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Bahan/barang yang disimpan yang akan digunakan untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu misalnya untuk proses produksi atau perakitan atau dijual kembali PENGERTIAN PERSEDIAAN Persediaan dapat berupa bahan mentah, bahan pembantu, barang dalam... more
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The role of rural tourism development can help promote and help the local community of Sebunyuk Village. The purpose of this activity is to identify the needs and problems in developing Sebunyuk as a Tourism Village. The activity partner... more
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Geopark Global Geopark Batur as a geopark is not as well known as other geoparks in the world. Promotional efforts are carried out using the geopark website. The purpose of this study is to obtain the perception of students on Batur... more
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    • Medicine
Belitung island is known as the place with hundreds of coffee shop/café and the people have the culture of coffee in their daily lives. The Belitung geopark was established in 2018 as a national geopark that has a community that develops... more
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Geopark Global Geopark Batur as a geopark is not as well known as other geoparks in the world. Promotional efforts are carried out using the geopark website. The purpose of this study is to obtain the perception of students on Batur... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan strategi inovasi sebagai upaya meningkatkan kinerja bisnis dan keunggulan bersaing industri kreatif digital di era revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Teknik... more
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Aspiring Geopark in Indonesia, especially on Belitong Island, has MSMEs engaged in various creative industries. The potential for the development of the creative industry with its geoproducts is still wide open to enter the international... more
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      BusinessSmall BusinessMedicineSocial Science Research Network
Industri kreatif digital sebagai subsektor industri kreatif yang menjadi prioritas pada tahapan ketiga pengembangan industri kreatif nasional, perlu pengembangan melalui strategi yang tepat. Titik tumpu industri ini adalah ide/gagasan... more
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    • Sociology
Previous studies have shown somewhat of a contradiction in the effect of sexual appeal advertising on purchase intention. This research aims to examine from an Indonesian perspective the consumer response to sexual appeal advertising and... more
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    • International Business and Marketing
The research regarding luxury products in developed economies can be found in many literatures, on the other hand similar research in developing economies are still limited. Since this topic is still underexplored, particularly in... more
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    • International Business, Marketing and Strategic Management
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have played an important role both in developed and developing economies. The research on internationalisation has mainly focused on large companies, especially Multinational Companies (MNCs) and only... more
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      International BusinessInternational Marketing
This paper is an empirical study that presents a comprehensive framework of relationships among customer value, customer satisfaction and customer advocacy behavior in the higher education industry. While previous studies reveal customer... more
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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas jasa, citra perusahaan dan tingkat suku bunga kredit terhadap keputusan pengambilan kredit mikro studi kasus pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Karyajatnika Sadaya Bandung.... more
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      ManagementMarketing ResearchBanking and Finance
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia has introduced several national and international indexers of scientific works. This policy becomes a guideline for lecturers and researchers in choosing the reputable... more
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    • Data Analysis
This research aims to analyze the influence of environment and working motivation on employee performance of Pematangsiantar mayor's office. The research method use quantitative. The sample of the research is 100 people by using purposive... more
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    • Manajemen Pemasaran
Dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha baik perorangan maupun badan usaha sebaiknya membuat laporan keuangannya. Laporan keuangan merupakan pokok atau hasil akhir dari suatu proses akuntansi yang menjadi bahan informasi bagi para pemilik maupun... more
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    • Pengabdian Masyarakat
Bina Siswa is a non-formal Tutoring service for primary school, junior high school and senior high school. Its address is at Belitung street number 22 Bandung. It was founded in May 2013, which previously was just a private course. The... more
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      ManajemenManajemen Pemasaran