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As the Mexican American community multiplies and strengthens its position across the United States, its civic and religious celebrations expand in number and visibility. Through periodic observances, unequivocally Mexican cultural... more
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    • Sociology
As the Mexican American community multiplies and strengthens its position across the United States, its civic and religious celebrations expand in number and visibility. Through periodic observances, unequivocally Mexican cultural... more
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    • Sociology
As the Mexican American community multiplies and strengthens its position across the United States, its civic and religious celebrations expand in number and visibility. Through periodic observances, unequivocally Mexican cultural... more
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    • Sociology
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From its origins at the end of the 19th century, the American sugar beet industry has been linked to Mexican immigrant labor. Moreover, the painstaking job of thinning, topping, and harvesting the large and heavy beets became an almost... more
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    • American Studies
By the middle of the 1740s, the relationship between Jonathan Edwards and his congregation at Northampton had begun to slowly unravel. Prompted by Edwards's attempts to combat what he saw as a growing lack of spirituality, the debate... more
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Arthur Dent, the antihero of Douglas Adams's classic science-fiction satire, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, learns that the planet Earth was but part of a 10 million-year-old computer program designed to find the ultimate question... more
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Reflecting broader trends in the study of colonial British America, historians have increasingly recognised the transatlantic nature of Protestant mission work. Both homeland and colonial participants shared a common worldview and goal... more
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    • History
In keeping with all the colonies of British North America in the eighteenth century, New Jersey residents grappled with the poor in their midst. Since the early seventeenth century, people in Britain and in its colonies had accepted that... more
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      GeographyNew Jersey History
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In fact Hephaistion's death hadprovedagreat misfortune to Alexander and I think he would havepreferred to have gonefirst himself rather than to experience it during his lifttime . ... (ArT. 7.16.8, Brunt) To say that Hephaistions death... more
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The Cult of Hephaestion jeanne reames W hen first I embarked, some twenty years ago, on a critical examination of the historical figure of Hephaestion Amyntoros and his place at the court of Alexander the Great, I had no idea that the... more
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An epigraphical survey (with digital mapping component) of Greece and Magna Graecia reveals a pattern as to where Hephais-based names appear, up through the second century BCE. Spelled with an /eta/, these names are almost exclusively... more
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      Alexander the GreatAncient MacedoniaAncient Greek OnomasticsAncient Greek Ethnicity
To say that Hephaistions death devastated the conqueror merely repeats a commonplace. But was Alexander's subsequent bereavement excessive, or-to use clinical terms-pathological?l Pervading popular opinion has been a guarded (or... more
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    • History
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An epigraphical survey (with digital mapping component) of Greece and Magna Graecia reveals a pattern as to where Hephais-based names appear, up through the second century BCE. Spelled with an /eta/, these names are almost exclusively... more
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      Music and identityAlexander the GreatAncient MacedoniaAncient Greek ethnicity
"Companion To" chapter summarizing the impact of (Greek) warfare on agriculture, as well as agriculture's impact on and importance to warfare.
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    • Greek Warfare
for their input at different times during the paper's genesis.
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      HistoryAlexander the Great