Papers by Yulianti Yulianti

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2019
In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the... more In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the expected specifications and objectives or not. The data validation process has not been maximized can result in a mismatch of data that will be stored in the database. For example the amount of stock turned negative, or the number of digits entered can exceed the defined limits. This can be detrimental to the owner and user in using this application. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of validation more accurately, so it can help the owner in terms of data accuracy. Applications are designed in such a way must go through a testing phase to ensure the quality of the software itself. Examples of tests can be said to be good if they have a chance of finding an error that cannot be revealed. Among the many ways of the Black Box testing methods, this study uses the Boundary Value Analysis testing method. The method tests the maximum number of limits and the minimum number of l...

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2019
In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the... more In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the expected specifications and objectives or not. The data validation process has not been maximized can result in a mismatch of data that will be stored in the database. For example the amount of stock turned negative, or the number of digits entered can exceed the defined limits. This can be detrimental to the owner and user in using this application. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of validation more accurately, so it can help the owner in terms of data accuracy. Applications are designed in such a way must go through a testing phase to ensure the quality of the software itself. Examples of tests can be said to be good if they have a chance of finding an error that cannot be revealed. Among the many ways of the Black Box testing methods, this study uses the Boundary Value Analysis testing method. The method tests the maximum number of limits and the minimum number of l...
KOMMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Banyak masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang SMP Is... more Banyak masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang SMP Islam Madinatul il'mi, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Banyak orang tua yang sibuk, tidak sempat ke sekolah untuk mencari informasi. Untuk datang langsung juga membutuhkan biaya dan sebagian orang tua juga harus tidak bekerja sementara supaya bisa datang ke sekolah. diusulkan pengembangan dan sosialisasi sistem informasi SMP Islam Madinatul il'mi, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan berbasis web. Website dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi sekolah. Dengan dibuatkan website SMP Islam Madinatul Ilmi, pihak sekolah dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan informasi sekolah. Masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi dapat melihat dengan mengakses websitenya. Sehingga penyampaian informasi bisa lebih cepat, lebih efisien, dan mudah untuk diakses.

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Testing is one level that must be passed in order to produce results from a weighted system. If n... more Testing is one level that must be passed in order to produce results from a weighted system. If no testing is done on the system, the quality of the system cannot be known so that if an error occurs it can harm the system. By conducting experiments can find the location of defects in a system that can be known from the beginning that can be fixed immediately. Testing there are several types of system experiments, experiments used are Black Box testing using a limit value analysis method that is effective in trying the functions of a system. Testing techniques by making test cases based on limits on lower and upper values can provide good coverage and represent the actual input values. Based on the results of tests conducted with the analysis of boundary values, the application developed has been error free. This gives a guarantee that the application developed has met the requirements and is of high quality.

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
The train ticket booking application is an important application because it involves financial tr... more The train ticket booking application is an important application because it involves financial transactions. If something goes wrong can be detrimental to the parties involved. The developer of the train ticket booking application must be able to provide a guarantee that the application has been made according to the requirements and has good quality. To provide a guarantee can be done by testing the application. Testing on a product intends to check if a program has been running as per its capacities or still have blunders that should be adjusted so as to have a decent quality program. A famous testing strategy and broadly utilized by analyzers to investigate the program works out in a good way or not is Black Box Testing and White Box Testing. In this examination, the product that will be surveyed utilizing Black Box Testing is a train ticket booking framework that has two structures: the login structure and the booking type of the train pass to be filled by the administrator. The application will test utilizing Black Box Testing in which the test is just planned to see whether the program is as per the capacity that the program needs without realizing the program code utilized. The sort of testing of the Black Box Testing technique shifts one of which is Equivalence Partitions utilized by the creators in this investigation. Comparability Partitions procedure is a test dependent on entering information on each structure on the framework, each info menu will be tried and assembled by work either legitimate or invalid. Incorrect test results can be found and corrected immediately. So after testing, all requirements have been met and can be guaranteed that the train ticket booking application that has been made is error free and meets all the requirements specified.

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system is a system used to record grades and other ... more Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system is a system used to record grades and other student data relating to the implementation of work practices in industry. This information system must be error free. If an error occurs can cause losses to stakeholders. To provide assurance that the information system developed has been free from errors, it is necessary to test. Testing is one level of the program implementation process that must be passed in order that an error can be found. Tests that can be said to be good are if the tests were initially found no errors and then errors can be found, even if only a small error. In testing the Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system it is proposed as a Black Box. Black Box testing has various techniques. Of the many testing methods currently available, the current testing will use the Boundary Value Analysis method. The technique of determining the limits that exist in the lower and upper values to be able to produce the actual value. The test results show that the information system developed has been error free and has good quality.

KOMMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Internet Sehat dan Aman (INSAN) adalah suatu program dari pemerintah Indonesia yang dicanangkan o... more Internet Sehat dan Aman (INSAN) adalah suatu program dari pemerintah Indonesia yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Indonesia (Kemkominfo) dengan tujuan untuk mensosialisasikan penggunaan internet secara sehat dan aman melalui pembelajaran etika berinternet secara sehat dengan melibatkan seluruh komponen masyarakat (Ilmi, 2015). Penggunaan internet yang tidak terkontrol akan menyebabkan banyak kerugian, salah satu contohnya saat masih banyak masyarakat yang sering menyebarkan berita HOAX ataupun informasi yang tidak sesuai dengan data valid lewat media sosial, sehingga tidak sedikit masyarakat yang akhirnya tidak akur dengan masyarakat lainnya atau bahkan terkena jerat pasal UU ITE yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dengan adanya sosialisasi tentang internet sehat dan etika bermedia sosial yang dihadiri oleh ibu-ibu PKK ini dalam waktu yang tidak lama mereka sudah memahami mengenai internet sehat dan mengerti cara beretika dalam bermedia sosial serta dapat menghindarkan diri dari dampak negatif internet juga media sosial.

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020
With this student assessment application, if there is an error in the program, there will be loss... more With this student assessment application, if there is an error in the program, there will be losses for students and universities. The loss that is in the natural student, if this application has an error (trouble) then the student assessment process will be delayed and difficult in the calculation of the value of students and students will be late in obtaining the value. The losses are in the natural universities where students want a quick assessment process but the university cannot calculate quickly and precisely. Method used in this application use black box method with boundary value analysis technique. The boundary value analysis technique measures application's assessment if there is an error when entering data that will be tested in the field to determine the value has been valid or no more errors will be stored in the database. The test is done on the Student assessment form by measuring the upper limit value and lower limit value through several predefined stages for each of the columns in the form. Test results can be input to improve the application. The results of this test can provide reference to the quality testing of the student assessment application by analyzing the functionality of the programs that have been made in accordance with the results expected

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Black-box testing is very important because this technique is able to identify errors in function... more Black-box testing is very important because this technique is able to identify errors in functions, interfaces, data models, and access to external data sources. In implementation problems often arise when testers are never sure whether the software being tested has actually passed the test. This happens because there may be several execution paths that have never been tested. Testers must make every possible input data combination for testing. The selection of input data to find errors is a problem for testers because it has a high probability, so the test case design can automatically become a solution. In this implementation the application to be tested using black-box testing is the Mosque Management Information System. The Mosque Management application will be tested using black box testing where the test is only intended to see if the program matches the function desired by the program without knowing the program code used. To produce test case designs automatically in black box method software testing with equality partition technique. Equivalence Partitions technique is a test based on entering data on each form in the mosque management information system, each menu will be tested and grouped according to function whether it is valid or not.
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Nowadays, computers have an important role in human life. Because computers really help humans in... more Nowadays, computers have an important role in human life. Because computers really help humans in carrying out tasks through the applications and features available according to human needs. Most of the people who have a business doing all their activities are more computerized on a regular basis for reasons of time, less risk and faster decisions than without a computer. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to produce a cashier information system that can conduct deposit sales and produce multiple transaction reports. This Cashier System was designed using PHP and MySQL programming languages with XAMPP software.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Data mining using machine learning algorithms can be used to help analyze historical data to pred... more Data mining using machine learning algorithms can be used to help analyze historical data to predict the need for a caesarean section. The dataset used for predicting caesarean section has many features, but those features have the possibility of redundancy or irrelevance that can cause a decrease in classifier performance. This research proposes a model that implements feature selection to select relevant features and can provide improved performance predictions for caesarean section. Some proposed feature selection techniques are selectKBest. The classification algorithm used to classify is Naive Bayes. The model that gives the best performance value is the model that applies the SelectKbest as feature selection.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The customer churn prediction is an important business strategy for the company. The ease of swit... more The customer churn prediction is an important business strategy for the company. The ease of switching operators is one of the serious challenges that must be faced by the telecommunications industry. To get new customers requires a much higher cost than maintaining existing customers. Customer churn refers to the periodic loss of customers in an organization. To retain existing customers, organizations must improve customer service, improve product quality, and must be able to know in advance which customers have the possibility of leaving the organization. By predicting customer churn, companies can immediately take action to retain customers. Prediction can be done by analysing customer data using data mining techniques. This study proposes to implement feature selection to select relevant features and can provide improved performance in customer churn prediction models. Some proposed feature selection techniques are Sequential Forward Selection (SFS), Sequential Backward Selection (SBS), Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS), Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SBFS), Sequential Backward Floating Selection (SBFS). The classification algorithm used to classify is Naive Bayes. The model that provides the best performance value is the model that implements Sequential Backward Selection (SBS) and Sequential Backward Floating Selection (SBFS) feature selection technique with feature number 19.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Supervision of academic performance is very important to ensure that students can complete their ... more Supervision of academic performance is very important to ensure that students can complete their education on time. There have been many proposed applications of machine learning algorithms to predict students' academic performance. Prediction is done by analyzing a dataset of historical academic of the student's grade. The dataset which analyzed has many variables (features), this can increase complexity and decrease model performance because maybe not all features are relevant. We propose to implement the forward selection algorithm to select features that can improve model performance. The result shows that the performance of predictive models of students academic scores can improve with the application of feature selection.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The complexity of the software can increase the possibility of defects. Defective software can ca... more The complexity of the software can increase the possibility of defects. Defective software can cause high losses. The software containing defects can cause large losses. Most software developers don't document their work properly so that making it difficult to analyse software development history data. The cross-project software defect prediction used several datasets from different projects and combining for training and testing. The dataset with high dimension can cause bias, contain irrelevance data, and require large resources to process it. In this study, several dimensional reduction algorithm and Decision Tree as classifier. Based on the analysis using ANOVA, all models that implement dimensional reduction can significantly improve the performance of the Decision Tree model.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Knowing the existence of coronary heart disease is very important to reduce the risk caused. Coro... more Knowing the existence of coronary heart disease is very important to reduce the risk caused. Coronary heart disease is influenced by many factors, in diagnose requires complex analysis. Many proposed the application of a machine-learning algorithm to diagnose/predict coronary heart disease, but have not given perfect results (excellent). The machine learning algorithm is used to classify someone affected by coronary heart disease or not based on factors that have been determined input. The results of diagnosis/prediction are not perfect due to misclassification that is still reduce misclassification, bagging techniques are proposed. The classification algorithm used in the study is Random Forest. Experimental results show that bagging techniques can reduce misclassified predictions of coronary heart disease.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Breast cancer is a malignant tumour that grows in breast cells and has a risk of death. Breast ca... more Breast cancer is a malignant tumour that grows in breast cells and has a risk of death. Breast cancer has levels ranging from stage 0 to stage 4. The higher the stage of breast cancer, the higher the risk of death and is difficult to treat. The application of machine learning algorithms has been proposed to help predict breast cancer. Predictions made by classifying patients tend to have breast cancer or not. This research proposes to implement bagging techniques to reduce misclassification in the Gradient Boosting Trees (GBT) algorithm. The experimental results show that the application of bagging techniques can reduce misclassification and improve prediction accuracy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Parkinson is a disease that is caused by nerve cell damage in the brain and incurable. Knowing ab... more Parkinson is a disease that is caused by nerve cell damage in the brain and incurable. Knowing about Parkinson disease is very important so that medical action can be taken to prevent Parkinson's getting worse. The dataset that uses to analysis for Parkinson disease using machine learning algorithms has many features. The dataset with many features can increase complexity, but not all features have a positive influence on the results of the analysis. Irrelevant features can reduce model performance. This research proposes to apply feature selection to choose features that have a positive effect so that the performance of the model does not decrease. The experiment results show that the application of feature selection can lead to better model performance.

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
As the present era progresses, information technology (IT) is expanding enormously. In the world ... more As the present era progresses, information technology (IT) is expanding enormously. In the world of education, mainly primary and secondary school, some jobs carried out manually. SMK Avicena Rajeg is a place where the writer carried out practical work, still inputting data using Microsoft excel — analyzing the SPP payment information system in SMK Avicena Rajeg which is means for supporting TU staff performance. The method used by the writer includes interview method, observation method, literature method and Unified Modelling Language (UML) to describe a running model system and proposed system. With the production of an SPP payment information system analysis in the discussion that the writer described could be used as consideration in the process of developing student payment information systems. The writer suggested that the student tuition payment process should be computerized, as of the data that managed can be well-integrated, for example, by using the PHP programming language and MySQL database server.

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2019
In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the... more In a software test, validation is one of the processes of checking whether the software meets the expected specifications and objectives or not. The data validation process has not been maximized can result in a mismatch of data that will be stored in the database. For example the amount of stock turned negative, or the number of digits entered can exceed the defined limits. This can be detrimental to the owner and user in using this application. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of validation more accurately, so it can help the owner in terms of data accuracy. Applications are designed in such a way must go through a testing phase to ensure the quality of the software itself. Examples of tests can be said to be good if they have a chance of finding an error that cannot be revealed. Among the many ways of the Black Box testing methods, this study uses the Boundary Value Analysis testing method. The method tests the maximum number of limits and the minimum number of limits to produce a valid value, which is considered quite relevant for testing sales applications at PT Karunia Segar Kedua. The initial stage of the research needs to be done is to define the functionality to be tested, compile the test scheme, choose the material to be tested, determine the maximum and minimum number of limits in accordance with a predetermined database structure, conduct experiments, document research results, and draw conclusions. The conclusion is based on the testing has been done is software can be used properly, after an improvement is made on the errors found. However, this test has not been said to be perfect, because it is only done using a sample form. From the results of this test it is expected that the application can be used according to user requirements.

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2019
The school library is one of supporting that could achieve the quality of education. It was becau... more The school library is one of supporting that could achieve the quality of education. It was because the library could be a source of learning in the school. Management of data processing, lending, and returning of library books could take a lot of fees and times. It was because using a ledger. Besides, the students having difficulties in order to get the books. It was because there is no technology information that provide the search engine toward a books. This research was focus on the library information system. The objective of this research were to facilitate officer in managing the library data and to make the students easy to find the books. This library application is website-based which is develop by using the PHP as programming language while MySQL as database management system. The method that used to conduct the data were structured interview, literature study, and observation which regard to the school library in making a library application. This study gives the result in the usability aspect the percentage is 79,5%, its mean that the library application could facilitate officer in processing data collection, borrowing and returning library books, moreover, the students could search the book easily.
Papers by Yulianti Yulianti
Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, maka dibangun aplikasi administrasi sekolah menggunakan arsitektur client server dan MVC (Model View Controller). Karena untuk membangun sistem yang baik harus menggunakan model yang baik. Arsitektur client-server dapat digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi terpusat yang dapat mengurangi duplikasi data/dokumen dan dapat memperbaiki organisasi dokumen. Arsitektur client-server membagi aplikasi dalam dua bagian, yaitu server yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan basis data, dan client yang berhubungan dengan antarmuka user. Sedangkan arsitektur MVC dapat mempermudah pengembangan aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan di masa depan, dan dapat mengurangi jumlah source code.
Aplikasi administrasi yang dibuat menggunakan arsitektur client server dan MVC dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada. Aplikasi ini dapat mengurangi duplikasi data, dapat memperbaiki organisasi data/dokumen, dapat mempercepat pembuatan laporan yang diperlukan, dan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pengembangan aplikasi.