Helena Barbas
Helena Barbas (1951) has just retired (jubilation) as Professor (Assistant) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (F.C.S.H. – U.N.L.). She holds a MA (1990) and a PhD (1998) in Portuguese Studies – Comparative Literature – Literature and the Arts. In 2003 Helena attended a M. Sc. in Applied Artificial Intelligence at F.C.T.-U.N.L. (Campus Caparica) and from then on centred her research in the field of Digital Humanities. In 2008 she gained her “Habilitation” in Literature and Cyberarts.
Her research embraces Serious games, e-Learning, Interactive digital narrative, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud Computing, and Human-machine interaction. She is a member of the NOVA IHC- Digital Humanities Lab.
Helena authored books and several essays, translated theoretical texts, novels, drama and poetry. She collaborated with diverse newspapers, magazines and with national TV cultural programs as cultural journalist and book reviewer.
She was a member of the InStory team (2005-2007) – best Portuguese web mobile project 2006. She prepared the project PlatoMundi (2008) aiming to introduce e-learning and ethical issues in gaming. In 2011 she received the (2nd.) SANTANDER Award for the Internationalization of the F.C.S.H. Scientific Production-2010, and in 2015 the «Best paper Award» for “Cloud Computing and (new) mobile storytelling in the Internet of Things”, presented at EUROMEDIA’2015, Eurosis/I.S.T., Lisbon, Portugal. In 2016 Helena Chaired and organized the Conference GAMEON'2016, Eurosis/Nova in Lisbon.
In 2020-21 Helena revised the book “Máquinas Éticas – Da Moral da Máquina à Maquinaria da Moral” by Luis Moniz Pereira and António B. Lopes (ISBN 978-989-54493-4-7), and prefaced both the Portuguese original and the English translation: “Machine Ethics – From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality” (ISBN 978-3-030-39630-5), Springer (SAPERE, volume 53).
Homepage http://www.helenabarbas.net/
Phone: +351 937020249
Address: Rua dos 3 Vales, 89 - 3B
2825-162 Monte da Caparica
Her research embraces Serious games, e-Learning, Interactive digital narrative, IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud Computing, and Human-machine interaction. She is a member of the NOVA IHC- Digital Humanities Lab.
Helena authored books and several essays, translated theoretical texts, novels, drama and poetry. She collaborated with diverse newspapers, magazines and with national TV cultural programs as cultural journalist and book reviewer.
She was a member of the InStory team (2005-2007) – best Portuguese web mobile project 2006. She prepared the project PlatoMundi (2008) aiming to introduce e-learning and ethical issues in gaming. In 2011 she received the (2nd.) SANTANDER Award for the Internationalization of the F.C.S.H. Scientific Production-2010, and in 2015 the «Best paper Award» for “Cloud Computing and (new) mobile storytelling in the Internet of Things”, presented at EUROMEDIA’2015, Eurosis/I.S.T., Lisbon, Portugal. In 2016 Helena Chaired and organized the Conference GAMEON'2016, Eurosis/Nova in Lisbon.
In 2020-21 Helena revised the book “Máquinas Éticas – Da Moral da Máquina à Maquinaria da Moral” by Luis Moniz Pereira and António B. Lopes (ISBN 978-989-54493-4-7), and prefaced both the Portuguese original and the English translation: “Machine Ethics – From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality” (ISBN 978-3-030-39630-5), Springer (SAPERE, volume 53).
Homepage http://www.helenabarbas.net/
Phone: +351 937020249
Address: Rua dos 3 Vales, 89 - 3B
2825-162 Monte da Caparica
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