Papers by Prima Widia Wastuty

INFO-TEKNIK, Sep 16, 2016
Eco architecture is the recently major issue especially related with global warming. Eco architec... more Eco architecture is the recently major issue especially related with global warming. Eco architecture has five element, they are land use, water treatment, vegetation, building, and transportation. Siliran Lor is one of the district in the inner part of the fort of Yogyakarta palace that make it has uniqe location, it also has good achievment as the winner of the orderliness environment competition. The important reason why this area choosed as the research case is because it has leafy vegetation. Vegetation as one of the eco architecture's element is the focus analysis in this research. The result of this research hoped will give a good input in district planning and design that concern with the environment. The research in Siliran Lor indicate that it has variation in vegetation, with many functions and meanings. Some of the vegetations still have the simbolic meaning of they use, but most of them not.

The increasing number of population citizens in Banjarmasin from year to year has an effect on th... more The increasing number of population citizens in Banjarmasin from year to year has an effect on the increasing need for educational facilities, in terms of quality and quantity. Besides the government, the private sector also provides formal education facilities. Insan Madani Integrated Islamic Junior High School Banjarmasin is one of the private schools in Banjarmasin. But the Bina Insan Madani Foundation has not provided a school building that complies with government standards. It is necessary to design Insan Madani Integrated Islamic Junior High School Banjarmasin in accordance with the standards and create an educational atmosphere that can support the learning process. The Architectural Programming method of William Pena was chosen to solve the architectural problem. The Qur’an Educative Space Concept is a design of SMPIT Insan Madani Banjarmasin which makes every room in this school a place of learning. Qur’an Educative space is applied to outer space and inner space, so stude...
The Movement Park for Youth in Banjarbaru is a park designed as thematic park which focused at ph... more The Movement Park for Youth in Banjarbaru is a park designed as thematic park which focused at physical health that aiming to educating and to increase the youth’s interest for developing physical activity and could be an innovation for delightful destination for youth. The design of movement park is because the lack of interest and care about youth health that focusing on physical activity as a problem. The concept to solve problem is ‘Movement’ which has an aspect about physical activity those are easy, medium, and hard physical activity.
An animation studio is an animation production site. However, their products and functions are st... more An animation studio is an animation production site. However, their products and functions are still not widely known by the public, so there are still few users of their services. The animation is not only entertainment media but also as an intermediary media that can facilitate an activity. So an attractive and interactive animation studio is needed. The solution offered is to use a simulation method that aims to make it easier for people to understand animation. Simulation is a method that shows something in a simulant form that is similar to the real situation. This method uses the Triadic Game Design approach that has three aspects, namely play, meaning, and reality. These three aspects are used as references in the animation studio.

Reading is one of the basic skills that must be mastered by everyone. However, the reading rate o... more Reading is one of the basic skills that must be mastered by everyone. However, the reading rate of people in Indonesia is very low. In fact, literacy conditions in Indonesia are now in crisis, which is also called a literacy emergency. Increasing interest in reading in the younger generation in Indonesia today is really important amidst so many technologies that are very rapidly developing. Therefore, Indonesia is currently so active at making movements to increase interest in reading. The purpose of this Community Library is to increase the reading interest of Indonesian people while providing adequate facilities for reading for the community. The design of Community Library uses architectural programming method. The process of this method is divided into two stages consisting of preparing a program that is an activity of analyzing data that led to architectural problems and designing designs that can solve problems. The digitalization of books can be used as a way to increase the ...

The rapid development of technology and information lately affects the way we do things. Along wi... more The rapid development of technology and information lately affects the way we do things. Along with the existence of remote communication technology makes the work can be done remotely (teleworking). This is the reason for the changing way students learn lately. Students can study anywhere As a result is the decline of academic culture in the campus area because students choose to do learning activities off campus. However, Lambung Mangkurat University as a college has not been able to accommodate the maximum student learning activities outside of college time. Therefore, the Learning Center is needed as a support for learning and academic culture in the campus area. The architecture programming method was chosen as the design method. Programming architecture method is divided into five processes namely goals, facts, concept, needs, and problems. Architectural programming methods pay close attention to the problems in design. Generation Z is the dominant generation in universities t...
Papers by Prima Widia Wastuty