Papers by claudio barbeito
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2015

The presence of osteoderms within the integument, forming a carapace, is one of the most distinct... more The presence of osteoderms within the integument, forming a carapace, is one of the most distinctive features of armadillos with the external morphology of these elements forming the basis of most systematic schemes. This is especially true for fossil taxa, where these elements are most frequent in the palaeontological record. A detailed study of osteoderms from the cephalic shield and different regions of the dorsal armour of Chaetophractus villosus (Euphractinae, Xenarthra) was made and compared to those of the extant genus Dasypus (Dasypodinae, Xenarthra), and the extinct genus †Eutatus. Three distinct histological zones were recognized: outer and inner zones are thin, formed by regular compact bone, the middle zone is thicker, with large cavities that contain mainly adipose tissue, hair follicles, and sweat and sebaceous glands. The internal structure of †Eutatus (also a member of Euphractinae) osteoderms is close to that of C. villosus, consistent with the notion that these taxa are phylogenetically closely related. In contrast, Dasypus shows marked differences. Dasypus shows hair follicles associated with both gland types (sweat and sebaceous) and connected to foramina on the external surface. Although not observed in adult C. villosus, it has been documented during embryonic development, only to atrophy later in ontogeny. Furthermore, the presence of red bone marrow is rare in C. villosus, but widespread in Dasypus novemcinctus osteoderms. These results suggest an early split of both subfamilies and support the hypothesis that the Euphractinae are more derived than the Dasypodinae.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2014
Cd) is a well-known toxicant targeting many organs, among them placenta. 2 This heavy metal also ... more Cd) is a well-known toxicant targeting many organs, among them placenta. 2 This heavy metal also has embryonary and fetal toxicity. The present study was 3 undertaken to analyze the effect of a single Cd dose administered at 4, 7, 10 or 15 days 4 of gestation on the offspring of pregnant rats sacrificed at 20 days of gestation. 5

American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2012
Bovine tritrichomonosis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Tritrichomonas foetus, charac... more Bovine tritrichomonosis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Tritrichomonas foetus, characterized by conceptus loss. We developed a mouse model of tritrichomonosis to study the mechanisms involved in the embryonic death. We hypothesized that embryonic death may be due to an exacerbated maternal response to the pathogen that then affects embryo development. We infected BALB/c mice with Tritrichomonas foetus and paired them after confirming active infection. We studied the expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, markers for T regulatory and T helper 17 cells as well as haem-oxygenase-1 expression in uterine tissue by real-time RT-PCR. As expected, TNF-α was augmented in infected animals. IL-10 and IL-4 were also up-regulated. Treg-associated genes were higher expressed in uteri of infected group. In mice that have lost their conceptus after the infection, haem-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA levels were strongly decreased, while RORγt mRNA, a reliable marker for Th17, was augmented in uterus. A T effector response of type 1 and 17 may be involved in tritrichomonosis-related embryonic death. This alters protective mechanisms as HO-1. Increased regulatory T cells may facilitate embryonic death by promoting the persistence of infection.

Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 2012
The aim of the present work was to describe the morphology of the vagina in Lagostomus maximus an... more The aim of the present work was to describe the morphology of the vagina in Lagostomus maximus and to characterize its epithelial cells using morphometric and histochemical techniques (variations of PAS, Alcian blue and lectin histochemistry). Thirty-five sexually mature adult females were captured in their natural environment during four periods of the year and their genital organs were dissected. The vaginal wall of the viscacha has three tunics: mucosa, muscularis and adventitia or serosa according to the region. The epithelium is stratified in both cranial and caudal regions, but its characteristics vary depending on the physiological state. In anestrous, nonpregnant females have a stratified epithelium of two to three cellular layers with columnar PAS-positive superficial mucous cells. During the follicular phase, the epithelium of the vagina is stratified squamous and cornified. Females at early, middle and term pregnancy have a columnar stratified epithelium with mucous cells. Glycoproteins in the mucous cells were detected using PAS, PA*S, KOH/PA*/BH/PAS; and Alcian blue, pH 0.5, pH 1, pH 2.5 and 0.006 M). Lectin histochemistry showed that UEA-I and RCA-1 lectins reacted strongly or moderately with epithelial cells in all stages analyzed. These results indicate the presence of L-fucose and β-galactose. Binding with other lectins was variable.

Biologia, 2007
Many tumors produce factors that affect cell-cycle and cell proliferation. In the present study w... more Many tumors produce factors that affect cell-cycle and cell proliferation. In the present study we have analyzed the effect of a mammary-tumor extract injection on the mitotic activity of several organs in young male C3H/S mice previously standardized for circadian periodicity. One-half of the animals received an intraperitoneal EA21b tumor extract dose at 16:00 h, while the other half received saline. Animals were sacrificed on the following day at 08:00, 12:00 or 16:00 h, 4 h after receiving an injection of colchicine by the same route. Samples of duodenum, kidney, liver, and submaxillary gland were excised and processed for hematoxylin-eosin staining. Mitotic indices, expressed as the number of colchicine-arrested metaphases per 1,000 nuclei, were assessed in convoluted tubule epithelium, duodenal crypt enterocytes, hepatocytes and submaxillary gland ductal and acinar sialocytes. All values were expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA, Bonferroni and Student's t-tests. In contrast to the mitotic indices reductions observed in renal convoluted tubules cells and duodenal crypt enterocytes, neither the submaxillary gland nor the liver were found to contain cell types whose mitotic activity was affected by the tumor extract. We conclude that EA21b mammary carcinoma contains one or more factors that inhibit the proliferation of selected populations of normal cells.

Endocrinology, 2013
There is substantial evidence that age-related ovarian failure in rats is preceded by abnormal re... more There is substantial evidence that age-related ovarian failure in rats is preceded by abnormal responsiveness of the neuroendocrine axis to estrogen positive feedback. Because IGF-I seems to act as a permissive factor for proper GnRH neuronal response to estrogen positive feedback and considering that the hypothalamic content of IGF-I declines in middle-aged (M-A) rats, we assessed the effectiveness of long-term IGF-I gene therapy in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) of M-A female rats to extend regular cyclicity and preserve ovarian structure. We used 3 groups of M-A rats: 1 group of intact animals and 2 groups injected, at 36.2 weeks of age, in the MBH with either a bicistronic recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) harboring the genes for IGF-I and the red fluorescent protein DsRed2, or a control rAAV expressing only DsRed2. Daily vaginal smears were taken throughout the study, which ended at 49.5 weeks of age. We measured serum levels of reproductive hormones and assessed ovarian histology at the end of the study. Although most of the rats injected with the IGF-I rAAV had, on the average, well-preserved estrous cyclicity as well as a generally normal ovarian histology, the intact and control rAAV groups showed a high percentage of acyclic rats at the end of the study and ovaries with numerous enlarged cysts and scarce corpora lutea. Serum LH was higher and hyperprolactinemia lower in the treated animals. These results suggest that overexpression of IGF-I in the MBH prolongs normal ovarian function in M-A female rats.
Journal of experimental …, 2002
... INIST Diffusion. 2, Allée du Parc de Brabois F-54514 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex France Phone:... more ... INIST Diffusion. 2, Allée du Parc de Brabois F-54514 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex France Phone: +33 (0)3 83 50 46 64 Fax: +33 (0)3 83 50 46 66. ... Auteur(s) / Author(s). BARBEITO CG ; FLAMINI MA ; GARCIA MN ; ANDRES LAUBE PF ; ANDRINI L. B ; BADRAN AF ; ...

Placenta, 2011
Objectives: Reproduction in the plains viscacha is characterized by the polyovulation of hundreds... more Objectives: Reproduction in the plains viscacha is characterized by the polyovulation of hundreds of oocytes, the loss of implantation and the development of 1e3 offspring. Our goal was to determine whether placental development was affected by these specializations. Study design: Thirteen placentas from early pregnancy to near-term pregnancy were analyzed using histological, immunohistochemical and transmission electron microscopy. Results: An inverted, villous yolk sac was present. Placentas were formed by the trophospongium, labyrinth and subplacenta. A lobulated structure with a hemomonochorial barrier was established early in pregnancy. Proliferating trophoblast that was clustered at the outer border and inside the labyrinth was responsible for placental growth. Trophoblast invasion resulted from the cellular trophoblast and syncytial streamers derived from the subplacenta. Different from other caviomorphs, numerous giant cells were observed. Conclusions: The principle processes of placentation in caviomorphs follow an extraordinarily stable pattern that is independent of specializations, such as polyovulation.
Acta Zoologica, 2014
Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G. and Portiansky, E.L. 2014. A morphological, morphometric and histoc... more Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G. and Portiansky, E.L. 2014. A morphological, morphometric and histochemical study of the oviduct in pregnant and nonpregnant females of the plains viscacha (Lagostomus maximus). -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 95: 186-195.

Endocrinology, 2012
Congenitally athymic (nude) female mice show severe ovarian dysgenesis after puberty, which seems... more Congenitally athymic (nude) female mice show severe ovarian dysgenesis after puberty, which seems to be consequential to a number of neuroendocrine derangements described in these mutants. Thus, considerable evidence suggests that thymulin, a thymic peptide, may be involved in thymus-pituitary communication. In order to clarify the relevance of thymulin for the maturation of the female reproductive system, we assessed at hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian, and uterine level the preventive action of neonatal thymulin gene therapy (NTGT) on the changes that typically occur after puberty in congenitally athymic female mice. We injected (im) an adenoviral vector harboring a synthetic DNA sequence encoding a biologically active analog of thymulin, methionine-serum thymic factor, in newborn nude mice (which are thymulin deficient) and killed the animals at 70-71 d of age. NTGT in the athymic mice restored the serum thymulin levels. Morphometric analysis revealed that athymic nudes have reduced numbers of brain GnRH neurons and pituitary gonadotropic cells as compared with heterozygous controls. NTGT prevented these changes and also rescued the premature ovarian failure phenotype typically observed in athymic nude mice (marked reduction in the number of antral follicles and corpora lutea, increase in atretic follicles). Serum estrogen, but not progesterone, levels were low in athymic nudes, a reduction that was partially prevented by NTGT. Little to no morphological changes were observed in the endometrium of female nudes. The delay in the age of vaginal opening that occurs in athymic nudes was significantly prevented by NTGT. Our results suggest that thymulin plays a relevant physiologic role in the thymus-hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, 2001
We examined the effect of partial hepatectomy on the proliferation of hepatoma ES12a grafted into... more We examined the effect of partial hepatectomy on the proliferation of hepatoma ES12a grafted into C3H/S mice compared to tumor growth in sham-hepatectomized controls. The animals were sacrificed every 4 hrs during three days from the 6th to the 78th h following each type of surgery. Unoperated tumor-bearing mice were likewise killed as controls, but only during one complete circadian period. All animals received 2 microg of colchicine per g of body weight intraperitoneally 4 hrs before decapitation. Measurement of mitotic indices in hematoxylineosin-stained tumor samples revealed a decrease in proliferation and a modification of the diurnal mitotic-activity profile in the hepatectomized and sham-operated animals from the first day after surgery. These differences persisted by the third postoperative day only in the hepatectomized animals. Thus, although surgical stress may initially affect tumor growth, the latter results must be the effect of the influence of the hepatic regeneration.

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2012
Pesq. Vet. Bras. 32(2):183-187, fevereiro 2012 183 RESUMO.-Entre as espécies de roedores já estud... more Pesq. Vet. Bras. 32(2):183-187, fevereiro 2012 183 RESUMO.-Entre as espécies de roedores já estudadas podemos destacar a grande variação na morfologia do aparelho reprodutor masculino. Assim, considerando a importância ecológica dos roedores, e a grande representatividade numérica quanto geográϐica destes animais, bem como a escassez que aborda a anatomia reprodutiva, desenvolvemos este trabalho com um roedor histricomorfo da América do Sul, a viscacha. Este animal apresenta algumas características reprodutivas bem peculiares, desta forma descreveremos a anatomia macroscópica da musculatura perineal, e o papel dos músculos no comportamento copulatório des-Forma e função dos músculos perineais da viscacha (Lagostomus maximus) 1 . 2012. [Shape and function of the perineal muscles of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus).] Forma e função dos músculos perineais da viscacha (Lagostomus maximus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(2):183-187. .
Acta Zoologica, 2009
Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G., Gimeno, E.J. and Portiansky, E.L. 2009. Histology, histochemistry ... more Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G., Gimeno, E.J. and Portiansky, E.L. 2009. Histology, histochemistry and morphometry of the ovary of the adult plains viscacha (Lagostomus maximus) in different reproductive stages. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 90: 390-400
Cell Biology International, 2005
We have investigated the effects of EA21a and EA34 mammary carcinomas on daily PI cell proliferat... more We have investigated the effects of EA21a and EA34 mammary carcinomas on daily PI cell proliferation in mice. Animals were divided into groups grafted with either EA34 or EA21a carcinomas (and a non-grafted control group). They were all injected intraperitoneally with 2 mg colchicine per g of body weight 4 h before sacrifice and the number of mitoses per 1000 nuclei was calculated. The mitotic index (MI) of pars-intermedia epithelial cells in control animals showed significant temporal variations. However, the MI from mice grafted with EA34 or EA21a carcinomas showed no such variation. There was no difference between the daily MIs of controls and tumor grafted groups. The absence of a 24 h mitotic activity curve in both EA21a and EA34 tumorbearing animals demonstrates a lower level of synchronization of cells entering mitosis. Ó

Animal Reproduction Science, 2014
This study complements the previous investigations of the reproductive biology of male viscachas,... more This study complements the previous investigations of the reproductive biology of male viscachas, a rodent of a seasonal Hystricognathi that exhibits photoperiod-induced morphological variations in the reproductive system. In the present study, a quantitative analysis of spermatogenesis was performed during the summer and the spring. Spermatogonial cells were analyzed to determine by immunolabelling for STRA8 and DAZL, which are essential for spermatogenesis. Six free-living male viscachas were captured, three animals in the summer during the period of reproductive activity and three animals in the spring during the period of testicular regression. The testes of the viscachas were collected and processed for light microscopy, macroscopic and immunochemical analyses. The germ and Sertoli cells present in the seminiferous tubules were quantitatively analyzed in each animal. The efficiency coefficient for spermatogonial mitosis, meiotic yield, overall spermatogenesis yield and Sertoli cell index, revealed that the Sertoli cells in male viscachas captured during the summer had a reduced capacity to structurally and nutritionally support the developing round spermatids compared with the male viscachas captured during the spring. The animals produced less sperm during the spring than the summer, suggesting a seasonal impact on spermatogenesis. Immunolabelling for STRA8 and DAZL was detected during summer and spring seasons. These results suggest that in seasonal rodents, such as the male viscachas, the photoperiod promotes significant changes in the testis and in the germ cell yield.
Cell Biology International, 2002
The presence of a tumor generally changes the mitotic activity of the normal cell population in m... more The presence of a tumor generally changes the mitotic activity of the normal cell population in mice. In the present work, the mitotic activity of the duodenal crypt enterocytes in EA21a mammary carcinoma-bearing mice was determined. The results show that there is a patent circadian variation in normal mice and, in the presence of the EA21a mammary tumor, cell proliferation is stimulated. Stimulation was evident in enterocytes from the intermediate as well as the superficial regions of the crypt. Some humoral factors produced by the transplanted tumor could interfere with the regulatory mechanism of the mitotic activity of duodenal crypt enterocytes.
Salud y Tecnología Veterinaria, 2014
Papers by claudio barbeito