Papers by Nedjeljko Frančula
Geodetski list, 2023
Usporedili smo sažetke triju članaka objavljenih na engleskom jeziku sa sažecima koje je generira... more Usporedili smo sažetke triju članaka objavljenih na engleskom jeziku sa sažecima koje je generirao ChatGPT. Od triju sažetaka jedan je dobar, a dva nisu zadovoljavajuća. Na temelju ovog malog istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je upotreba ChatGPT-a za ozbiljno pisanje sažetaka neozbiljan poduhvat. Rezultati koje daje umjetna inteligencija, u ovom slučaju ChatGPT, mogu na prvi pogled izgledati ispravno i na taj način dovesti neupućene u zabludu. U tome vidimo najveći problem upotrebe ChatGPT-a i njemu srodnih softvera koji simuliraju ljudsku komunikaciju.
Kartografija i geoinformacije, 2023
Microsoft's Bing Chat became publicly available on March 7, 2023. Unlike ChatGPT, it does not req... more Microsoft's Bing Chat became publicly available on March 7, 2023. Unlike ChatGPT, it does not require registration. Its GPT-4 language model is based on Bing data. The most significant difference between ChatGPT and Bing Chat is that the latter has Internet access. Therefore, it is aware of current events, and unlike ChatGPT, it does not ignore events after September 2021. The answers to individual questions contain links to the literature used in the answer. We asked him questions about the definition of conical, cylindrical, pseudoconical and pseudocylindrical projections and the question of what is the aspect of a projection.
Kartografija i geoinformacje, 2023
ChatGPT is a language model developed and trained by Open AI - a company for research and impleme... more ChatGPT is a language model developed and trained by Open AI - a company for research and implementation of artificial intelligence, and is intended for conversation with people in many languages. It became available to the public on November 30, 2022. In English, on January 23, 2023, we asked him questions about what conic, pseudoconic, cylindrical, and pseudocylindrical projections are. We repeated the same questions on February 15, 2023 and commented on the differences in the answers in the text. We also asked him a question about the ten most cited publications on map projections that contain the phrase map projection or map projections in the title. Apart from the first one, all other titles do not exist, so they are invented.
Journal of Navigation, Jun 3, 2016
The Journal of Navigation is an international journal publishing original work on the latest rese... more The Journal of Navigation is an international journal publishing original work on the latest research developments and historical aspects of navigation on land, at sea and in the air; it also provides a forum for navigators, engineers and academics to raise more controversial topics for discussion. These Instructions are to be closely followed, and authors will be required to declare that they have read and complied with them in the final stage of the submission process. Failure to follow the Instructions will result in the paper being returned. Authors are to pay particular attention to the quality of written English, formatting and to the length limitations set out below.

Doctoral thesis, 1971
The best map projections in atlas cartography
In the thesis, the map projections frequently used... more The best map projections in atlas cartography
In the thesis, the map projections frequently used for world maps were compared for the first time according to the mean square length distortion. Since length distortions along the pole line are infinite in the map projections in which the pole degenerates into a line, the poles cannot be included in the calculations. The investigations are therefore limited to the area between the lines of latitude φ = ±85º. The mean square length distortions in the entire mapping area are calculated according to the Airy and Airy-Kavrajski criteria for all map projections selected for investigation. By renumbering graticule, the best map projections from the various groups of map projections suitable for world maps are further developed according to the two criteria. In order to test the practical usability of these new variants and to be able to compare them with already known map projections also according to the size and distribution of distortions, the linear scales in the direction of the meridians and parallels of latitude are calculated for all these variants and the distortion isograms of the area scales p and maximum angular distortions ω created. All distortion isograms (graticule with contours of continents and distortion isograms p and ω) are drawn on the plotter.
Kartografija i Geoinformacije, Sep 1, 2005
Geodetski list : glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva, 2015
Geodetski list : glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva, 2016
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), May 1, 2008
Geodetski list : glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva, 2016
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2013
Geodetski List, 2021
Međunarodnog društva GEOMATE, sa sjedištem u Japanu, koji obuhvaća široko područje geotehnike, gr... more Međunarodnog društva GEOMATE, sa sjedištem u Japanu, koji obuhvaća široko područje geotehnike, građevinskih materijala i okoliša. Ključni je cilj ovog časopisa promicati interdisciplinarna istraživanja iz različitih regija svijeta. Geomate (geo-mate) označava zemaljskog prijatelja ili prijatelja prirode. Upiše li se geomatics u polje za pretraživanje Master Journal List, među devet pronađenih naslova je i ovaj časopis. Uvršten je u Web of Science Core Collection (ESCI). Na mrežnim stranicama časopisa ( dostupni su cjeloviti tekstovi od početka izlaženja (2011.). Od 2017. izlazi 12 brojeva godišnje. Svi članci objavljuju se na engleskom. Skrećem pozornost na neke
Kartografija i Geoinformacije, Jun 30, 2016
Vy oTpoSLTIU). Members of Croatian academic and scientific community were granted access to acces... more Vy oTpoSLTIU). Members of Croatian academic and scientific community were granted access to access full texts ofall papers in 1997. Journal of Geography is included in Current Contents and Web ofScience (Social Science Citation Index). Its impact factor (IF) for 2014 was 1,048, and its five-year impact factor was 1,218. Journal of Geography has published papers associated with cartography since it was first printed. Using Google Scholar, we found 16 papers with titles containing the word cartography or cartographic, the first one ofwhich is from 1931, while the last one is from 2014. In the same way, we found nine papers with titles containing the term map projection or map projections, the first one
Papers by Nedjeljko Frančula
In the thesis, the map projections frequently used for world maps were compared for the first time according to the mean square length distortion. Since length distortions along the pole line are infinite in the map projections in which the pole degenerates into a line, the poles cannot be included in the calculations. The investigations are therefore limited to the area between the lines of latitude φ = ±85º. The mean square length distortions in the entire mapping area are calculated according to the Airy and Airy-Kavrajski criteria for all map projections selected for investigation. By renumbering graticule, the best map projections from the various groups of map projections suitable for world maps are further developed according to the two criteria. In order to test the practical usability of these new variants and to be able to compare them with already known map projections also according to the size and distribution of distortions, the linear scales in the direction of the meridians and parallels of latitude are calculated for all these variants and the distortion isograms of the area scales p and maximum angular distortions ω created. All distortion isograms (graticule with contours of continents and distortion isograms p and ω) are drawn on the plotter.
In the thesis, the map projections frequently used for world maps were compared for the first time according to the mean square length distortion. Since length distortions along the pole line are infinite in the map projections in which the pole degenerates into a line, the poles cannot be included in the calculations. The investigations are therefore limited to the area between the lines of latitude φ = ±85º. The mean square length distortions in the entire mapping area are calculated according to the Airy and Airy-Kavrajski criteria for all map projections selected for investigation. By renumbering graticule, the best map projections from the various groups of map projections suitable for world maps are further developed according to the two criteria. In order to test the practical usability of these new variants and to be able to compare them with already known map projections also according to the size and distribution of distortions, the linear scales in the direction of the meridians and parallels of latitude are calculated for all these variants and the distortion isograms of the area scales p and maximum angular distortions ω created. All distortion isograms (graticule with contours of continents and distortion isograms p and ω) are drawn on the plotter.