University of Nebraska at Kearney
Family Studies and Interior Design
Domestic violence is a serious problem worldwide and is often perpetuated by complex social and cultural factors. The former post-communist countries of Romania and Moldova are no exception despite recent social attention. Many... more
The family is one of society's oldest and most resilient institutions. Although the structure of the family may vary around the world, the value of family endures. Most of the research on families, historically speaking, has focused... more
Critical thinking and problem solving have been identified as desirable outcomes for students in today's classrooms. Educators recognize that students need a welldesigned critical thinking curriculum that promotes problem solving,... more
- by Sylvia Asay
strengths-based approach continued on page F2 Violence against women is a core social issue around the world. It has only been in the past 30 years that violence against women has been internationally regarded as a serious human rights... more
- by Sylvia Asay
Family violence is a core social issue in every country around the world. The extent and consequence of family violence as a major problem has received increased attention around the world. The focus of the present study is not only to... more
There are few published evaluative studies on the educational preparation of Family Life Educators. This research used principles of good practice in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in evaluation of an undergraduate Family... more
The majority of university family science courses are predominantly comprised of women. Because family science classes are centered on information and concepts relevant for both men and women, it is important to understand gendered... more
- by Sylvia Asay
Families remain the most essential unit in every community. Previous studies have found similarities among research with families globally that identify the characteristics of strong families. This article aims to characterize the... more
Mothers dating after divorce is a dynamic process, where not all mothers date the same way after divorce. However, few studies have examined the different ways that mothers date after divorce, which should influence maternal well-being,... more
The relationship literature describes that declining commitment leads to breakup. The goal of this article is to distinguish declining commitment and breakup to clarify this claim to better understand relationship processes. Data comes... more
Theories of the family, specifically ecological systems theory, can be difficult for students to grasp, particularly when instructors only use lecture methods. The activity this article discusses proposes a personalized experiential... more
Marriage as an undergraduate student is not the norm, as only 7% of undergraduate students are married. Therefore, marital status may have negative consequences for college students’ academic performance, as they navigate marital... more
Repartnering has been linked to health benefits for mothers, yet few studies have examined relationship quality in this context. According to the divorce-stress-adaptation perspective, relationship quality may influence the relationship... more
Technology can be helpful for family relationships. Media multiplexity theory illustrates that the more technological connections (i.e., multimodality) an individual has with their family members, the stronger that relationship. Yet, this... more