Estela N Braun
Estela N. Braun is an English Teacher of Higher Education, UNLPam, where she holds a tenure in ELT Didactics and Practicum at Elementary Schools. She is a Specialist in Curriculum Design (FLACSO) with a Specialization in the Use of ICT. She led the Curriculum Design English team at the Ministry of Education of La Pampa (2008-2018).
Phone: 54-02954-15673499
Address: Hucal 2255
Phone: 54-02954-15673499
Address: Hucal 2255
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Papers by Estela N Braun
Among the objectives of the project were to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work within the institutions, to encourage the pleasure of reading different genres in Spanish and English and to stimulate intercultural reflection through the cultural representations expressed in the texts chosen.
The project also encouraged teachers’ creativity and autonomy and the stimulation of written and oral expressions as practices that enable creativity and stimulate the development of communicative and intercultural competence in the students.
During its three-year implementation the project constituted an instance of in-service teacher professional development (INSET) and as such it followed a format that consisted of four face-to-face meetings. The first encounter was developed by first asking teachers to answer about their own reading biography, after that they were presented with the rationale for the bilingual literature proposal. At the next meeting, we shared bilingual literature projects from previous years and we accompanied them in the design of their own didactic sequences. After that, with the presence of the English language assistant we accompanied the implementation of the project in different courses at different schools. Finally, there was always a closing plenary or celebration with members of the educational community: parents, teachers from other disciplines and supervisors.
For the purposes of this paper, we have selected work done in one primary school (number 74, Santa Rosa) and two secondary schools (9 de Julio High School and Médano Cortado Catriló).
In the development of the paper we will show the design of digitalized materials for the bilingual literary projects and the narrative assessment reports presented by teachers as well as students’ interviews that helped assess the project. In the conclusion I will discuss the pedagogical implications of this project in terms of students ‘learning outcomes and professional development opportunities.
Key words:
Bilingualism- Literature-Creative writing -Interdisciplinary work-INSET
Among the objectives of the project were to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work within the institutions, to encourage the pleasure of reading different genres in Spanish and English and to stimulate intercultural reflection through the cultural representations expressed in the texts chosen.
The project also encouraged teachers’ creativity and autonomy and the stimulation of written and oral expressions as practices that enable creativity and stimulate the development of communicative and intercultural competence in the students.
During its three-year implementation the project constituted an instance of in-service teacher professional development (INSET) and as such it followed a format that consisted of four face-to-face meetings. The first encounter was developed by first asking teachers to answer about their own reading biography, after that they were presented with the rationale for the bilingual literature proposal. At the next meeting, we shared bilingual literature projects from previous years and we accompanied them in the design of their own didactic sequences. After that, with the presence of the English language assistant we accompanied the implementation of the project in different courses at different schools. Finally, there was always a closing plenary or celebration with members of the educational community: parents, teachers from other disciplines and supervisors.
For the purposes of this paper, we have selected work done in one primary school (number 74, Santa Rosa) and two secondary schools (9 de Julio High School and Médano Cortado Catriló).
In the development of the paper we will show the design of digitalized materials for the bilingual literary projects and the narrative assessment reports presented by teachers as well as students’ interviews that helped assess the project. In the conclusion I will discuss the pedagogical implications of this project in terms of students ‘learning outcomes and professional development opportunities.
Key words:
Bilingualism- Literature-Creative writing -Interdisciplinary work-INSET
En el caso presentado en nuestra materia, Práctica Educativa II, Didáctica Especial de la Lengua Inglesa y Residencia en Primaria, la complejidad del cambio en la evaluación mediada por TIC supone una profunda revisión curricular que pasa por la necesidad de asociar el diseño tecnológico al diseño pedagógico o instruccional que incluya propuestas de contenidos, objetivos y actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje mediadas por estas nuevas herramientas tecnológicas y que permita apreciar el desarrollo de la competencia para trabajar de manera colaborativa con sus compañeros, docentes y alumnos de las instituciones educativas donde realicen sus prácticas de residencia.
El propósito de esta ponencia es indicar como el cambio metodológico suscitado por la incorporación de las TIC ha incidido en nuestra modalidad de evaluación de los estudiantes residentes, desde una evaluación basada en contenidos a una basada en competencias auténticas (Monereo Font, 2009; Gulikers, Bastiaens y Kirshner, 2004) a través de la incorporación de e-portfolios de cada alumno residente a través del uso de edublogs individuales para esta cátedra. En el mismo constan todas sus producciones de TIC utilizadas para la enseñanza. También se espera que se transformen de consumidores a productores de conocimiento a través de la escritura de trabajos realizados de manera colaborativa a través de wikis en plataforma Moodle. El instrumento utilizado para reflexionar sobre la implementación de la evaluación mediada por las TIC ha sido la implementación de una encuesta online. El presente trabajo analizará los resultados de las mismas y sus implicancias para una revisión curricular en nuestro profesorado.
De acuerdo a Valverde Berrocoso et al. (2010:209) “la preparación de los profesores en los usos educativos de la tecnología es un componente clave en todos los planes de reforma educativa y factor importante en el desarrollo de buenas prácticas educativas con TIC”. Nuestra propuesta de incorporación de TIC transversal al programa de estudios de la materia Práctica Educativa II, Didáctica Especial de la Lengua Inglesa y Residencia en Primaria , es analizada críticamente teniendo en cuenta el modelo TPACK de Judi Harris, Mishra y Koehler (2006), que subordina la implementación tecnológica a las áreas disciplinar y pedagógica para poder producir propuestas alternativas , constructivistas y de aprendizajes significativos en los estudiantes . A efectos de evaluar si la incorporación de las TIC es conducente a las TEP (teorías del empoderamiento y la participación) se utilizaron como instrumento encuestas en línea a los estudiantes residentes y se analizaron sus portafolios digitales y narrativas presentes en las mismas.La triangulación de estos datos desde una metodología de investigación cualitativa permite avizorar prácticas innovadoras por parte de los estudiantes residentes, modificaciones en la producción del conocimiento de manera colaborativa y una actitud positiva acerca de la incorporación de las TIC en su formación.
Books by Estela N Braun
Among the objectives of the project were to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work within the institutions, to encourage the pleasure of reading different genres in Spanish and English and to stimulate intercultural reflection through the cultural representations expressed in the texts chosen.
The project also encouraged teachers’ creativity and autonomy and the stimulation of written and oral expressions as practices that enable creativity and stimulate the development of communicative and intercultural competence in the students.
During its three-year implementation the project constituted an instance of in-service teacher professional development (INSET) and as such it followed a format that consisted of four face-to-face meetings. The first encounter was developed by first asking teachers to answer about their own reading biography, after that they were presented with the rationale for the bilingual literature proposal. At the next meeting, we shared bilingual literature projects from previous years and we accompanied them in the design of their own didactic sequences. After that, with the presence of the English language assistant we accompanied the implementation of the project in different courses at different schools. Finally, there was always a closing plenary or celebration with members of the educational community: parents, teachers from other disciplines and supervisors.
For the purposes of this paper, we have selected work done in one primary school (number 74, Santa Rosa) and two secondary schools (9 de Julio High School and Médano Cortado Catriló).
In the development of the paper we will show the design of digitalized materials for the bilingual literary projects and the narrative assessment reports presented by teachers as well as students’ interviews that helped assess the project. In the conclusion I will discuss the pedagogical implications of this project in terms of students ‘learning outcomes and professional development opportunities.
Key words:
Bilingualism- Literature-Creative writing -Interdisciplinary work-INSET
Among the objectives of the project were to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work within the institutions, to encourage the pleasure of reading different genres in Spanish and English and to stimulate intercultural reflection through the cultural representations expressed in the texts chosen.
The project also encouraged teachers’ creativity and autonomy and the stimulation of written and oral expressions as practices that enable creativity and stimulate the development of communicative and intercultural competence in the students.
During its three-year implementation the project constituted an instance of in-service teacher professional development (INSET) and as such it followed a format that consisted of four face-to-face meetings. The first encounter was developed by first asking teachers to answer about their own reading biography, after that they were presented with the rationale for the bilingual literature proposal. At the next meeting, we shared bilingual literature projects from previous years and we accompanied them in the design of their own didactic sequences. After that, with the presence of the English language assistant we accompanied the implementation of the project in different courses at different schools. Finally, there was always a closing plenary or celebration with members of the educational community: parents, teachers from other disciplines and supervisors.
For the purposes of this paper, we have selected work done in one primary school (number 74, Santa Rosa) and two secondary schools (9 de Julio High School and Médano Cortado Catriló).
In the development of the paper we will show the design of digitalized materials for the bilingual literary projects and the narrative assessment reports presented by teachers as well as students’ interviews that helped assess the project. In the conclusion I will discuss the pedagogical implications of this project in terms of students ‘learning outcomes and professional development opportunities.
Key words:
Bilingualism- Literature-Creative writing -Interdisciplinary work-INSET
En el caso presentado en nuestra materia, Práctica Educativa II, Didáctica Especial de la Lengua Inglesa y Residencia en Primaria, la complejidad del cambio en la evaluación mediada por TIC supone una profunda revisión curricular que pasa por la necesidad de asociar el diseño tecnológico al diseño pedagógico o instruccional que incluya propuestas de contenidos, objetivos y actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje mediadas por estas nuevas herramientas tecnológicas y que permita apreciar el desarrollo de la competencia para trabajar de manera colaborativa con sus compañeros, docentes y alumnos de las instituciones educativas donde realicen sus prácticas de residencia.
El propósito de esta ponencia es indicar como el cambio metodológico suscitado por la incorporación de las TIC ha incidido en nuestra modalidad de evaluación de los estudiantes residentes, desde una evaluación basada en contenidos a una basada en competencias auténticas (Monereo Font, 2009; Gulikers, Bastiaens y Kirshner, 2004) a través de la incorporación de e-portfolios de cada alumno residente a través del uso de edublogs individuales para esta cátedra. En el mismo constan todas sus producciones de TIC utilizadas para la enseñanza. También se espera que se transformen de consumidores a productores de conocimiento a través de la escritura de trabajos realizados de manera colaborativa a través de wikis en plataforma Moodle. El instrumento utilizado para reflexionar sobre la implementación de la evaluación mediada por las TIC ha sido la implementación de una encuesta online. El presente trabajo analizará los resultados de las mismas y sus implicancias para una revisión curricular en nuestro profesorado.
De acuerdo a Valverde Berrocoso et al. (2010:209) “la preparación de los profesores en los usos educativos de la tecnología es un componente clave en todos los planes de reforma educativa y factor importante en el desarrollo de buenas prácticas educativas con TIC”. Nuestra propuesta de incorporación de TIC transversal al programa de estudios de la materia Práctica Educativa II, Didáctica Especial de la Lengua Inglesa y Residencia en Primaria , es analizada críticamente teniendo en cuenta el modelo TPACK de Judi Harris, Mishra y Koehler (2006), que subordina la implementación tecnológica a las áreas disciplinar y pedagógica para poder producir propuestas alternativas , constructivistas y de aprendizajes significativos en los estudiantes . A efectos de evaluar si la incorporación de las TIC es conducente a las TEP (teorías del empoderamiento y la participación) se utilizaron como instrumento encuestas en línea a los estudiantes residentes y se analizaron sus portafolios digitales y narrativas presentes en las mismas.La triangulación de estos datos desde una metodología de investigación cualitativa permite avizorar prácticas innovadoras por parte de los estudiantes residentes, modificaciones en la producción del conocimiento de manera colaborativa y una actitud positiva acerca de la incorporación de las TIC en su formación.