Papers by Ifa Hanifah Misbach

Indonesian Psychological Research, Jan 31, 2023
This study aims to determine the effect of social support and self-esteem on subjective well-bein... more This study aims to determine the effect of social support and self-esteem on subjective well-being of high school students in Bandung city. The author used a quantitative method with 455 respondents of high school student in Bandung. The instruments are Student Social Support Scale by Nolten (1994) modified by Malecki and Elliott (1999) to measure the social support of parents and peers, The Three Esteem Dimensions compiled by Stets and Burke (2014) modified by Adiba (2020) to measure self-esteem, the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) which have been modified by Adzhani (2019) to measure subjective well-being. The data analysis technique is linear regression and multiple regression. This research found that: 1) There is a significant effect of social support and self-esteem on subjective well-being; 2) There is a significant effect of parental social support on subjective well-being; 3) There is a significant effect of peer social support on subjective wellbeing; 4) There is a significant effect of self-esteem on subjective well-being.

Mediapsi, 2020
The goal of this research was to test the idea that critical thinking skills are related to relig... more The goal of this research was to test the idea that critical thinking skills are related to religious tolerance, which has been understudied within existing psychological studies. To verify this idea, we conducted a correlational survey among a sample of 400 high school students in Bandung who were recruited based on multistage cluster sampling. The results showed as hypothesized that critical thinking skills were significantly and positively correlated with religious tolerance. High critical thinking skills were hence associated with high religious tolerance and vice versa, low critical thinking skills were associated with low religious tolerance. We also additionally examined the extent to which critical thinking skills and religious tolerance varied depending on participants' gender, ethnicity, and religion. We close by explaining the theoretical and practical implications of those empirical findings, as well as some shortcomings in this research and recommendations for further studies to overcome the shortcomings.
This study aims to determine the influence of personal value to sexual prejudice of students in B... more This study aims to determine the influence of personal value to sexual prejudice of students in Bandung. This research used quantitative method with 400 participants selected using convenience techniques sampling. The instruments used were Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ-40) (Schwartz, 2003) and Homosexuality Attitude Scale (HAS) (Kite & Deaux, 1986). Multiple regression was used to analyze influence of personal value to sexual prejudice. The results showed that variations of sexual prejudice was influenced by personal value of 15%. In addition, it was found that there were differences the level of sexual prejudice between female and male students.

A professional learning community (PLC) is a long-term sustainable program that can replace profe... more A professional learning community (PLC) is a long-term sustainable program that can replace professional development (PD) to enable teachers to become teacher leaders and school principals to become instructional leaders. Using a case study from the establishment of the PLC project in 10 schools of Eastern Indonesia (Saparua island, Maluku), this research develops a progressive leadership change model through an ADDIE instructional design that changes school leadership. The research aims to investigate how to identify the most effective leadership change model by exploring differrent forms of learning communities between school principals and teachers. Using an action research approach to solve the problem, the data were collected over a 10-month period when the PLC project activities took place and embedded them as empirical materials that complement each other. The findings show that the leadership change design through PLC runs effectively if value alignment occurs between school...

This research aimed to develop a Kualitas hidup measurement tool in Indonesia. The research metho... more This research aimed to develop a Kualitas hidup measurement tool in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a combined method of qualitative and quantitative research (mixed method). The qualitative stage aimed at exploring the theme of kualitas hidup totaling 250 people. Meanwhile, participants in the quantitative stage aimed at identifying psychometric properties (validity and reliability) numbered 759 people. The data analysis technique used for qualitative data is open coding. Quantitative data consists of construct validity test using factorial validity with exploratory factor analysis (EFA), convergent validity, and known-group validity, and estimation of internal consistency reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. The EFA results show that the Kualitas hidup Indonesia measuring instrument consists of 9 factors and 30 items with a very high reliability coefficient (α = 0.88). Convergent validity in this study was carried out by correlating the Kualitas hidup Indon...

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of academic emotions and school belonging to... more The aim of this study was to determine the influence of academic emotions and school belonging toward students’ life satisfaction of students of state junior high school in Bandung. The approach used is a quantitative approach by using causality technique research. Cluster random sampling used as sampling technique. 471 students of state junior high school in Bandung completed the adaptation of Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ), adaptation of Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM), and adaptation of Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS). Analyses using linear and multiple regression revealed (1) there is a significant effect of positive academic emotions to students’ life satisfaction, (2) there is a significant effect of negative academic emotions to students’ life satisfaction,(3) there is a significant effect of school belonging to students’ life satisfaction, (4) there is a significant effect of positive academic emotions and school belonging...

Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan
Perception of classroom environment and academic emotions have an important role in the education... more Perception of classroom environment and academic emotions have an important role in the educational context. Both have a relationship that can not be separated from each other. This study aims to examine the correlation between perception of classroom learning environment and academic emotions in junior high school students in the city of Bandung. Using the quasy experimental method with a quantitative approach with a correlational design with a sample of 81 respondents aged 12-14 years who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The instruments in this study consisted of academic emotions questionnaire (AEQ) and my class inventory (MCI) that had been translated into Indonesian. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson product moment. The results showed a positive correlation between the dimensions of competitiveness with negative academic emotions and a negative correlation between the dimensions of satisfaction with negative academic emotions in junior high school...

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
A professional learning community (PLC) is a long-term sustainable program that can replace profe... more A professional learning community (PLC) is a long-term sustainable program that can replace professional development (PD) to enable teachers to become teacher leaders and school principals to become instructional leaders. Using a case study from the establishment of the PLC project in 10 schools of Eastern Indonesia (Saparua island, Maluku), this research develops a progressive leadership change model through an ADDIE instructional design that changes school leadership. The research aims to investigate how to identify the most effective leadership change model by exploring differrent forms of learning communities between school principals and teachers. Using an action research approach to solve the problem, the data were collected over a 10-month period when the PLC project activities took place and embedded them as empirical materials that complement each other. The findings show that the leadership change design through PLC runs effectively if value alignment occurs between school principals and teachers after the open environment is established. The data also highlight that aligned values must be embedded as school identities, whereas a school principal must act as a change leader in order to ensure that these changes are sustainable. This study concludes by proposing policy recommendations for policy makers and education stakeholders on how to develop PD and PLC in Indonesian schools.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2015

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan studi pendahuluan (pre-liminary study) untuk mengemba... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan studi pendahuluan (pre-liminary study) untuk mengembangkan sistem pendidikan moral di Indonesia yang lebih akuntabel dan terukur (accountable dan measureable). Pre-liminary study ini dilakukan dengan cara mengembangkan instrumen baru untuk mengukur apakah karakter moral guru di Indonesia masih dapat dijadikan role model berdasarkan persepsi siswa. Instrumen ini dinamakan “Persepsi Siswa terhadap Karakter Moral Guru”. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari siswa SMA kelas 12 sebanyak 228 orang dari enam buah sekolah di wilayah kota Bandung. Format instrumen diisi secara manual (paper-and-pencil). Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, menggunakan kuesioner dengan peringkat Likert dengan 7 pilihan dalam bentuk semantic differential. Pegujian analisis data menggunakan model Rasch melalui perangkat lunak Winsteps. Temuan menarik yang didapatkan bahwa siswa sekolah negeri dan swasta menunjukkan pola respon yang berbeda; sedangkan analisis aitem menunjukkan adanya dua aitem yang tidak sesuai (misfit) maupun aitem dalam satu konstruk mengukur logit yang sama; instrumen memenuhi syarat unidimensionalitas dan beberapa aitem terdeteksi mengandung bias; serta validitas peringkat menunjukkan penyederhaaan peringkat akan mendapatkan hasil pengukuran yang lebih tepat.
Papers by Ifa Hanifah Misbach