European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2019
This study aimed to: examine the total power loss of the primary distribution system and the impa... more This study aimed to: examine the total power loss of the primary distribution system and the impact of the capacitor bank and express feeder allocation to corrective voltage level on the primary distribution system. Therefore, a case study was taken in the primary distribution of the PLTD (diesel generation) Kelapa Lima Merauke then using Electrical Transient and Analysis Program (ETAP) simulation models to make power flow analyzing. The datas needed is one-line diagram, nominal voltage, generator rating, bus, transformer and transmission / distribution. The results obtained are normal loading power losses of 0.014 MW, voltage level for Feeder of Kota Satu was still stable because in cover range of voltage drop ± 5 %. The other side, corrective voltage level for Feeder of Merkuri from 17.65 kV to 17.75 kV after capasitor bank in amount of 134 kVAr allocated, drop voltage decreased from 13.31 % to 11.25 %, but it still unstable because out of cover range of voltage drop. For that, after using express feeder can be correct voltage level for feeder of Merkuri from 17.65 kV to 19.39 kV or drop voltage decreased from 13.31 % to 3.05 %. Therefore, using express feeder on Merkuri feeder better than capacitor bank allocation.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Inverter is an electronic device which is an important part to convert DC-AC energy. Increased us... more Inverter is an electronic device which is an important part to convert DC-AC energy. Increased use of renewable energy as a substitute for fossil energy that is running low encourages the increased performance of the inverter. Multilevel inverter offer many advantages for improving the performance of an inverter system. Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter are explored with 7-level circuits that are analyzed and simulated specifically on the quality of the output ie the amount of harmony. The power switch control technique uses Anti-Phase SPWM with multicarrier. Further to maximize damping harmonics, LC filter is applied and researched. This research is using PSpice A / D Lite to simulate a system that worked. The results obtained harmonic attenuation reached 3.93% after LC filter.

E3S Web of Conferences
Energy demand increases in line with rapid technological advances. Research on the harvesting of ... more Energy demand increases in line with rapid technological advances. Research on the harvesting of renewable energy continues to be done to make efforts to convert heat energy, which is very abundant in our daily environment. Thermoelectric technology is an alternative source in answering energy needs and can produce energy on a large and small scale. Thermoelectric technology works by converting heat energy into electricity directly, or from electricity to cold. This research presents an experimental study conducted to find out the thermoelectric characteristics of the TEC in the reversal function, with heating and cooling tests on each side of the TEC type thermoelectric element, carried out to obtain the voltage value as the electrical potential generated from this element. The result is thermoelectric potential to generate DC electricity but is very limited in the function of maintaining a heat source on the hot side element. This research then proposes thermal metamaterial that f...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Keakuratan dalam menentukan kapasitas daya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) khususnya pada ... more Keakuratan dalam menentukan kapasitas daya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) khususnya pada sistem PLTS komunal/terpusat sangat penting dalam menentukan kelayakan pemenuhan faktor kebutuhan daya konsumen. Kapasitas modul photovoltaic (PV) akan mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan dan pemenuhan faktor kebutuhan konsumen. Berdasarkan real time data kebutuhan beban konsumen pada kampung Ampera tidak cukup dalam menentukan kapasitas modul PV sebagai komponen utama dalam perencanaan pembangunan PLTS komunal.Perhitungan penentuan kapasitas modul PV dilakukan berdasarkan data kebutuhan konsumen, data potensi sumber energi matahari pada Distrik Okaba dan data yang bersumber dari aplikasi bantu, standar dan peraturan yang berlaku pada lingkungan pemangku kepentingan terkait. Besar kapasitas modul PV didihitung berdasarkan beban pemakaian konsumen, indeks beban dan insolasi PV harian yang divalidasi menggunakan PV*SOL. Kapasitas modul PV sesuai data Distrik Okaba dihitung dengan asumsi kebut...

Jurnal Ilmiah Mustek Anim Ha, 2014
Department of Electrical Engineering, in its further development, is planning to build a Renewabl... more Department of Electrical Engineering, in its further development, is planning to build a Renewable Energy Center especially in the southern region of Papua. In order to support this plan, the data and preliminary research or laboratory are needed as important instruments to develop the renewable energy. This research aims to make a measurement device for measureable variables such as voltage, current, power, and wind speed so that the generation characteristics can be observed. The result of the research is expected to support the laboratory especially for some subjects such as Practicum of Magnitude of Electrical Measurement and Practicum of Renewable Energy and be empirical description for the potential of the wind power electric water pump to support the research / the fulfillment of the need of water for agricultural land in Merauke regency. The method used is the experimental method by making a wind power generator with the capacity of 100 watts, then the output of the generator will be led to a measurement module inside the Electrical Engineering Laboratory. The result shows that the potential of the wind power water pump from July to November (160 days) reached 4.7792 m3 only or about 29.87 liters / day, this result is small according to the design of small capacity turbine utilization. Then, for next development, it would be able to design a turbine with the larger capacity or can be done by using solar cell and integrated installed wind turbines.

Jurnal Ilmiah Mustek Anim Ha, 2014
Perkembangan Jurusan Teknik Elektro dalam membuat suatu Pusat Studi Energi Terbarukan khususnya d... more Perkembangan Jurusan Teknik Elektro dalam membuat suatu Pusat Studi Energi Terbarukan khususnya di wilayah Papua bagian selatan menuntut inovasi dari segi pengembangan teknologi pemanfaatan energi terbarukan itu sendiri. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, maka diperlukan data dan penelitian pendahuluan ataupun Laboratorium sebagai instrumen penting dalam pengembangan energi terbarukan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu perangkat pengukuran terhadap variable- variabel terukur seperti tegangan, arus, daya, dan kecepatan angin sehingga karakteristik pembangkitan dapat diamati. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode ekperimental dengan membuat satu pembangkit listrik tenaga angin berkapasitas 100 Watt kemudian output dari pembangkitan tersebut bermuara pada satu modul pengukuran yang tepat berada di dalam ruangan Laboratorium Teknik Elektro. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan kemampuan arus beban maksimum 1 Ampere dan ketersediaan daya yang dibangkitan kurang dari 100 Watt. Instrumen ukur yang digunakan berbasis analog dan dalam masih dalam skala mikro.