Lambung Mangkurat University
Economic and Business
Despite economic empowerment efforts for rural women by the government of Indonesia, many women entrepreneurs in rural wetlands have not optimally achieved economic development. This study aims at analyzing developmental obstacles faced... more
This paper argues the importance of an exploratory study prior to hypotheses testing in any causal-effect or explanatory predictive behavioral research. It proposes a stage of eliciting salient factors using a framework from theory of... more
Objective - This paper explores the challenges faced by the Indonesia National Council on Social Welfare (INCSW) and its 64 organization members from 31 provinces in Indonesia. INCSW is a social organization that is the coordinating... more
Companies must be aware of increasingly intense competition, so as not to lose their quality human resources who are important assets for company growth. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of Talent Management (TM) practices... more
This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality on student satisfaction, the influence of service quality on student motivation, the influence of service quality on student loyalty, and analyzing the mediation of student... more
This study wants to explain why the implementation of Women’s Quota Entrepreneur policies is hampered.This issue will be discussed through a feminist perspective, using critical discourse analysis (CDA). Through the CDA, researchers are... more
This research aims to analyze the influence of employees participation in the training of PLN Corporate University (X) as the exogenous variable toward competence (Y1) and employees performance (Y2) as the endogenous variable at PLN... more
Objective - The development of Islamic banks in Indonesia requires a new strategy. The size of the population of Indonesia is a potential market for Islamic banks to target religious and non-religious customers and implement quality... more
This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of the training program ( X1 ) and program development ( X2 ) as independent variables either partially or simultaneously on employee performance ( Y ) as the dependent variable in the PT... more
Sago plant produces sago starch, which can be processed into various food and non-food uses and has high demand in the domestic and international market. However, sago starch marketing is still facing problems that make the crop has not... more
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) literature has advanced beyond its long-standing emphasis on a firm's financial performance to include its social impact. However, it has fallen short of offering insight into how effective... more
Despite many studies on online purchasing decisions, e-marketing mix elements tend to be based solely on literature, regardless of what antecedents are appropriate for the target sample of research. Selecting research variables by... more
The objectives of this Community Partnership Program or PKM activity are as follows: (a) participants are able to decorate Purun bags, (b) participants understand how to market decorative Purun bag crafts and (c) participants earn... more
This study aimed to analyze the variables of E-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Positive Word-of-Mouth use of Bank Kalsel mobile during the Covid 19 pandemic. The data analysis method for 97 customers in this study was Partial... more