Anak-anak dengan ADHD berjuang untuk mempertahankan kendali diri, kesulitan memusatkan perhatian ... more Anak-anak dengan ADHD berjuang untuk mempertahankan kendali diri, kesulitan memusatkan perhatian atau memperhatikan, dan menunjukkan perilaku hiperaktif dan impulsif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pola asuh dari anak ADHD dari dua subjek yang dilihat dari segi lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan rumah, serta cara penanganan terhadap anak ADHD. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak gangguan ADHD sangat berpengaruh terhadap semua aspek perkembangan anak. Hal ini karena pola asuh yang kebanyakan diterapkan oleh orang tua ialah pola asuh otoriter dan permisif. Dengan begitu orang tua sehendaknya dapat menerapkan pola asuh demokratis terhadap anak sehingga dapat mengetahui segala perkembangan anak.
The purpose of this study was to know (1) whether career maturity has a significant and positive ... more The purpose of this study was to know (1) whether career maturity has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (2) whether organizational culture has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (3) whether job satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (4) whether career maturity, organizational culture, and job satisfaction together have a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers. The research population was 211, while the number of samples taken in this study was 122 using the Taro Yamane formula using non-proportionate cluster random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire, then analyzed utilizing multiple linear regression. Based on the results of statistical tests and discussions, the researchers concluded that (1) Career maturity has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI...
Tujuan dari dilakukannya penilitian ini adalah untuk melihat dampak dari pemberian pola asuh, per... more Tujuan dari dilakukannya penilitian ini adalah untuk melihat dampak dari pemberian pola asuh, perbedaan karakter dan perilaku anak yang ditemukan, nilai karakter apa yang diberikan atau didapat serta akibat apa yang diperoleh dari pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua anak. Metode penilitian yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini ialah menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara terencana yaitu pewawancara menyiapkan pedoman wawancara dan melakukan observasi secara langsung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua anak yaitu pola asuh demokratis dan pola asuh permisif. Pada anak kembar subyek pertama peneliti menemukan bahwa orang tua sang anak menerapkan pola asuh demokratis yaitu adanya musyawarah di dalam keluarga, pengarahan anak dari dan pada anak kembar subyek kedua peneliti menemukan bahwa orang tua sang anak menerapkan pola asuh permisif yaitu memberikan kebebasan da...
The 7Ps of education Marketing Mix is an educational marketing mix that can directly promote an e... more The 7Ps of education Marketing Mix is an educational marketing mix that can directly promote an educational institution consisting of its components, namely Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Environment components. The purpose of the study is to describe the implementation of marketing using the 7Ps Education Marketing Mix in early childhood education institutions. A qualitative approach with a case study design was used as an approach in this research. Some data were collected using the process of observation, interviews, and documentation. Some data which were obtained from the data collection process then checked for correctness, suitability, and reliability through a triangulation process, and triangulation of methods and sources was used in this study. Some data which got from interviews were triangulated with data from documents and observations. In addition, some data from interviews of one respondent were also checked against other respondents a...
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Education and Technology (2017 ICEduTech), 2018
This study aims at answering three research questions: 1) how is the vocabulary achievement of th... more This study aims at answering three research questions: 1) how is the vocabulary achievement of the SMPN 27 Samarinda eight grade students who were taught English subject (L2) by using both L1? and 2) is there any significant different between students' vocabulary achievement of the eight grade students at SMPN 27 Samarinda before and after being taught English subject (L2) by using L1? This is an experimental study using one-group pre-test post-test design. the population are all eight grade students at SMPN 27 Samarinda (seven parallel classes). Based on the list of the mean scores of each class in English subject (see table 2), then class VIII-E is chosen as the sample. There are two instruments used in this study, i.e. test and questionnaire. To test the hypotheses, the researchers used inferential statistics, i.e. paired sample t-test. It was used as the test of significance between students' scores before they experienced the treatment and after they received the treatment. This study finds out that there is a significant difference in the score of pretest (M = 62. 17, SD = 13.43) and posttest (M = 73, SD = 13.43) conditions; t (29) =-9.20, p < .001, which implies the use of bahasa Indonesia (L1) in teaching English subject to the eight grade students of SMPN 27 Samarinda does have effect on their vocabulary achievement. From above facts, it can be concluded that the using L1 in EFL context can increase the vocabulary achievement.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2021
The study aims to determine whether work motivation affects teacher performance, discipline influ... more The study aims to determine whether work motivation affects teacher performance, discipline influences teacher performance, and teacher interpersonal communication affects teacher performance. Also, this research explores the prominent factors that influence teacher performance. This research was conducted at Samarinda Middle School with a sample of 60 randomly selected teachers from six Junior High Schools in Samarinda. The data were collected using a questionnaire, followed by interviews with five teacher representatives from each school. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by path analysis. The findings indicate that: (1) work motivation had a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (2) work discipline had a direct positive influence on teacher performance, (3) teacher interpersonal communication had a direct effect on teacher performance, and (4) the most dominant influential factor on teacher performance was teachers’ interpersonal communication.
Journal of Social Science Research (, Mar 12, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5-6 tahun me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5-6 tahun melalui bermain di TK Anggrek Permai Balikpapan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE yang menggunakan 4 tahapan, yaitu: (1) tahap pra pengembangan, (2) tahap pengembangan awal, (3) tahap pengembangan, (4) tahap penerapan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian pengembangan ini adalah: (1) desain perangkat pembelajaran pengembangan dibuat mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 dengan memenuhi seluruh komponen yang harus ada dalam setiap perangkat pembelajaran, (2) kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5 -6 tahun melalui bermain dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi tim ahli atau validator menghasilkan nilai 96,54% dengan kategori hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran sangat layak/valid, didukung oleh respon guru yang positif, sehingga sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran, (3) Kefektifan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5 -6 tahun mel...
This research aims to know the effect of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method on speaking... more This research aims to know the effect of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method on speaking ability and speaking anxiety of police brigadier students at police state school of East Kalimantan Regional Police. The research has been conducted through true experimental research design. The result of this research revealed that Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method affected speaking ability and speaking anxiety of the students at Police State School of East Kalimantan Regional Police in academic year 2021/2022. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study was accepted because the result of analysis used MANOVA showed the p value of speaking ability was less than 0,05 which is 0.000 and for the value speaking anxiety was 0.000 < 0,05. It can be concluded that the CLT method gave the significant effect on the students, speaking ability and the CLT method also reduced students’ speaking anxiety.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pedagogic Competence, Attitude on Profes... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pedagogic Competence, Attitude on Profession, Work Motivation, on the performance of Islamic Elementary School teachers in Samarinda City. The results stated that: (1) Pedagogic competence has a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (2) Attitudes in the profession have a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (3) Motivation has a direct positive effect on Teacher Performance, (4) Pedagogic competence has a direct positive effect on motivation, (5) Attitudes in the profession have a direct positive effect on motivation. This research was carried out in the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Office of the Ministry of Religion of Samarinda City involving 148 teachers as research samples. Determination of the research sample was done by using random sampling. The research data collection technique uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale with 5 answer choices and using tests. Data analysis uses path...
The objective of this research was to know influence of supervision, social interest and professi... more The objective of this research was to know influence of supervision, social interest and professional interest to performance of public junior high school teacher in Tanjung Redeb district, Berau regency. The method of this research was correlation method. The responden in this research was all of the public junior high school teacher in Tanjung Redeb district, Berau regency. Data were collecting by using questionnaire, with four instruments such as supervision, social interest, professional interest and performance. Instruments were calibrated by using validity test and of reliability. Item validity was calculated by using correlation coefficient of product moment correlation, while the coefficient of instrument reliability was calculated by using alpha cronbach formula. The result of this research are there are positive relation supervise to teacher performance, there are positive relation social interest with teacher performance, and there are positive Influence interest of profe...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE 2018), 2018
The purpose of this study is to know the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English... more The purpose of this study is to know the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for 5-6 years old students of Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten Samarinda based on BCCT learning model in the 2016/2017 academic year. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative, the focus of the study was techniques which was used by teachers. The subject of the study was the teachers of the B class in Al-Azhar Kindergarten. The researcher conducted two instruments which were used to interview and observation. Data analysis using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The findings showed that there are seven teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for 5-6 years old, there are disciplinary, using media, using song, real object, show and tell, games and playing, and giving the reward. In applying the teaching techniques, the teachers always attempt to make the class fun for every young learner.
This study aims to determine the learning of the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in childre... more This study aims to determine the learning of the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in TK Khalifah Samarinda and the obstacles experienced in the learning strategy of planting entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. Khalifah Samarinda. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collected comes from interview scripts, field notes and documentation. The focus of this research relates to the activities of teachers and students in the TK Khalifah Samarinda. The results of this study indicate that the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years is good enough and in accordance with children's needs. Embedded educational values are (1) market day (bazaar) activities (2) the values of independence that are embedded in children are very helpful to children in their daily habits, (3) discipline values, success here is very visible in children with seriousness in performi...
The purpose of this study is to obtain a complete and clear picture of PKBM Management in PKBM Sa... more The purpose of this study is to obtain a complete and clear picture of PKBM Management in PKBM Salsabila, Pasir Belengkong District, which includes planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating. This research uses a qualitative research approach with a case study design, the main informants are managers including the Chairperson, Secretary, treasurer, technical resource persons and tutors. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and study documentationThe results of research, management and data analysis that have been done by researchers by describing relevant theories about PKBM management are: (1). Planning of human resource tutors and staff development programs is carried out at the beginning of the new school year through workshops. (2). Organizing the tutor and employee human resource development program is done by forming a committee and division of tasks and responsibilities towards the implementation of the program. (3). Implementation of the tut...
Education is a government effort to educate the people of Indonesia, as mandated in the opening o... more Education is a government effort to educate the people of Indonesia, as mandated in the opening of the Constitution 1945, Human resources education is an important factor for the success of an education that must be managed with the most, because with the management of human resources education this educational institution can produce quality graduatesto realize the quality of the college graduates are required a qualified HR lecturer through the management of human resources in the University of Kutai Kartanegara. Human Resource Management (MSDM) is managing recruitment, selection, awarding, efforts to maintain assessment and promotion of personnel to gain the welfare or sanction of the institutions. The research objectives are: (1) to describe the mechanism of HR recruitment. 2 To describe the efforts to increase HR capability. (3) to describe the HR career level. (4) to describe the welfare of human resources. (5) to describe the process of termination or termination of human res...
Anak-anak dengan ADHD berjuang untuk mempertahankan kendali diri, kesulitan memusatkan perhatian ... more Anak-anak dengan ADHD berjuang untuk mempertahankan kendali diri, kesulitan memusatkan perhatian atau memperhatikan, dan menunjukkan perilaku hiperaktif dan impulsif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pola asuh dari anak ADHD dari dua subjek yang dilihat dari segi lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan rumah, serta cara penanganan terhadap anak ADHD. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak gangguan ADHD sangat berpengaruh terhadap semua aspek perkembangan anak. Hal ini karena pola asuh yang kebanyakan diterapkan oleh orang tua ialah pola asuh otoriter dan permisif. Dengan begitu orang tua sehendaknya dapat menerapkan pola asuh demokratis terhadap anak sehingga dapat mengetahui segala perkembangan anak.
The purpose of this study was to know (1) whether career maturity has a significant and positive ... more The purpose of this study was to know (1) whether career maturity has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (2) whether organizational culture has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (3) whether job satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers, (4) whether career maturity, organizational culture, and job satisfaction together have a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI Samarinda lecturers. The research population was 211, while the number of samples taken in this study was 122 using the Taro Yamane formula using non-proportionate cluster random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire, then analyzed utilizing multiple linear regression. Based on the results of statistical tests and discussions, the researchers concluded that (1) Career maturity has a significant and positive effect on the performance of UINSI...
Tujuan dari dilakukannya penilitian ini adalah untuk melihat dampak dari pemberian pola asuh, per... more Tujuan dari dilakukannya penilitian ini adalah untuk melihat dampak dari pemberian pola asuh, perbedaan karakter dan perilaku anak yang ditemukan, nilai karakter apa yang diberikan atau didapat serta akibat apa yang diperoleh dari pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua anak. Metode penilitian yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini ialah menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara terencana yaitu pewawancara menyiapkan pedoman wawancara dan melakukan observasi secara langsung. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua anak yaitu pola asuh demokratis dan pola asuh permisif. Pada anak kembar subyek pertama peneliti menemukan bahwa orang tua sang anak menerapkan pola asuh demokratis yaitu adanya musyawarah di dalam keluarga, pengarahan anak dari dan pada anak kembar subyek kedua peneliti menemukan bahwa orang tua sang anak menerapkan pola asuh permisif yaitu memberikan kebebasan da...
The 7Ps of education Marketing Mix is an educational marketing mix that can directly promote an e... more The 7Ps of education Marketing Mix is an educational marketing mix that can directly promote an educational institution consisting of its components, namely Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Environment components. The purpose of the study is to describe the implementation of marketing using the 7Ps Education Marketing Mix in early childhood education institutions. A qualitative approach with a case study design was used as an approach in this research. Some data were collected using the process of observation, interviews, and documentation. Some data which were obtained from the data collection process then checked for correctness, suitability, and reliability through a triangulation process, and triangulation of methods and sources was used in this study. Some data which got from interviews were triangulated with data from documents and observations. In addition, some data from interviews of one respondent were also checked against other respondents a...
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Education and Technology (2017 ICEduTech), 2018
This study aims at answering three research questions: 1) how is the vocabulary achievement of th... more This study aims at answering three research questions: 1) how is the vocabulary achievement of the SMPN 27 Samarinda eight grade students who were taught English subject (L2) by using both L1? and 2) is there any significant different between students' vocabulary achievement of the eight grade students at SMPN 27 Samarinda before and after being taught English subject (L2) by using L1? This is an experimental study using one-group pre-test post-test design. the population are all eight grade students at SMPN 27 Samarinda (seven parallel classes). Based on the list of the mean scores of each class in English subject (see table 2), then class VIII-E is chosen as the sample. There are two instruments used in this study, i.e. test and questionnaire. To test the hypotheses, the researchers used inferential statistics, i.e. paired sample t-test. It was used as the test of significance between students' scores before they experienced the treatment and after they received the treatment. This study finds out that there is a significant difference in the score of pretest (M = 62. 17, SD = 13.43) and posttest (M = 73, SD = 13.43) conditions; t (29) =-9.20, p < .001, which implies the use of bahasa Indonesia (L1) in teaching English subject to the eight grade students of SMPN 27 Samarinda does have effect on their vocabulary achievement. From above facts, it can be concluded that the using L1 in EFL context can increase the vocabulary achievement.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2021
The study aims to determine whether work motivation affects teacher performance, discipline influ... more The study aims to determine whether work motivation affects teacher performance, discipline influences teacher performance, and teacher interpersonal communication affects teacher performance. Also, this research explores the prominent factors that influence teacher performance. This research was conducted at Samarinda Middle School with a sample of 60 randomly selected teachers from six Junior High Schools in Samarinda. The data were collected using a questionnaire, followed by interviews with five teacher representatives from each school. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by path analysis. The findings indicate that: (1) work motivation had a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (2) work discipline had a direct positive influence on teacher performance, (3) teacher interpersonal communication had a direct effect on teacher performance, and (4) the most dominant influential factor on teacher performance was teachers’ interpersonal communication.
Journal of Social Science Research (, Mar 12, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5-6 tahun me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5-6 tahun melalui bermain di TK Anggrek Permai Balikpapan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE yang menggunakan 4 tahapan, yaitu: (1) tahap pra pengembangan, (2) tahap pengembangan awal, (3) tahap pengembangan, (4) tahap penerapan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian pengembangan ini adalah: (1) desain perangkat pembelajaran pengembangan dibuat mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 dengan memenuhi seluruh komponen yang harus ada dalam setiap perangkat pembelajaran, (2) kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5 -6 tahun melalui bermain dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi tim ahli atau validator menghasilkan nilai 96,54% dengan kategori hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran sangat layak/valid, didukung oleh respon guru yang positif, sehingga sangat layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran, (3) Kefektifan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa anak usia 5 -6 tahun mel...
This research aims to know the effect of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method on speaking... more This research aims to know the effect of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method on speaking ability and speaking anxiety of police brigadier students at police state school of East Kalimantan Regional Police. The research has been conducted through true experimental research design. The result of this research revealed that Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method affected speaking ability and speaking anxiety of the students at Police State School of East Kalimantan Regional Police in academic year 2021/2022. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study was accepted because the result of analysis used MANOVA showed the p value of speaking ability was less than 0,05 which is 0.000 and for the value speaking anxiety was 0.000 < 0,05. It can be concluded that the CLT method gave the significant effect on the students, speaking ability and the CLT method also reduced students’ speaking anxiety.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pedagogic Competence, Attitude on Profes... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pedagogic Competence, Attitude on Profession, Work Motivation, on the performance of Islamic Elementary School teachers in Samarinda City. The results stated that: (1) Pedagogic competence has a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (2) Attitudes in the profession have a direct positive effect on teacher performance, (3) Motivation has a direct positive effect on Teacher Performance, (4) Pedagogic competence has a direct positive effect on motivation, (5) Attitudes in the profession have a direct positive effect on motivation. This research was carried out in the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Office of the Ministry of Religion of Samarinda City involving 148 teachers as research samples. Determination of the research sample was done by using random sampling. The research data collection technique uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale with 5 answer choices and using tests. Data analysis uses path...
The objective of this research was to know influence of supervision, social interest and professi... more The objective of this research was to know influence of supervision, social interest and professional interest to performance of public junior high school teacher in Tanjung Redeb district, Berau regency. The method of this research was correlation method. The responden in this research was all of the public junior high school teacher in Tanjung Redeb district, Berau regency. Data were collecting by using questionnaire, with four instruments such as supervision, social interest, professional interest and performance. Instruments were calibrated by using validity test and of reliability. Item validity was calculated by using correlation coefficient of product moment correlation, while the coefficient of instrument reliability was calculated by using alpha cronbach formula. The result of this research are there are positive relation supervise to teacher performance, there are positive relation social interest with teacher performance, and there are positive Influence interest of profe...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE 2018), 2018
The purpose of this study is to know the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English... more The purpose of this study is to know the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for 5-6 years old students of Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kindergarten Samarinda based on BCCT learning model in the 2016/2017 academic year. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative, the focus of the study was techniques which was used by teachers. The subject of the study was the teachers of the B class in Al-Azhar Kindergarten. The researcher conducted two instruments which were used to interview and observation. Data analysis using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The findings showed that there are seven teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for 5-6 years old, there are disciplinary, using media, using song, real object, show and tell, games and playing, and giving the reward. In applying the teaching techniques, the teachers always attempt to make the class fun for every young learner.
This study aims to determine the learning of the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in childre... more This study aims to determine the learning of the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in TK Khalifah Samarinda and the obstacles experienced in the learning strategy of planting entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. Khalifah Samarinda. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collected comes from interview scripts, field notes and documentation. The focus of this research relates to the activities of teachers and students in the TK Khalifah Samarinda. The results of this study indicate that the cultivation of entrepreneurial values in children aged 5-6 years is good enough and in accordance with children's needs. Embedded educational values are (1) market day (bazaar) activities (2) the values of independence that are embedded in children are very helpful to children in their daily habits, (3) discipline values, success here is very visible in children with seriousness in performi...
The purpose of this study is to obtain a complete and clear picture of PKBM Management in PKBM Sa... more The purpose of this study is to obtain a complete and clear picture of PKBM Management in PKBM Salsabila, Pasir Belengkong District, which includes planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating. This research uses a qualitative research approach with a case study design, the main informants are managers including the Chairperson, Secretary, treasurer, technical resource persons and tutors. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and study documentationThe results of research, management and data analysis that have been done by researchers by describing relevant theories about PKBM management are: (1). Planning of human resource tutors and staff development programs is carried out at the beginning of the new school year through workshops. (2). Organizing the tutor and employee human resource development program is done by forming a committee and division of tasks and responsibilities towards the implementation of the program. (3). Implementation of the tut...
Education is a government effort to educate the people of Indonesia, as mandated in the opening o... more Education is a government effort to educate the people of Indonesia, as mandated in the opening of the Constitution 1945, Human resources education is an important factor for the success of an education that must be managed with the most, because with the management of human resources education this educational institution can produce quality graduatesto realize the quality of the college graduates are required a qualified HR lecturer through the management of human resources in the University of Kutai Kartanegara. Human Resource Management (MSDM) is managing recruitment, selection, awarding, efforts to maintain assessment and promotion of personnel to gain the welfare or sanction of the institutions. The research objectives are: (1) to describe the mechanism of HR recruitment. 2 To describe the efforts to increase HR capability. (3) to describe the HR career level. (4) to describe the welfare of human resources. (5) to describe the process of termination or termination of human res...
Papers by hasbi sjamsir