Papers by Sugeng Haryanto

AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review)
This study aims to analyze the effect of loan to deposit ratio, credit risk on profitability and ... more This study aims to analyze the effect of loan to deposit ratio, credit risk on profitability and net interest margin as moderating variables. The research was conducted on the national banking industry. The research population is the banking industry that goes public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research period is 2017-2019 with a sample of 37 banks. The number of pairs of data analyzed was 111 data. The data analysis technique used moderated regression analysis (MRA), with Net Interest Margin as the moderating variable. The results showed that the Loan to deposit ratio had an effect on profitability in a positive direction. Credit risk has a negative effect on bank profitability. Net interest margin is able to strengthen the relationship between loan to deposit ratio and credit risk with profitability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Loan to deposit ratio, risiko kredit terhadap profitabilitas dan net ...

KnE Social Sciences, 2020
This study analyses the factors that affect the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The ... more This study analyses the factors that affect the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The independent variables consists of efficiency,risk, liquidity,CAR,and macroeconomic conditions:GDP andinflation.Thedependentvariableisprofitability.This research was conducted in the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. The research uses quarterly data from 2006-2019. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of efficiency, risk, liquidity, capital, and macroeconomic conditions on the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Data analysis techniques used multiple regression. The results showed that the efficiency and risk had a positive effect on profitability. Inflation has a negative effect on profitability. While liquidity, CAR, and GDP do not affect the profitability of Islamic banks. Keywords: Islamic bank; Financing; Net Operating Margin; Profitability.

The company financial management should be able to meet the needs of the funds that would be used... more The company financial management should be able to meet the needs of the funds that would be used to operate or expand their businesses. Financing the use of corporate funds was faced to a choice: debt or raise capital with the level of consequence risk of each. Consideration of a company was choosing the source of funds in an efficient and profitable enterprise for both current and for the foreseeable future. It considered that the choice of the source of the funds would have an impact on corporate performance in the future, namely funding responsibility of the company. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of company characteristics and business risk significantly influenced capital structure, to determine the effect of the variable characteristics of companies and business risk simultaneously on the company's capital structure, to determine the variables of company characteristics and business risk simultaneously toward the company capital structure, to know the variables that had most dominant impact toward capital structure. The results of the analysis showed the intensity of DOL assets, sales growth, profitability (ROA) affected the company's capital structure, while the variable of ROA had dominant contribution. Free variables simultaneously affected the capital structure.

Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja dan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go Publik ... more Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja dan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go Publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sample penelitian ini mengambil tiga bank BUMN Bank BNI 46, Bank Mandiri dan Bank BRI) dan tiga bank BUSN (Bank BCA, Bank Niaga dan Bank Panin) dengan periode analisis tahun 2005-2011. Varibael yang digunakan meliputi ROA, ROE, LAR. LDR, NPL dan BOPO. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat dan menganalisis perbedaan kinerja antara Bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2005-2011. Pendekatan pengukuran kinerja yang digunakan adalah Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) dan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR), dan efisiensi bank. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Bank-bank nasional, baik itu bank BUMN maupun BUSN menunjukkan kinerja yang semakin baik, 2) tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja bank BUMN dan BUSN untuk variabel ROA, ROE, LAR, LDR, dan BOPO sedangkan variabel NPL yan...

AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 2018
This study aims to predict financial distress at Bank foreign exchange (BUSN) by using GCG analys... more This study aims to predict financial distress at Bank foreign exchange (BUSN) by using GCG analysis, credit risk, profitability, capital adequacy ratio and bank size. GCG, credit risk, and profitability. The population in this research is 35 BUSN of foreign exchange registered in Bank Indonesia. Sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample size is 17 banks. Data analysis technique using linear regression. This research performs 4 regression test that is in BUSN of foreign exchange for all condition, financial distress condition, grey area condition, and condition of non-financial distress. The results of this study indicate that GCG and credit risk have no effect on financial pressure for all conditions, financial distress condition, grey area condition, and non-financial distress condition. Profitability affects financial difficulties for all conditions, grey area conditions and non-financial distress conditions. CAR affects financial difficulties for all conditions, grey...

This research explained the ability and the credit use in home made business namelytempe crispy c... more This research explained the ability and the credit use in home made business namelytempe crispy chips. The sample of this research was home made business in Tugu sub district,Trenggalek regency that made tempe crispy chips. Credit for business was a factor which hada very important role in supporting the increase of a business. Credit giving was an injectionhoped to create capital for people economy activity and to increase production. This researchintended to 1) know the ability of home made industry in taking credit from micro financeunit, and 2) know the credit used by home made industry in increasing the business. Homemade industry had an ability to take credit from a bank. They all had accepted credit fromlocal government distributed through BPR (people Credit Bank) namely credit program. Credituse was not only used for increasing business but also for fulfilling other household needs.

Usaha kecil dan mikro merupakan sektor usaha yang telah membuktikan mampu bertahan dalam kondisi ... more Usaha kecil dan mikro merupakan sektor usaha yang telah membuktikan mampu bertahan dalam kondisi krisis. Hal ini disebabkan antara lain kemampuan beradaptasi dengan perubahan lingkungan yang terjadi yang relatif tinggi selain itu juga disebabkan oleh tingginya kandungan lokal pada faktor produksinya. Namun dalam pengembangan usahanya seringkali banyak mengalami hambatan, salah satunya adalah permodalan yang jumlahnya terbatas atau kecil. Usaha kecil dan mikro umumnya nyaris tidak tersentuh (undeserved) lembaga keuangan formal. Usaha ini dinilai tidak layak bank (not bankable). LKM mempunyai peran yang sangat penting untuk menopang kebutuhan dana bagi industri kecil dan mikro. Lembaga keuangan mikro mempunyai tingkat fleksibilitas yang tinggi, sehingga dapat diakses oleh industri kecil dan mikro. Tulisan ini bertujuan 1) untuk mengkaji peran LKM dalam mendorong pertumbuhan dan perkembangan usaha kecil dan mikro, 2) untuk mengkaji prospek dan hambatan pengembangan LKM. LKM telah ma...

AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 2018
This research analyzes the factors influencing bank efficiency. Bank efficiency is measured by BO... more This research analyzes the factors influencing bank efficiency. Bank efficiency is measured by BOPO. Predictable variable use risk, which is proxied with non-performance loan (NPL), bank size, and CAR. Population in research is in the national banking industry which goes public in BEI, research period 2009-2016. Sampling technique used purposive sampling, with the criterion of the bank has gone public before the year 2008 and the bank publishes financial report year 2009-2016. The sample of research is 23 banks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of bank risk, bank size and CAR to efficiency either simultaneously or partially. The analytical technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed simultaneously bank risk, bank size and CAR effect on efficiency. Risks, bank size and CAR affect the efficiency in a negative direction. The scale of economics does not apply in the industry of national banks. Increasing the CAR as a countercyclical capital buffer (C...

This study analyzed the investor reaction to dividend announcements. The sampling technique used ... more This study analyzed the investor reaction to dividend announcements. The sampling technique used waspurposive sampling with the criteria that these companies entered LQ45 2007-2009 and distributed cashdividends continuously. The purpose of this study was to investigate investor reaction to announcements ofcash dividends at Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research was an event study, the research analyzed themarket reaction to an event. This study aimed to test whether the information dividend announcement wasimportant information for investors and it affected investor reaction. Statistical analysis techniques were usedin different test against the Average Abnormal Return (AAR) before and after the dividend announcement. Theresults showed that investors did not react to that information. This was indicated by the absence of differencesin AAR before and after the dividend announcement.

Inovator, 2020
This study aims to analyze the influence of macroeconomic factors, efficiency, risk, financing to... more This study aims to analyze the influence of macroeconomic factors, efficiency, risk, financing to deposit ratio and CAR on the rentability of Islamic banks. This research is a quantitative descriptive. The study period was conducted in 2010-2019, with quarterly data. The data source is secondary data. Data collection techniques are done by documentation. Data is taken from and The type of data used is quantitative data. The research variables are rentability, efficiency, financing risk, FDR, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and macroeconomic data in the form of GDP and inflation. Rentability is measured by Nett operating margin (NOM), bank efficiency is measured using BOPO and financing risk is measured by non-performing financing (NPF). The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that the GDP variable did not affect rentability. Efficiency, risk, and CAR affect rentability. FDR does not affect rentability.

AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 2019
The Indonesian banking system has implemented a deposit guarantee. Deposit guarantees are carried... more The Indonesian banking system has implemented a deposit guarantee. Deposit guarantees are carried out in order to provide a sense of security for customers. Moral hazard tends to be higher in the banking industry This study aims to examine the relationship of bank characteristics with market discipline. Bank characteristics include: capital, bank risk, profitability, efficiency and bank size. The population in this study is banks in Indonesia. The sample selection uses a purposive sampling method. The number of samples of 30 banks with peroide 2009-2015. Data analysis techniques used multiple linear regression. The results showed the profitability and size of the bank affect market discipline. Where profitability and bank size have a positive effect on market discipline. This research has implications for the importance of banks in increasing bank assets, especially for private banks.

AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 2018
This study aims to analyze the influence of debt policy, firm size and financial performance on f... more This study aims to analyze the influence of debt policy, firm size and financial performance on firm value. Debt policy is measured by a debt to equity ratio (DER). Financial performance is proxied by company profitability, namely return on assets (ROA) and company value proxied by Price earnings ratio (PER). The population in this study is a banking company that goes public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique was used with purposive sampling. The observation period was conducted in 2013-2016, with a total sample of 27 banks. The amount of observation data is 108 pairs of data. Data analysis techniques used multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that the capital structure policy influences the value of the company in a negative direction. Company size does not affect company value. Company performance affects the value of the company in a positive direction.

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2016
This study analyzes the influence of causality between the CAR, profitability, risk, company size... more This study analyzes the influence of causality between the CAR, profitability, risk, company size, efficiency and asset structure of the banking industry. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling, with the criteria of banks have gone public before 2008, publish the financial statements for 2008-2013. The total sample of 23 banks. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of profitability, risk, company size, efficiency and capital structure of the bank's assets. The analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed that the profitability, size and asset structure have the positive impact toward CAR. While the risk of bank have the negative impact toward CAR. Efficiency does not impact the CAR. The contribution of this study for the management of banking industry, researchers and regulators (Bank Indonesia) is that there is a must to increase CAR in order to increase the competitiveness of the national banking system.

Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 2008
This research explain how women share actively in the effort increasing earnings of the household... more This research explain how women share actively in the effort increasing earnings of the household. This research done with taking sample at the stone crusher women in Kecamatan Tugu Kabupaten Trenggalek. Women have potency in giving contri-bution of earnings of household, especially impecunious household. In impecunious household, women household member plunge to job market for adding earnings household felt insufficient. Women contribution can be told as safety valve or sup-porter for impecunious household to fulfill everyday basic need. This research aim 1) for analyzing contribution of earnings of stone crusher worker women to earn-ings of family, 2) to know usage of earnings of stone crusher worker women, 3) to know in working which poured by stone crusher worker women. Research finding indicate that women who work as stone crusher have enough significant earnings contribution to earnings of family.

EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan), 2017
Banks are financial institutions how have an important part for the economy of a country. The ban... more Banks are financial institutions how have an important part for the economy of a country. The bank’s main purposes are to collected funds from the public and distributed it back to them in credit loans. The biggest of public trusted to the bank, will make the bigger bank’s liabilities to their funds. This research examines determinants of bank capital structure, including profitability, liquidity, business risk, dividend, management ownership, institutional ownership and bank’s age. The samples in this research are 70 banks in Indonesian period 2006 until 2011, where analyzed with multiple linier regression test with dummy variable to know which of the seven variables are the determinans of the bank capital structures that use DER (Debt to Equity Ratio) to measure it. The result of this research find that determinants of bank capital structures is liquidity, institutional ownership and bank’s age, but profitability, business risk, dividend and management ownership are not the determ...

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 2016
This study aims to analyze the influence of credit, bank capital, capital structure, efficiency a... more This study aims to analyze the influence of credit, bank capital, capital structure, efficiency and risk toward the profitability in banking industry. Bank has an important role in the economy in Indonesia in 2014. The purposive sampling technique was used in this study to filter the samples according to several criteria such as being public at least in 2008, and publicly released the financial statement from 2008-2013. The total sample of 25 banks. Multiple regression technique was used in this study to analyze the data. The results show that credit, bank capital, and capital structure positively influence the profitability. This result supported by the previous research. The other finding shows that efficiency and risk have significantly negative effect on profitability. Bangking has an 80 percent market share in the financing of intermediation function of the entire financial system.Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh antara kredit, permodalan bank, struktur modal, efisien...

Jurnal Ekonomi MODERNISASI, 2013
Decentralized system of local government put as executor and promoter of development in the area ... more Decentralized system of local government put as executor and promoter of development in the area to organize and define their own regional development activities in accordance with the priority needs of the local community. Local governments have the right and authority to use the vast financial resources in accordance with its needs and aspirations of the people who thrive in the area. This study aimed to analyze the effect of PAD and transfer from the central government in the form of DAU and DAK towards capital expenditure and spending on goods and services. This study took a sample of the cities and counties in the province of East Java in 2006-2012. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis showed that simultaneous PAD, DAU and DAK effect on capital expenditures and also to Goods and Services expenditures. Partially PAD, DAU and DAK effect on capital expenditures. While PAD and DAU partially affect Expenditure on Goods and Services, but does not affect the DAK Goods and Services expenditures.

Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen, Nov 13, 2014
ABSTRAK : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi instrinsik (X1) da... more ABSTRAK : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi instrinsik (X1) dan ekstrinsik (X2) terhadap produktivitas kerja pegawai yang meliputi Kebijakan dan administrasi, hubungan antar pribadi, kondisi kerja, gaji, serta untuk mengetahui variabel mana yang paling dominan mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja pegawai pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang Malang. Metode penelitian adalah explanotari dengan teknik purposive sampling didapatkan sample sebanyak 42 responden dari adalah seluruh Pegawai KPKNL Malang. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil analisis regresi linier berganda yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa keempat variabel yang diproksikan berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap produktivitas kerja pegawai (variabel instrinsik 7.021> 1.682) dan (variabel ekstrinsik 5.726> 1.682).

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kausalitas antara kebijakan struktur modal, ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kausalitas antara kebijakan struktur modal, ukuran perusahaan, profitabilitas yang diukur dengan ROA dan perapan GCG yang diukur dengan Good Corporate Perception Index (GCPI) terhadap ekspektasi investor yang diukur dengan nilai perusahaan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahan yang go public dan masuk dalam Indonesia Most Trusted Companies. Periode penelitian selama tahun 2012 dan 2013, serta mempublikasikan laporan keuangan 2012-2013. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 48 perusahaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan struktur modal dan ukuran perusahaan tidak berpengaruh, sedangkan profitabilitas dan GCPI berpengaruh terhadap ekspektasi investor. Secarasimultan variabel kebijakan struktur modal, ukuran peusahaan, profitabilitas dan GCPI berpengaruh terhadap ekspektasi investor.

Jurnal Ekonomi MODERNISASI, 2015
Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Capital Buffer. Di mana variabel liku... more Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Capital Buffer. Di mana variabel likuiditas, ukuran bank, Risiko (NPL), profitabilitas dan efisiensi sebagai variabel prediktor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bank yang go publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dengan periode penelitian tahun 2008-2013. Capital Buffer merupakan selisih antara CAR bank dengan ketentuan CAR. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh likuiditas, ukuran bank, risiko, profitabilitas dan efisiensi terhadap Capital Buffer, baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Teknik analisis yang digunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan likuiditas, ukuran bank, risiko, profitabilitas dan efisiensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Capital Buffer. Secara parsial ukuran perusahaan, risiko dan profitabilitas berpengaruh terhadap capital buffer, sedngkan likuiditas dan efisiensi tidak berpengaruh terhadap capital buffer.
Papers by Sugeng Haryanto