Papers by Sarah Lilian Burns

Resumen Se estudiaron 136 carcinomas mamarios de perras y sus linfonodos satelites por metodos h... more Resumen Se estudiaron 136 carcinomas mamarios de perras y sus linfonodos satelites por metodos histologicos e histoquimicos con el proposito de evaluar la presencia de embolos carcinomatosos y la actividad angiogenica del tumor, esta ultima a traves de la identificacion de VEGFR-2 (receptor para el factor de crecimiento de endotelios vasculares-2), y del recuento de microvasos. Se establecio la relacion entre la presencia de embolos y la angiogenesis y su repercusion en el estado del linfonodo, factor pronostico de supervivencia de valor ya demostrado en la especie. Se hallaron diferencias significativas entre las neoplasias con y sin embolos tumorales con respecto a su capacidad de originar metastasis en los linfonodos. La magnitud de la angiogenesis fue mayor en neoplasias en las que se habian evidenciado embolos carcinomatosos y/o metastasis. Palabras claves : caninos, carcinomas mamarios, invasion vascular, angiogenesis, pronostico Abstract One hundred and thirty six canine mam...

ar RESUMEN. Se estudiaron 136 carcinomas mamarios de perras y suslinfunodos sat:el.ites por metod... more ar RESUMEN. Se estudiaron 136 carcinomas mamarios de perras y suslinfunodos sat:el.ites por metod.os histol6gioos e histoquimicos con el prop6sito de evaluar la presencia de emboles cardnomatosos y la actividad angiogenir::a del tumor, esta Ultima a traves de la ident:ifi.c::aci6n de VEGFR-2 (receptor para el factor de crecimiento de endotelios vasculares-2), y del recuento de microvasos. Se estableci6 la relaci6n entre la presencia de embolos y la angiogenesis y su repercusi6n en el est:ado dellinfonodo, factor pron6stico de supervivencia de valor ya demostrado en la espede. Se hallaron diferencias signifi.cati.vas entre las neoplasias con y sin emboles tumorales con respecto a su capacidad de originar metastasis en los linfonodos. La magnitud de la angiogenesis fue mayor enneoplasias en las que se habian evidenciado emboles carcinomatoses y / o metastasis. Palabras clave&: caninos, carcinomas mamarios, invasiOn vascular, angiopsis, pron6stico. ABSTRACf. One hundred and thirty six canine mammary carcinomas and their satellite lymph nodes were histological and histochemically studied. The aim of the present work was to assess the presence of carcinomatous emboli and the tumour angiogenic ar::ti.vity, the latter through the identification of VEGFR-2 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2) and the oounting of mkrovessels. The relation between the presence of emboli and angiogenesis and its impact on the status of the lymph nodes was established. Significant differences were found between tumoun; with and without emboli and their ability to cause metastasis in the lymph nodes. The extent of angiogenesis was higher in tumours that had demoru;trated carcinomatous emboli and I or metastasis.

Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, 2016
Spontaneous invasive non‐inflammatory canine mammary carcinomas (CMC) and their regional lymph no... more Spontaneous invasive non‐inflammatory canine mammary carcinomas (CMC) and their regional lymph nodes (LN) were analysed (n = 136). Histological grade (HG) and vascular invasion (VI) in the tumours and lymph node status were recorded. Proliferation index (PI), microvessel density (MVD) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) expression were estimated using anti‐proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), anti‐von Willebrand factor and anti‐Flk‐1, respectively. Eighteen months follow‐up was performed (34 bitches). Tumours of different grades showed differences regarding PI, Flk‐1/integrated optical density (Flk‐1/IOD) and MVD. Every feature showed significant association with LN status through bivariate analyses. From multivariate analyses, VI and Flk‐1/IOD were selected to predict LN status. Data revealed that the probability of a CMC‐bearing bitch to remain alive at 1, 4, 5 and 14–18 months was 0.91, 0.87, 0.81 and 0.77, respectively. Besides LN status, VI was the ...

Forest Policy and Economics, 2020
Illegal logging and trade are one of the most important issues in world politics, strongly connec... more Illegal logging and trade are one of the most important issues in world politics, strongly connected with deforestation and forest degradation, especially in developing countries with tropical forests. As a result, many different international policies designed to tackle these issues have been developed over the years, led both by state and non-state actors. Although the role of state actors in certification mechanisms has been previously analyzed, the response of non-state forest certification actors to potentially competitive systems of legality has not yet been analyzed. The case of Argentina presented in this paper shows how a coalition between international actors such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and land owners, with great power in the country, gathered through forestry associations have managed to create a timber legality verification mechanism, even with financing from the national state. In this case, the state gives up its regulatory power and the possibility of increasing its institutional capacities vis-à-vis private actors. Addressing the response of private certification actors to legality mechanisms will allow for important and in-depths insights into the relationship between state and non-state actors and potential future joint mechanisms designed to address illegal logging and deforestation.

Encuentro de Becarios de la UNLP (EBEC) (La Plata, 2018), Mar 24, 2019
Las plantaciones forestales representan formas de uso de la tierra con posibles impactos sobre el... more Las plantaciones forestales representan formas de uso de la tierra con posibles impactos sobre el balance de carbono, la fertilidad del suelo y la diversidad biológica. Estos efectos dependen del tipo de manejo que reciben y la situación de partida en la que se establecen. En este proyecto se pretende estudiar la dinámica de los almacenajes de carbono y sus tasas de recambio, en plantaciones de Eucalyptus spp. a escala regional en la cuenca forestal del rio Uruguay. Los objetivos particulares son: estimar la superficie de plantaciones de Eucalyptus spp. y su evolución en los últimos 25 años; evaluar el efecto de diferentes prácticas silvícolas, historia de uso, y destino de producción en el almacenaje de carbono; explorar las relaciones entre las características del productor y el tipo de manejo realizado; desarrollar un modelo que permita explorar el balance de carbono según las prácticas de manejo y el análisis de escenarios de uso. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que las diferencias en la historia de uso y la silvicultura se encuentran asociadas con diferencias en las características de los productores y resultan en diferentes almacenajes y tasas de recambio del carbono en la biomasa y el suelo de las plantaciones forestales. El trabajo se llevará a cabo en la zona sedimentaria de la cuenca media e inferior del río Uruguay a lo largo del área limítrofe entre Argentina y Uruguay, un área de aproximadamente 20000 km2 de superficie. Se generará cartografía de plantaciones forestales utilizando métodos de teledetección y sistemas de información geográfica con imágenes satelitales y se realizaran clasificaciones para realizar análisis de series temporales en un período de 25 años. Se calculará almacenaje de carbono a partir de la biomasa estimada de mediciones de altura, DAP y muestras de raíces y suelo. Se realizarán encuestas a productores forestales con el objetivo de caracterizarlos e indagar a cerca del objetivo de producción para realizar análisis multivariados e identificar agrupamientos de productores. Se estimará la cantidad de carbono almacenada en la región y su proyección. Se probaran modelos más complejos que incorporen prácticas de manejo para explorar impactos ante cambios en esos factores

Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, Dec 31, 2015
Previous work on certification of palm oil has reported on a trend toward a change, from failed s... more Previous work on certification of palm oil has reported on a trend toward a change, from failed state regulation to voluntary, private governance. However, recent observations suggest a trend, moving from voluntary, private governance to mandatory state governance in palm oil certification in Indonesia, a move in which the state is reclaiming authority. In this light, the aims of our research are (1) to identify the main actors involved in certification politics, (2) to explain this trend in terms of the actors' interests and whatever benefits may result for them. We developed our research questions based on bureaucratic politics and power theory. A mix of document analysis, interviews, and observations are applied for addressing the questions. The results answer our research questions, i.e., that (1) the state claims back its authority over certification from private actors and contributed to the complex meta governance of palm oil certification, the state mandatory scheme that is supported by states' bureaucracies in charge reduces the influence of non-government or private actors. (2) This trend is due to a coalition of specific state bureaucracies and big industry interests, which grant privileges to industry that are denied to small producers. Unexpectedly, all Indonesian bureaucracies associated with this trend support mandatory state certification, which indicates that palm oil has been elevated in importance to become a matter of national, rather than mere bureaucratic interest. Making certification mandatory through coercive regulatory power is the main tool with which state power can challenge voluntary implementation and reclaim authority. Furthermore, the state needs the voluntary system to exist as well in order to strengthen its position. Therefore, the voluntary and the compulsory systems collaborate to attract global initiatives, which is contributing to the high complex of meta governance.

International Environmental Agreements-politics Law and Economics, Mar 18, 2019
In the field of global environmental governance, a plethora of international regimes have emerged... more In the field of global environmental governance, a plethora of international regimes have emerged over the past decades. In some issue areas, multiple regimes aim to govern the issue, sometimes reinforcing, oftentimes conflicting with each other. Consequently, international regime complexes are an empirical phenomenon, which are inherently characterized by specific degrees of fragmentation. For any given issue area, one of the key questions is whether the institutional fragmentation encountered in such regime complexes is synergistic or conflictive in nature. Scrutinizing this question poses methodological challenges of how to delineate a regime complex and how to assess its fragmentation. Drawing on the highly fragmented case of the international forest regime complex, this paper aims to map its institutional fragmentation and to analyse the degrees to which it is conflictive or synergistic. For this we conceptualize the notion of institutional elements and develop a novel method for mapping regime complexes based on their core institutional elements. We then employ tools from the sub-discipline of policy analysis on the complex's institutional elements for analysing in detail, which of the elements are mutually synergistic and conflictive with other elements of the regime complex. Our results indicate that synergistic relations mostly exist among rather vague elements, often built around sustainability as a core principle. On the contrary, conflictive relations prevail as soon as the elements are designed in more concrete and substantial ways. We conclude that the forest regime complex displays only degree of seemingly synergistic fragmentation through a number of non-decisions and the use of "sustainability" as an empty formula. De facto, conflictive fragmentation prevails among elements of concrete subject matter. This raises questions on whether vast parts of regime complexes merely serve symbolic functions, while conflicts on substance are being camouflaged.
International Forestry Review, Dec 1, 2021
Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Göttingen, Germany Unit of Politica... more Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Göttingen, Germany Unit of Political Science, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Laboratorio de Investigación de Sistemas Ecológicos y Ambientales (LISEA), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina Chair of Tropical and International Forestry, Technical University Dresden, Germany
The Annex Experimental Area Manuel Belgrano is located in Misiones under INTA administration. Thi... more The Annex Experimental Area Manuel Belgrano is located in Misiones under INTA administration. This forest management unit comprises an Araucaria angustifolia plantation forest, with a significant productive and conservation value. The objective of this study was to apply the methodology of Principles, Criteria and Indicators to evaluate the sustainability at Forest Management Unit level. Our results show that the staff forms a well-integrated group, in which its leaders are aware of the environmental importance of the place. On the other hand, the fact that some information is handled only by some actors added subjectivity to the proposal studied.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Apr 1, 2023
Over one billion people in the world depend on forests to meeting livelihood needs and more than ... more Over one billion people in the world depend on forests to meeting livelihood needs and more than half of them engage in community-based forest management. Community forestry has the potential of making important contributions in achieving the sustainable development goals; however, their positive effects on local livelihoods have been questioned. Actors, with their interests and power balance, can be important factors explaining the success of community forestry by shaping the decision-making process. Hence, the aim of our study was to analyze the economic performance of community forestry across the world, through its contribution to poverty reduction and explain how the economic outcome relates to the interests of the powerful actors. Community forestry from seven countries was analyzed including cases in Asia (Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam), Africa (Namibia and Cameroon), and Europe (Germany and Albania). Data were collected with a sequence design method aiming to identify the participating actors and their power. A multivariate principal components analysis was conducted to capture the power dynamics within each community forestry. Results showed that community forestry programs do not always lead to poverty alleviation. The economic outcomes can be linked to the interests of the most powerful actors which in most cases do not desire a high economic outcome but rather promote contributions up to subsistence level.
Forest Policy and Economics, 2022
Forest Policy and Economics

Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Over one billion people in the world depend on forests to meeting livelihood needs and more than ... more Over one billion people in the world depend on forests to meeting livelihood needs and more than half of them engage in community-based forest management. Community forestry has the potential of making important contributions in achieving the sustainable development goals; however, their positive effects on local livelihoods have been questioned. Actors, with their interests and power balance, can be important factors explaining the success of community forestry by shaping the decision-making process. Hence, the aim of our study was to analyze the economic performance of community forestry across the world, through its contribution to poverty reduction and explain how the economic outcome relates to the interests of the powerful actors. Community forestry from seven countries was analyzed including cases in Asia (Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam), Africa (Namibia and Cameroon), and Europe (Germany and Albania). Data were collected with a sequence design method aiming to identify the partic...

El género Nothofagus comprende alrededor de 35 especies nativas del Hemisferio Sur. En la Patagon... more El género Nothofagus comprende alrededor de 35 especies nativas del Hemisferio Sur. En la Patagonia se han citado numerosos ejemplos de híbridos naturales entre varias especies de Nothofagus. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar y describir la evidencia de la existencia de posibles híbridos naturales entre Nothofagus pumilio y N. antarctica en Patagonia Sur, mediante el estudio de caracteres morfológicos foliares. Se trabajó con 20 posibles híbridos recolectados en una zona de transición entre bosques de N. pumilio y N. antarctica de Tierra del Fuego, y con individuos de N. pumilio y N. antarctica obtenidos de poblaciones puras cercanas a las anteriores. Por medio de un muestreo aleatorio se seleccionaron 20 hojas de cada individuo a las que se les midió largo, ancho, distancia del mayor ancho a la base, forma, base, borde, ápice y largo del pecíolo. Las hojas de los posibles híbridos difirieron de N. pumilio en tamaño, distancia del ancho máximo a la base y frecuencia de a...
International Forestry Review, Dec 1, 2021
Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Göttingen, Germany Unit of Politica... more Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Göttingen, Germany Unit of Political Science, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Laboratorio de Investigación de Sistemas Ecológicos y Ambientales (LISEA), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina Chair of Tropical and International Forestry, Technical University Dresden, Germany

Las plantaciones forestales representan formas de uso de la tierra con posibles impactos sobre el... more Las plantaciones forestales representan formas de uso de la tierra con posibles impactos sobre el balance de carbono, la fertilidad del suelo y la diversidad biológica. Estos efectos dependen del tipo de manejo que reciben y la situación de partida en la que se establecen. En este proyecto se pretende estudiar la dinámica de los almacenajes de carbono y sus tasas de recambio, en plantaciones de Eucalyptus spp. a escala regional en la cuenca forestal del rio Uruguay. Los objetivos particulares son: estimar la superficie de plantaciones de Eucalyptus spp. y su evolución en los últimos 25 años; evaluar el efecto de diferentes prácticas silvícolas, historia de uso, y destino de producción en el almacenaje de carbono; explorar las relaciones entre las características del productor y el tipo de manejo realizado; desarrollar un modelo que permita explorar el balance de carbono según las prácticas de manejo y el análisis de escenarios de uso. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que las diferencias en la historia de uso y la silvicultura se encuentran asociadas con diferencias en las características de los productores y resultan en diferentes almacenajes y tasas de recambio del carbono en la biomasa y el suelo de las plantaciones forestales. El trabajo se llevará a cabo en la zona sedimentaria de la cuenca media e inferior del río Uruguay a lo largo del área limítrofe entre Argentina y Uruguay, un área de aproximadamente 20000 km2 de superficie. Se generará cartografía de plantaciones forestales utilizando métodos de teledetección y sistemas de información geográfica con imágenes satelitales y se realizaran clasificaciones para realizar análisis de series temporales en un período de 25 años. Se calculará almacenaje de carbono a partir de la biomasa estimada de mediciones de altura, DAP y muestras de raíces y suelo. Se realizarán encuestas a productores forestales con el objetivo de caracterizarlos e indagar a cerca del objetivo de producción para realizar análisis multivariados e identificar agrupamientos de productores. Se estimará la cantidad de carbono almacenada en la región y su proyección. Se probaran modelos más complejos que incorporen prácticas de manejo para explorar impactos ante cambios en esos factores
Papers by Sarah Lilian Burns