Jurnal Sekretari Universitas Pamulang, Jul 1, 2023
Kasus perundungan di Indonesia, sebagaimana di negara lainnya, muncul dalam konteks yang berbeda.... more Kasus perundungan di Indonesia, sebagaimana di negara lainnya, muncul dalam konteks yang berbeda. Pelaku perundungan seringkali melakukan aksi perundungan secara berhadapan dengan korban tapi juga dapat melakukannya dalam bentuk perundungan siberyang kasusnya terus meningkat seiring perkembangan teknologi dan maraknya penggunaan media sosial di kalangan siswa. Fenomena ini menyoroti beberapa poin signifikan bahwa kasus perundungan meliputi perundungan fisik maupun verbal serta dapat terjadi secara langsung atau melalui media sosial. Oleh karena itu, upaya mendasar untuk mencegah aksi perundungan dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan penguatan pendidikan karakter terhadap siswa. Dalam menyampaikan pendidikan karakter untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran terhadap pentingnya mencegah aksi perundungan, film fiksi dapat dipilih sebagai sarana efektif. Program studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Pamulang mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan anti perundungan yang diberikan kepada remaja Nurul Ashri, Depok, dengan rangkaian kegiatan pemutaran film fiksi, diskusi interaktif, dan pembuatan poster digital. Seluruh aktifitas tersebut diharapkan dapat mencapai tujuan jangka panjang dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini.
Pengabdian Sosial, Jul 18, 2023

Litera, Mar 27, 2024
Fictional movies captivated the audience in many ways through their stories and audio-visual. The... more Fictional movies captivated the audience in many ways through their stories and audio-visual. The stories of fictional movies often reflect what happens to our society, and we savor the purification of the hero's tragic flaw. One of which is power relations between males and females. This study explores women's empowerment in Oshin the movie (2013). The narrative is about a seven-year-old girl called Oshin, who is made to work as a maid by her father due to the family's poverty. At first, she is against her father's idea of being separated from her family. She struggles to become a maid until she is accused of stealing and runs away. By watching her mother's efforts as the household pillar, she finally realizes the importance of being an independent female. The movie shows power relations issues regarding filial duty and social stratification. Yet, with the help of Foucault's theory of The Subject and Power (1982), power resistance is a more eloquent outcome to discuss. Thus, this study proposes the stages of power resistance and how the protagonist declares her resilience through traditional gender roles. Moreover, this study uses an interpretative method by scrutinizing each scene that shows power resistance; the discussion reveals that Oshin participates in staging power resistance for women's economic empowerment, which subsequently contributes to her family's economic development. This study concludes that financial independence and women's empowerment are inextricably linked.

PARADIGM: Journal of Language and Literary Studies
Power relations is a compelling and complex social issue that has been present throughout human h... more Power relations is a compelling and complex social issue that has been present throughout human history. It is just as prominent in today’s day and age as in every period of human life; it is also represented in movies. The Lighthouse movie, written and directed by Robert Eggars (2019), depicts the life of two lighthouse keepers, a supervisor and his assistant. They get stranded on a remote island off the coast of New England in the 1890s when a massive storm hits the island. Left with only alcohol as their emergency food supply, the power balance between supervisor and assistant worsens. This article is a film study; the film was analyzed by examining the narrative and cinematography elements. The discussion consults Michel Foucault’s theory (1982) regarding power relations, how power works, the forms they take, and how it is imposed. The finding shows that the supervisor exercises power through domination, subjugation, and exploitation of the assistant. As the setting of the place...

Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature)
This study, entitled “Gender and Religious Identity: Intersecting Axes of Discrimination in The B... more This study, entitled “Gender and Religious Identity: Intersecting Axes of Discrimination in The Breadwinner Animated Movie (2017)”, highlights the importance of conceptualizing gender discrimination related to religious identity as inherently shaped by society. Using intersectional theoretical perspectives - the narrative and cinematography elements and gender studies – this study examines how gender and religious identity are inextricably linked to portray the main character’s experiences of discrimination. The analysis begins with narrative and illustrative data showing how the main character’s background as a daughter and Muslim results in multiple layers of discrimination. Her gender and religious affiliation substantially influence the discrimination. Moreover, bias varies for men and women of different age groups. The main character experiences more discrimination as a teenage girl than her disguised character as a teenage boy. Women are significantly more likely to face gende...

The COVID-19 pandemic situation requires educational institutions in Indonesia to implement a dis... more The COVID-19 pandemic situation requires educational institutions in Indonesia to implement a distance learning system. The use of technology, especially the internet, as a medium for distance learning is essential to accelerate the results of teaching and learning activities for both educators and students. In the context of Community Service, several lecturers, and students of the English Literature at Universitas Pamulang held an online seminar entitled "Digital Literacy in the Pandemic Era: the Use of Fables to Enhance the Character Building" which was attended by educators of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jam'iyyatul Khair. The online seminar introduced Kahoot! as a platform for interactive online learning. The event has helped the participants escalate their digital literacy skills. Moreover, the knowledge gained through this event optimistically creating new enthusiasm in developing the motivation for teaching and learning during the pandemic.

Proceedings of the Sixth of International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT 2018), 2019
Academic dishonesty becomes a big concern for the lecturer when it is dealing with the assessment... more Academic dishonesty becomes a big concern for the lecturer when it is dealing with the assessment which is done by the students. The suspicious address to students whether they really do their assessment or have practice the act of dishonesty such as cheating or copying from other fellow students or resources. Thus the research was conducted to find out how students do their learning assessment and project. The research was conducted in descriptive design where the sample covers 156 students of English Department of Universitas Pamulang. The data was collected using questionnaire and was analyzed in descriptive statistic. The research found that the some students do not really know what sort of things which is classified as plagiarism or academic dishonesty. They think that taking the ETODA information from the internet is allowed. The act of kindness as helping the friend is another reason found in doing academic dishonest. The research also found that the students have done the act of academic dishonest often and have never been caught by the lecturer.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar pesoalan identitas budaya yang dihadapi tokoh-tokoh dia... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar pesoalan identitas budaya yang dihadapi tokoh-tokoh diaspora dalam novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist yang dikarang oleh pengarang salah satu peagarang diaspora Asia, Mohsin Hamid. Konsep dari Stuart Hall mengenai identitas budaya diaplikasikan untuk menganalisis novel ini. Konsep Hall yang dipakai berkaitang tentang identitas sebagai bentuk 'being‘ dan 'becoming‘. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persoalan identitas budaya yang dihadapai tokoh dispora menyentuh persoalan 'rumah‘ yang dulu dan kini, stereotip dan prasangka, serta ambivalensi sebagai bentuk keterpecahan identitas. Kata kunci: ambivalensi, diaspora, identitas budaya,keterpecahan identitas, Stuart Hall
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema “Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi: Understanding ... more Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema “Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi: Understanding the Gender Equality in Doing the House Chores” bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan literasi berbahasa Inggris tentang kesetaraan gender antara ayah dan ibu. PKM ini dilakukan di Taman Bacaan Masyarakat Kolong, di Ciputat-Tangerang Selatan. Pesertanya adalah anak-anak binaan Taman Bacaan Kolong. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan pendekatan komunikatif melalui dongeng, menulis, menggambar, bermain, menyanyi, dan merangkai puzle. Pada akhir pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM, peserta memahami bahwa pekerjaan rumah tangga dapat dilakukan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan tanpa perlu membedakan gender.
This paper discusses bestiality in the script play entitled The Goat or, Who is Sylvia (Notes Tow... more This paper discusses bestiality in the script play entitled The Goat or, Who is Sylvia (Notes Toward a Definition of Tragedy) by Edward Albee (2005). The script play presents the main character, Martin, who has a sexual impulse toward a goat, named Sylvia. Since most societies consider heterosexual as the normal sexual preference and any other preferences are regarded as a perversion, Martin’s desire cannot be accepted by other characters around him which leads to Sylvia’s death. This study aims at revealing bestiality factors of the main character. The method used in the discussion was a qualitative method; the main character’s dialogues were analyzed using Freud’s psychoanalysis theory. Keywords: bestiality, perversion, psychoanalysis, repression
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (2006) was the first graphic novel to be nominated for th... more American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (2006) was the first graphic novel to be nominated for the National Book Award and won the Michael L. Printz Award 2007 for the best graphic novel category. It was considered successfully representing the hybrid identity of Chinese American. This article briefly discusses the rise of the graphic novel as part of the prose genre in the world literature. American Born Chinese is reviewed as an example of graphic novels; the narrative composed of visual and verbal languages makes the graphic novel a hybrid text. Keywords: American Born Chinese, graphic novel, hybrid identity, hybrid text

Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 2020
This paper investigates how childhood trauma causes someone to suffer from a personality disorder... more This paper investigates how childhood trauma causes someone to suffer from a personality disorder. The narrative discussed in this paper is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (2005). The main character of the story, Martin Vanger, is unable to comprehend other’s feelings and gets pleasure from hurting women. These psychopathic behaviors are triggered by the traumatic events he endured during childhood. He was sexually assaulted by his father and was forced to watch him killing women. These experiences are the seeds of crimes that Martin commits as an adult. By using descriptive analysis, this paper explores how Martin, who was once a victim of child abuse, turns into the abuser. Freud states that someone’s personality is influenced by the interaction of id, ego, and super-ego (1993). Furthermore, Erikson believes that someone’s personality is also shaped by nature and nurture (1977). Therefore, psychoanalysis theory along with psychological approach is applied to exami...

ABSTRAK Taman Pendidikan AlQuran (TPA) memiliki beragam kegiatan keagamaan dan umum seperti baca ... more ABSTRAK Taman Pendidikan AlQuran (TPA) memiliki beragam kegiatan keagamaan dan umum seperti baca tulis AlQuran dan olah raga. Akan tetapi, kegiatan tersebut dinilai masih kurang memadai dan kurang spesifik dalam menyampaikan dan melatih literasi budaya dan kewargaan. Dengan demikian, diperlukan kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat memenuhi kekosongan tersebut. Sebagai solusi, kegiatan mendongeng dinilai dapat menjadi media efektif untuk pembelajaran literasi budaya dan kewargaan bagi siswa. Mendongeng dapat menjadi kegiatan alternatif untuk menstimulasi kreativitas untuk berkarya baik bagi tenaga pendidik maupun siswa pada masa pandemi. Pemilihan tema dongeng yang mengusung pentingnya nilai kebersihan juga menjadi signifikan bagi siswa. Kegiatan PkM ini diikuti oleh peserta didik dari usia TK dan SD kelas 1-3. Dari analisis terhadap hasil kegiatan PkM, peserta didik dapat mengikuti kegiatan dengan serius dan bersemangat, dapat memperagakan cara mendongeng dengan baik, dan juga dapat mem...

Acitya Bhakti, 2021
Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah salah satu unsur dalam Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib... more Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah salah satu unsur dalam Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh setiap dosen pada tiap semesternya. Adanya tindakan perundungan, kurangnya rasa tenggang rasa dan perasaan saling mendukung di antara para remaja menjadi latar belakang utama dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada msyarakat ini. Artikel ini membahas kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran multikulturalisme di kalangan reamaja. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh beberapa dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Pamulang melalui pembuatan video dongeng dengan menggunakan stick puppets sebagai properti. hal ini ditujukan kepada tutor dan para peserta didik di Jampang English Village (JEV) Bogor. Melalui metode deskriptif analitis, data memperlihatkan beberapa pengaruh mendongeng terhadap keterampilan kognitif anak. Setelah menyaksikan video yang bersisi dongeng dengan menggunakan hand puppet, ditemukan adanya peningkatan keter...

Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 2021
The issue of the environmental problem has been prevalent especially in the contemporary era. The... more The issue of the environmental problem has been prevalent especially in the contemporary era. The fact that Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of environmental concerns is the central discussion of the selected children’s picture books. Hence, this study aims to analyze how the picture books successfully capture the idea that trees are the symbol of Mother Earth per se. The selected picture books to be discussed are: A Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry (1984), The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (1992), Red Knit Cap Girl and The Reading Tree by Naoko Stoop (2014), Tree by Britta Teckentrup (2015) and The Tree by Neil Layton (2016). By scrutinizing the narrative and illustrative elements of the picture books, this study sheds light on how the ecosystems are held together by trees. The trees play a vital role in balancing and maintaining the world’s ecosystems. Moreover, the trees are valuable for providing environmental and social benefits. Hence, taking care of the trees can be pe...

Acitya Bhakti, 2021
Salah satu institusi pendidikan di Indonesia yang menerapkan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh pada ... more Salah satu institusi pendidikan di Indonesia yang menerapkan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh pada saat pandemi COVID-19 adalah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jam’iyyatul Khair di Tangerang Selatan. Faktanya, staf pengajar di Madrasah ini mengalami kesulitan dalam memaksimalkan pembelajaran online. Kendala tersebut disebabkan oleh rendahnya minat siswa dalam membaca materi sebelum mengerjakan tugas sehingga berdampak pada hasil belajar siswa. Sebagai solusinya, tim Pengabdian Masyarakat (PkM) Universitas Pamulang mengadakan workshop tentang literasi digital dan dimensi literasi lainnya seperti budaya dan pendidikan karakter. Kegiatan PKM ini tidak dipungut biaya dan disampaikan langsung oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Aplikasi Edpuzzle dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan literasi media digital sebagai sarana pendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hal ini dirancang agar suasana belajar menjadi lebih menarik dan hidup, sehingga kemampuan literasi digital siswa akan meningkat seiring dengan pendidikan karakter y...
This research is aimed at showing the gender inequality in Mulan animated movie (1998). The eleme... more This research is aimed at showing the gender inequality in Mulan animated movie (1998). The elements of narrative: setting, plot, and point of view were analyzed through the works of cinematography: angle and shot . The differences between the male and female gender roles were found by examining the dialogues and the song lyrics. The social construction of gender roles was discussed using the ideology of patriarchy by Irigaray (2004) and the concept of Confucianism by Lam (2016). Keywords: Mulan, Gender roles, Cinematography, Patriarchy, Confucianism