Papers by Muhammad Naswir
Jurnal Engineering, Aug 30, 2019

The copper hydride is an intermediate hydride which decomposed to copper atom and hydrogen at tem... more The copper hydride is an intermediate hydride which decomposed to copper atom and hydrogen at temperature 110 o C. In the research, resulted copper atom is measured on heated open absorption cell. The copper hydride was formed by reduction of Copper (II) with hypophosporus acid 4% at temperature 80 o C. Sodium lauryl sulphate 0.01 M was used as a misel production to carry out copper hydride to absorption cell of hot vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (HV-AAS). The optimum condition of experiment were; 0.5 ml of H3PO2 4%, 805 o C of reaction temperature, 0.5 mL of sodium lauryl sulfat 0, 01 M, 605 second of formation time, and 15.35 cm long of glass a pipe. Argon or air for blowing was conducted at the base of flask reaction with 324.7 nm wave length measurement. The duration of measurement was 35 seconds. Regression equation of standard copper absorbance 5 to 30 mg/L was Y = 0, 026 + 0, 0091x. By using the equation, the characteristics of analytical procedure were found: 3.65 mg/L detection limit, 0.18 mg/L sensitivity. The accuration of the procedure is 1.41%, its precision 10.59%, repeatability is 3.79 at 10 mg/L concentration of solution and average value of confidence interval 95% was 9.86 0.8 mg/L or at range 9.1 to 10.7 mg/L. Linearity range standard of concentration is 5 to 25 mg/L (absorbance 0.088 to 0.258). The analysis procedure characteristics obtained with HV-AAS is less effective than flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) as its detection limit is 0.004 mg/L and its sensitivity is 0.03 mg/L.

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Feb 25, 2021
This study aims to develop a conceptual procedure for the Problem Based Learning model by integra... more This study aims to develop a conceptual procedure for the Problem Based Learning model by integrating flipped classrooms that are focused on conceptual development research based on Theory Driven type F1-O1-S1-A1. This study involved expert review in synthesizing the modified conceptual procedure model of PBL with FC. The observation sheet is used for the conceptualization analysis of the modification of the PBL model with FC which aims to obtain input and expert opinion on the subject matter developed through the application of the Delphi technique to improve mathematical argumentation skills. From the results of modifying the pbl model by integrating the flipped classroom, we get a new model called the Problem Based Learning-Flipped Classroom Model (PBL-FC Model). The PBL-FC model is designed in learning to enable students to construct meanings from spoken, written and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, concluding, comparing and explaining. Data analysis of argumentation skills was carried out using t-test. Based on the significance value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05 by using the t-test, there is an increase in mathematical argumentation skills in the application of the PBL-FC Model. This research recommendation is expected to be a theoretical basis for researchers and educators in measuring other skills.
Journal of the Indonesian Society of Integrated Chemistry, 2015

Journal of the Indonesian Society of Integrated Chemistry, Jul 9, 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran advance organizer te... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran advance organizer terhadap kemampuan siswa menganalisis materi bentuk molekul kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 10 Kota Jambi. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Quasi-Eksperimen dengan desain the matching-only posttest only control group design. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi keterlaksanaan model oleh guru dan siswa serta tes kemampuan siswa menganalisis. Pengujian hipotesis dengan uji t untuk melihat keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran advance organizer dengan kemampuan siswa menganalisis. Metode t-test yang digunakan berjenis polled varian. Keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran advance organizer oleh guru sebesar 35,33% (baik) dan siswa sebesar 29,51% (cukup baik). Hubungan keterlaksanaan model advance organizer dan kemampuan siswa menganalisis diperoleh rxy= 0,5038 dengan tingkat hubungan pada kategori sedang dan uji t sebesar 3,92, sehingga hipotesis penelitian (Ha) diterima. Hasil analisis data tes kemampuan siswa menganalisis materi bentuk molekul, kedua kelas sampel memiliki distribusi normal dan varian homogen, pada uji-t diperoleh thitung = 3,91 dan ttabel = 1,998 dengan dk 64 dan a = 0,05, maka thitung > ttabel atau (3,91 > 1,998) dengan dk=32+34-2=64, pada derajat signifikan 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model advance organizer dan model direct instruction terhadap kemampuan siswa menganalisis pada materi bentuk molekul di kelas X SMAN 10 Jambi.
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Dec 31, 2019
The purpose of this study is to find the best activator for bentonite to reduce the mercury conte... more The purpose of this study is to find the best activator for bentonite to reduce the mercury content in a solution. Bentonite was activated by HCl, H 3 PO 4 , NaCl, ZnCl 2 , NaOH and KOH use different concentration such as 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5M. Activated bentonite has been characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry. Bentonite characterization showed that bentonite contains kaolinite, montmorillonite, quartz and cristobalite. Activated bentonite has bigger pores than natural bentonite. Atomic absorption spectrometry showed that H 3

IOP conference series, May 1, 2020
Water quality is a problem in recent decades, rubber fruit shell in agricultural waste will be a ... more Water quality is a problem in recent decades, rubber fruit shell in agricultural waste will be a solution to solve wastewater treatment. Rubber fruit shell has dried by sunshine for three days and crushed using crusher until the material becomes ash, ash has sifted in 80 and 120 mesh. Ash burned in 400°C and 500°C, ash has activated use acid activator (H3PO4) 10% for 24 hours, and then carbon cleaned by aquadest till the pH is seven. Then, carbon has dried in oven for 3 hours with temperature 110°C. Specification test using gravimetric method has used to find water concentration and ash content in rubber fruit shell. Titration test used to find adsorption of iodine (mg/g), spectrophotometry UV-VIS used to find adsorption of blue methylene with a wavelength of 560.50 nm, blue methylene has used too for finding a surface area. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm model has used to find best isotherm model. The isotherm model suitable for adsorption this time is the Freundlich isotherm model because it has a linear line equation that is y = 0.4784x + 3.3971 with the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.9922

Jurnal Presipitasi: Merdia Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan, Feb 11, 2022
The washing waste from the laundry industry contains phosphate that can pollute the environment. ... more The washing waste from the laundry industry contains phosphate that can pollute the environment. Multiple efforts have been made but have not reached the small to medium-scale laundry industry; this happens because of the high cost of technology. In this paper, the sorption process by rubber fruit shells successfully reduced the pollutants parameter from greywater. This research has succeeded in creating an adsorbent with raw rubber fruit shell waste; studies on manufacturing techniques, adsorbent characteristics, ability to reduce phosphate content, and adsorption isotherm models are well described. This study also promotes the utilization of rubber shell waste that has not been utilized properly. Adsorbents derived from rubber fruit shells reduced phosphate levels by up to 98% by adding 0.5 g of adsorbent to 100 mg/L of phosphate for 60 minutes. The appropriate adsorption isotherm model in this study is the Freundlich isotherm model., Dec 1, 2019

This study aims to develop a conceptual procedure for the Problem Based Learning model by integra... more This study aims to develop a conceptual procedure for the Problem Based Learning model by integrating flipped classrooms that are focused on conceptual development research based on Theory Driven type F1-O1-S1-A1. This study involved expert review in synthesizing the modified conceptual procedure model of PBL with FC. The observation sheet is used for the conceptualization analysis of the modification of the PBL model with FC which aims to obtain input and expert opinion on the subject matter developed through the application of the Delphi technique to improve mathematical argumentation skills. From the results of modifying the pbl model by integrating the flipped classroom, we get a new model called the Problem Based Learning-Flipped Classroom Model (PBL-FC Model). The PBL-FC model is designed in learning to enable students to construct meanings from spoken, written and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, concluding, comparing and explaini...

Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST), 2019
Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah melihat kemampuan bentonit yang sudah diaktivasi menyerap nitro... more Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah melihat kemampuan bentonit yang sudah diaktivasi menyerap nitrogen yang berasal dari air limbah pabrik kelapa sawit. Sampling bentonit di peroleh dari daerah Sungai rengas Provinsi Jambi. Bentonit dihaluskan dan diaktivasi menggunakan larutan HCl 1,6 M. Pengukuran kandungan nitrogen menggunakan instrumet UVvis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentonit sudah diaktivasi mempunyai kemampuan yang relatif sama kemampuannya dalam menyerap unsur nitrogen, dengan massa 1 gram dan waktu kontak 90 menit daya setrap bentonit terhadap unsur nitrogen yang berasl dari air limbah The aim of this research was to evaluate the profile of activated bentonite to adsorb the nitrogen that presence in the palm oil industry wastewater. Bentonite was collected from River Rengas, Jambi Province. Bentonite was milled and activated using 1.6 M solution of HCl. The nitrogen content was measured using UV-Vis. The result showed that during the 90 minutes of contact time, 1....
JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terapan)
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be renewed and as a promising of diesel fuel in the fut... more Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be renewed and as a promising of diesel fuel in the future. In this study, the production of biodiesel from used waste vegetable oil through the initial treatment reaction saponification and without saponification. The process of producing of biodiesel can used by the transesterification method. The yield of biodiesel were obtained then analysis for quantity by calculating of the percent yield on each yield for biodiesel with saponification successively is 61.68%. The biodiesel product without saponification successively is 81.93%. The quality test produced for biodiesel density test with and without saponification is 0.8871 g / mL and 0.8975 g / mL ,% FFA 0.3375 mg KOH / g and 0.6325 mg KOH / g, and flash point 184 ℃ and 182.6 ℃.
Journal of entomological research, 2022

European Journal of Veterinary Medicine
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pineapple extract (Ananas comosus (L.) M... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pineapple extract (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) on the haematological profile of male wistar rats. This type of research is an experiment with a completely randomised design consisting of 4 treatments with 5 replications, so that 20 experimental units are obtained. The variance test with a 95% significance level was used to analyse the research data, followed by the least significant difference test. The results showed that the haematological profile after administration of pineapple extract had a significant effect on increasing the platelet count of male wistar strain white rats and had no significant effect on the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hematocrit, or hemoglobin. The results of this study can be used as input in the utilization of the potential of pineapple extract as an anti-inflammatory.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Development and Technological Innovation, ICSEDTI 2022, 11-13 October 2022, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
Clean water is a basic need that must be met, there are still many people who experience difficul... more Clean water is a basic need that must be met, there are still many people who experience difficulties with clean water, especially in lowland areas, peatlands. In Jambi Province, people living in Gambut Jaya Village always experience difficulties and clean water crisis, especially during the dry season. Sources of peat water are quite abundant and abundant, but cannot be used as a source of clean water, because the quality of peat water is very poor and unfit for consumption. One solution that can be done is to implement peat water treatment technology, namely CCBN5651 Technology. The activity was carried out in the community settlement of Gambut Jaya Village, approximately 90 km from the Jambi University Campus. The form of activity is an initial analysis of the condition of peat water to be treated (physical, chemical and biological parameters), designing two peat water treatment units for two community groups. Then install the installation of piping tools, procure and manufacture CCBN5651 powder, then carry out peat water treatment, test the quality of clean water produced and finally train and make SOPs for the application of CCBN5651 Appropriate Technology. The results of the activity are very beneficial for the community, two units of peat water treatment installations (PWT CCBN5651) have been built in the location of hamlet 1 and hamlet 2, Gambut Jaya Village, Sungai Gelam District, Muara Jambi Regency. Each installation was built with a size of 4.8 m x 2.5 m (location 1) and a size of 5 m x 2.5 m (site 2). Each treatment unit can produce 20,000 liters of clean water for each treatment, one day it can be processed 3-4 times. Thus the clean water needs of rural communities can be met.
Journal of Entomological Research

Journal of Client-centered Nursing Care
Background: The models or guidelines that make it possible for pregnant mothers to diagnose high-... more Background: The models or guidelines that make it possible for pregnant mothers to diagnose high-risk pregnancy signs and symptoms are not clearly stated. This systematic review was conducted to answer the question: what models/guidelines have contributed to women’s knowledge/performance regarding the detection of a high-risk pregnancy? Methods: This systematic review used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. The electronic databases used were PubMed, Cochrane, ProQuest, and Google Scholar from 2010 to 2021. The main inclusion criteria were English interventional educational studies on high-risk pregnant women in the antenatal period using models or guidelines with more than 20 subjects. Review articles, editorials, comments, not full texts, case reports, and meta-analytical or systematic review articles were excluded. National Institute of Health (NIH) study quality assessment tool was used to assess the quality rating of the art...
Papers by Muhammad Naswir