University of Nebraska at Kearney
Teacher Education
Abstract: This article describes a comprehensive assistive technology (AT) teacher preparation model designed to address both general education and special education or early childhood education students. National technology standards... more
Abstract: This article describes a comprehensive assistive technology (AT) teacher preparation model designed to address both general education and special education or early childhood education students. National technology standards... more
While assistive technology (AT) consideration is required by the IDEA in developing IEPs for all students with disabilities, little guidance has been offered to date regarding the role of data in the consideration process. This article... more
Abstract: On December 10, 2004, selected education and assistive technology (AT) leaders were invited to an AT visioning activity that intended to lead to the development of a national AT agenda. Participants were presented with seven... more
Abstract: Professionals on IEP teams increasingly are considering the potential contributions of assistive technology as they develop programs for students with disabilities. However, a significant technological “generational gap” may... more
- by Brian Wojcik
Abstract: This study investigated the perspectives of teachers in an early childhood center concerning their thoughts and feelings about the implementation of a school wide assistive technology (AT) program designed to enhance emergent... more
This project investigated the educational outcomes of the use of SOLO™ from Don Johnston Incorporated (DJI) as a support to interventions designed to increase the writing skills of students with learning and academic disabilities.... more
- by Brian Wojcik
Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits is a collaborative publication of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) and the Special education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center at Illinois State University. This publication... more
- by Brian Wojcik
This article explores the potential of User Groups as a professional development venue for early childhood educators in developing operational and functional competence in using hardware and software components of an Assistive Technology... more
- by Brian Wojcik
Recently new ways of administering course evaluations have moved to an online format. There have been advantages and drawbacks to online course evaluations as compared to paper-pencil evaluations. One of the greatest concerns with online... more
Although models have been proposed to guide the important work of school teams as they implement the assistive technology consideration process, little understanding exists as to how these models relate to recommended practices for... more
Supplemental material, JDPS-01-18-0006R2_Appendix for Recommendations for a National Research Agenda in UDL: Outcomes From the UDL-IRN Preconference on Research by Sean J. Smith, Kavita Rao, K. Alisa Lowrey, J. Emmett Gardner, Eric Moore,... more
- by Brian Wojcik
This study examines how college students rate Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in terms of User Interface Design and Universal Instructional Design. The research participants were 115 undergraduate students from a public midwestern... more
Reduction of the quinoline ring in an a v b 3 antagonist yielded a 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro derivative as two diastereomers, the four isomers of which were separated by sequential chiral HPLC. Two isomers had significant a V b 3 antagonist... more