Papers by Sara Encarnação
SensePublishers eBooks, 2014
After a long period of expansion and diversification – the massification process – the Portuguese... more After a long period of expansion and diversification – the massification process – the Portuguese higher education system is witnessing a dynamic of stratification where it is possible to identify winners and losers, not only amongst institutions but also amongst locations.

UID/SOC/04647/2013 SFRH/BPD/116933/2016Nesta comunicação procura-se analisar a interdependência e... more UID/SOC/04647/2013 SFRH/BPD/116933/2016Nesta comunicação procura-se analisar a interdependência existente entre a organização do sistema de ensino superior, i.e., a oferta, e os padrões de mobilidade emergentes das dinâmicas de migração da procura, i.e., as preferências dos candidatos, com recurso a análise de redes complexas. As propriedades fundamentais do sistema são inferidas a partir da análise das preferências registadas na base de acesso ao ensino superior para o período 2008 - 2013. As redes analisadas são constituídas por diferentes elementos, nomeadamente distritos, cursos, instituições ou pares de curso/instituição. Os resultados apontam para um estrutura bastante heterogénea, com padrões de correlação que se materializam em comunidades de elementos com elevada similaridade entre si. A análise de redes complexas apresenta-se desta forma como uma ferramenta relevante para a análise de dinâmicas complexas que se materializam em padrões espaciais que importam explicar e ente...
26th APDR Congress. Evidence-based territorial policymaking: Formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, 2019
Enfoques en la planificación territorial y urbanística, 2018, ISBN 978-84-9177-668-0, págs. 431-442, 2018

UID/SOC/04647/2019 SFRH/BPD/116933/2016As concepções pós-modernistas da teoria do planeamento ter... more UID/SOC/04647/2019 SFRH/BPD/116933/2016As concepções pós-modernistas da teoria do planeamento territorial consubstanciam, de uma forma geral, perspectivas de colaboração e participação entre os diversos actores envolvidos, como contraponto a um planeamento centralizado, regulador e normativo dominado pelo Estado. O interesse público passa a ser objecto de negociação e da construção de consensos e a natureza do plano assume um carácter estratégico e potencialmente mais resiliente a contextos de incerteza. Contudo, a integração de um número crescente de actores amplia a multiplicidade de interesses e posições nem sempre convergentes e até conflituantes. Paralelamente, as transformações rápidas, e por vezes imprevisíveis, ao nível tecnológico, financeiro e político reforçam a complexidade inerente às dinâmicas territoriais e para as quais o ordenamento do território carece de resposta(s) em tempo útil. Nestes contextos instáveis, a tomada de decisão é confrontada com uma pluralidade de...
Respuestas de la Geografía Ibérica a la crisis actual: XIII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía: Santiago de Compostela: 24 – 27 de octubre 2012, 2012, ISBN 978-84-940469-7-1, págs. 557-564, 2012
RESUMO Going along the roads and highways in and around Lisbon we can identify a number of urban ... more RESUMO Going along the roads and highways in and around Lisbon we can identify a number of urban gardens located on roadside verges, abandoned land, etc. These gardens are a part of the urban food system and raise important questions concerning to food safety, such as heavy metal contamination from traffic, risks from difficult access to sites, etc. But they also represent an important and poorly known, social function as income complement for the urban less favored population. In this paper the authors use remote sensing data and GIS to visually identify, locate and determine their spatial arrangement and size, and the analysis of data provided by the National Statistics Institute to characterize the socioeconomic territorial context in which this kind of urban agriculture takes place, raising questions for future extended research on the subject.

Scientific Reports, 2012
In a world in which the pace of cities is increasing, prompt access to relevant information is cr... more In a world in which the pace of cities is increasing, prompt access to relevant information is crucial to the understanding and regulation of land use and its evolution in time. In spite of this, characterization and regulation of urban areas remains a complex process, requiring expert human intervention, analysis and judgment. Here we carry out a spatio-temporal fractal analysis of a metropolitan area, based on which we develop a model which generates a cartographic representation and classification of built-up areas, identifying (and even predicting) those areas requiring the most proximate planning and regulation. Furthermore, we show how different types of urban areas identified by the model co-evolve with the city, requiring policy regulation to be flexible and adaptive, acting just in time. The algorithmic implementation of the model is applicable to any built-up area and simple enough to pave the way for the automatic classification of urban areas worldwide.
... NEURONAIS E AUTÓMATOS CELULARES Jorge Rocha (1), José C. Ferreira (2), José A. Tenedório (3) ... more ... NEURONAIS E AUTÓMATOS CELULARES Jorge Rocha (1), José C. Ferreira (2), José A. Tenedório (3) & Sara Encarnação(4) 1Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Faculdade de Letras Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda da ...
... Comparing pixel versus object based classifiers for land cover mapping with Envisat ... asses... more ... Comparing pixel versus object based classifiers for land cover mapping with Envisat ... assessment presented in this paper concludes that, the traditional pixel-based classification produces better ...Object-based image classification for burned area mapping of Creus Cape, Spain ...

ABSTRACT In this paper, a land use/cover classification methodology of the rural/ urban fringe is... more ABSTRACT In this paper, a land use/cover classification methodology of the rural/ urban fringe is presented, by means of the application of a neuronal network, with resource to the multiresolution image segmentation, construction of complex elements through object oriented analysis and integration of not spectral (ancillary) information (to assist). The study area is the municipality of Almada, located in the south bank of Tagus river and corresponding to one of the core regions of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal). The developed procedure is based on 4 phases: (i) image multiresolution segmentation strategy for construction of different scales objects that have good similarity with the shape of the land use/cover final objects (polygons); (ii) objects attributes acquisition, mainly, context, texture, spectral information, shape, among others; (iii) acquisition of statistical auxiliary data proceeding from the Geographic Base of Information Referencing (BGRI in Portuguese); (iv) integration of the data different types in a neuronal network for classification and posterior discriminated analysis of the land use/cover spatial units. Data used in this methodological experimentation was a 2004 HRVIR SPOT image, with fusion between the panchromatic (supermode 2,5 meters) and the multispectral bands (10 meters) through a transformation between RGB-IHS-RGB color spaces, which allowed a final spatial resolution of 2,5 meters for all the bands. This resolution was respected in the images gathered from the alphanumeric database associated to the BGRI.
Finisterra, 2012
Neste artigo é apresentada uma metodologia de análise de imagem orientada por objecto para separa... more Neste artigo é apresentada uma metodologia de análise de imagem orientada por objecto para separar duas classes de uso do solo: habitação unifamiliar e plurifamiliar. Estas classes, frequentes em áreas periurbanas, são muito heterogéneas do ponto de vista espectral, razão pela qual a abordagem pixel a pixel não serve para a sua correcta identificação. A análise orientada por objecto mostrou-se adequada para separar estas classes por se basear na segmentação multiresolução e nos parâmetros escala, cor, forma, suavidade e compacticidade. Os conceitos de habitação unifamiliar e de habitação plurifamiliar são discutidos tendo em consideração uma noção nova: a noção de objecto compósito.

Royal Society open science, 2016
The recent rise of the civil sector as a main player of socio-political actions, next to public a... more The recent rise of the civil sector as a main player of socio-political actions, next to public and private sectors, has largely increased the complexity underlying the interplay between different sectors of our society. From urban planning to global governance, analysis of these complex interactions requires new mathematical and computational approaches. Here, we develop a novel framework, grounded on evolutionary game theory, to envisage situations in which each of these sectors is confronted with the dilemma of deciding between maintaining a status quo scenario or shifting towards a new paradigm. We consider multisector conflicts regarding environmentally friendly policies as an example of application, but the framework developed here has a considerably broader scope. We show that the public sector is crucial in initiating the shift, and determine explicitly under which conditions the civil sector-reflecting the emergent reality of civil society organizations playing an active ro...
We explore the relation between the local fractal dimension and the development of the built-up a... more We explore the relation between the local fractal dimension and the development of the built-up area of the Northern Margin of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (NMAL), for the period between 1960 and 2004. To this end we make use of a Generalized Local Spatial Entropy (GLSE) function based on which urban areas can be classified into five different types. Our analysis of NMAL shows how some of the growth dynamics encountered can be linked to the plethora of social, economic and political changes that have taken place in NMAL (and Portugal), during the last 40 years, allowing for the establishment of urban planning measures to either inhibit or promote sprawl in urban areas.
SatStat – Satellite derived Statistical data on forest-change area – project is being developed u... more SatStat – Satellite derived Statistical data on forest-change area – project is being developed under the framework of the European Space Agency (ESA) Announce of Opportunities (AO) for Portugal. The goals of this AO are the promotion of Earth Observation (EO) data usage and the contribution to the development of applications for Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES). SatStat accomplishes both goals: producing a methodology to update land cover forest areas on an annual basis, with Envisat MERIS data.
Papers by Sara Encarnação
No caso específico do Porto de Sines, este tem vindo a ganhar importância a nível internacional, constituindo-se já como um dos principais portos da Península Ibérica. A sua estratégia de desenvolvimento não contempla, porém, uma visão clara sobre os desafios decorrentes das alterações climáticas e sobre a estratégia de adaptação aos efeitos que lhe estão subjacentes. Todavia, as transformações em curso na indústria do transporte marítimo, juntamente com as novas dinâmicas do tráfego marítimo, fazem relevar a necessidade de avaliação das potenciais vulnerabilidades deste porto. Com efeito, a comunicação tem como objetivos: (i) identificar os potenciais efeitos das alterações climáticas no Porto de Sines (com especial enfoque na infraestrutura e operações portuárias), tendo por base a análise comparativa com estudos de caso internacionais; (ii) discutir as bases para uma estratégia de adaptação às alterações climáticas neste porto em articulação com a sua estratégia de desenvolvimento, visando o reforço da sua resiliência e o aumento da sua capacidade competitiva internacional.