Jurnal muara ilmu sosial, humaniora, dan seni, Oct 31, 2021
Distance Learning which is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is a necessity that must be carrie... more Distance Learning which is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is a necessity that must be carried out by all lecturers. Distance learning based on digital technology has a serious impact on senior lecturers over the age of 50 with limited digital knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the adjustment of senior lecturers in distance learning which includes the absence of excessive emotions, the absence of psychological mechanisms, and feelings of personal frustration, rational judgment and self-direction, the ability to learn, the ability to use past experiences. past, and a realistic and objective attitude (Schneiders, 1999). Qualitative methods and phenomenological approaches with thematic analysis techniques are used in this study. Through telephone interviews and video calls with 4 senior lecturers who have worked for more than 30 years, it was obtained that senior lecturers were able to manage emotions calmly in the face of changing learning methods to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the lecturers take into consideration in overcoming difficulties, they also have a desire to learn new things and try to learn other online media platforms because the previous ones were deemed ineffective. The two lecturers carried out a psychological rationalization mechanism due to the difficulty in adjusting to the distance learning. All lecturers are not frustrated because there is no longer urgency to get certain achievements as lecturers at their age, all lecturers also say positive things about distance learning and state that blended learning can be used for the teaching process in the future.
Papers by adita vicianti