Papers by Moses Karakouzian

Journal of Hydrology, 2011
The assessment of Landuse and Landcover (LULC) changes on hydrology is essential for the developm... more The assessment of Landuse and Landcover (LULC) changes on hydrology is essential for the development of sustainable water resource strategies. Specifically, understanding how change in each LULC class influences hydrological components will greatly improve predictability of hydrological consequences to LULC changes and thus can help stakeholders make better decisions. However, given the limited availability of digital LULC maps and simultaneous changes of multiple LULC classes, it is difficult to quantify impacts of change in individual LULC class on hydrology. In this study, an integrated approach of hydrological modeling and multiple regression analysis was applied to quantify contributions of changes for individual LULC classes on changes in hydrological components. As a case study, hydrological modeling was conducted for each of the LULC map in four time periods (1973, 1986, 1992, and 1997) in the upper San Pedro watershed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Changes in hydrological components between two simulations using LULC maps in 1997 and 1973, respectively, were related to changes of LULC in a multiple regression to quantify the effect of changes in LULC to that of hydrological components at the subbasinal scale. While urbanization was the strongest contributor to the increase of surface runoff and water yield from 1973 to 1997, replacement of desertscrub/grassland by mesquite was the strongest contributor to the decreased baseflow/percolation and contributed to the increased ET. Increased runoff, declined percolation, and increased ET have a negative impact on water resources in the upper San Pedro River Basin, thus urbanization and mesquite invasion seems to be major environmental stressors affecting local water resources. Our approach in quantifying the contributions of changes for individual LULC to hydrological components will provide quantitative information for stakeholders in planning and making decisions for land and water resource management. The approach to assess changes in surface hydrology could widely be applied to a variety of other watersheds, where time-sequenced digital LULC is available.

Materials, Jan 12, 2024
The movement of the construction industry towards sustainable development has drawn attention to ... more The movement of the construction industry towards sustainable development has drawn attention to the revision of concrete. In addition to reducing pollution, the use of nano-materials should lead to the provision of higher quality concrete in terms of regulatory items (workability, resistance characteristics, durability characteristics, microstructure). The present study investigates 15 key characteristics of concrete modified with nano-CaCO 3 , nano-clay, nano-TiO 2 , and nano-SiO 2 . The results of the study showed that nanomaterials significantly have a positive effect on the hydration mechanism and the production of more C-S-H gel. The evaluation of resistance characteristics also indicates the promising results of these valuable materials. The durability characteristics of nanocontaining concrete showed significant improvement despite high dispersion. Concrete in coastal areas (such as bridges or platforms), concrete exposed to radiation (such as hospitals), concrete exposed to impact load (such as nuclear power plants), and concrete containing recycled aggregate (such as bricks, tiles, ceramics) can be effectively improved by using nanomaterials. It is hoped that the current review paper can provide an effective image and idea for future applied studies by other researchers.

Green approach refers to a use of natural and renewable source of energy replacing or reducing en... more Green approach refers to a use of natural and renewable source of energy replacing or reducing environmentally unfriendly materials like steel. The present study discusses about the importance of coconut fiber as an ad-mixture for roofing, its advantages and scope in future. As we all know, steel is used as a reinforcing material for holding the concrete and making it crack resistant. But, due to its number of demerits, which includes its high cost, nonrecyclability, corrosiveness, high weight and low strength ratio, with time, a number of innovations have taken place. ''Textile Composites'' entertains the use of coconut fiber, which can also be used as a strengthening material for roofing apart from steel. Two inherently different materials out of which one belongs to textiles are mixed to form a new material, different to both but better in properties are called as textile composites. Use of coconut fiber (Coir) should be valued over Steel for the following reasons like low cost, recyclability, noncorrosiveness, low thermal conductivity (natural cooling), high strength and low weight ratio. In earthquake prone areas where frequent damage to infrastructure takes place, the use of Natural fibers such as Coir instead of steel will prove advantageous. In this paper, we will be focusing on the above-mentioned points in detail and our research work will prove that use of coconut fiber in roofing proved to be very lucrative.
Water, Jul 21, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2012
This project determines the tensile strength of lithophysal analog rock and presents failure crit... more This project determines the tensile strength of lithophysal analog rock and presents failure criteria that can be used by geotechnical engineers to evaluate underground structures in rock. The physical and mechanical properties that are related to the failure criterion, such as porosity, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, are also discussed. Experimental tensile tests were made using direct uniaxial and indirect Brazilian tests. Three 4-inch specimens were fabricated and tested in direct uniaxial tensile tests using Hydro-Stone TB. The results showed that the elastic tensile modulus of elasticity was within two percent of existing data for the compressive modulus of elasticity. The direct tests were not successful in determining the ultimate tensile strength, as failure occurred at the connections. Twenty 4-inch diameter by 2-inch long specimens were fabricated and tested using the indirect Brazilian tensile test method. Hydro-Stone TB was also used as the analog material in the Brazilian indirect tests. The Brazilian tests were successful in determining the splitting tensile strength and the effect of porosity on the ultimate tensile strength of the Hydro-Stone TB specimens. Results vi

Hydrology, Aug 15, 2020
It is a well-known conjecture of S. M. Ulam that any finite graph of order at least three can be ... more It is a well-known conjecture of S. M. Ulam that any finite graph of order at least three can be reconstructed from its maximal vertex-deleted subgraphs. Formally (writing G υ for Gv) Ulam's Conjecture states: if G and H are finite graphs of order at least three such that there is a bijection σ: V(G)-> V(H) with the property (1) G Ό s* H aM for all v e V(G) , then G = H. This conjecture has not been proved in general, although it was shown by P. J. Kelly to be true for disconnected graphs and trees and has also been verified for several other classes of graphs. The purpose of this paper is to examine Ulam's Conjecture for infinite graphs. (It is trivial to determine, from any G v , whether or not a graph G is infinite.) Results are obtained which can loosely be viewed as extensions of Kelly's work on disconnected graphs and trees. In §2 it is shown that infinite graphs G and H satisfying (1) must have the same finite components, occurring with the same multiplicity. Corollaries of this are that if G either has only finite components, or has some finitely occurring finite component, then G ~ H. In § 3 the conjecture is proved for m-coherent locally finite trees, where m is finite and greater than one. This furnishes a partial solution to the reconstruction problem for infinite trees, raised by C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams. We have used the language of reconstruction in our proofs. However, it should be noted that the results are existential in nature and not algorithmic. Throughout the paper G and H will denote infinite graphs satisfying condition (1) of Ulam's Conjecture. Any notation and terminology not defined can be found in Harary [3]. 2* Disconnected graphs* We denote by c(G) the number of components of G, and by c(G; K) the number of components of G that are isomorphic to K. A finite connected graph J is called a K-producer if c(J v ; K) > 0 for all ve V(J). (Since J has a non-cutvertex, J must be regular and of order one more than the order of K; hence K determines / up to isomorphism.) An endvertex of G is a vertex of degree one. LEMMA 2.1. If L is infinite and connected and K is finite, then there is an infinite set S £ V(L) such that c(L v ; K) = 0 for all ve S.
This poster was presented in the Fall of 2018. It highlighted an ongoing research project into th... more This poster was presented in the Fall of 2018. It highlighted an ongoing research project into the effects of co-flow from a pipe feeding into an open flow channel. It used both experimental procedures and simulations, but only the experimental procedures were addressed in this poster

In this study, the State-of-the-Art of fatigue and fracture concepts and mathematical development... more In this study, the State-of-the-Art of fatigue and fracture concepts and mathematical developments of stress-intensity factor were reviewed. The interrelation between normalized stress-intensity factor crack length and beam on elastic foundation are discussed. The effect of material constituents influencing the fatigue and fracture response of asphaltic mixtures are discussed. The sensitivity analysis included the effect of mixture constituents such as asphalt, filler and polymeric and fibrous additives. In this study, a number of fatigue models for asphaltic concrete were also investigated. In this volume, the State-of-the-Art of fatigue and fracture concepts and mathematical development of stress-intensity factor are reviewed. The mathematical relation between the normalized stress-intensity factor, crack length and beam on elastic foundation geometry are presented. Nomographs are developed to aid in solution of stress-intensity variation with crack length. The limits of analysis and restriction of the theory are discussed. Typical examples demonstrating the applicability of concepts developed are presented. /FHWA/

Fluids, Jul 20, 2020
The hydraulic performance of rectangular labyrinth weirs has been investigated by many researcher... more The hydraulic performance of rectangular labyrinth weirs has been investigated by many researchers, however, the effects of the corner shape on the hydraulic performance of rectangular labyrinth weirs have not been addressed in the current literature. Accordingly, this experimental study aims to explore the effect of the corner shape of on discharge efficiency of rectangular labyrinth weirs. Five flat-crested rectangular labyrinth weirs, with five different corner shapes, were made of High-Density Polyethylene Plastic (HDPE) and tested in a rectangular flume. Under different overflow discharges, the discharge coefficients for the rectangular labyrinth weirs were determined. The results showed that the shape of corners for rectangular labyrinth weirs was an effective factor. For example, rounding or beveling the corners can significantly increase the discharge capacity of the rectangular labyrinth weirs. However, the rounded corner shape was slightly better than the beveled corner shape. Among all labyrinth weir models tested in this study, the rectangular labyrinth weir with a semi-circular apex showed the highest hydraulic efficiency, while the one with an acute-angle corner shape showed the lowest hydraulic efficiency. For the rectangular labyrinth weir having a semi-circular shape, although the original effective length reduced by about 14%, the discharge coefficient, CL, increased by 16.7% on average. For the rectangular labyrinth weir that has an acute-angle corner shape, although the effective length (LC) of the weir increased by 23%, its discharge capacity decreased by 35.2% on average. Accordingly, improper folding of the side-walls of the rectangular labyrinth weir led to a significant reduction in the weir's hydraulic performance.
Construction and Building Materials, Jun 1, 2019
h i g h l i g h t s Use of perlite powder with 3100 cm 2 /g and 3900 cm 2 /g specific surface are... more h i g h l i g h t s Use of perlite powder with 3100 cm 2 /g and 3900 cm 2 /g specific surface areas and nanosilica hydrosols in the mortar. Assessing compressive strength, chloride migration, electrical resistivity and capillary absorption of mortars. Perlite powder with a higher surface area had better performance at higher ages. The best transport properties at the ages of 28 and 91 days were of ternary mixtures.
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Nov 1, 2022
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Mar 1, 1997
Abstract Lima, the capital and largest city of Peru, is located on the Pacific Coastal Plain on d... more Abstract Lima, the capital and largest city of Peru, is located on the Pacific Coastal Plain on dissected alluvial cones formed by the rapidly flowing Rimac, Chillon and Lurin rivers. The Western Cordillera of the Andes Mountains rises abruptly east of the city and reaches altitudes of 6,100 m (20,000 ft) only 130 km (80 mi) from the Pacific Ocean. The Andes in Central Peru are relatively young mountains with the oldest exposed rock being pyroclastics of the upper Jurassic Puente Piedra Group. These are overlain by lower Cretaceous ...
Hydrology, Oct 29, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
CivilEng, May 21, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Sep 6, 2022
Water, Feb 11, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Papers by Moses Karakouzian
analog rock was made from Hydro-Stone TB cement and has mechanical properties similar to the estimated rock mass
mechanical properties of welded nonlithophysal Topopah Spring Tuff in western Nevada. Three, 102 mm cubical specimens
were tested in direct tension, and twenty, 102 mm diameter, specimens were tested by the indirect tensile Brazilian test method.
Test results showed the elastic tensile modulus of elasticity was within two percent of the compressive modulus of elasticity,
which was determined from previous tests. Brazilian tests determined the indirect tensile strengths and established the effect of
lithophysal porosity on the indirect tensile strengths. Results showed that the indirect tensile strength of the specimens was
approximately 10 percent of the compressive strength. Test data were obtained from specimens with 0, 6.2, 12.5 and 18.7
percent lithophysal porosities. Computer simulations were made using Itasca’s UDEC program to predict cracking patterns and
tensile strengths. Results showed that the Mohr-Coulomb, Mohr-Coulomb-Tresca, Griffith and Power analyses can be used to
predict failure of lithophysal rock.