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Cd) is a well-known toxicant targeting many organs, among them placenta. 2 This heavy metal also has embryonary and fetal toxicity. The present study was 3 undertaken to analyze the effect of a single Cd dose administered at 4, 7, 10 or... more
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    • Biological Sciences
Pesq. Vet. Bras. 32(6):547-552, junho 2012 547 RESUMO.-[Padrão de reação lectino-histoquímico do epitélio laminar ovariano em Genypterus blacodes (Schneider, 1801).] A composição e distribuição dos glicoconjugados (GCs) secretado pelo... more
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    • Veterinary Sciences
The equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) was isolated in Argentina from an aborted equine foetus in 1979. This virus (SPv) has special restriction patterns (RP) in comparison with other Argentine isolates. In addition, SPv could be distinguished... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyArgentinaImmunohistochemistry
The genomes of 10 equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) strains isolated in Argentina from 1979 to 1991, and a Japanese HH1 reference strain were compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. Two restriction enzymes, BamHI and BglII, were used... more
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      ArgentinaBiological SciencesVirulenceMice
The presence of binucleate cells constitutes a normal feature of some animal tissues but is rare in the normal brain and has not been documented in the spinal cord. We assessed different segments of the rat spinal cord in order to... more
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      AgingSpinal CordNeuronsClinical Sciences
Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G., Gimeno, E.J. and Portiansky, E.L. 2009. Histology, histochemistry and morphometry of the ovary of the adult plains viscacha (Lagostomus maximus) in different reproductive stages. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm)... more
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Krmpotic, C.M., Ciancio, M.R., Barbeito, C., Mario, R.C. and Carlini, A.A. (2009). Osteoderm morphology in recent and fossil euphractine xenarthrans. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 90: 339-351
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      PhysiologyZoologyHistologyFossil Bone Histology
Flamini, M.A., Barbeito, C.G. and Portiansky, E.L. 2014. A morphological, morphometric and histochemical study of the oviduct in pregnant and nonpregnant females of the plains viscacha (Lagostomus maximus). -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 95:... more
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The Skene's (paraurethral) gland is the histologic homologue to the male prostate. Much experimental work has been done on women and on various rodents. In this study we describe for the first time the anatomical and histological... more
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      RodentiaMedical PhysiologyUrinary BladderSebaceous Glands
Thymulin is a thymic hormone exclusively produced by the thymic epithelial cells. It consists of a nonapeptide component coupled to the ion zinc, which confers biological activity to the molecule. After its discovery in the early 1970s,... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPeptidesHomeostasisAmino Acid Sequence
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      Biological SciencesMiceHorses
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      ImmunohistochemistryCircadian RhythmHepatocellular CarcinomaMedical Physiology
We have investigated the effects of EA21a and EA34 mammary carcinomas on daily PI cell proliferation in mice. Animals were divided into groups grafted with either EA34 or EA21a carcinomas (and a non-grafted control group). They were all... more
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      Cell BiologyMitosisMicePituitary Gland
Tongue keratinocytes have high S-phase and mitotic indices with evident circadian variation. Transplanted tumors modify the intensity and temporal structure of the S-phase index in cell populations in tumor-bearing animals; also, partial... more
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      Cell BiologyDNAKeratinocytesMice
During embryonic development, studies on mouse and human embryos have established that Muc1/MUC1 expression coincides with the onset of epithelial sheet and glandular formation. This study aimed therefore at evaluating the temporal and... more
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A morphologic study of the impact of aging on neuron marker expression was performed in different segments of the rat spinal cord. Spinal cord specimens from young (5 months), middle-aged (12 months) and senile (32 months) female rats... more
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      PsychologyAgingImmunohistochemistrySpinal Cord
Bovine genital tritrichomonosis is a venereal disease produced by the flagellate Tritrichomonas foetus. The disease is characterized by the repetition of oestrus and infertility due to embryonic or foetal death. Numerous experimental... more
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      MicrobiologyExperimental parasitologyPregnancyMice
In the brain, specific signaling pathways localized in highly organized regions called niches allow the persistence of a pool of stem and progenitor cells that generate new neurons in adulthood. Much less is known about the spinal cord... more
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Aging is a process associated with both anatomical changes and loss of expression of some cell markers. Intermediate filaments are known to impart mechanical stability to cells and tissues. Some of them are present in different cell... more
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      AgingImmunohistochemistryChemicalOld Age
Heifers inoculated intra-vaginally with Tritrichomonas foetus were examined after long-term infection (70 days) and short-term infection (20 days) by lectin-histochemical, immunohistochemical and cultural techniques. The organism was... more
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