of reaction variables on the carboxymethylation of commercial tapioca was investigated using a statistically experimental design approach. The reaction was carried out in an isopropanol-water mixture at 25°C for 1 hr. The influence of the etherification reaction parameter on the degree of substitution (DS), moisture content, ash content, syneresis, swelling power, and solubility was determined to be the best concentration of sodium chloroacetate based on the effect on carboxymethyl tapiocas. Using FT-IR techniques allowed us to evaluate the changes in modified starch when compared to native starch. The results showed that the treatment of sodium chloroacetate concentration caused a shift in chemical properties where the values of DS (0.18-0.38), moisture content (6.65-12.96%), and ash content (0.82-1.54%) were higher than native tapioca. The syneresis of carboxymethyl tapioca (80.33-84.16%) was lower than that of native tapioca (87.91%). The new bands in Fourier transform infrared at 1597-1604 cm-1 and 1450 cm-1 indicated that the starch granules were substituted. The concentration of sodium chloroacetate caused an increase in the swelling power of carboxymethyl tapioca (0.19-2.45 g/g) and an increase in solubility (58.91-74.44%). The best concentration of sodium chloroacetate was 20%, which produced carboxymethyl tapioca with a DS of 0.38; a moisture content of 6.65%; an ash content of 1.17%; a syneresis of 80.33%; a swelling power of 2.45 g/g; and a solubility of 74.44%. The correlation analysis showed that very close relationship (R 2 > 0.8). Generally, carboxymethyl tapioca has changed its chemical and physical properties.

International journal of membrane science and technology, Aug 2, 2023
This study was conducted to describe individual, socioeconomic entrepreneurial behavior, and perf... more This study was conducted to describe individual, socioeconomic entrepreneurial behavior, and performance factors of local cassava enbal food agro-industry. It also aims to analyze the influence of behavior on performance of local cassava enbal food agro-industry. The focus on entrepreneurs is due to their importance in the development of agro-industry businesses. The results showed that all the indicators measured namely individual and socioeconomic factors greatly influenced entrepreneurial behavior in the development of cassava enbal processing business. This business was considered a regional local food that holds significant importance as an asset, requiring maintenance and preservation. Entrepreneurial behavior indicators had a significant influence on performance of local regional Home Food Industry with a critical ratio (CR) value of > 2.00, meaning that all indicators formed had a significant effect. The entrepreneurs of cassava enbal home industry showed great enthusiasm in developing their business by offering a variety of processed products with significant selling value. Therefore, it can be concluded that cassava enbal food is a regional food requiring maintenance and preservation for the future of the younger generation.

Prosiding Semnas PPM 2018, Oct 27, 2018
Perkembangan usaha sagu sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan pati sagu basah. Oleh sebab itu intes... more Perkembangan usaha sagu sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan pati sagu basah. Oleh sebab itu intesitas petani sebagai pengolah pati sagu basah sangat diperlukan untuk tetap menjaga produksi untuk kebutuhan konsumsi langsung masyarakat maupun kebutuhan agroindustri rumah tangga pangan sagu. Pati sagu basah dapat dijadikan sebagai pangan rumah tangga untuk mengurangi ketergantung terhadap beras. Teknologi pengolahan pati sagu basah selama ini masih sangat tradisional. Namun seiring berkembangnya waktu proses pengolahan pati sagu basah mulai merambah ke semi mekanik. oleh karena itu proses pengolahan sagu semi mekanik membutuhkan kajian finansial. Hasil perhitungan kriteria investasi menunjukkan bahwa NPV bernilai positif yaitu sebesar Rp 31.360.969. Nilai NPV menunjukkan bahwa investasi sampai dua tahun kedepan akan diperoleh manfaat bersih saat ini sebesar Rp 31.360.969. IRR sebesar 21,91% yang artinya usaha pati sagu basah dapat mengembalikan modal hingga tingkat bunga pinjaman 21,91% per tahun. Net B/C sebesar 1,18 merupakan perbandingan antara total nilai saat ini dari penerimaan yang bersifat positif (net benefit positif) dengan total nilai saat ini dari penerimaan yang bersifat negatif (net benefit negatif), berarti bahwa setiap pengeluaran Rp 1,00 akan mendapatkan benefit sebesar Rp 118. Periode pengembalian usaha produksi pati sagu basah lebih kecil dari umur proyek yaitu selama 16 bulan. Berdasarkan kriteria investasi yang dianalisis maka investasi usaha pati sagu basah semi mekanik layak diusahakan.

Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, Nov 6, 2017
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji karaktersitik wirausaha agroindustri pangan lokal sagu, menga... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji karaktersitik wirausaha agroindustri pangan lokal sagu, menganalisis faktorfaktor yang berpengaruh terhadap karakter wirausaha dan menganalisis pengaruh karakter wirausaha terhadap manajemen, kelembagaan dan kinerja agroindustri pangan lokal sagu. Fokus penelitian adalah agroindustri pangan lokal sagu. Jumlah populasi dari wirausaha produk pangan lokal sagu yaitu 240 orang. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik wirausaha meliputi: memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup; orientasi ke masa depan; memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang unggul; memiliki jaringan usaha yang luas; tanggap dan kreatif menghadapi perubahan. Nilai indeks kelima karakteristik bervariasi antara 60-75 persen yang berada pada kategori sedang dan tinggi. Karakteristik wirausaha yang berada pada kategori sedang yaitu memiliki jiwa kepempinan yang unggul dan tanggap dan kreatif menghadapi perubahan. Kedua karakteristik ini masih perlu dibenahi oleh pengusaha sehingga tercipta karakter wirausaha yang lebih baik, sedangkan karakteristik yang tergolong tinggi terus dipertahakan bahkan cenderung untuk ditingkatkan lagi. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan bahwa faktor ekonomi dan faktor fisik berpengaruh terhadap karakter wirausaha, sedangkan faktor sosial tidak berpengaruh. Selain itu hasil menunjukkan bahwa karakter wirausaha berpengaruh signifikan terhadap manajemen, kelembagaan dan kinerja agroindustri. Kata kunci: karakteristik, wirausaha, sagu, agroindustri, pangan lokal.
AGRITEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian
The purpose of this study was to see how different glycerol concentrations affected the physical,... more The purpose of this study was to see how different glycerol concentrations affected the physical, mechanical, and barrier properties of an edible tapioca starch film. This study explored glycerol concentration using a completely randomized experimental design with four treatment levels, particularly regarding 10, 15, 20, and 25% (w/w). The tensile strength, elongation, solubility, and water vapor transmission rate of the films were all measured. Tensile strength has been 7.71 to 15.94 MPa, elongation was 13.33 to 20.00%, solubility was 15.81 to 24.81%, and water vapour transmission rate was 39.72 to 70.65 g/m2.h. Glycerol increased tensile strength whereas the decreasing elongation, solubility, and water vapour transmission rate.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aimed to determine the best method for reducing HCN levels of mangrove (Bruguiera gymn... more This study aimed to determine the best method for reducing HCN levels of mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lamk.) flour and analyze mangrove flour's chemical properties. This study used a completely randomized design with a treatment level, namely boiling with water for 30 minutes at 100°C, immersion in distilled water, immersion in 0.8 M NaOH solution, immersion in KOH solution 0.8 M, immersion in 0.8 M Na2CO3 solution, and immersion in 0.8 M Na2HPO4 solution. All immersion treatments were carried out at room temperature for 24 hours. The experimental parameters included HCN, ash, moisture, lipid, carbohydrate and protein contents. The research data were analyzed using analysis of variance and continued with the Tukey test. The results showed that the treatments that were tried to reduce HCN levels could also be used for mangrove fruit flour. The boiling treatment that is usually carried out by the community in Tual, Southeast Maluku is more effective when compared to other treat...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of roast time on the organoleptic characteristics of nutm... more This study aims to determine the effect of roast time on the organoleptic characteristics of nutmeg tea. The experimental design carried out in this study was a randomized block design (RBD), which is arranged in a factorial consisting of 2 factors with three replications. The factor used was the roast time (S), which consisted of 4 levels, namely S1 (20 minutes), S2 (25 minutes), S3 (30 minutes), S4 (35 minutes), and part of the nutmeg (P) which consisted of 2 levels, namely P1 (fruit skin) and P2 (pulp) to obtain 24 experimental units. The response variables analyzed included organoleptic responses (color, taste, and flavour), both hedonic and hedonic quality. The results showed that the roast time, the nutmeg part, and the interaction between the two affected the color, taste, and flavour of both hedonic and hedonic quality. The nutmeg skin treatment and roasting time were 25 minutes; on average, the panellists responded to 3.96 (very like) color, 3.32 (like), flavour and 2.80 (l...
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, May 19, 2021

Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013
Native sago starch (NSS) contains chemically bound phosphorus which were < 0.01%, and mainly l... more Native sago starch (NSS) contains chemically bound phosphorus which were < 0.01%, and mainly linked to amylopectin molecules as phosphate groups. The phosphate groups affect the properties of the sago starch on starch functional properties such as resistant to enzyme. To obtain higher phosphorus content, starch might be chemically phosphorylated. Phosphorylated starch might be grouped into two classes: monostarch phosphate (MSP) and distarch phosphate (cross-linked starch) (DSP). MSP can be obtained by esterification of native starch using sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), while DSP obtained by using phosphorous oxychloride (POCl3). Phosphorylation can increase the substitution of phosphate groups or degree of substitution (DS) and this group can inhibit the migration of the molecules into a combining site with α-amylase and then increase the level resistant starch (RS). RS were of particular interest because of possible potential health benefits for human. RS were recognized as one component of nondigestible carbohydrates in human, where they had been shown to be almost totally fermented in the colon to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and to reduce pH. Because of their ability to promote beneficial bacteria, RS were also called "prebiotic" nutrients. Prebiotic could stimulate the increase of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli groups and then suppressed the growing of bacteroides and clostridia groups. It was interesting to apply the sago starch as local food that can be developed as a novel prebiotic. The general purposes of this study were to know the physico-chemical of PSS related to the functional properties of RS and prebiotic potential. The specific objectives of the research are: 1) to know the effect of phosphorylation on the chemical compositio
Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, 2008

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Apr 26, 2022
Sago plants in Indonesia have great potential, such as a very large area, a high source of carboh... more Sago plants in Indonesia have great potential, such as a very large area, a high source of carbohydrates, high productivity, and can be used as various kinds of derivative products. Sago is a local specific food ingredient in Maluku. Especially people in rural areas consume sago as a staple food. This study aims to determine plantations' condition and sago gardens' development strategy in Sumber Agung Village, East Seram Regency, Maluku Province. The research sample is determined by purposive sampling because farmers desire and are willing to organize sago forests into sago gardens. The number of samples is 80 respondents. The results show that the sago garden is located in an area with Alluvial Plain physiography with choppy microrelief so that there are sporadic spreading basins that cause puddles. The height of this garden's location ranges between 25-35 m above sea level, with a slope varying between 0-3%. This microrelief condition results in a puddle of water, but this puddle is temporal, where the pool occurs during the rainy season and sometime after the rainy season. The people of Sumber Agung Village, who are very, welcoming friendly, and open to developing innovations in the management of sago gardens, are important to preserve Sago in the future. The transmigration community in Sumber Agung Village supports the structuring of sago gardens. This is evidence of ethnic diversity, but concern for Sago is grave. This is good because Maluku is famous for local sago food, so sago forests need to be organized into representative and sustainable sago gardens. The community's perception of factors towards the development of sago plantations shows that the convenience construct does not significantly affect the needs construct. While the aesthetics construct, the benefit significantly influences the needs to construct.

AGRITEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian
Tanimbar taro flour is a processed product from tubers originating from Tanimbar, West Southeast ... more Tanimbar taro flour is a processed product from tubers originating from Tanimbar, West Southeast Maluku, and is known as “tarro pici” and has not been widely researched regarding the fermentation treatment. Fermentation was carried out to change the properties of Tanimbar taro flour. This study aimed to characterize the chemical properties of taro flour fermented using 0.5% yeast fermipan. Fermentation was carried out for 0 hours (control), 24, 48, and 72 hours in a closed container. The analysis carried out includes water content, ash content, the fat content of the Soxhlet method, Kjeldahl micro protein content, fiber content, and carbohydrate content (by diff.). A non-factorial completely randomized design was used in this study and each treatment was repeated three times. The results showed that the water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content (by diff.), and fiber content had a very significant effect on tanimbar taro flour. The best treatment ...

The purposes of this study were to find out the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindus... more The purposes of this study were to find out the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry and to analyze the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry in Waai Village. The method used was case study method towards cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry businessmen as many as 50 respondents. Data collected in this study were primary data and secondary data. Data obtained then were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to answer the first objective about the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The B/C analysis was used to answer the second objective about the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The results showed that the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry were: 1) the raw materials for gepe agroindustry in Waai village was cassavas. Cassavas used as raw materials in Waai village were edible cassavas and poisonous cassavas with high HCN content; 2) The processing of gepe in ...

Perkembangan usaha sagu sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan pati sagu basah. Oleh sebab itu intes... more Perkembangan usaha sagu sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan pati sagu basah. Oleh sebab itu intesitas petani sebagai pengolah pati sagu basah sangat diperlukan untuk tetap menjaga produksi untuk kebutuhan konsumsi langsung masyarakat maupun kebutuhan agroindustri rumah tangga pangan sagu. Pati sagu basah dapat dijadikan sebagai pangan rumah tangga untuk mengurangi ketergantung terhadap beras. Teknologi pengolahan pati sagu basah selama ini masih sangat tradisional. Namun seiring berkembangnya waktu proses pengolahan pati sagu basah mulai merambah ke semi mekanik. oleh karena itu proses pengolahan sagu semi mekanik membutuhkan kajian finansial. Hasil perhitungan kriteria investasi menunjukkan bahwa NPV bernilai positif yaitu sebesar Rp 31.360.969. Nilai NPV menunjukkan bahwa investasi sampai dua tahun kedepan akan diperoleh manfaat bersih saat ini sebesar Rp 31.360.969. IRR sebesar 21,91% yang artinya usaha pati sagu basah dapat mengembalikan modal hingga tingkat bunga pinjaman 21,91...

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 2017
The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism of supply chain and the pattern of cassa... more The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism of supply chain and the pattern of cassava of agroindustry supply chain flow and analyze the relationship between the components of SCM and the impact on supply chain activity improvement and agroindustry performance. Sample of research were producers of agroindustry local food of cassava as much of 106 respondents were taken by simple random sampling. The data analyzed by qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis used to describe the mechanism and pattern of cassava of agroindustry supply chain flow and principles of SCM. While quantitative analysis used to analyze the components, SCM activity improvement and agroindustry performance by using a structural equation model. The results showed that the mechanism of cassava agroindustry supply chain is the creation of collaboration and coordination among supply chain actors ranging from farmer, processor, distributor and consumer. Structural equation modeling analysis results showed the expected value to meet the criteria and are very good although AGFI marginally acceptable or good enough as an index measuring GFI (0.900), AGFI (0.860), TLI (.974), CFI (0.980), Cmin/DF (1.147), RMSEA (0.038), the probability (0.204) and the value of c 2 (68.813).
Papers by Febby J. Polnaya