Conference Presentations by erna winansih

Walkability refers to how the pedestrians are facilitated and regarded as the users of the street... more Walkability refers to how the pedestrians are facilitated and regarded as the users of the street (mode of transportation due to the public transportation walkability strategy). Malang plays a significant role as the second largest city in East Java Province. The Malang city shows some street problems recently. One of them is the lack of infrastructures for pedestrians. The congestion seems to be greater every year and lead to jaywalking pedestrians. The street activities show the motorized vehicles a lot. It seems that the pedestrians are being neglected. One of the components of walkability is the policy support to guarantee the pedestrians rights as the users of the street corridor.The study is aimed to analyze the walkability policy support. The existences of the policies and how they are implemented is the matter of the study. The component shows the degree of policy supports in order to respect the pedestrians. The collected data about the policies from national to local levels are evaluated using content analysis method. Among some policies, there are the presences of the related policies in national and local level. The number 79 of Government Regulation in 2013 about Traffic Network and Road Transport regulates the facilitation of the pedestrians in extension of the number 22 of Traffic Network and Road Tranport Act in 2009. At local level the pedestrians consideration is regulated by Local Regulation, number 4, in 2011 about the Malang City Master Plan 2010-2030. The quality of the policy support is still poor due to the pedestrians needs compared with the motorized ones. The presence of the number 03/PRT/M/2014 of Ministry of Public Work Regulation about The Guidance of Pedestrians Network Infrastructure Planning, Providing and Using in Urban Areas is specially designed in order to fulfill the pedestrians needs. This regulation respects the walking activity and facilitate pedestrians in a manner of convenience, safety and security. Because of the recently existence as the regulation so that the implementation has not done yet. But learning from some cases about street-traffic that had happened recently in Malang city, it can reflect the ignorance of the walking activities as the mode of transportation in accordance with improved public transportation. It recommends to revise City Master Plan of Malang which has the better planning of pedestrian facilities as an integration of transport network planning. There is an interesting finding about how much the act and regulation pay attention to the pedestrian needs. It shows an extreme leap that need to be examined on other next research.
Papers Journal by erna winansih

Malang as the second largest city in East Java province become crowded recently. The congestion a... more Malang as the second largest city in East Java province become crowded recently. The congestion almost happens everyday. The scenery of the street corridor is full of iron stacks. It is said that Malang city is less comfortable and less walkable. The decrease of this environment encourages conduct the study (Q.S. 16:90, Q.S. 96:1-5, Q.S. 30:41). The study aimed to analyze the thermal comfort at pedestrian ways around Malang city squares, the street corridor of Merdeka Alun-Alun (MAA) and the Tugu Alun-Alun (TAA). The temperature and relative humidity were measured by multinorm instrument. The THI (Temperature Humidity Index) method was used to analyze the thermal comfort. The results showed that the THI average at TAA (27) were more comfortable than at MAA (27,5). The south side of the MAA corridor became the most comfortable with the THI value of 26,4, which the side covered by trees canopy (Q.S. 7:58). It needs to conduct next research (Q.S. 13:11), because of the change of the activities in these street corridors.
Papers by erna winansih
Springer Singapore eBooks, 2022

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
One of the efforts of urban food problems can be resolved by urban farming activities with green ... more One of the efforts of urban food problems can be resolved by urban farming activities with green roofs application on sloping roofs in crowded settlement. The study aims to know the body movements comfort in the planting activity on the green roof for productive plants with a case study of sloping roofs using simulation. This study is an experimental research by using simulation methods. The experimental variables in this study were height, sex and the range of the planting process. The simulation research uses a growing media module which is placed at an angle of 15 degrees and 30 degrees. The obtained data tested T test method to find the differences level of male and female respondents data. After the T test, a simple regression test was performed to determine the effect of the respondent’s height on the range of the planting process. T test results show that male and female data in each module with slopes 15 degrees and 30 degrees have different results. ANOVA test regression analysis results showed a significant influence between height and distance of planting range in male respondents was 47.5 percent in the 15 degrees module and 49.02 percent in the 30 degrees module, while in the female respondents had a 31.64 percent result at modules 15 degrees and 54.44 percent in the 30 degrees module. The results of both data (male and female) showed that the slope of 30 degrees is more comfortable than the slope of 15 degrees.
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Fakultas Teknik 2020, Jan 18, 2021

ABSTRAK Sistem zonasi atau pengaturan proses penerimaan siswa baru sesuai wilayah tempat tinggal ... more ABSTRAK Sistem zonasi atau pengaturan proses penerimaan siswa baru sesuai wilayah tempat tinggal tampaknya menjadi pilihan yang dipertahankan dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. Dampak dari pemberlakuan sistem tersebut adalah jarak tempuh sekolah yang semakin dekat, sehingga dapat berkontribusi pula pada berkurangnya kepadatan transportasi kota. Sekolah yang berada dalam radius permukiman perkotaan memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Alasan pemerintah dalam keputusan sistem Zonasi salah satunya adalah memberikan akomodasi siswa prestasi dan tidak mampu, semestinya bisa didukung oleh upaya peningkatan sarana prasarana siswa sekolah khususnya pada tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Kebijakan sistem zonasi dapat menjadi faktor pendukung dalam rangka mewujudkan Kota Ramah Anak (Children Friendly Cities atau CFC). Salah satunya dengan memfasilitasi kebutuhan pejalan kaki anak-anak (pedestrian way for kids) di lingkungan perkotaan. Tulisan ini bermaksud memaparkan beberapa gagasan pedestrian w...

Sustainable development is the main city building and become. Along with the city will increase s... more Sustainable development is the main city building and become. Along with the city will increase settlement slums and settlement wild/squatter (Kustianingrum, 2010 ). Efforts to do the government as policy management governance to control the growth that it can unrestrained, lead to the state of the environment, social and economic bad. One government efforts by means of the bottom up involving public participation in developing the quality of their packed become a “Festival Rancang Malang” with 57 competition in the Kelurahan within Malang city is expected to their thematic born typical Malang city. Their which was growing in sprawls, kind of unplanned and tend to slums can set and designed of an idea residents of accompanied by Academics College and professional associations architect especially. And therefore the design physical and non-physic produced is expected to provide solutions problem solving in terms of there so as to be a region that identity and benefit the citizens of ...

Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2018
To accommodate the daily activities of a small family, efforts are needed to present a representa... more To accommodate the daily activities of a small family, efforts are needed to present a representative residence. harmony with nature, humans, and the built-in environment, sustainably and sustainably is the Start Point. The 'Ecological Architecture' approach in planning the Residence in Nganjuk is chosen as the guiding line. The basic thing is whether there is an alignment between the architectural concept and the end result of his work. This research methodology uses descriptive and literature studies. this research attempts to analyze the design work with the concept of ecological architecture, based on the theory of ecological architecture from (Heinz Frick., 2006). The results of this study indicate that this Residence is a small example of the application of 'Ecological Architecture'. The parameters can be seen from Adjusting design work to the environment, maintaining environmental resources, saving natural energy sources, utilizing natural resources around the area for building systems, both related to building materials and for building utilities. Implement 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair) on the material used. the type of material that can be returned to nature in accordance with the cycle. with a building orientation pattern (east-west) to dominant vista facing north-south to become the center of sensing into the interior layout along with the parks and water spots. Abstrak Untuk mewadahi aktifitas sehari-hari sebuah keluarga kecil, diperlukan upaya menghadirkan hunian yang representatif. keselarasan dengan alam, manusia, dan tata lingkungan binaan, secara berkesinambungan dan lestari merupakan Start Point nya. Pendekatan 'Arsitektur Ekologis' dalam perencanaan Rumah Tinggal di Nganjuk ini, dipilih sebagai garis pandunya. Hal yang mendasar adalah apakah ada, keselarasan antara konsep arsitekturalnya dengan hasil akhir karyanya. Metodologi penelitaian ini menggunakan deskriptif dan strudi literatur. penelitian ini berusaha untuk menganalisis karya Desain dengan konsep arsitektur ekologis, didasarkan dengan teori arsitektur ekologis dari (Heinz Frick., 2006). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Tinggal ini, merupakan contoh kecil penerapan 'Arsitektur Ekologis'. Parameternya dapat terlihat dari Penyesuaian karya desain terhadap lingkungan, memelihara sumber lingkungan, menghemat sumber energi alam, memanfaatkan sumber daya alam sekitar kawasan untuk sistem bangunan, baik yang berkaitan dengan material bangunan maupun untuk utilitas bangunan. Menerapkan 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair) pada material yang dipakai. jenis material yang dapat dikembalikan lagi ke alam sesuai dengan siklusnya. dengan pola tata letak orientasi bangunan (timur-barat) hingga dominan vista menghadap utara-selatan menjadi pusat penginderaan kedalam tata ruang interior beserta spot taman-taman dan airnya.

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings ... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stag buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These faciliti can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly wi independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspect strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the developmen of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Actio Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portab stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: ( speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic a inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inflated materials ( ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya, Nov 4, 2019

Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk lebih dalam mengkaji estetika dari sudut pandang estetika ... more Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk lebih dalam mengkaji estetika dari sudut pandang estetika simbolis-sensori. Estetika simbolis (Esim) bersifat subyektif artinya, pelaku atau penggunalah yang menentukan sesuatu itu indah/estetis dengan memaknainya melalui aktivitas-perilakunya, dari sudut estetika sensori (Esen); bagaimanakah ruang publik memberikan peluang pengalaman estetis dengan berfungsinya indera-inderanya. Alun-alun di jalan Merdeka kota Malang ini, merupakan tempat publik yang populer dan bervariasi penggunanya mulai pengelola, penjual, pengunjung sampai pada pelaku yang hanya sekedar lewat saja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi-partisipan, yaitu di samping mengamati obyek penelitiannya peneliti juga sebagai pelaku di setting ini. Untuk dapat mengkaji Esim-Esen, peneliti menentukan unit behavior setting untuk diobservasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari Esim, pengguna-pengelola memaknai alun-alun ini sebagai tempat bekerja (posko penjagaan, pos polisi,...

Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings... more Applied Research with objects of the SME Exhibition Stage in the form of portable stage buildings with inflatable structure roofs using PVC Tarpaulin fabric material. These facilities can be built, dismantled and moved to other locations easily, safely, quickly and lightly with independent energy sources (photovoltaic solar energy systems). The research objective is to develop stage facilities as a means of exhibiting SME products that fulfill aesthetic aspects, strength, speed, effectiveness, comfort and energy saving so as to encourage the development of creative economy SMEs. The research method used the Experimental Method and Action Research, beginning with the development of design, manufacture and testing of portable stage models with pneumatic air inflated stage roofs of Independent Energy, including: (1) speed test of the manufacture, transport, assembly, installation, dismantling of pneumatic air inflated structures and solar energy modules, (2) strength testing of Air Inf...

Walkability refers to how the pedestrians are facilitated and regarded as the users of the street... more Walkability refers to how the pedestrians are facilitated and regarded as the users of the street (mode of transportation due to the public transportation walkability strategy). Malang plays a significant role as the second largest city in East Java Province. The Malang city shows some street problems recently. One of them is the lack of infrastructures for pedestrians. The congestion seems to be greater every year and lead to jaywalking pedestrians. The street activities show the motorized vehicles a lot. It seems that the pedestrians are being neglected. One of the components of walkability is the policy support to guarantee the pedestrians rights as the users of the street corridor.The study is aimed to analyze the walkability policy support. The existences of the policies and how they are implemented is the matter of the study. The component shows the degree of policy supports in order to respect the pedestrians. The collected data about the policies from national to local level...

Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasili... more Penelitian Terapan atap panggung struktur tiup menggunakan bahan kain Tarpaulin lapis PVC. Fasilitas ini dapat dibangun, dibongkar serta dipindahkan ke lokasi lain secara mudah, aman, cepat dan ringan dengan sumber energi mandiri (sistem energi surya fotovoltaik). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan fasilitas atap panggung sebagai sarana pameran produk UKM yang memenuhi aspek estetika, kekuatan, kecepatan, efektifitas, kenyamanan dan hemat energi sehingga dapat mendorong pengembangan UKM ekonomi kreatif. Metode Penelitian menggunakan Metode Eksperimen dan Action Research, diawali dengan pengembangan rancang bangun, pembuatan dan pengujian atap panggung pneumatik Tiup Energi Mandiri, meliputi: (1) uji kecepatan pembuatan, pengangkutan, perakitan, pemasangan, pembongkaran atap struktur pneumatik tiup dan modul energi surya, (2) uji kekuatan bahan Air Inflated (3) uji kenyamanan termal dibawah atap panggung struktur pneumatik Air Inflated, (4) uji efektivitas penggunaan energi surya...

Banyak faktor menentukan produktivitas dan kepuasan kita dalam bekerja tapi dalam dekade ini ahli... more Banyak faktor menentukan produktivitas dan kepuasan kita dalam bekerja tapi dalam dekade ini ahli psikologi telah menyadari bahwa lingkungan fisik merupakan mediator yang penting dalam penentuan produktivitas dan kepuasan pegawai atau pekerjanya. Kebisingan berpengaruh banyak pada perilaku bekerja. Dalam setting industri dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan pendengaran yang serius. Kebisingan yang amat sangat khususnya berbahaya jika pekerja tidak menyadari terjadinya kurang pendengaran yang lambat laun mengakibatkan ketulian dan hampir tidak dipersepsi. Selain melihat akibat-akibat dari kebisingan ini berpengaruh pada penurunan performansi, tergantung pada jenis pekerjaan atau tugas yang dikerjakan, personil itu sendiri (manusianya), dan tipe kebisingan. Kebisingan mengancam atau berpengaruh buruk terhadap performansi saat kombinasi pegawai tertentu, jenis tugas (pekerjaan) tertentu dan tipe kebisingan yang juga terjadi, tapi tidak dalam lingkungan lainnya.Pada jenis pekerjaan tertentu k...

Persaingan ekonomi global menjadi tantangan untuk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Permasalah... more Persaingan ekonomi global menjadi tantangan untuk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah kapasitas produksi yang minim bila dibandingkan dengan permintaan konsumen terutama terkait dengan peralatan produksi dan desain produk. Masalah lain adalah media pemasaran yang kurang akan mempengaruhi minat konsumen untuk mendapatkan produk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan produk kreatif UKM yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi dan daya saing tinggi serta mampu menyerap tenaga kerja sehingga dapat menekan angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Usaha skala Kecil dan Menengah punya potensi untuk dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dimiliki baik sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia dan budaya lokal, sehingga menjadi kekuatan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Salah satu UKM Industri kreatif bidang kerajinan yang berkembang di Kota Malang adalah UKM yang memproduksi Gift Box yang dipilih sebagai mitra dalam Program ...

Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2020
Marketing of Micro, Medium and Small Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effecti... more Marketing of Micro, Medium and Small Enterprise (MSME) products through exhibitions is an effective means of selling MSME products. However, the COVID-19 outbreak that broke out in early 2020 has a significant impact on the lives of people around the world. Several online marketing alternatives can be done, including: e-Commerce, e-Marketplace, and Virtual Exhibition. Virtual exhibitions can be a solution amid the ban on crowding during large-scale social restrictions. Virtual exhibitions are events that can be watched on computers and cell phones using the internet directly (live streaming) or via Youtube channels from anywhere and anytime. The virtual exhibition and knitting craft workshop entitled "Virtual Expo and Workshop for MSME Malang City was successfully held at Merdeka University Malang on September 12, 2020. Virtual Expo involved 6 MSMEs communities in Malang Raya, each MSME community arranging products at booths along with booth keepers. The knitting workshop was attended by 12 participants on a portable stage. Taking pictures and videos of products and interviewing exhibitors and knitting workshops broadcast live (live streaming). The event applies the results of Higher Education Leading Research in the form of a portable stage and an inflatable stage roof with independent photovoltaic energy.

Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2016
Malang as the second largest city in East Java province become crowded recently. The congestion a... more Malang as the second largest city in East Java province become crowded recently. The congestion almost happens everyday. The scenery of the street corridor is full of iron stacks. It is said that Malang city is less comfortable and less walkable. The decrease of this environment encourages to conduct the study (Q.S. 16:90, Q.S. 96:1-5, Q.S. 30:41). The study aimed to analyze the thermal comfort at pedestrian ways around Malang city squares, the street corridor of Merdeka Alun-Alun (MAA) and the Tugu Alun-Alun (TAA). The temperature and relative humidity were measured by multinorm instrument. The THI (Temperature Humidity Index) method was used to analyze the thermal comfort. The results showed that the THI average at TAA (27) were more comfortable than at MAA (27,5). The south side of the MAA corridor became the most comfortable with the THI value of 26,4, which the side covered by trees canopy (Q.S. 7:58). It needs to conduct next research (Q.S. 13:11), because of the change of the...

Persaingan ekonomi global menjadi tantangan untuk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Permasalah... more Persaingan ekonomi global menjadi tantangan untuk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah kapasitas produksi yang minim bila dibandingkan dengan permintaan konsumen terutama terkait dengan peralatan produksi dan desain produk. Masalah lain adalah media pemasaran yang kurang akan mempengaruhi minat konsumen untuk mendapatkan produk UKM produk kreatif bidang kerajinan. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan produk kreatif UKM yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi dan daya saing tinggi serta mampu menyerap tenaga kerja sehingga dapat menekan angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Usaha skala Kecil dan Menengah punya potensi untuk dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dimiliki baik sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia dan budaya lokal, sehingga menjadi kekuatan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Salah satu UKM Industri kreatif bidang kerajinan yang berkembang di Kota Malang adalah UKM yang memproduksi Gift Box yang dipilih sebagai mitra dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) dengan fokus pembinaan pada aspek produksi, desain dan pemasaran. Pendampingan mitra UKM pada aspek telah meningkatkan produktivitas melalui pembuatan alat plong karton/kertas dengan tenaga dongkrak yang meningkatkan produksi hingga 2 kali lipat dibanding proses pemotongan manual, selain itu diversifikasi produk dilakukan dengan pembuatan 10 produk baru. Pengembangan pemasaran dilakukan dengan penyempurnakan sarana promosi berupa 1 buah katalog produk dan 1000 lembar brosur sehingga UKM ini bisa mempersiapkan diri ketika melakukan pameran baik lokal maupun nasional.
Conference Presentations by erna winansih
Papers Journal by erna winansih
Papers by erna winansih