Papers by Mónica Beatriz Cuello
Last Avenue Journal, 2025
El volumen de relatos Dubliners (1914), segunda publicación después del libro de poemas Música de... more El volumen de relatos Dubliners (1914), segunda publicación después del libro de poemas Música de Cámara (1907), responde a un encargo del periódico Irish Homestead que le pide a James Joyce que escriba algo "simple, rural, vivo y patético" (p. 9) según señala Edgardo Scott en el prólogo de su traducción de la obra, Dublineses (2021). Tras nueve años de rechazos editoriales el volumen finalmente se publica en 1914, contrariado por tantos obstáculos el autor reflexiona "no puedo escribir sin ofender a la gente" (Scott, 2021: 9). Joyce expresa su objetivo al escribir Dubliners claramente en una carta que incluye Richard Ellman en Letters of James Joyce (Ellman en Scott, 2021: 10):

Last Avenue Journal, 2023
There never was a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people, if... more There never was a good biography of a good novelist. There couldn't be. He is too many people, if he's any good. F. Scott Fitzgerald, in his notebooks ¿Qué es una biografía? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de escribirla? ¿Hay una mejor manera? La RAE define el término biografía de tres modos, en primer lugar, señala que es la historia de vida de una persona. En segundo lugar la define como la narración de dicha vida, y finalmente la define como un género literario. A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo pasado la biografía como género literario alcanza su esplendor, que continúa hasta el presente. La figura de James Joyce, considerado uno de los más importantes y reconocidos escritores del siglo XX, ha sido objeto de numerosas biografías. Entre ellas se pueden encontrar la de su propio hermano, Stanislaus Joyce con el sugestivo título My Brother´s Keeper de 1958; la de Richard Ellmann, de 1982, valorada por especialistas como el mejor texto sobre el autor; la de Chester G.
Last Avenue Journal, 2023
The contemporary Irish writer Edna O´Brien has had an enduring relationship with her fellow Irish... more The contemporary Irish writer Edna O´Brien has had an enduring relationship with her fellow Irish author James Joyce. Though Joyce died in Zurich in 1941 when O´Brien was only eleven years old, his work and life have had a great influence on the authoress. This article aims to explore the many ways in which O´Brien refers to Joyce , writes about Joyce, addresses Joyce, simply, writes Joyce. Edna O´Brien was born on December 15th, 1930 in the village of Twamgraney, County Clare. She received a strict Irish Catholic at the Convent of Mercy of Loughrea, County Galway. She moved to Dublin to escape the oppression of rural life and in 1950 graduated as a pharmacist at Pharmaceutical College. In 1954 she married the writer Ernest Gébler, they moved to London, settled there and had two children: Carlo and Sasha. Their marriage came to an end in 1964.
Configuraciones del nuevo mundo en William Shakespeare y Ricardo Carpani Preimpresión entregado p... more Configuraciones del nuevo mundo en William Shakespeare y Ricardo Carpani Preimpresión entregado por el autor al Repositorio Digital, publicado con posterioridad en Actas de las Segundas Jornadas de Lenguas y Culturas Cervantes y Shakespeare o el diálogo de las lenguas.

The problem of identity is an issue constantly explored by Chicana writers. Biculturalism, bili... more The problem of identity is an issue constantly explored by Chicana writers. Biculturalism, bilingualism and the identification with an ethnic background different from that of the dominant culture are some of the factors that make Chicanas feel a frequent sense of otherness. The elements mentioned before blend in the character of Mary in Demetria Martinez´novel Mother Tongue (1994). These features together with her personal life story make Mary desperately search for something which would give a sense of purpose to her existence, as she puts it “Before his arrival the chaos of my life had no axis about which to spin. Now I had a center” (5). At first sight the text may be considered a love story between Mary and the Salvadorean refugee José Luis Romero. Reading beyond the lines, we may notice that while writing the story, she unconsciously starts a voyage of self discovery which would help her find a meaning to her life.
The novel, which is divided into five parts and an epilogue, makes use of different narrative strategies. Among them I can mention multiple narrators: Mary as the protagonist and main narrative voice, José Luis Romero /Alegría, the Salvadorean refugee, José Luis, their son, and her godmother Soledad. Another technique the author employs is different types of texts to structure the plot: Mary’s memories, as the main narrative form, poems, letters, newspaper articles, notices, prayers, bulletins and lists. The text is an act of recollection since Mary, as a middle aged-woman, writes about the events that took place when she was nineteen.
Papers by Mónica Beatriz Cuello
The novel, which is divided into five parts and an epilogue, makes use of different narrative strategies. Among them I can mention multiple narrators: Mary as the protagonist and main narrative voice, José Luis Romero /Alegría, the Salvadorean refugee, José Luis, their son, and her godmother Soledad. Another technique the author employs is different types of texts to structure the plot: Mary’s memories, as the main narrative form, poems, letters, newspaper articles, notices, prayers, bulletins and lists. The text is an act of recollection since Mary, as a middle aged-woman, writes about the events that took place when she was nineteen.
The novel, which is divided into five parts and an epilogue, makes use of different narrative strategies. Among them I can mention multiple narrators: Mary as the protagonist and main narrative voice, José Luis Romero /Alegría, the Salvadorean refugee, José Luis, their son, and her godmother Soledad. Another technique the author employs is different types of texts to structure the plot: Mary’s memories, as the main narrative form, poems, letters, newspaper articles, notices, prayers, bulletins and lists. The text is an act of recollection since Mary, as a middle aged-woman, writes about the events that took place when she was nineteen.