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Most approaches to learn classifiers for structured objects (e.g., images) use generative models in a classical Bayesian framework. However, state-of-the-art classifiers for vectorial data (e.g., support vector machines) are learned... more
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      Information TheoryImage ClassificationApproaches to LearningDiscrimination Learning
Aims Uncertainty persists regarding the impact of the off-pump technique on coronary bypass graft patency. The primary objective of this study was to assess coronary artery bypass graft patency in patients randomized to off-pump and... more
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Aims: To identify prognostic factors to outpatient alcohol treatment on admission as well as during the treatment period. Methods: A cohort study of n = 209 alcoholic patients (DSM-IV) during 6 months of outpatient treatment. Eight... more
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeMedicineAlcoholism
RESUMO - A recente evolução do registo informático dos atos de prescrição e levantamento de medicação disponibiliza um conjunto de dados que possibilita a mensuração dos comportamentos de adesão terapêutica, por recurso a Fontes... more
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      Medication AdherenceArterial hypertensionHipertensão ArterialAdesão Terapêutica
A recente evolução do registo informático dos atos de prescrição e levantamento de medicação disponibiliza um conjunto de dados que possibilita a mensuração dos comportamentos de adesão terapêutica, por recurso a Fontes administrativas de... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceDomestic ViolenceViolence Against WomenPublic Health
Num contexto de escassez de recursos é premente identificar os investimentos que são concretizados por intermédio da despesa pública. Mas também tipificar o retorno associado aos mesmos, para que seja possível assegurar uma resposta... more
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      Public HealthSocial SecurityPharmaceuticals
Grupo de Trabalho, Ministério da Saúde, 2010.
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    • Health Policy
During a severe financial crisis, it is a priority to use scientific evidence to identify factors that enable therapeutic compliance by patients. This study aimed to evaluate a possible association between the number of patients who... more
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    • Health Policy
Os modelos de financiamento das tecnologias de saúde têm vindo a tornar-se obsoletos. Este facto é reconhecido tanto pelos financiadores públicos -que detêm o poder de monopsónio associado em exclusivo ao financiamento público, como pela... more
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3):217-223 ▪ RESUMO O sistema de saúde português tem sido caraterizado pela existência de uma permanente relação entre o setor público e o setor privado tanto na prestação como no financiamento dos... more
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      PortugalHospital administrationDelivery of Health Care
DOI: 10.15448/1980-6108.2017.1.24919Aims: The excess demand for pediatric emergency services has caused much concern among health professionals and hospital administrators. The aim of this study was to assess the utilization of a... more
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      Health PolicyOrganizational Innovation
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Portugal has faced an economic and financial crisis that began circa FY2009 and whose effects are still ongoing. In FY2011, the Portuguese state and the European triumvirate – composed of the European Commission, the International... more
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      Health ServicesPublic health systems and services research
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the temporary closure of physical activity and sports facilities, and the generalized cancellation or postponement of sports events have a massive impact on social and economic development. In this study, we... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySensorsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Background: The role of demographic and socio-economic determinants of COVID-19 transmission is still unclear and is expected to vary in different contexts and epidemic periods. Exploring such determinants may generate a hypothesis about... more
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      BusinessHealth Policy
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      MedicineClinical SciencesPublic health systems and services researchPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
Double Blind Review pelo SEER/OJS Revisão: Gramatical, normativa e de formatação AUSTERIDADE CONDUZ ACESSIBILIDADE À ASSISTÊNCIA MÉDICA? Em presença da crise económica pode ter ocorrido uma adaptação dos sistemas de saúde com impacto na... more
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      Business AdministrationHealth EconomicsAccessibilityPublic Health