Papers by Prasetyo Ari Bowo

Efficient: Indonesian Journal of Development Economics
This study aims to analyze the districts that are the center of economic growth in East Bali; the... more This study aims to analyze the districts that are the center of economic growth in East Bali; the interaction of the center of economic growth in East Bali with the surrounding areas in the Province of Bali; the position of the economy in each district in East Bali based on the growth rate; base sector and non-base sector in each district in East Bali. This research uses quantitative research. The data used in this research is secondary data. Methods of data analysis using Scalogram Analysis and Marshal Centrality Index; Gravity Analysis; Klassen Typological Analysis; Location Quotient (LQ) analysis. The results showed that Karangasem Regency is the center of economic growth in East Bali and has the strongest interaction with Klungkung Regency, while the weakest interaction is with Jembrana Regency; Karangasem Regency, Klungkung Regency, and Bangli Regency; The agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors, the mining and quarrying sector, the government administration sector, defense...

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
BUMDES is a village economic institution that until now has become an important part in realizing... more BUMDES is a village economic institution that until now has become an important part in realizing village economy independence. In Indonesia nowadays there are almost 50,000 BUMDES with details of 1,000 developed ones, 10,000 developing ones, and 30,000 BUMDES that are still in the pilot stage. One of the efforts that can be done in increasing BUMDES business is BUMDES scale up program. This program can help increase the management of BUMDES in aspects of institutional, innovation, digitalization, and sustainability. BUMDES scale-up must be conducted in collaboration among several parties, including BUMDES, academics, and industry. This research is a formulation of efforts to increase the performance of BUMDES, which aims at developing BUMDES scale-up collaboration model for increasing the village economy. This research uses a qualitative approach using primary data collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique for BUMDES, academics, and industry. The analysis used are qual...

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
This study aims to develop a sustainable transportation development strategy in Semarang City. Co... more This study aims to develop a sustainable transportation development strategy in Semarang City. Collecting data using interviews, and questionnaires. Source of data from keyperson with purposive sampling technique. Keypersons consist of the Head of Sub-Division of Transportation and Water Resources Planning, Expert Staff of Transportation and Water Resources Planning, Head of Pollution Control and Environmental Conservation Division of the Environment Service, Operational Manager of Trans Semarang BRT, Expert Staff of the Public Service Agency of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD). BRT Trans Semarang, Civil Engineering Lecturer in the Transportation Sector. Data were then analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The findings revealed that the development of transportation system facilities and infrastructure is the top priority for policy. The second priority is improving environmental quality and Government policy turns out to be the next strat...

Economics Development Analysis Journal
The Trade Balance is one of the indicators used to see the condition of a country's economy, ... more The Trade Balance is one of the indicators used to see the condition of a country's economy, especially in the trade sector. The trade balance value will affect how the state of the national macroeconomic indicators. In addition, the trade balance is used as additional information in determining foreign trade policy. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect Indonesia's trade balance in 2010-2019. The variables used are investment, rupiah exchange rate, economic growth and trade balance. The method used in this research is VECM (Vector error correction model) analysis with time series data using Eviews 9.0 data processing software. The results show that (1) direct investment has a significant positive effect in the short and long term, (2) exchange rate has a significant negative effect in the long term. short and long term, and (3) economic growth has no significant effect in the short and long term on Indonesia's trade balance

Economics Development Analysis Journal
The green campus program is an effort made by the Indonesian government to overcome environmental... more The green campus program is an effort made by the Indonesian government to overcome environmental problems that occur due to pollution, one of which is the Surakarta City Government. By involving tertiary institutions, it is hoped that it will be able to become a concrete example of the realization of greening for the surrounding community to help create a green and environmentally friendly city. The high level of pollution that occurs is certainly accompanied by the high use of motorized vehicles. The purpose of this research is to determine the priority order of strategies that must be carried out to realize a green campus through sustainable transportation at Universitas Sebelas Maret. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data used are primary data. The analytical tool used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is used to determine the priority order of strategies in realizing a green campus through sustainable transportation at Universitas S...

Economic Education Analysis Journal, 2019
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh secara simultan maupun parsial ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh secara simultan maupun parsial antara pengalaman praktik kerja industri, status sosial ekonomi keluarga, dan efikasi diri terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa kelas XII di SMK Negeri 1 Kudus tahun ajaran 2017/2018.Populasi penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas XII di SMK Negeri 1 Kudus tahun ajaran 2017/2018 sejumlah 550 siswa, dan sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 85 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan praktik kerja industri, status sosial ekonomi keluarga, dan efikasi diri berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 66,6%. Secara parsial praktik kerja industri berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 6,15%. Status sosial ekonomi keluarga berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 30,36%. Efikasi diri berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 27,79%.Bedasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa praktik kerja industri, status sosial ekonomi keluarga, dan efikasi diri berpengaruh te...

Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2017
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah fung... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah fungsi kesehatan, pendidikan, perumahan dan fasilitas umum di Indonesia tahun 2008 – 2013. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengeluaran pemerintah fungsi kesehatan, pendidikan, perumahan dan fasilitas umum dan jumlah penduduk miskin provinsi di Indonesia tahun 2008-2013. Data dianalisis dengan metode kuantitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan tingkat signifikansi 95% (α=5%). Hasil analisa data dengan uji t dan F menunjukkan seluruh variabel independen berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian dapat diberi saran yaitu (1) Pemerintah daerah sebaiknya menyesuaikan alokasi anggaran fungsi kesehatan hingga 10% (2)Pemerintah daerah perlu menyesuaikan alokasi anggaran pendidikan hingga mencapai 20%(3) diperlukan pembangunan sektor perumahan yang berpihak pada golongan miskin (pro poor). The purpose of this study is to find out ho...

Indicators : Journal of Economic and Business, 2021
The implementation of regional autonomy indirectly requires regions to be independent, the level ... more The implementation of regional autonomy indirectly requires regions to be independent, the level of independency in Central Java which is measured by the ratio of Local Own-source Revenue to total regional revenue of 18.2%, which is the lowest compared to other regions in Java in the 2015-2018 period. Central Java's low independency is in line with its dependency on transfers from the central government, particularly the general allocation fund of 40%. Low independency and high dependency is due to the lack of ability of Local Own-source Revenue to meet regional expenditures and the large role of general allocation fund in meeting these shortages. This study aims to analyze the effect of general allocation funds and local own-source revenue on regional expenditures. This study uses a quantitative method with panel data combination of cross-section data from 35 districts/cities in Central Java Province and time-series data for the period 2016-2018. The analytical method used is m...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Poverty and environmental issues are correlated. Many reports suggest that poverty contributes to... more Poverty and environmental issues are correlated. Many reports suggest that poverty contributes to environmental degradation. Therefore, it is believed that the improvement of the quality of the environment must be started by alleviating poverty. The objectives of this study are to find the impact of poverty to environmental degradation and vice versa. This study uses data panel from 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2012 to 2017. Contrary to the belief, the result shows that the effort to reduce poverty resulting in environmental degradation. On the other way, one of the findings shows that the efforts to improve the quality of environment resulting in a high level of poverty. This implies that there is a consequence of reducing poverty, i.e. low quality of the environment. The trade-off occurs because when the government tries to reduce the poverty rate, then the quality of the environment also reduces. If the government wants to improve the quality of the environment, then the level ...

Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2018
Pajak penerangan jalan berkontribusi besar bagi Kota Semarang. Setiap tahunnya penerimaan pajak p... more Pajak penerangan jalan berkontribusi besar bagi Kota Semarang. Setiap tahunnya penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan di Kota Semarang selalu melebihi target yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah pelanggan PLN, jumlah hotel, jumlah industri terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan. Objek penelitian ini adalah penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan di Kota Semarang periode 1985-2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Regresi Linier Berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan, jumlah hotel berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan, jumlah industri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan. Street lighting contribute greatly to the tax for the city of Semarang. Each year a tax ...

Bekerja merupakan kemampuan alamiah yang dimiliki para pria maupun wanita. Pada masa lalu, seoran... more Bekerja merupakan kemampuan alamiah yang dimiliki para pria maupun wanita. Pada masa lalu, seorang wanita hanya dijadikan pelengkap hidup pria, yaitu teman dalam mengatur rumah tangga belaka. Kemajuan jaman telah merubah pola pikir wanita untuk menjadi wanita mandiri dari segi emosional dan finansial. Berbagai cara ditempuh untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan sebagai seorang istri dan ibu bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data secara empirik pengaruh persepsi dukungan suami terhadap peningkatan etos kerja wanita. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh persepsi dukungan suami terhadap peningkatan etos kerja wanita. Jumlah subjek penelitian ini adalah 98 wanita Guru PNS di Kecamatan Ungaran. Subjek penelitian diberikan dua macam skala yaitu skala persepsi dukungan suami dan skala etos kerja wanita. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regression analysis. Analisis regresi membuktikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh persepsi dukungan suami terhada...

Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment, 2020
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di Kabupaten... more Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah. Berdasarkan data pada Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kabupaten Batang jumlah penduduk miskin di Kabupaten Batang pada tahun 2019 sebesar 64,07 ribu jiwa. Dalam mengatasi masalah-masalah yang terjadi, tim pengabdian memberikan beberapa solusi untuk membantu mengurangi permasalahan tersebut. Solusi yang ditawarkan tim pengabdian yaitu Pemanfaatan Sampah Botol Plastik Menjadi Apotek Hidup yang Memiliki Daya Jual. Pemanfaatan sampah botol plastik tersebut dapat mengurangi dampak eksternalitas negative dari banyaknya sampah yang menumpuk dan juga dapat memiliki daya jual sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Tim memilih satu desa sebagai tempat untuk mengimplementasikan solusi tersebut yaitu desa Lobang. Tahapan dari metode yang dilakukan yaitu: 1. Persiapan, 2. Pelaksanaan, 3. Evaluasi dan pendampingan Poverty is a common problem in Indonesia, no exception ...

Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment, 2021
The quality of basic education in remote areas, especially in Kopeng Village, is far from expecte... more The quality of basic education in remote areas, especially in Kopeng Village, is far from expected. This can be seen from the low participation of access to education, limited educational facilities and infrastructure, lack of educational social media, low social relations and communication, low motivation of educational participation, lack of utilization of educational resources, lack of availability of tutoring, low educational entertainment, the variety of educational games that are still very limited and the lack of increased learning with nature. This condition will also definitely give birth to a very conventional learning nuance. Departing from the empirical facts above, it is necessary to design a comprehensive program to advance basic education in Kopeng Village by developing school libraries to encourage the literacy culture of the younger generation in the village through the socialization of literacy movements for students, the establishment of smart houses to strengthen...

Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment, 2021
Pasar modal dapat diartikan sebagai pasar yang menyediakan berbagai instrumen surat berharga yang... more Pasar modal dapat diartikan sebagai pasar yang menyediakan berbagai instrumen surat berharga yang diterbitkan pemerintah, maupun pihak swasta. Instrumen pasar modal seperti saham, obligasi jangka panjang, dan dana reksa mampu mejadi pilihan investasi yang dapat memberikan potensi imbal balik (capital gain) di masa depan. Berdasarkan Survei OJK pada 2019, indeks literasi keuangan dan inklusi keuangan masyarakat pedesaan berada di angka 34,53 persen dan 68,49 persen. Dari data tersebut, terbukti bahwa wawasan, kesadaran, ketertarikan masyarakat pedesaan Indonesia terhadap literasi dan inklusi keuangan seperti pasar modal masih terbatas. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan dasar ilmu, kesadaran, dan ketertarikan masyarakat pedesaan terhadap pasar modal kepada masyarakat di Desa Lobang, Kecamatan Limpung, Kabupaten Batang. Kegiatan telah direalisasikan pada 2020. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan aksi berupa sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya investasi, dan edukasi teoritis pasar mod...

Efficient: Indonesian Journal of Development Economics, 2019
Waste volume in Semarang City increases every year. Local Regulation Number 6 Year 2012 forces ho... more Waste volume in Semarang City increases every year. Local Regulation Number 6 Year 2012 forces households to reduce waste through 3R. 83% pre-survey citizens in West Semarang District have not done it yet. It needs an improvement on waste management. The purpose of this research is to know the citizen’s willingness to pay rate of West Semarang District on waste management improvement and to analyze the factors affecting willingness to pay. The data used in this research is Primary Data. The population in this research is 100 households in West Semarang District. Data collection method is using interview. Data analysis method is using Contingent Valuation Method and multiple linear regression. The result shows that 68 respondents are willing to pay and 32 respondents are not. The amount of willingness to pay is Rp16.838. Influencing factors of willingness to pay are education level and staying duration. The recommendation of this research is the higher willingness to pay should be f...

Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2016
Pajak penerangan jalan berkontribusi besar bagi Kota Semarang. Setiap tahunnya penerimaan pajak p... more Pajak penerangan jalan berkontribusi besar bagi Kota Semarang. Setiap tahunnya penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan di Kota Semarang selalu melebihi target yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah pelanggan PLN, jumlah hotel, jumlah industri terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan. Objek penelitian ini adalah penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan di Kota Semarang periode 1985-2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Regresi Linier Berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) . Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan, jumlah hotel berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan, jumlah industri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak penerangan jalan. Street lighting contribute greatly to the tax for the city of Semarang. Each year a tax...

Every country trying to spur economic development through increasing the number of national outpu... more Every country trying to spur economic development through increasing the number of national output. However, economic development is not merely to pursue high growth of national output , but should also refer to the concept of sustainable development so that achieve the real welfare. At least there are three things required in sustainable development that are to maintain and to increase manufacturing capital (plant and machinery), human capital (skills and experience), and environmental capital (forests and quality of air, soil, and water). Changes in economic structure have an impact on the intensity of pollution on the environment, industry-based economic structure further contribute to the pollution generated in comparison with agriculture-based or service based economy. Industrial economy using more engine and fuel in the production process so that produce more emissions and environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is a degradation process of environment quality both on ...

Rice, corn and soybean is the strategic commodities and the government always maintains their ava... more Rice, corn and soybean is the strategic commodities and the government always maintains their availability. Indonesia still imports rice, corn and soybean and implements the policy of tariffs, taxes and subsidies on rice, corn, soybean imports and farming inputs. Central Java is the main producer of rice, corn and soybean with the contibution of Gross Regional Domestic Product of the food crop sub-sector to the highest Provincial GRDP in Indonesian. This research examines the competitiveness and the government policy towards rice, corn and soybean farming in Central Java Province. It uses secondary data of Farming Economic Analysis from the relevant agencies and scientific publications on the international price of rice, corn and soybean that is analyzed using the quantitative descriptive method with analysis tool of Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The PAM result shows that the rice farming in Cilacap Regency and the corn farming in Grobogan Regency have competitive and comparative ad...

This research aims to find out the description of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency, the effici... more This research aims to find out the description of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency, the efficiency of technical, price, and economy on soybean systems. Grobogan Regency is a major soybean producer in Central Java and Indonesia. Based on the research result, it reveals that soybean farming in Grobogan has still not been efficient yet in technic, price, and economy. It means that farmers have not been able to optimize the inputs to obtain the maximum output. This inefficiency condition occurs because the farmers are considered to use the production factors excessively. Besides damaging the nature, the use of excessive production factors also leads to increasing production costs but without maximal results. Therefore, it requires a series of attempts to give knowledge to the farmers in order to reach efficient conditions by hoping that potential to maximized profitKeywords: Efficiency, Soybean, Grobogan
Papers by Prasetyo Ari Bowo