Publications by Ângela Salgueiro

Varia Historia, 2021
Studying the institutionalization process of marine biology in Portugal is mandatory to understan... more Studying the institutionalization process of marine biology in Portugal is mandatory to understand the scientific study of the sea, a space which was very unknown in the beginning of the 20th century. Starting with the first experimental stations, the Estação da Foz and the Estação de Biologia Marítima, whose activity took place in the European Atlantic, we aim to understand the role of the different actors; their influence in the definition, or not, of public policies concerning the ocean; and to identify cases of intersection between science, politics, and economy. Despite the existence of initiatives prior to the Republic period (1910-1926), it was among this context that the indispensable conditions would be created to the disciplinary affirmation of the marine biology and the training of specialists, by the government support and by the public valorisation of scientific institutions. Starting from an extensive analysis of the printed sources available in public archives and libraries, under the history of science perspective, it became evident the advantage of the state model in the development of establishments dedicated to research, enabling a rich dialogue between science, the State strategical needs and the definition of public policies of ocean governance, within the scope of ICES.
WORKING PAPERS FOZTUA – Série E – Ensaios e Estudos, WP E.27/2014, 2014
WORKING PAPERS FOZTUA – Série E – Ensaios e Estudos, WP E.16/2014, 2014
WORKING PAPERS FOZTUA – Série E – Ensaios e Estudos, WP E.15/2014, 2014
SALGUEIRO, Ângela, NUNES, Maria de Fátima, ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, LOPES, Quintino (ed.), Internacionalização da Ciência. Internacionalismo Científico, 2014
ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, NUNES, Maria de Fátima, PINA, Madalena Esperança, QUEIROZ, Maria Inês (coord.), Espaços e Actores da Ciência em Portugal (XVIII-XX), 2014
SILVA, Marta, SANTOS, Yvette (coord.), Penedono na I República, 2013
ROLLO, Maria Fernanda, RIBEIRO, Maria Manuela Tavares, PIRES, Ana Paula, NUNES, João Paulo Avelãs (coord.), Atas I Congresso de História Contemporânea, 2013

Este livro resulta do desenvolvimento de um projeto de investigação que o Instituto Camões assumi... more Este livro resulta do desenvolvimento de um projeto de investigação que o Instituto Camões assumiu no sentido de promover o estudo da sua história e dos organismos que o antecederam, tendo em consideração a respetiva inserção no contexto em que essas instituições emergiram e se desenvolveram. Desta forma se procura contribuir para o conhecimento da cultura e da língua portuguesas no quadro da nossa história contemporânea e, em particular, no domínio da nossa política cultural externa em que tem tido um papel essencial.
A oportunidade e a relevância desta iniciativa surgem na sequência do trabalho de recuperação e organização de um vasto e valiosíssimo espólio documental de que o Instituto Camões é herdeiro e detentor. Sublinhe-se que essa ação reflete uma atitude e um interesse que nem sempre estão presentes no quadro das preocupações de muitas instituições — públicas e privadas — que têm tido uma presença importante no quadro da História.
O significado e a importância do desenvolvimento deste projeto, nas suas diversas componentes, dimensões e resultados, contribuindo para o aprofundamento do conhecimento e da valorização da história e do património do nosso País, reflete uma sensibilidade e representa uma contribuição responsável e ativa para a promoção de uma cultura de base histórica e científica, na perceção de que o saber, o conhecimento, o desenvolvimento, são feitos de conquistas e que é desse valor acumulado, dessa cultura afinal, que depende o nosso lugar no futuro.
FIOLHAIS, Carlos, SIMÕES, Carlota, MARTINS, Décio (coord.), Congresso Luso-Brasileiro da História das Ciências. Livro de Actas, 2011
PEREIRA, Ana Leonor, PITA, João Rui (coord.) II Jornadas de História da Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, 2011

KEYWORDS: Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, railway company, railroad, transports... more KEYWORDS: Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, railway company, railroad, transports, enterprises, Portugal.
The Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, created in 1860, following the concession of East and North lines to José de Salamanca, became the main Portuguese railway company. It appeared at a moment when the accelerated means of transportation existed already in Portugal, but was trying to show its advantages. In this way, the new company ultimately allowed the appearance of railroad transport and its network became the basis of the current Portuguese railroad network. None of the companies created afterwards manage to be as economic and politically successful as this first company. Therefore, this company influenced some political decisions and transport policies. In addition to the development in the infrastructures, the Company contributed to the construction of famous structures of the Portuguese Engineering, such as the bridge of Maria Pia and the Rossio station. The Companhia Real became an important agent by catching the attention of international investments in the Portuguese market. It was one of few enterprises to establish its activity on an international basis, promoting and supporting an extensive network in Spain.
The company was a dynamic organism deeply influenced by national and international political frameworks and also functioned as an important agent of change of that same reality.
Several outputs and inputs can be attributed to the Company, from which must be highlighted its role in the attraction of foreign technicians and techniques, due to its pioneer characteristics, mainly in Engineering and Finance, which had decisive impacts in the national context.
Chronologically, this dissertation focuses the period until 1891, which is the moment of a severe economic and financial crisis that changes the paradigm about the understanding of railroad transport in Portugal.
Talks by Ângela Salgueiro
Papers by Ângela Salgueiro

UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Knowledge of the scientific study of the sea in the early twentiet... more UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Knowledge of the scientific study of the sea in the early twentieth century is essential to understand the process through which marine biology was institutionalised in Portugal. The first national biological stations were set up during the First Republic: the Estação de Zoologia Marítima da Foz in Porto, and the Aquário Vasco da Gama in Lisbon. This paper is a case study on the Estação da Foz, which played an important role by assisting the Zoology Institute at the Universidade do Porto in achieving its strategic objectives, and provides an understanding of the institutionalisation process for marine biology within a university context: its connection with teaching, research, the economy, and society. O conhecimento do estudo científico oceanográfico do início do século XX é essencial para compreender o processo de institucionalização da biologia marinha em Portugal. As primeiras estações biológicas nacionais foram criadas durante a Primeira República...
Mátria XXI. Revista do Centro de Investigação Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, Sep 26, 2020
A evolução das administrações públicas durante o século XX e início do século XXI, sobretudo no q... more A evolução das administrações públicas durante o século XX e início do século XXI, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos processos de reforma que se foram sucedendo, encontra-se profundamente enraizada nas conjunturas política, económica, social, científica e cultural de cada país. Os casos ibéricos são bastante relevantes no que concerne à temática pois apresentam experiências e descrevem trajetórias que importa cruzar. Este artigo pretende apresentar em traços largos as idiossincrasias das realidades ibéricas e os vários pontos de contacto e de divergência visíveis ao nível das conceções sobre a evolução das Administrações Públicas. Para tal, identifica os principais contributos da historiografia numa perspetiva de longa duração e os principais debates que foram sendo gizados.
Publications by Ângela Salgueiro
A oportunidade e a relevância desta iniciativa surgem na sequência do trabalho de recuperação e organização de um vasto e valiosíssimo espólio documental de que o Instituto Camões é herdeiro e detentor. Sublinhe-se que essa ação reflete uma atitude e um interesse que nem sempre estão presentes no quadro das preocupações de muitas instituições — públicas e privadas — que têm tido uma presença importante no quadro da História.
O significado e a importância do desenvolvimento deste projeto, nas suas diversas componentes, dimensões e resultados, contribuindo para o aprofundamento do conhecimento e da valorização da história e do património do nosso País, reflete uma sensibilidade e representa uma contribuição responsável e ativa para a promoção de uma cultura de base histórica e científica, na perceção de que o saber, o conhecimento, o desenvolvimento, são feitos de conquistas e que é desse valor acumulado, dessa cultura afinal, que depende o nosso lugar no futuro.
The Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, created in 1860, following the concession of East and North lines to José de Salamanca, became the main Portuguese railway company. It appeared at a moment when the accelerated means of transportation existed already in Portugal, but was trying to show its advantages. In this way, the new company ultimately allowed the appearance of railroad transport and its network became the basis of the current Portuguese railroad network. None of the companies created afterwards manage to be as economic and politically successful as this first company. Therefore, this company influenced some political decisions and transport policies. In addition to the development in the infrastructures, the Company contributed to the construction of famous structures of the Portuguese Engineering, such as the bridge of Maria Pia and the Rossio station. The Companhia Real became an important agent by catching the attention of international investments in the Portuguese market. It was one of few enterprises to establish its activity on an international basis, promoting and supporting an extensive network in Spain.
The company was a dynamic organism deeply influenced by national and international political frameworks and also functioned as an important agent of change of that same reality.
Several outputs and inputs can be attributed to the Company, from which must be highlighted its role in the attraction of foreign technicians and techniques, due to its pioneer characteristics, mainly in Engineering and Finance, which had decisive impacts in the national context.
Chronologically, this dissertation focuses the period until 1891, which is the moment of a severe economic and financial crisis that changes the paradigm about the understanding of railroad transport in Portugal.
Talks by Ângela Salgueiro
Papers by Ângela Salgueiro
A oportunidade e a relevância desta iniciativa surgem na sequência do trabalho de recuperação e organização de um vasto e valiosíssimo espólio documental de que o Instituto Camões é herdeiro e detentor. Sublinhe-se que essa ação reflete uma atitude e um interesse que nem sempre estão presentes no quadro das preocupações de muitas instituições — públicas e privadas — que têm tido uma presença importante no quadro da História.
O significado e a importância do desenvolvimento deste projeto, nas suas diversas componentes, dimensões e resultados, contribuindo para o aprofundamento do conhecimento e da valorização da história e do património do nosso País, reflete uma sensibilidade e representa uma contribuição responsável e ativa para a promoção de uma cultura de base histórica e científica, na perceção de que o saber, o conhecimento, o desenvolvimento, são feitos de conquistas e que é desse valor acumulado, dessa cultura afinal, que depende o nosso lugar no futuro.
The Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, created in 1860, following the concession of East and North lines to José de Salamanca, became the main Portuguese railway company. It appeared at a moment when the accelerated means of transportation existed already in Portugal, but was trying to show its advantages. In this way, the new company ultimately allowed the appearance of railroad transport and its network became the basis of the current Portuguese railroad network. None of the companies created afterwards manage to be as economic and politically successful as this first company. Therefore, this company influenced some political decisions and transport policies. In addition to the development in the infrastructures, the Company contributed to the construction of famous structures of the Portuguese Engineering, such as the bridge of Maria Pia and the Rossio station. The Companhia Real became an important agent by catching the attention of international investments in the Portuguese market. It was one of few enterprises to establish its activity on an international basis, promoting and supporting an extensive network in Spain.
The company was a dynamic organism deeply influenced by national and international political frameworks and also functioned as an important agent of change of that same reality.
Several outputs and inputs can be attributed to the Company, from which must be highlighted its role in the attraction of foreign technicians and techniques, due to its pioneer characteristics, mainly in Engineering and Finance, which had decisive impacts in the national context.
Chronologically, this dissertation focuses the period until 1891, which is the moment of a severe economic and financial crisis that changes the paradigm about the understanding of railroad transport in Portugal.