Papers by Jorge Podestá

Habitat variety and behaviour of the Sanderling (Calidris alba) in an urban neotropical coastal wetland, 2024
Sanderling Calidris alba is a migratory coastal bird species whose populations are affected by cl... more Sanderling Calidris alba is a migratory coastal bird species whose populations are affected by climatic and anthropogenic issues. Additionally, its behavioural patterns depend on habitat variety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in the frequency and duration of C. alba behaviour in relation to habitat variety in a Peruvian coastal wetland. Based on types of behaviour recorded in a previous study of C. alba during August and September 2019 at low, mid and high tide periods in three habitats of the Coastal Wetland Poza La Arenilla (HCPA) (La Punta, Callao, Peru), differences and diversity in the frequencies and durations of such behaviour between habitats were assessed according to tide condition. Additionally, a correlation analysis between the duration and frequency of behaviour for each habitat according to tide condition was conducted. General differences in behaviour (frequency and duration) between habitats were found, although there was a high similarity of behaviour between areas particularly when mid-and high tide levels were present. The greatest diversity of behaviour, both in frequency and duration, was observed generally during mid-tide conditions in rocky habitats. In most cases, there was a high correlation between the frequency and duration of behaviour for habitats according to tide condition. It is concluded that midtide conditions are associated with greater availability of soft substrates, favouring a wide variety of types of behaviour for C. alba, including behaviour related to foraging and locomotion.

Spatio-temporal distribution of aquatic birds of the family Laridae in a South American coastal wetland, 2023
Spatio-temporal distribution of aquatic birds of the family Laridae in a South American coastal w... more Spatio-temporal distribution of aquatic birds of the family Laridae in a South American coastal wetland Introduction: The coastal wetland Poza de La Arenilla (HCPA), located in Callao (Peru), is an important resting and roosting habitat for aquatic birds, including the family Laridae. However, the wetland is suffering critical degradation due to the development of anthropogenic activities. Objective: To evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of aquatic birds of the family Laridae reported at HCPA seasonally during the period 2013-2018. Methods: Biweekly sampling was carried out in 11 delimited zones in HCPA between January 2013 and December 2018, during morning and afternoon hours using the total count method. Results: A total of 12 species of Laridae birds were recorded. Leucophaeus pipixcan is the most dominant species in most of the studied zones and its presence is highlighted in summer and spring. The species with the greatest distribution in the wetland was L. pipixcan, Larus dominicanus, and Larus belcheri, which were reported in all the zones studied. The highest average total abundance of species was recorded in summer, while the lowest in winter. A gradual increase in the average abundance of aquatic birds was observed, with these increases being noticeable between the springs and summers from one year to the following. Also, overall richness of the larids was observed to decrease throughout the period evaluated. A similar seasonal variation pattern of the Shannon diversity index (H') was observed from one year to the following, due the fact that Laridae are migratory, and a tendency for the index to decrease with the passage of time. Conclusions: The HCPA plays a key role for the aquatic birds of the region. The presence of five migratory and seven resident species of Laridae has been recorded, which show spatial preferences in different areas of the wetland. Despite a decrease in overall species richness over time, the average abundance of Laridae birds is increasing.

RESUMEN. Con el objetivo de evaluar los patrones de comportamiento del playero arenero Calidris a... more RESUMEN. Con el objetivo de evaluar los patrones de comportamiento del playero arenero Calidris alba (Scolopacidae), se realizaron observaciones entre el mes de agosto y septiembre de 2019 en el Humedal Costero Poza de la Arenilla (Callao, Perú). Cada sesión de observación tuvo una duración de 600 segundos (10 min.), con un tiempo total de observación de 40,200 segundos, aplicándose la técnica del "muestreo focal". Se identificaron 58 tipos de comportamiento agrupados en ocho categorías. Las cuatro principales categorías de comportamientos con relación al tiempo total de observación fueron: descanso (37 %), locomoción (26 %), acicalamiento (13 %) y forrajeo (11 %); otras categorías representan el 13 %. Además, con relación al tiempo total de observación priman cuatro comportamientos: descanso con pico entre las alas (15 %), descanso (13 %), corretear (13 %) y caminar (9 %). El conocimiento de los patrones de comportamiento de C. alba permite obtener información

Abundancia de aves playeras (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae) y su relación con la temperatura del agua en un humedal de Perú (2013-2019), 2021
Introduction: Scolopacidae family (Order: Charadriiformes) is one of the most abundant families f... more Introduction: Scolopacidae family (Order: Charadriiformes) is one of the most abundant families found in coastal wetlands. La Arenilla coastal wetland has a historical record of 20 scolopacid species; climatic events could affect the distribution and migration of the several species of this taxonomic family, reducing their species
richness and abundance. Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between richness and abundance of the species belonging to the Scolopacidae family and both Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the coastal El
Niño index (ICEN) in La Arenilla Coastal Wetland, La Punta, Callao. Methods: Sampling were carried out twice a month, between January 2013 and January 2019 using the Total. Count Method in order to determine species abundance (N = 292). A Spearman correlation analysis between abundance, species richness, SST and ICEN was performed, and beta diversity was calculated through the Whittaker index (βw) to analyze both the annual turnover for each season and the seasonal turnover within each year. Results: Two significant correlations were obtained: between SST and abundance and between ICEN and species richness. On the other hand, the ANOSIM test showed seasonal differences in abundance, and the SIMPER test showed that the greatest difference in abundance between seasons was between autumn and spring (Bray- Curtis dissimilarity = 81.57 %), and the minimum difference between winter and spring (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity= 49.86 %). Conclusions: The ecological dynamics of scolopacid communities in La Arenilla coastal wetland face important changes according to the variations in the environmental thermal parameters related to climate change.
Key words: migratory; abundance; species richness; Scolopacidae; coastal wetland; climate change.

A pesar de las crecientes investigaciones realizadas en los humedales del Callao se sabe poco sob... more A pesar de las crecientes investigaciones realizadas en los humedales del Callao se sabe poco sobre su diversidad biológica. El Parque Ecológico Municipal “El Mirador” se ubica en el distrito de Ventanilla y cuenta con 20 ha aproximadamente. La mayoría de los problemas que presenta este humedal son la reducción gradual de sus espacios, por la expansión urbana, incendios, arrojos de residuos sólidos e ingresos no autorizados. Nuestro objetivo es presentar un inventario florístico y lista de aves del mencionado humedal. Se realizaron visitas mensuales diurnas desde enero 2016 a diciembre 2018; el registro de las especies de flora se llevó a cabo mediante búsqueda intensiva dentro del área, para la evaluaciones de las especies de aves, se emplearon de manera combinada el conteo de puntos y transecto lineal; la identificación de las especies se realizó mediante literatura especializada. Se registraron en total 18 especies de plantas vasculares distribuidas en 11 familias, se comentaron aspectos sobre forma de crecimiento, procedencia y usos, siendo la familia más representativa la Poaceae con cinco especies; en cuanto a las aves se reporta 81 especies, distribuidas en 31 familias, presentando información sobre su estacionalidad y estado de conservación.

Los humedales del Callao cuentan con una variedad de organismos de fauna y flora acuática. Estos ... more Los humedales del Callao cuentan con una variedad de organismos de fauna y flora acuática. Estos oasis chalacos (Área de Conservación Regional Humedales de Ventanilla (ACRHV), Parque Ecológico Municipal “El Mirador” y El Humedal Costero Poza de la Arenilla-HCPA) cuentan con un gran atractivo Los humedales del Callao cuentan con una variedad de organismos de fauna y flora acuática. Estos oasis chalacos (Área de Conservación Regional Humedales de Ventanilla (ACRHV), Parque Ecológico Municipal “El Mirador” y El Humedal Costero Poza de la Arenilla-HCPA) cuentan con un gran atractivo para el turismo y la observación de aves. Sin embargo, solo se cuenta con un humedal con categoría de protección: Área de Conservación Regional Humedales de Ventanilla (ACRHV). Si bien es cierto, los otros dos humedales no cuentan con una categoría de protección, existen iniciativas para su conservación. Se identificaron las especies de aves que albergan estos humedales y se contó con información precisa de la avifauna residente y migratoria. Se calculó el índice de similitud de Jaccard para 1) determinar la similitud en la composición de especies entre los tres humedales: ACRHV, El Mirador y HCPA, y 2) calcular la similitud entre las mismas categorías de estacionalidad para ACRHV, El Mirador y HCPA. Las familias con mayor riqueza fueron Scolopacidae (22) y Laridae (14). En cuanto a la estacionalidad, la principal diferencia observada entre los humedales ubicados en el distrito de Ventanilla (ACRHV y El Mirador) y La Punta (HCPA) es en especies residentes (Re), con 55 especies para Ventanilla y 24 especies para La Punta. En relación a la similitud según estacionalidad, la mayor similitud de Jaccard la obtuvieron las especies migratorias boreales, con casi 59% especies compartidas entre el distrito de Ventanilla y La Punta. Los resultados de este estudio muestran la estrecha relación que existe entre los tres humedales del Callao, siendo hábitats compartidos para muchas especies de aves. Se requiere impulsar acciones para la gestión de estos ecosistemas a nivel regional, tales como la creación de un corredor biológico importante en la zona centro de Lima y Callao.
The visit of Phoenicopterus chilensis (Molina, 1782) to the wetlands of the Callao Region, Peru f... more The visit of Phoenicopterus chilensis (Molina, 1782) to the wetlands of the Callao Region, Peru from April to January is reported in variable numbers from one to 14 individuals. Th e observations were made of adults, juveniles and immatures. Th e oldest record for these wetlands is the one reported in August 1998 by Edward Brinkley and the largest; record of P. chilensis was in August 2017 with 14 individuals.

Keywords: conservation-observation areas-Parque de las Leyendas-urban parks-wild birds The parks ... more Keywords: conservation-observation areas-Parque de las Leyendas-urban parks-wild birds The parks and gardens present in Lima City form important urban ecosystems which given the wealth of biological species can be considered as wildlife refuges as well as being part of observation circuits for urban birds. El Parque de las Leyendas stands out for presenting a large number of wild bird species, 45 recorded during the years 2016 to 2018. The family's with high levels of representation are Thraupidae (13%), Tyrannidae (11%), Columbidae (9%) and Ardeidae (9%). 26 species are coastal birds (Zc); 17 species are from the sierra (mountain) zone (Zsi); 31 species from the jungle zone (Zse); and 36 species are cosmopolitan (Zi). Among the species that stand out most is the White-faced Whistling-Duck Dendrocyna viduata (Linnaeus, 1766) "Divagant" species (V) for the country, Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica (Linnaeus, 1766) vagrant species for the Parque de las Leyendas, (V) and Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus, 1758), species vagrant for the PLL. Information is presented on the diversity of wild birds, seasonality, abundance and state of conservation.

Poza de la Arenilla is an artificial wetland created by the construction of two rocks in the sout... more Poza de la Arenilla is an artificial wetland created by the construction of two rocks in the southern part of the district of La Punta, which are approximately 18.2 ha. The shorebirds belong in their entirety to the Order Charadriiformes; these belong to the families: Haematopodidae, Charadriidae and Scolopacidae. In order to determine the temporal variation of shorebirds, a study was carried out between January 2013 and September 2016, using the transect methodology; the route was 1,115 km, passing through an urban area on the left side of the transect and a coastal marine area on the right side. For the analysis of the data, the PRIMER v6.0 software was used to determine the seasonal variation of the birds in each season (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) and to compare results between seasons. There were 19 species belonging to 3 families of the order Charadriiformes. The species that presented the most numerous populations were Calidris alba "sanderling" (256), Numenius phaeopus "whimbrel" (89), Calidris pusilla "semipalmated sandpiper" (66) and Charadrius semipalmatus "semipalmated plover" (114). The family with the richest shorebirds for this wetland was Scolopacidae with 14 species. The year 2013 presents the greatest species richness (14), with abundance of Charadrius nivosus "snowy plover" and Phalaropus tricolor "Wilson's phalarope".

The Coastal Wetland "Poza de la Arenilla" (HCPA) located in the district of La Punta (Callao) rec... more The Coastal Wetland "Poza de la Arenilla" (HCPA) located in the district of La Punta (Callao) receives
each year a significant group of shorebirds of which no detailed information is available. The present
study aims to define the spatial distribution of shorebirds species in the wetland between January 2013 and
December 2015 to determine the composition in each of the identified areas. The areas defined for this
habitat are: Boulders 1 (CR1), Channel, Chanel wall (MC), Shore, Sandstone shore 1 (OA1), Sandstone,
Roquedal 1 (R1), Water mirror 1 (EA1), Roquedal 2 (R2), Water mirror 2 (EA2) and Sandstone shore 2
(OA2). Were recorded 2 species for the family Haematopopidae, 4 for Charadriidae and 13 for
Scolopacidae.The species that contributed the most to the habitats and seasons were: Actitis macularius
(Linnaeus, 1766), representing the zone Shore (97.59%), and the season spring (27.40%); Charadrius
semipalmatus (Bonaparte, 1825), in O.A.1 (36.13%) and summer (25.07%), Arenaria interpres
(Linnaeus, 1758), in EA2 (62.81%) and autumn (24.81%). Autumn was the season with the lowest
abundance compared to other seasons, this due to not being in the migratory shorebird migration season
mostly migrating to the family Charadriidae and Scolopacidae.
We report a new record of sighting of one individual of the " chilean flamingo " (Phoenicopterus ... more We report a new record of sighting of one individual of the " chilean flamingo " (Phoenicopterus chilensis) on the lake of the artificial coastal wetland Poza de la Arenilla, Callao, Peru.
Primer registro documentado del PatoSilbón de Cara Blanca (Dendrocygna viduata) después de 100 años en el departamento de Lima, Perú , 2017

In the period of January 2012 - January 2016, the ornithological wealth of coastal wetland La Poz... more In the period of January 2012 - January 2016, the ornithological wealth of coastal wetland La Poza de La Arenilla was evaluated with the methodology of transects with a total distance of 1,115km, registering 72 species of birds; This result was compared with previous work by Rivadeneira (1988), Troll (1997), González (2005) and Cano (2009); of which a list of historical records with 94 species of birds, distributed in 16 orders and 34 families was obtained. The richest families were Scolopacidae with 20 species, Laridae with 12, Ardeidae with 4, Charadriidae with 4, Columbidae with 4 and Psittacidae with 4. The most abundant families where Laridae, Phalacrococidae and Sulidae. The order Charadriiformes is the most diverse with 6 families and 39 species. One endemic species Cinclodes taczanowskii was found, 18 new records where recorded in this wetland.
Keywords: coastal wetland, historical records, species of birds
Teaching Documents by Jorge Podestá
Books by Jorge Podestá

La Convención Ramsar define un humedal como una zona de la superficie terrestre que está temporal... more La Convención Ramsar define un humedal como una zona de la superficie terrestre que está temporal o permanentemente inundada, regulada por factores climáticos y en constante interrelación con los seres vivos que la habitan. Los humedales comprenden una serie de hábitats como todos los tipos de lagos y ríos, acuíferos subterráneos, pantanos y marismas, pastizales húmedos, turberas, oasis, estuarios, deltas y bajos de marea, manglares y otras zonas costeras, arrecifes coralinos, y sitios artificiales como estanques piscícolas, arrozales, embalses y salinas. Cuentan con gran valor ecológico, económico y social a nivel mundial, pues en ellos habita una gran variedad de flora y fauna. En la actualidad muchos de estos ecosistemas se encuentran vulnerables, debido a la falta de conservación y falta de conocimiento de las autoridades y la población, ignorando los beneficios y servicios ecosistémicos que estos lugares nos brindan. Los humedales proveen una serie de recursos para los seres humanos. En estos ecosistemas existe una rica colección de componentes ambientales que sirven a diversas especies de aves como una zona de descanso, de alimentación y otros tipos de necesidades. La Poza de la Arenilla se caracteriza por reunir un gran número de aves todos los años, que se distribuyen en toda el área, comprendida en 18,2 hectáreas. Esta zona ha sido declarada Zona Reservada de Protección Municipal para evitar la depredación ictiológica y preservar la integridad de las aves migratorias. El presente documento es una guía de campo especializada para la identificación de las especies de aves del Humedal Costero Poza de la Arenilla, perteneciente al distrito de La Punta, en la provincia del Callao. Esta guía pretende ser un instrumento educativo, turístico y científico. Además, contiene información sobre la distribución, características, alimentación de las aves identificadas y recomendaciones para los visitantes y aficionados a la observación de aves.
Callao Biodiversidad y Paisajes Naturales, 2021
El Callao es Ventanilla hasta La Punta, con sus ecosistemas de playas, lomasy humedales costeros,... more El Callao es Ventanilla hasta La Punta, con sus ecosistemas de playas, lomasy humedales costeros, destacan una serie de destinos de
gran interés: el Área de Conservación Regional “Humedales
de Ventanilla”, el Parque Ecológico Municipal “Laguna
El Mirador” y La Poza de la Arenilla, además de las desembocaduras
de los ríos Rímac y Chillón, la cadena de islas
Palomino y Cavinzas que conforman la Reserva Nacional
Sistema de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras, así como la isla
más grande del mar peruano, la Isla San Lorenzo, y la Isla
El Frontón, de gran importancia histórica.
Esta publicación es la primera de su tipo, en el sentido de
que busca dar a conocer la naturaleza del Callao.
Papers by Jorge Podestá
richness and abundance. Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between richness and abundance of the species belonging to the Scolopacidae family and both Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the coastal El
Niño index (ICEN) in La Arenilla Coastal Wetland, La Punta, Callao. Methods: Sampling were carried out twice a month, between January 2013 and January 2019 using the Total. Count Method in order to determine species abundance (N = 292). A Spearman correlation analysis between abundance, species richness, SST and ICEN was performed, and beta diversity was calculated through the Whittaker index (βw) to analyze both the annual turnover for each season and the seasonal turnover within each year. Results: Two significant correlations were obtained: between SST and abundance and between ICEN and species richness. On the other hand, the ANOSIM test showed seasonal differences in abundance, and the SIMPER test showed that the greatest difference in abundance between seasons was between autumn and spring (Bray- Curtis dissimilarity = 81.57 %), and the minimum difference between winter and spring (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity= 49.86 %). Conclusions: The ecological dynamics of scolopacid communities in La Arenilla coastal wetland face important changes according to the variations in the environmental thermal parameters related to climate change.
Key words: migratory; abundance; species richness; Scolopacidae; coastal wetland; climate change.
each year a significant group of shorebirds of which no detailed information is available. The present
study aims to define the spatial distribution of shorebirds species in the wetland between January 2013 and
December 2015 to determine the composition in each of the identified areas. The areas defined for this
habitat are: Boulders 1 (CR1), Channel, Chanel wall (MC), Shore, Sandstone shore 1 (OA1), Sandstone,
Roquedal 1 (R1), Water mirror 1 (EA1), Roquedal 2 (R2), Water mirror 2 (EA2) and Sandstone shore 2
(OA2). Were recorded 2 species for the family Haematopopidae, 4 for Charadriidae and 13 for
Scolopacidae.The species that contributed the most to the habitats and seasons were: Actitis macularius
(Linnaeus, 1766), representing the zone Shore (97.59%), and the season spring (27.40%); Charadrius
semipalmatus (Bonaparte, 1825), in O.A.1 (36.13%) and summer (25.07%), Arenaria interpres
(Linnaeus, 1758), in EA2 (62.81%) and autumn (24.81%). Autumn was the season with the lowest
abundance compared to other seasons, this due to not being in the migratory shorebird migration season
mostly migrating to the family Charadriidae and Scolopacidae.
Keywords: coastal wetland, historical records, species of birds
Teaching Documents by Jorge Podestá
Books by Jorge Podestá
gran interés: el Área de Conservación Regional “Humedales
de Ventanilla”, el Parque Ecológico Municipal “Laguna
El Mirador” y La Poza de la Arenilla, además de las desembocaduras
de los ríos Rímac y Chillón, la cadena de islas
Palomino y Cavinzas que conforman la Reserva Nacional
Sistema de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras, así como la isla
más grande del mar peruano, la Isla San Lorenzo, y la Isla
El Frontón, de gran importancia histórica.
Esta publicación es la primera de su tipo, en el sentido de
que busca dar a conocer la naturaleza del Callao.
richness and abundance. Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between richness and abundance of the species belonging to the Scolopacidae family and both Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the coastal El
Niño index (ICEN) in La Arenilla Coastal Wetland, La Punta, Callao. Methods: Sampling were carried out twice a month, between January 2013 and January 2019 using the Total. Count Method in order to determine species abundance (N = 292). A Spearman correlation analysis between abundance, species richness, SST and ICEN was performed, and beta diversity was calculated through the Whittaker index (βw) to analyze both the annual turnover for each season and the seasonal turnover within each year. Results: Two significant correlations were obtained: between SST and abundance and between ICEN and species richness. On the other hand, the ANOSIM test showed seasonal differences in abundance, and the SIMPER test showed that the greatest difference in abundance between seasons was between autumn and spring (Bray- Curtis dissimilarity = 81.57 %), and the minimum difference between winter and spring (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity= 49.86 %). Conclusions: The ecological dynamics of scolopacid communities in La Arenilla coastal wetland face important changes according to the variations in the environmental thermal parameters related to climate change.
Key words: migratory; abundance; species richness; Scolopacidae; coastal wetland; climate change.
each year a significant group of shorebirds of which no detailed information is available. The present
study aims to define the spatial distribution of shorebirds species in the wetland between January 2013 and
December 2015 to determine the composition in each of the identified areas. The areas defined for this
habitat are: Boulders 1 (CR1), Channel, Chanel wall (MC), Shore, Sandstone shore 1 (OA1), Sandstone,
Roquedal 1 (R1), Water mirror 1 (EA1), Roquedal 2 (R2), Water mirror 2 (EA2) and Sandstone shore 2
(OA2). Were recorded 2 species for the family Haematopopidae, 4 for Charadriidae and 13 for
Scolopacidae.The species that contributed the most to the habitats and seasons were: Actitis macularius
(Linnaeus, 1766), representing the zone Shore (97.59%), and the season spring (27.40%); Charadrius
semipalmatus (Bonaparte, 1825), in O.A.1 (36.13%) and summer (25.07%), Arenaria interpres
(Linnaeus, 1758), in EA2 (62.81%) and autumn (24.81%). Autumn was the season with the lowest
abundance compared to other seasons, this due to not being in the migratory shorebird migration season
mostly migrating to the family Charadriidae and Scolopacidae.
Keywords: coastal wetland, historical records, species of birds
gran interés: el Área de Conservación Regional “Humedales
de Ventanilla”, el Parque Ecológico Municipal “Laguna
El Mirador” y La Poza de la Arenilla, además de las desembocaduras
de los ríos Rímac y Chillón, la cadena de islas
Palomino y Cavinzas que conforman la Reserva Nacional
Sistema de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras, así como la isla
más grande del mar peruano, la Isla San Lorenzo, y la Isla
El Frontón, de gran importancia histórica.
Esta publicación es la primera de su tipo, en el sentido de
que busca dar a conocer la naturaleza del Callao.