Sarmiento Revista galego-portuguesa de historia da educación, Jul 7, 2021
RESUMO: Procúrase presentar un "estado da cuestión" sobre os aspectos históricos, conceptuais, de... more RESUMO: Procúrase presentar un "estado da cuestión" sobre os aspectos históricos, conceptuais, definitorios, marcas de influencia e desenvolvementos da investigación históricoeducativa relativa ao movemento internacional da Nova Educación e á rede transnacional que foi a LIEN. Os contributos aquí presentes enfocan a súa atención, en particular, no espazo ibérico e brasileiro. E utilízase conxuntamente a lingua galega e a portuguesa, irmás nun mesmo sistema lingüístico. PALABRAS CHAVE Nova Educación-Escola Nova-Investigación histórico-educativa-LIEN ABSTRACT: This issue presents a comprehensive overview of new research in Galician and Portuguese into the history, concept, characteristics, influences and developments of the international New Education movement and the transnational New Education Fellowship network, particularly in relation to its presence in Spain, Portugal and Brazil.
This paper describes the work carried on in the InStory project. InStory has the goal of defining... more This paper describes the work carried on in the InStory project. InStory has the goal of defining and implementing a platform for mobile storytelling, information access, and gaming activities. The platform has a flexible computational architecture that integrates heterogeneous devices, different media formats and computation support for different narrative modes and gaming activities. The system is driven and validated by a set of story threads and narratives that are centered on the exploration of physical spaces. This exploration is combined with the perspective of sharing information between users and providing historic context. The project also wants to explore the social aspect of shared narratives and activities, with the idea that the technology can provide new innovative approaches to social participation in different types of events.
The notion that medicines derived from plants depend for their action on active principles presen... more The notion that medicines derived from plants depend for their action on active principles present has to be modified in view of the findings that there are, in many cases, adjuvant substances in the plant which enhance the activity of the components actually responsible for the effect. This synergy may involve protection of an active substance from degradation by enzymes; it may facilitate transport across barriers such as cell and organelle walls, it may overcome multi-drug resistance mechanisms or provide other signals to the host's cells that result in higher efficacy of the crude drug when compared with isolated components. The many plant substances that stimulate the immune system, often at very low doses, have not been reviewed as this is not strictly speaking synergy. Some of the evidence for the phenomena described is reviewed and its bearing on phytotherapy commented.
Ethanol Enzymatic hydrolysis Cellulases Xylanases Celluclast s 1.5 L Novozym s 188 Pichia stipiti... more Ethanol Enzymatic hydrolysis Cellulases Xylanases Celluclast s 1.5 L Novozym s 188 Pichia stipitis a b s t r a c t
Mestrado de Estudos Portugueses Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea linguagem, recorre aos dispos... more Mestrado de Estudos Portugueses Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea linguagem, recorre aos dispositivos tecnológicos disponíveis, dialoga com as obras do passado, concebe o papel do leitor na sua obra e dá a sua contribuição ética e estética ao mundo em que vive, permite, dessa forma, que o leitor crie um espaço de reflexão, não apenas no âmbito dos estudos literários como também no âmbito cultural, contribuindo assim, para que a poesia continue em constante movimento. A poesia é isso, é movimento, é intempestiva e intemporal, ela é de todos os tempos.
Sarmiento Revista galego-portuguesa de historia da educación, Jul 7, 2021
RESUMO: Procúrase presentar un "estado da cuestión" sobre os aspectos históricos, conceptuais, de... more RESUMO: Procúrase presentar un "estado da cuestión" sobre os aspectos históricos, conceptuais, definitorios, marcas de influencia e desenvolvementos da investigación históricoeducativa relativa ao movemento internacional da Nova Educación e á rede transnacional que foi a LIEN. Os contributos aquí presentes enfocan a súa atención, en particular, no espazo ibérico e brasileiro. E utilízase conxuntamente a lingua galega e a portuguesa, irmás nun mesmo sistema lingüístico. PALABRAS CHAVE Nova Educación-Escola Nova-Investigación histórico-educativa-LIEN ABSTRACT: This issue presents a comprehensive overview of new research in Galician and Portuguese into the history, concept, characteristics, influences and developments of the international New Education movement and the transnational New Education Fellowship network, particularly in relation to its presence in Spain, Portugal and Brazil.
This paper describes the work carried on in the InStory project. InStory has the goal of defining... more This paper describes the work carried on in the InStory project. InStory has the goal of defining and implementing a platform for mobile storytelling, information access, and gaming activities. The platform has a flexible computational architecture that integrates heterogeneous devices, different media formats and computation support for different narrative modes and gaming activities. The system is driven and validated by a set of story threads and narratives that are centered on the exploration of physical spaces. This exploration is combined with the perspective of sharing information between users and providing historic context. The project also wants to explore the social aspect of shared narratives and activities, with the idea that the technology can provide new innovative approaches to social participation in different types of events.
The notion that medicines derived from plants depend for their action on active principles presen... more The notion that medicines derived from plants depend for their action on active principles present has to be modified in view of the findings that there are, in many cases, adjuvant substances in the plant which enhance the activity of the components actually responsible for the effect. This synergy may involve protection of an active substance from degradation by enzymes; it may facilitate transport across barriers such as cell and organelle walls, it may overcome multi-drug resistance mechanisms or provide other signals to the host's cells that result in higher efficacy of the crude drug when compared with isolated components. The many plant substances that stimulate the immune system, often at very low doses, have not been reviewed as this is not strictly speaking synergy. Some of the evidence for the phenomena described is reviewed and its bearing on phytotherapy commented.
Ethanol Enzymatic hydrolysis Cellulases Xylanases Celluclast s 1.5 L Novozym s 188 Pichia stipiti... more Ethanol Enzymatic hydrolysis Cellulases Xylanases Celluclast s 1.5 L Novozym s 188 Pichia stipitis a b s t r a c t
Mestrado de Estudos Portugueses Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea linguagem, recorre aos dispos... more Mestrado de Estudos Portugueses Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea linguagem, recorre aos dispositivos tecnológicos disponíveis, dialoga com as obras do passado, concebe o papel do leitor na sua obra e dá a sua contribuição ética e estética ao mundo em que vive, permite, dessa forma, que o leitor crie um espaço de reflexão, não apenas no âmbito dos estudos literários como também no âmbito cultural, contribuindo assim, para que a poesia continue em constante movimento. A poesia é isso, é movimento, é intempestiva e intemporal, ela é de todos os tempos.
Papers by Luís Alves