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    • Archaeology
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    • Flow resistance
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    • Flow resistance
The objective of this work was to develop equations of thickness profile and bark volume at different heights with easy-measurement variables, taking as a study case Nothofagus pumilio forests, growing in different site qualities and... more
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El género Nothofagus comprende alrededor de 35 especies nativas del Hemisferio Sur. En la Patagonia se han citado numerosos ejemplos de híbridos naturales entre varias especies de Nothofagus. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar... more
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      Sustainable forestryForestry SciencesP/BV Ratio
Aim of study: The objective of this study was to analyze the stand structure and spatial pattern of two A. chilensis stands with contrasting soil conditions and different site qualities in order to explore if these differences lead to... more
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      Spatial AnalysisPlant competition
Since the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, forest management and conservation have become important issues in international forestrelated politics and policies. As a result, different international initiatives have dealt with the subject... more
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By the end of the 1980s, Argentina was in the middle of a severe economic crisis. In 1991, the Deregulation Decree, which steered the political economy toward a new neoliberal policy, dismantled the Argentine National Forestry Institute... more
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    • Forest Policy
Forest certification has been so far described as a non-state, market-driven form of private governance developed by non-state actors. However, bureaucracies can influence the effects of these programs in many ways, using their... more
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      Transnational RegulationPrivate regulation and governanceForest certification
Private institutions for third-party (eco-)labelling of food and wood products has been a lively field of empirical research, peaking in the conception of certification as a ''non-state market-driven governance system,'' which is gaining... more
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      Private regulation and governanceForest certification
— Over the past decades, development projects by international organizations like the World Bank use concepts such as ''joint forest management " , ''community-based natural resource management " , and ''participatory conservation " as... more
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    • Environmental Policy and Governance
The objective of this work was to develop equations of thickness profile and bark volume at different heights with easy-measurement variables, taking as a study case Nothofagus pumilio forests, growing in different site qualities and... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsforest systems
Forest certification has been so far described as a non-state, market-driven form of private governance developed by non-state actors. However, bureaucracies can influence the effects of these programs in many ways, using their... more
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      BusinessEconomicsTransnational RegulationPrivate regulation and governance
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    • Humanities
Previous work on certification of palm oil has reported on a trend toward a change, from failed state regulation to voluntary, private governance. However, recent observations suggest a trend, moving from voluntary, private governance to... more
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      BusinessInternational RegimesMeta-governance
Private institutions for third-party (eco-)labelling of food and wood products has been a lively field of empirical research, peaking in the conception of certification as a “non-state market-driven governance system,” which is gaining... more
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      EconomicsPublic AdministrationPublic Policy and AdministrationPrivate regulation and governance
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      EconomicsEnvironmental Policy and Governance