Papers by teresa mendizabal

Segregated individuals with mental disorders, families without support or guidance concerning dis... more Segregated individuals with mental disorders, families without support or guidance concerning disease and treatment, and unprepared professionals are some of the factors that can contribute to re-hospitalizations. This study identifies sociodemographic variables, clinical conditions, diagnoses and treatments in order to identify their relationship with psychiatric re-hospitalizations. This is an exploratory and descriptive study. A form was used to search data in patients' files from 2006 and 2007 in a regional psychiatric facility. A total of 681 re-hospitalizations were identified, the majority due to treatment abandonment. Length of hospitalization was higher for women between 40 and 49 years of age. Positive associations of sociodemographic data with previous hospitalizations were found, such as type of discharge, and physical and mental condition, which is in accordance with the literature. Readmissions are associated with sociodemographic and clinical indicators. These findings can guide care and public policies regarding mental health.

Journal of Arid Environments, 1998
In the western Mediterranean desertification is triggered by climatic variability and demographic... more In the western Mediterranean desertification is triggered by climatic variability and demographic disequilibrium, both of which directly and indirectly affect water budgets and land degradation through associated changes in land use patterns. This paper gives a historical perspective by reviewing major findings in climate and land use changes in the area, including information from tree ring, palynological, sedimentological, archaeological and archive analysis, with special emphasis on the past 500 years. This paper discusses the synergies between these changes and their implications to the most vulnerable ecosystems, such as mountain and semiarid ecosystems, and compares current desertification processes in the area's north and south. In both cases rangelands and irrigated zones are the most affected land use systems. In the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia), rangelands are being destroyed by overgrazing and agricultural encroachment. In northern countries rangelands are increasing at the expense of marginal agriculture. This paper discusses some controversial implications of rangeland vegetation recovery on fire and water regimes and reviews information on the steppes of Stipa tenacissima, paying attention to changes and degradation patterns, irreversible thresholds and implications of their spatial structure. Finally, this paper discusses western Mediterranean irrigated lands as hot spots of desertification; their vulnerability to rainfall variability; the difficulties of relieving them from overexploitation of water resources; and their terminal symptoms, such as soil salinization, exhaustion and deterioration of aquifers, and damage to downstream fluvial and wetland systems.

a Licenciada en Nutrición, b Bachiller en Nutrición, c Médico Endocrinólogo Resumen Objetivo: Det... more a Licenciada en Nutrición, b Bachiller en Nutrición, c Médico Endocrinólogo Resumen Objetivo: Determinar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 y microangiopatías. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, de serie de casos. Institución: Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao, hospital docente. Participantes: Pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus. Intervenciones: Se realizó un estudio de 48 pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus 2 con y sin microangiopatías. Se determinó edad, sexo, tiempo de enfermedad, glicemia, y características posibles de relacionarse con la ausencia de complicaciones microvasculares, susceptibles o no de modificación: nivel educativo, nivel socioeconómico, atención mínima (endocrinólogo), atención estándar (endocrinólogo y nutricionista), atención integral (profesionales anteriores más otro especialista), percepción de apoyo familiar, asistencia al control médico, adherencia a dieta sin azúcares simples y actividad física regular. Principales medidas de resultados: Presentación de microangiopatías y otras complicaciones. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 55,6 años y 52% de los pacientes presentó microangiopatía. Los pacientes sin complicaciones tuvieron menor edad, tiempo de enfermedad y antecedentes familiares de diabetes; mayor nivel educativo y socioeconómico; mejor estado nutricional y menor nivel de glicemia. La ausencia de microangiopatías se asoció a una atención estándar (endocrinólogo y nutricionista) (p=0,013). Conclusiones: La microangiopatía se presentó en 52% de pacientes del estudio. Los pacientes sin complicaciones tuvieron menor edad, menor tiempo de enfermedad y antecedentes familiares de diabetes; mayor nivel educativo y socioeconómico; mejor estado nutricional y menor nivel de glicemia. Palabras clave: Diabetes mellitus tipo 2; microangiopatía diabética; estado nutricional; glucemia.
Papers by teresa mendizabal