Papers by Rahayu Puji Haryanti
International journal of education and practice, Apr 17, 2024
In this study, we contribute significantly to ESP teaching by introducing a novel framework for s... more In this study, we contribute significantly to ESP teaching by introducing a novel framework for synchronous virtual modes of teaching. We synthesize established theories and methodologies by incorporating local Indonesian knowledge content. This provides fresh insights for the development of students' presentation skills that represent a substantial advancement in ESP presentation teaching.

Metathesis : journal of English language, literature, and teaching, Nov 7, 2023
Utilizing visual literacy competence, a strategy is very helpful in order to make students' feel ... more Utilizing visual literacy competence, a strategy is very helpful in order to make students' feel better in writing a descriptive paragraph, since, it is help students to develop their idea, thinking and imaging a vocabulary use and having an organization of idea come up into their mind. The purpose of this paper is to know the effectiveness of utilizing visual literacy competence as a strategy in teaching descriptive paragraph writing, and to know the students' perception toward utilizing visual literacy competence as a strategy in teaching descriptive paragraph writing. Mixed method used in this research. The result came from the test given in one-group-pretest and posttest, and qualitative data from the questionnaire given to 22 students of Vocational High School students. It can be drawn that the efficiency of using visual literacy in the classroom to teach students how to write descriptive paragraphs, as well as the attitudes of the students toward the use of visual literacy in the classroom to teach students how to write descriptive paragraphs. Most of students are agreed to utilize visual literacy as strategy in teaching descriptive paragraph writing is really effective to use.

Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Bahasa/Dialektika, Dec 31, 2023
Penelitian ini mengkaji integrasi kearifan lokal Indonesia, khususnya Pancasila, dalam pembelajar... more Penelitian ini mengkaji integrasi kearifan lokal Indonesia, khususnya Pancasila, dalam pembelajaran virtual terpadu untuk Bahasa Inggris dalam Konteks Khusus (ESP), dengan tujuan mengungkap pengalaman mahasiswa dan menilai dampaknya pada pengembangan keterampilan presentasi. Tiga puluh mahasiswa berpartisipasi dalam kursus presentasi Bahasa Inggris bisnis selama 13 sesi, dengan Pancasila disisipkan dalam mode pembelajaran virtual. Data meliputi kuesioner tertutup dan skor pretest/post-test, yang dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Temuan menyoroti efektivitas intervensi, yang secara signifikan meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap signifikansi budaya Pancasila serta meningkatkan keterampilan presentasi mereka. Terutama, terdapat peningkatan dalam struktur, penyampaian, dan gerak tubuh, mengonfirmasi keberhasilan pendekatan ini dalam memperdalam pemahaman budaya sekaligus mempertajam keterampilan praktis. Analisis kuantitatif mengungkap perubahan skor keterampilan presentasi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Meskipun skor menengah mengalami penurunan, kategori skor rendah dan tinggi menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan, menandakan kemajuan yang substansial dalam kemahiran presentasi di berbagai domain keterampilan. Sebagai kesimpulan, penyatuan Pancasila dalam pembelajaran virtual terpadu memberikan manfaat signifikan, menyelaraskan konten budaya dengan pendidikan yang berfokus pada keterampilan. Integrasi ini tidak hanya memperkaya apresiasi budaya tetapi juga mempertajam keterampilan presentasi yang penting. Temuan ini menegaskan potensi strategi pendidikan yang terarah dalam mengharmonisasikan pengetahuan budaya dan pengembangan keterampilan dalam konteks pendidikan tinggi, mendorong pengalaman belajar yang holistik. Studi ini mendorong eksplorasi dan implementasi terus-menerus dari pendekatan integratif serupa, menekankan nilai mereka dalam meningkatkan pemahaman budaya serta pemerolehan keterampilan praktis di kalangan mahasiswa dalam konteks pembelajaran khusus.

English education journal/English Education Journal, Jun 20, 2023
___________________________________________________________________ Understanding speech acts and... more ___________________________________________________________________ Understanding speech acts and their functions is crucial for effective communication. Therefore, conducting research on the speech acts in English textbooks holds significant importance as it enables educators and curriculum designers to gain valuable insights into how language is used in real-life interactions. This study aimed to assess the speech acts realization in the English textbook entitled "Interactive English 1" for Seventh Grade of Junior High School. Qualitative study was employed for data collection, analysis, and drawing conclusions based on the findings of the analysis. The data were analyzed utterance by utterance by applying Searle's theory of speech act. This study analyzed 347 data (utterances) and found mostly stated in direct strategy with varying frequencies of speech act categories: assertive/representative (131 instances) as the most frequent with the functions of "informing", "introducing", "describing", "stating", "confirming", etc. Directive (107 instances) with the function of "inviting," "commanding," "requesting," and "advising" and "offering". Then, the speech act function of expressive (100 instances) observed in the conversations included "greeting", "parting", "stating pleasure", "thanking", etc. Followed by commisive (7 instances) with the function of "granting", "promising" and "offering". The least frequent was declaration (1 datum) in form of "declaring". Based on the result, it is recommended that future English language teaching materials should emphasize pragmatic competence and provide adequate opportunities for learners to practice different speech act types to enhance their communicative abilities.

Edulite: Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture, Aug 27, 2023
Regulation of the Minister of National Education number 16 of 2007 stated that Teachers at the El... more Regulation of the Minister of National Education number 16 of 2007 stated that Teachers at the Elementary school level (SD/MI), or other equivalent forms, must have a minimum educational academic qualification of diploma four (D-IV) or bachelor (S1) in the field of Primary Education (D-IV/S1 PGSD/PGMI) or psychology obtained from an accredited study program. Thus, there are many schools that have English teachers from non-English educational backgrounds (NEB) rather than English teachers from English educational backgrounds (EEB). This condition will affect the quality of English teaching in Elementary schools. In order to evaluate further the suitability of government regulation regarding teachers' criteria in teaching Elementary students, this study was to compare the pedagogical competence of English and non-English educational background teachers in teaching English at the elementary school level. The design of the study is qualitative research with a case study approach. The researcher took four English teachers consisting of two English teachers with EEB and two English teachers with NEB. This study used interviews, observation, and questionnaires to collect the data.
Rainbow: Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Culture, Oct 28, 2023
UNNES International Conference on ELTLT, Dec 31, 2012

English Education Journal
Thematic progression is the way in which the theme of the clause repeats a meaning from the previ... more Thematic progression is the way in which the theme of the clause repeats a meaning from the previous theme or rheme. It also refers to how the information flows in the text. This study aimed to analyze the application of thematic progression to enhance coherence in the analytical exposition texts written by the eleventh graders of SMA Kesatrian 2 Semarang in the academic year 2021/2022. This study used a mixed methods design which was embedded with a case study with the data from the result of students’ texts, observation sheet, and interviews. This study analysed 10 students’ analytical exposition texts. The findings showed that the most type of thematic progression applied was a linear theme reaching 22 times in occurrence, followed by 21 constant theme patterns, and 9 multiple theme patterns. These results showed that a linear theme occurred in the students’ analytical exposition text mostly because it elaborated the writers’ ideas or arguments. Further, thematic progression made...

English Education Journal
Translation is transferring the meaning from the source language into the target language. Theref... more Translation is transferring the meaning from the source language into the target language. Therefore, the shift in translation could be occurred because of the difference between two languages. To understand the translation shifts more detail, this study was composed by taking the translation shift as the theme of study. This study focused on explainning the existence of grammatical shifts in the English into Indonesian translation of an essay text done by the 5th semester students of English Language department at Walisongo Islamic State University. The subject of this study consisted of 15 people of 5th semester students of Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang. Meanwhile, the object of this study was the translation results produced by the students. This study was a descriptive qualitative study emphasizing the detailed understanding of the result of the study. In order to collect the data, this study used test and documentation of the students’ translation results. Based o...

English education journal/English Education Journal, Sep 15, 2023
___________________________________________________________________ The Enola Holmes film is a ki... more ___________________________________________________________________ The Enola Holmes film is a kind of film that mostly talks about patriarchal society, oppressions, stereotypes, and women's power. This paper explores the power relations and patriarchal society portrayed in the film Enola Holmes. This research used a qualitative method focusing on dialogues and scenes that contained power relations and patriarchal society from Enola Holmes's film script. Using the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Norman Fairclough and the power relations of Michel Foucault, the researchers analyze the relationship between patriarchal society and the power relations portrayed in the film. The finding of the data analysis showed that the discourse produced in this film script is that patriarchy is a very bad thing, and thus, it should be banished. Thus, women should be given more room and space in society.

English Education Journal
Today, the idea of communication is as diverse as the goals for learning. Speech is one of presen... more Today, the idea of communication is as diverse as the goals for learning. Speech is one of presentational information in oral format which can be needs to have the 21st century skill. Language of speech distinguishes grammatical moods. The speeches in the top 10 finalists of Miss Grand International 2020 was chosen to analyze the realization of speech functions and mood system. Non-participatory observation, selecting the media and classifying the subject of the research, and literature review were steps to collect the data. Analysis data was interpreted and reported in qualitative procedures. It was illuminated that the finalist of Malaysia mostly showed offer among other finalists. The finalist of Guatemala delivered mostly the command. The finalist of Indonesia was counted as the most produced statement. The questions were produced mostly by the finalist of Malaysia and the finalist of Argentina. The use of declarative mood was mostly made by the finalist of Malaysia. The polar i...

Abdimas Universal
Digital marketing optimization is a society service program done by lecturers and student of the ... more Digital marketing optimization is a society service program done by lecturers and student of the English Department at Universitas Negeri Semarang. The society service is aimed at empowering a local community called Dheling Arts Community in Rogomulyo Village, Semarang Regency to develop their Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) focusing on bamboo working. The community's life (93%) highly depends on traditional farming and bambooworking. In selling and marketing bambooworking products, the community relies on consignment selling and marketing which relatively give small profit. consignment selling and marketing methods are challenged its effectiveness amidst digital development not to mention digital marketing and business. Thus, the empowerment program is performed to give the underlying concept of digital marketing and business so that the SME can reach wider potential buyers using digital marketing tools and platforms. This program was conducted using Participatory Rural...

Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research
The importance of education for a woman is to gain equality and avoid harassment, but rather to e... more The importance of education for a woman is to gain equality and avoid harassment, but rather to establish political power, although she must fight the authority and Taliban’s challenges. Education is the obligation and the right of human beings, even though there was the most vital challenge to fight.Through descriptive-analytical study and sociological approach, I portray Malala’s fighting for women’s education in her country. Then to find out and describe the elements of a sociology of literature because it focuses on human problems in the community.The results showed that education in this society, mainly among women, is often confined to the household and only minimally participates in the public domain and is vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and abuse during crises.The finding indicated that the role of women in this society and the oppression of women still exist. So, all the treatments and oppression against women identify by analyzing her famous work.

The relation between East and West seems to be a never ending story. The impacts of colonialism w... more The relation between East and West seems to be a never ending story. The impacts of colonialism which relates (or separates?) the two worlds thus become a lust field of observation. Eat Pray Love, a novel which depicts the travel of a western woman presents alternative meanings of this-other‖ hemisphere. This novel seems to be the next milestone in the continuum of west-east history. Through the propositions of Edward Said in Orientalism and Iser's implied Readers, this paper tries to explain how the Eastern perspective in the modern era is translated in the western language. Through the intrinsic elements of the story it is found out that besides the geographical exploration, the story reveals the nooks and crannies of the eastern spiritual hollows. The east, represented by the people of India and Bali (Indonesia) with their unique ways of seeing the world is said as being sprinkled with the colonial identification. Meanwhile, through the perspective of an implied reader, the p...

Rainbow : Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Culture Studies, 2021
Nervous Conditions focuses on the story of the Shona family living in a patriarchal culture in Rh... more Nervous Conditions focuses on the story of the Shona family living in a patriarchal culture in Rhodesia during the postcolonial era in the 1960s. Rhodesia was a former British colony, so the legacy of colonialism and its influence is not that easy to go away. Hence, those who were colonized, or the locals experience many problems to cope with, especially women. Therefore, the study aims to examine the postcolonial issues in the novel dealing with double colonization. The objectives of the study were to describe and explain how the novel builds the themes related to postcolonialism and how the women living in patriarchy experienced oppression from male relatives as well as a colonial power. The study was done qualitatively using a content analysis method. The data were analyzed using Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism. The findings showed the story highlighted the themes of patriarchy and cultural contestation which affect the lives of the female characters. Then, the findings expla...

TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema, 2021
Lebih dari tujuh puluh persen (70%) populasi eceng gondok menutupi permukaan Danau Rawa yang berd... more Lebih dari tujuh puluh persen (70%) populasi eceng gondok menutupi permukaan Danau Rawa yang berdampak buruk untuk sisi lingkungan dan ekonomi. Eceng gondok menurunkan populasi biota seperti ikan dan nilai pariwisata. Solusi nyata dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi permasalahan ini. Kelompok masyarakat pegiat usaha UMKM berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat dan potensi sumber daya alam lokal, Bengok Craft, di Desa Kesongo, Kecamatan Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang dalam hal ini telah mengambil peran untuk menjadi bagian dari solusi atas permasalahan tersebut yakni dengan memproduksi kerajinan eceng gondok mulai dari tas eceng gondok, buku, hingga sandal serta aksesoris lainnya. Banyaknya produksi kerajinan ini kemudian diproses lebih lanjut oleh UMKM Bengok Craft seperti proses finishing dan juga didistribusikan di pasar. Akan tetapi, permasalahan lain muncul yakni pemasaran produk. Produk kerajinan eceng gondok dipasarkan di pasar lokal dengan memanfaatkan media pemasaran daring seperti media sosial dan juga website dengan memanfaatkan media gambar atau foto produk. Konten pada media pemasaran masih belum cukup persuasif dan menarik minat pasar global. Merespon permasalahan ini, tim pengabdi sebagai akademisi memberikan solusi berupa pelatihan penulisan konten kreatif berbasis stori untuk media iklan produk kerajinan Bengok Craft yang melibatkan pengelola UMKM Bengok Craft dan warga desa yang menjadi tim iklan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta pelatihan menghasilkan konten iklan untuk media daring.

Proceedings of the 9th UNNES Virtual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation, ELTLT 2020, 14-15 November 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
Reading literary works can be frustrating, especially for non-literature students due to a certai... more Reading literary works can be frustrating, especially for non-literature students due to a certain extent. Linguistic features, styles, symbolism, and implicit expression are some predominant factors which cause ambiguity and lead to confusion to the readers. Hence, the readers tend to be more passive as they do not know what to do with the text. This fact is then the primary justification for the lecturers to minimize the demand for literary reading subjects, focusing solely on comprehension rather than appreciation. Thus, the idea of employing a reader-centered approach is aimed at helping the students of the non-literature study program to appreciate the literary works by upholding their participation as the readers of the meaning-making process. The result shows that the students of the non-literature study program can actively appreciate the literary works better. In addition, the students' performance of reading literary works shows that they can understand the literary works through the interaction between the readers and the texts.
Papers by Rahayu Puji Haryanti