Papers by Sugiarti Rachim

Abstrak. Gunawan H, Sugiarti. 2015. Peran Taman Kehati Lido, Bogor sebagai ruang terbuka hijau da... more Abstrak. Gunawan H, Sugiarti. 2015. Peran Taman Kehati Lido, Bogor sebagai ruang terbuka hijau dan konservasi flora-fauna di lingkungan perkotaan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1828-1835. Daerah di sekitar kawasan wisata Lido, di Kabupaten Bogor merupakan daerah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat karena berada di jalur ekonomi Sukabumi-Bogor-Jakarta. Hal ini ditunjukkan pula oleh keberadaan pabrik-pabrik di sepanjang kiri kanan jalan Bogor-Sukabumi. Salah satu perusahaan yang berada di sekitar Danau Lido adalah PT. Tirta Investama Lido (PT. TIV Lido) yang memproduksi air minum dalam kemasan dengan merk Aqua. Perusahaan ini mengambil bahan baku air di Desa Cuburuy dan Desa Cigombong, Kecamatan Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogor. Sebagai komitmen terhadap tanggungajawab sosial dan lingkungan, PT. TIV Lido telah mengalokasikan areanya seluas 4,598 Ha sebagai Taman Kehati. Taman Kehati ini dibangun dengan untuk ruang terbuka hijau dan area konservasi flora dan fauna di lingkungan perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyajikan keanekaragaman jenis pohon di Taman Kehati Lido dan keanekaragaman jenis fauna yang hidup di dalamnya sebagai indikator telah berfungsinya Taman Kehati Lido sebagai habitat fauna di lingkungan perkotaan. Taman Kehati Lido memiliki 30 famili flora pohon yang terdiri atas 62 spesies. Indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks kemerataan spesies pohon masing masing adalah 3. 1868 dan 0. 7722. Ada sepuluh jenis pohon asli yang menjadi target konservasi adalah Altingia excelsa (Noronha) Oken, Dacrycarpus imbricatus Blume de Laub, Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth, Ficus elasticaRoxb. , Ficus rasemosa L. , Arenga pinnata (Wumb) Merr. , Metroxylon sagu Rottb. , Dillenia suffruticosa (Griff ex Hook. f & Thomson) Martelli, Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss. & Vilm. dan Cyathea contaminans (Wall. ex Hook) Copel. Taman Kehati Lido telah menjadi habitat dari dua jenis mamalia, enam jenis reptilia, dua jenis amfibia dan 13 jenis burung. Tiga jenis burung di antaranya merupakan jenis yang dilindungi yaitu Rajaudang biru (Todiramphuschloris Boddaert), Rajaudang jawa (Halcyon cyanoventris Vieillot) dan Meninting(Alcedo menintingHorsfield). Indeks keanekaragaman jenis komunitas satwaadalah 2. 5794 dengan indeks kemerataan jenis 0. 8226. Abstrak. Gunawan H, Sugiarti. 2015. The role of Lido Biodiversity Park, Sukabumi as a green space and conservation area of flora-fauna in urban environment. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 1828-1835.Lido tourism resort and its surroundings in Bogor Regency is a high rate of economic growth area due to the location in an economic network of Sukabumi-Bogor-Jakarta.The growth is showed by the existence of factory along Trans Sukabumi-Bogor road.One of the factories around Lido Lake is PT. Tirta Investama (PT. TIV Lido) which produces bottled drinking water with brand name of Aqua.This factory have an area of ground water source in Cuburuy and Cigombong Villages, Sub District of Cigombong, Bogor Regency.For the commitment on social and environment responsibility, PT. TIV Lido has implemented an " Aqua Lestari " program by allocating 4,598 hectares area for Biodiversity Park.The purposes of Biodiversity Park are to provide green space and to conserve flora and fauna in urban environment.The objectives of the research were to provide data of flora diversity of the park and the fauna diversity which live inside as a success indicator of the park in providing habitat for fauna diversity in urban environment.Lido Biodiversity Park has 30 family of tree flora consisted of 62 species with diversity index and evenness index are 3.1868 and 0.7722 respectively.Ten indigenous species of flora were defined as conservation target, namely Altingia excelsa (Noronha) Oken, Dacrycarpus imbricatus Blume de Laub, Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth, Ficus elasticaRoxb., Ficus rasemosa L., Arenga pinnata (Wumb) Merr., Metroxylon sagu Rottb., Dillenia suffruticosa (Griff ex Hook.f & Thomson) Martelli, Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss. & Vilm.and Cyathea contaminans (Wall. ex Hook) Copel.The Lido Biodiversity Park has been occupied as habitats of two species of mammals, six species of reptiles, two species of amphibians and 13 species of birds.There are three species of birds which protected by Indonesian regulation, namely collared kingfisher (Todiramphuschloris Boddaert), javan kingfisher (Halcyon cyanoventris Vieillot) and blue-eared kingfisher(Alcedo menintingHorsfield).The diversity index o fauna community is 2.5794 and the evenness index is 0.8226.

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, Dec 1, 2022
Bumi Patra Biodiversity Park is vital to conserving flora and fauna in urban areas. The wildlife ... more Bumi Patra Biodiversity Park is vital to conserving flora and fauna in urban areas. The wildlife inventory activities at this location were started in 2018. In the following year, plant enrichment was carried out so that wildlife monitoring was needed. The study aims to compare the diversity of wildlife species in 2018 and 2020. Data collection for mammals was conducted using line transects, birds using point counts, amphibians using transect and patch sampling methods, and reptiles using hand-capturing methods. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the species diversity index and identifying the conservation status of wildlife. The results indicated an increase in the number of wildlife species, from 63 species in 2018 to 67 species in 2020. The taxa of mammals, birds, and reptiles have increased, while amphibians have decreased. The diversity index of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles varied in each block with increasing and decreasing values. The bird species diversity index increased in each block. There were 11 protected bird species, two appendix III mammal species, one appendix II bird species, and two appendix II reptile species. The implications of this research were: 1) it is necessary to enrich the habitat, 2) the existence of a biodiversity park needs to be maintained, mainly due to the discovery of protected species, 3) it is essential to carry out periodic or regular wildlife monitoring, and 4) the development of birdwatching education can be done based on bird diversity.

Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan
The Coronavirus desease-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 has had a negative impact on the ... more The Coronavirus desease-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 has had a negative impact on the tourism sector, not only reducing the number of visits but also changing the trend of choice of tourist destinations. This study aims to assess people's preferences towards tourist destinations during the pandemic. A survey using a questionnaire was conducted on 90 visitors to the National Flower and Animal Love Day exhibition at the Bogor Botanical Garden. The results of the study found that natural tourism became a trend during the pandemic, reaching 48.9% with the main objective of enjoying a pristine environment, a quiet and calm atmosphere, and cool and fresh air. Botanical gardens have the highest selection index for residents over the age of 50, while zoos, safari parks, national parks and natural parks have the highest selection index for the age group of adolescents to 20 years. Zoos and safari parks were favored by informants from the city, botanical gardens were favore...

Jurnal Kepariwisataan, 2022
The Coronavirus desease-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 has had a negative impact on the ... more The Coronavirus desease-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 has had a negative impact on the tourism sector, not only reducing the number of visits but also changing the trend of choice of tourist destinations. This study aims to assess people's preferences towards tourist destinations during the pandemic. A survey using a questionnaire was conducted on 90 visitors to the National Flower and Animal Love Day exhibition at the Bogor Botanical Garden. The results of the study found that natural tourism became a trend during the pandemic, reaching 48.9% with the main objective of enjoying a pristine environment, a quiet and calm atmosphere, and cool and fresh air. Botanical gardens have the highest selection index for residents over the age of 50, while zoos, safari parks, national parks and natural parks have the highest selection index for the age group of adolescents to 20 years. Zoos and safari parks were favored by informants from the city, botanical gardens were favored by informants from the village, while national parks and natural parks were favored by both. Extreme tourism activities are preferred by the 31-40-year age group, moderate activities are preferred by the 41-50-year age group, while special interest tourism is preferred by the age group of 50 years and over. There is a trend of male informants liking natural tourism and modern tourism, while female informants like cultural, culinary and religious tourism. Due to changes in preferences for selecting tourist destinations and types of tourist activities, tourism managers are advised to carry out various product innovations or tour packages, visitor services, promotion/marketing, improve visitor facilities adapted to new normal conditions, and continue to implement health protocols.

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, 2022
Bumi Patra Biodiversity Park is vital to conserving flora and fauna in urban areas. The wildlife ... more Bumi Patra Biodiversity Park is vital to conserving flora and fauna in urban areas. The wildlife inventory activities at this location were started in 2018. In the following year, plant enrichment was carried out so that wildlife monitoring was needed. The study aims to compare the diversity of wildlife species in 2018 and 2020. Data collection for mammals was conducted using line transects, birds using point counts, amphibians using transect and patch sampling methods, and reptiles using hand-capturing methods. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the species diversity index and identifying the conservation status of wildlife. The results indicated an increase in the number of wildlife species, from
63 species in 2018 to 67 species in 2020. The taxa of mammals, birds, and reptiles have increased, while amphibians have decreased. The diversity index of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles varied in each block with increasing and decreasing values. The bird species diversity index increased in each block. There were 11 protected bird species, two appendix III mammal species, one appendix II bird species, and two appendix II reptile species. The implications of this research were: 1) it is necessary to enrich the habitat, 2) the existence of a biodiversity park needs to be maintained, mainly due to the discovery of protected
species, 3) it is essential to carry out periodic or regular wildlife monitoring, and 4) the development of birdwatching education can be done based on bird diversity.

Jurnal Pariwisata Terapan, 2022
National Flower and Animal Love Day (HCPSN), celebrated every 5 November, aims to increase awaren... more National Flower and Animal Love Day (HCPSN), celebrated every 5 November, aims to increase awareness, protection, conservation, and sustainable use of national flowers and animals. One way to commemorate HCPSN is to organize an exhibition on biodiversity conservation. The 2020's HCPSN exhibition held at Bogor Botanical Gardens. the research team surveyed by distributing questionnaires to 90 visitors to obtain data on their perceptions and attitudes towards nature conservation and opinions on environmental education. The survey found that only some respondents knew about HCPSN (53.3%), National Nature Conservation Day (41.1%), Environment Day (52.2%), and International Forest Day (36.7%). Respondents realized that nature conservation is the responsibility of all citizens (67.8%) and 21.2% of respondents support and participate in environmental conservation actions. As many as 61.1% of respondents think that environmental education in schools is still lacking, therefore they consider it necessary to have environmental education in schools, both in the form of separate subjects (57.0%), integrated into other materials (28.0%) and extracurricular (15.0%). The survey also found that environmental education was obtained by respondents from schools (21.5%), books (16.2%), social media (13.1%), museums (13.1%), television (12.6%), parents (7.9%), exhibitions (6.3%), newspapers and magazines (4.7%), and brochures or posters (4.7%). The respondent's educational background has a significant effect on the perception of endangered flower, and the first source of knowledge about nature conservation obtained by the respondent is highly significant correlation with the respondent's perception of the endangered flower, but not for national animals. Based on these findings, a strategy for promoting nature conservation can be drawn up, especially during a pandemic.

Degradasi hutan mangrove di Indonesia semakin mengkhawtirkan terutama disebabkan oleh kurangnya p... more Degradasi hutan mangrove di Indonesia semakin mengkhawtirkan terutama disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat di sekitarnya terhadap hutan mangrove. Tujuan umum proyek ini adalah untuk mempromosikan pengetahuan dan konservasi mangrove melalui pendidikan dasar. Tujuan khusus adalah memilih mata pelajaran yang tepat, menyusun substansi pembelajaran dalam bentuk buku panduan guru, buku teks dan buku lembar kerja siswa. Workshop, focus group discussion dan konsinyering dilakukan dalam proyek tersebut. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa pengetahuan tentang mangrove dapat menjadi materi pembelajaran sekolah dasar, khususnya yang berlokasi di pesisir pantai untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat melestarikan mangrove sejak usia dini. Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup tematik mangrove dipilih dan ditetapkan sebagai muatan lokal tersendiri dan diberikan kepada kelas 4, 5 dan 6 sekolah dasar di daerah pesisir. Silabus kurikulum dan kompetensi dasar telah disahkan oleh Dinas Pendidik...
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi - Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2013
El panorama de las transacciones financieras ha sufrido cambios radicales. La velocidad de estos ... more El panorama de las transacciones financieras ha sufrido cambios radicales. La velocidad de estos cambios así como las nuevas tecnologías implementadas es importante, sin embargo, crece la preocupación en el sentido de hacer que estas nuevas tecnologías financieras incluyan especialmente a las personas más humildes de la sociedad. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en primer lugar en revisar el estado de la Inclusión Financiera en Panamá, comparando estas cifras tanto con el resto de los países de América Latina y el Caribe como con los países a los cuales se les cataloga como países de Ingresos Medios altos, clasificación esta que incluía a la
IPB Press, Bogor, 2019
RESUMO A memória transcende a noção individual do processo de construção da identidade e perspass... more RESUMO A memória transcende a noção individual do processo de construção da identidade e perspassa a noção coletividade, tornando-se memória e identidades coletivas. Há feridas que percorrem a memória, isto é, traumas e são estes que dão brecha para que essa identidade coletiva seja evocada. Diante disso, o objetivo geral dessa pesquisa é comprrender como a Memória, Trauma e Identidade são abordados/trabalhados na obra Ponciá Vivêncio, de Conceição Evaristo. Para isso, levantamos o seguinte problema: Como a memória, o trauma e e identidade são abordados/trabalhados na obra Ponciá Vivêncio, de Conceição Evaristo.

Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Rendra PPR, Sudarso I. 2017. Hutan kota kawasan industri untuk kon... more Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Rendra PPR, Sudarso I. 2017. Hutan kota kawasan industri untuk konservasi ex-situ flora endemik dan terancam punah di lingkungan perkotaan. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 323-333. Industri di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat tumbuh pesat dan salah satu kawasan industri yang sedang tumbuh pesat adalah Kecamatan Gunung Putri. Dalam pengembangan Industri, kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor adalah membangun hutan kota untuk memperbaiki lingkungan dan mendukung pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati asli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekayaan dan keanekaragaman vegetasi hutan kota PT. AGM Gunung Putri serta dampaknya bagi peningkatan kekayaan dan keanekaragaman jenis fauna. Sensus dan geotagging pohon serta observasi satwaliar dilakukan di seluruh area hutan kota. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa hutan kota PT. AGM Gunung Putri dapat dikategorikan sebagai hutan kota kawasan permukiman; hutan kota kawasan industri; dan hutan kota untuk pelestarian...
LIPI Press, 2014
A cooperative group (ICBG) consisting UC Davis , LIPI, FORDA and ITB have discovered many species... more A cooperative group (ICBG) consisting UC Davis , LIPI, FORDA and ITB have discovered many species of flora, fauna and micro organism in Mekongga Mountain, South East Sulawesi Province. The result of these discoveries recommend to designate this area as a conservation area (national park).

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, 2017
Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Rendra PPR, Sudarso I. 2017. Industrial urban forest for ex situ c... more Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Rendra PPR, Sudarso I. 2017. Industrial urban forest for ex situ conservation of endemic and threatened species of flora in urban environment. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 323-333. Industrial estate in Bogor regency is growing fastly, and one of the fastest growing industry is Sub District of Gunung Putri. Policy of the local government in supporting industrial estate is developing urban forest to improve environmental quality and conserving indigenous threatened species of flora. The objective of this research is to identify the richness and diversity of flora in the urban forest of PT. AGM Gunung Putri and its impact on the increase of richness and diversity of fauna. Census and geotagging of trees and field observation on fauna were conducted throughout the urban forest area. The result concludes that urban forest of PT. AGM Gunung Putri can be categorized as urban settlement forest, industrial urban forest and biodiversity conservation urban f...

Biodiversitas, 2016
Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Sihombing VS. 2016. Diversity of faunal communities in the Biodive... more Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Sihombing VS. 2016. Diversity of faunal communities in the Biodiversity Park of Ciherang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 17: 479-486. A Biodiversity Park is a new concept for ex situ conservation in Indonesia which was first launched in 2012. The purposes of a Biodiversity Park are to conserve indigenous and threatened species of flora, provide habitat for a diversity of animals, and to provide opportunities for economic benefit, recreation, education and research. The main goal of Biodiversity Park is to increase flora and fauna diversity in the midst of human settlement and industrial precincts. This research was directed at studying the diversity of faunal communities in the Biodiversity Park of Aqua Danone Ciherang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Line transects, walk transects, terrestrial transects and point count methods were combined to census the mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds in the Biodiversity Park. Twenty five families of...

Abstract. Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Sudarso I. 2019. Perception of students of elementary an... more Abstract. Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Rianti A, Sudarso I. 2019. Perception of students of elementary and junior high schools on urban forest in industrial estate of Gunung Putri, Bogor, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5: 179-189. Education activities in an industrial estate facing some problems generated from industrial activities impacts. The presence of urban forest in an indutrial estate is subjected to improve the environment quality for human being through environmental services. Urban forest is also functioned as an area for environmental education to encourage the students understanding the importance of environment conservation. This study aims to identify and measure the knowledge and perceptions of elementary and junior high school students on urban forest and its benefits and student responses to several go green actions. Some questions with close and open answers in questionaire form were distributed to 50 student respondents of junior high school and 77 student resp...

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia merevitalisasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia menjadi Museum Nasi... more Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia merevitalisasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia menjadi Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam Indonesia (Munasain) dengan tujuan meningkatkan profesionalisme dalam diseminasi. Munasain merupakan salah satu obyek wisata di Kota Bogor, namun relatif belum banyak dikunjungi wisatawan dibandingkan Museum Zoologi dan Museum Tanah dan Pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil dan persepsi peminat Munasain untuk mencari penyebab rendahnya kunjungan dan memberikan solusinya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 400 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peminat Munasain terbesar adalah kelompok umur 21-30 tahun (38,0%). Sebagian besar responden memperoleh informasi tentang Munasain dari media sosial (67,5%). Tema Munasain yang diminati adalah 38,6% tentang etnobotani, 32,3% koleksi sejarah dan budaya, 27,3% sejarah alam. Bagi responden Munasain dianggap istimewa dibanding museum lai...

Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity
Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Iskandar S. 2017. Dynamics of mangrove community in revegetation area of Kar... more Gunawan H, Sugiarti, Iskandar S. 2017. Dynamics of mangrove community in revegetation area of Karangsong, north coast of Indramayu District, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18: 659-665. Mangrove along the north coast of Java is heavily degraded due to the conversion of land into fish ponds and human settlement areas. A revegetation program has been initiated by the local community of Karangsong Village, Indramayu District, West Java, Indonesia, supported by PT. Pertamina RU VI Indramayu. Our research aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove revegetation in Karangsong. Secondary data was collected from the Fishery and Maritime Services of Indramayu and PT. Pertamina. We carried out on-location field observations and we interviewed key respondents. Data was analyzed to describe trends in the diversity index and population dynamics of the mangrove. It was observed that the revegetation effort in the shoreline of Karangsong had covered ± 69.08 hectares which consistin...

Gunawan H, Sugiarti. 2015. Ex-situ biodiversity conservation through Development of Biodiversity ... more Gunawan H, Sugiarti. 2015. Ex-situ biodiversity conservation through Development of Biodiversity Park by private sector: Lesson learned from Aqua Danone Group, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 565-573. Biodiversity conservation is a collective responsibility and its implementation is a consequence of sustainable development principle that has been applied by Indonesia Government. Aqua Danone Group is a multinational company which produces bottled drinking water has been participate and contribute to the sustainable development through “Aqua Lestari Programâ€. In line with the sustainability, Aqua Danone Group has also participated in a program award of company performance in environment management (PROPER). One of the prerequisites to achieve green category in PROPER award is biodiversity conservation action. For those reasons, Aqua Danone Group has developed Biodiversity Parks (Taman Kehati) in Babakan Pari and Mekarsari Sukabumi Regency), Lido and Ciherang (Bogor Regency). The objectives of biodiversity park development are to collect and cultivate life specimens of threatened flora, to provide habitat for animals, to produce seedlings and genetic resources of local tree species, to provide an area for education, research, and development, science and ecotourism, to provide green open area and increasing vegetation land cover. Biodiversity Park development is including planning, development and management and monitoring, supported by environment education, conservation campaign, training and empowering local communities. The existence of Biodiversity Park in industrial area and settlement gave positive impact to biodiversity, environment, and community through increasing diversity index of flora and fauna, providing amenity and aesthetics, and enabling environmental education for students studying at schools in the vicinity of the park.

Species diversity and habitat of wildlife in Ciherang Kehati Park, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. P... more Species diversity and habitat of wildlife in Ciherang Kehati Park, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 53-61. Ciherang Kehati Park is a green open space that functions to save native threatened plant species in PT Tirta Investama's factory environment in Bogor, West Jawa, Indonesia. Ciherang Kehati Park was established in 2006 with plants that continue to increase diversity. This study aims to inventory and identify wild animals' species andevaluate their habitat in Ciherang Kehati Park. Indice Ponctuel d’Abondance methods were used for bird inventory, transect and patch sampling methods for amphibian, hand-capturing method for reptile, and line transect for mammals inventory. Direct observation was conducted to evaluate the habitat diversity. As a result, we identified 42 species of wildlife with diversity index of 3.318, evenness index of 0.888 and species richness index of 7,862. Birds are the most common species in this area, reaching 25 species (59%) of all animal species recorded, while there are five species of mammals, seven species of reptiles, and five species of amphibians.
The high diversity of wildlife species is possible because there are five types of habitats in the Kehati Park and its surroundings: river
habitats, riparian habitats, vegetation of Kehati Park, rice fields, and the yards of residents

Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity, May 1, 2016
Biodiversitas 17: 479-486. A Biodiversity Park is a new concept for ex situ conservation in Indon... more Biodiversitas 17: 479-486. A Biodiversity Park is a new concept for ex situ conservation in Indonesia which was first launched in 2012. The purposes of a Biodiversity Park are to conserve indigenous and threatened species of flora, provide habitat for a diversity of animals, and to provide opportunities for economic benefit, recreation, education and research. The main goal of Biodiversity Park is to increase flora and fauna diversity in the midst of human settlement and industrial precincts. This research was directed at studying the diversity of faunal communities in the Biodiversity Park of Aqua Danone Ciherang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Line transects, walk transects, terrestrial transects and point count methods were combined to census the mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds in the Biodiversity Park. Twenty five families of fauna were identified, consisting of 28 genera and 32 species. The Shannon diversity index for the total faunal community was 2.82. Composition of the faunal community consisted of birds (66%), reptiles (16%), mammals (12%) and amphibians (6%). This finding supports the goal that Biodiversity Park can increase flora and fauna diversity. The diversity index of 2.37 for the bird community indicates a beneficial contribution to habitat quality within an urban environment.
Papers by Sugiarti Rachim
63 species in 2018 to 67 species in 2020. The taxa of mammals, birds, and reptiles have increased, while amphibians have decreased. The diversity index of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles varied in each block with increasing and decreasing values. The bird species diversity index increased in each block. There were 11 protected bird species, two appendix III mammal species, one appendix II bird species, and two appendix II reptile species. The implications of this research were: 1) it is necessary to enrich the habitat, 2) the existence of a biodiversity park needs to be maintained, mainly due to the discovery of protected
species, 3) it is essential to carry out periodic or regular wildlife monitoring, and 4) the development of birdwatching education can be done based on bird diversity.
The high diversity of wildlife species is possible because there are five types of habitats in the Kehati Park and its surroundings: river
habitats, riparian habitats, vegetation of Kehati Park, rice fields, and the yards of residents
63 species in 2018 to 67 species in 2020. The taxa of mammals, birds, and reptiles have increased, while amphibians have decreased. The diversity index of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles varied in each block with increasing and decreasing values. The bird species diversity index increased in each block. There were 11 protected bird species, two appendix III mammal species, one appendix II bird species, and two appendix II reptile species. The implications of this research were: 1) it is necessary to enrich the habitat, 2) the existence of a biodiversity park needs to be maintained, mainly due to the discovery of protected
species, 3) it is essential to carry out periodic or regular wildlife monitoring, and 4) the development of birdwatching education can be done based on bird diversity.
The high diversity of wildlife species is possible because there are five types of habitats in the Kehati Park and its surroundings: river
habitats, riparian habitats, vegetation of Kehati Park, rice fields, and the yards of residents
Pembangunan kebun raya adalah implementasi dari kebijakan nasional konservasi keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan secara ex situ. Pembangunan kebun raya juga sinergi dengan program nasional lain, seperti meningkatkan ruang terbuka hijau dan peningkatan perekono mian daerah melalui pariwisata. Sampai tahun 2020, Indonesia sudah memiliki 43 kebun raya dengan luas keseluruhan sekitar 8.850,6 ha dan terdiri dari 5 unit kebun raya LIPI dan 38 unit kebun raya daerah.
Kebun Raya Cibinong, yang sebelumnya lebih dikenal dengan Ecopark, adalah kebun raya yang dibangun oleh Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) dengan konsep ekoregion. Konsep ekoregion, tidak hanya melestarikan spesies secara kelompok taksa, tetapi juga melestarikan karakteristik ekosistem wilayah di mana kebun raya tersebut dibangun. Konsep ekoregion menjadi inovasi dalam konservasi tumbuhan secara ex situ dengan cara meniru karakteristik ekosistem wilayah, khususnya formasi vegetasinya. Dengan konsep ekoregion ini, diharapkan kebun raya dapat lebih banyak memberikan fungsi dan manfaatnya bagi negeri ini. Hal ini karena selain dibangun dengan konsep ekoregion, kebun raya juga dilengkapi dengan sarana dan fasilitas untuk riset, edukasi, dan wisata yang memadai.
Kota Bogor, setiap hari Kebun Raya Bogor dikunjungi ribuan
pengunjung. Selain pengunjung domestik, banyak pula
wisatawan asing yang meluangkan waktunya untuk menikmati
keindahan alam di kebun yang terletak di pusat Kota Bogor ini.
Di kebun dengan luas area 87 hektar ini, pengunjung dapat
menikmati tempat-tempat menarik seperti Taman Teijsmann,
Taman Meksiko, Kolam Gunting di halaman belakang Istana
Bogor, Griya Anggrek, Jalan Astrid dan berbagai lokasi lain yang
menarik. Selain itu, terdapat banyak koleksi tanaman langka
dan unik seperti Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus titanum
(Becc.) Becc.), Bunga Padma (Rafflesia patma Blume.), Teratai
Raksasa (Victoria amazonica (Poepp.) Sowerby.), Dipterokarpa
serta koleksi bunga anggrek baik silangan maupun anggrek
Sebagai salah satu sumber informasi pengunjung, disusunlah Buku Saku Panduan Wisata Kebun Raya Bogor. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memandu pengunjung untuk menemukan dan mempelajari koleksi koleksi tanaman langka, menarik, unik serta tempat-tempat menarik lainnya di Kebun Raya Bogor meskipun tanpa didampingi oleh pemandu wisata.
Sejalan dengan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan dan pemanfaatan produk ramah lingkungan, batik mulai memanfaatkan sumber sumber pewarna alami, bahkan serat alami yang berasal dari tumbuhan di Indonesia. Negeri ini menyediakan beragam jenis tumbuhan pewarna untuk makanan, minuman sampai kain.
Penggunaan batik berbahan serat dan pewarna alami, merupakan bukti perkawinan dan pemanfaatan keanekaragaman hayati yang akan berdampak pada pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati dan pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat. Yayasan KEHATI sangat mendorong upaya masyarakat dalam mengembangkan added value biodiversity.
Harapannya, buku ini menjadi inspirasi bagi pembaca untuk mempraktekannya. Lebih-lebih sumber pewarna berasal dari tumbuhan yang mudah dijumpai di sekitar kita. Buku inimengajak kita agar lebih mencintai keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia yang telah menyediakan berjuta manfaat bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia.
Selama periode Januari – Desember 2017, Kedeputian Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Hayati melalui Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya LIPI melaksanakan diseminasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi LIPI di daerah melibatkan berbagai satuan kerja di LIPI bekerja sama dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia. Selain memberikan
pelatihan teknologi sederhana yang sesuai serta edukasi tentang konservasi sumber daya hayati terutama secara ex situ berupa kebun raya, LIPI juga memberikan bibit tanaman, pupuk organik beserta peralatannya dan ikan yang jenisnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kesesuaian daerah.
Pada periode 2017 tersebut, sebanyak 33 jenis tanaman, 49 varietas tanaman, empat jenis ikan dan pupuk organik/Pupuk Organik Hayati (POH) telah diberikan ke daerah dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 7.800 orang. Kontribusi yang diberikan diharapkan dapat terus dilanjutkan untuk pengembangan daerah. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daerah perlu
melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi dengan penunjukan koordinator kegiatan.
Buku ini dibuat untuk bahan referensi potensi daerah tertentu (21 provinsi, 50 kabupaten/kota, 69 desa/kelurahan, 69 kecamatan) yang dapat dikembangkan dengan teknologi sederhana yang dimiliki LIPI untuk pengembangan ekonomi daerah.
urusan pemerintahan bidang lingkungan hidup yang pengelolaannya menjadi kewenangan kabupaten/kota. Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 3 Tahun 2012 tentang Taman Keanekaragaman Hayati dalam pelaksanaannya diperlukan pedoman atau manual di tingkat teknis untuk memudahkan para pelaksana di lapangan. Buku Membangun Taman, Melestarikan Keanekaragaman merpakan panduan praktis (manual) pembangunan Taman Kehati di tingkat tapak (lapangan) karena disertai dengan contoh-contoh yang telah diterapkan dan menjadi best practices di enam Taman Kehati Aqua Danone Group. Dengan diterbitkannya buku ini, diharapkan dapat membantu mempercepat pembangunan Taman Kehati di kabupaten dan kota, karena Program Taman Kehati merupakan program pemerintah (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan)dengan target sebanyak 30 unit Taman Kehati beserta kelembagaannya sampai di akhir tahun 2019.
dengan status genting (EN 3cd) dalam Red list IUCN 1994. Populasinya menurun terus seiring dengan laju kehilangan hutan. Bila tidak segera ditangani maka dalam waktu dekat dikhawatirkan akan punah. Upaya penyelematan flora langka yang menjadi maskot puspa langka ini diawali dengan penyusunan Strategi Rencana Aksi Konservasi (SRAK) Rafflesia Indonesia 2015-2025 ini. Strategi dan Rencana Aksi Konservasi Rafflesia ini harus menjadi acuan dan panduan semua pihak yang berkepentingan dengan upaya penyelamatan Rafflesia. SRAK juga harus menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam penataan ruang wilayah yang menyangkut kawasan hutan habitat Rafflesia.